



1、外研七年级下册Module 12 Western music、教学内容:Unit2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.、课型:Reading and writing教学目标:1、 能够正确使用下列单词和词组:centre, European, classical, century, composer, poor,ano ther, poor, perfect -Key senten ces:In the eightee nth cen tury,called He played not onlybut also Hismade h

2、im famous all over-2、能够读懂有关音乐以及人物介绍的文章,掌握其细节内容。3、能掌握人物介绍的基本写作方法,写出简单的人物介绍。4、了解外国伟大音乐大师和西方音乐的不同文化。四、 教学重难点:1、 能够读懂有关音乐以及人物介绍的文章,掌握其细节内容。(重点)2、 能掌握人物介绍的基本写作方法,写出简单的人物介绍。(难点)五、 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“四个阶段”教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用 各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表

3、格、奖品六、 教学过程:教学 步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarmi ng-up (3)Lead in1.Greeti ngs2. Show the students thepiece of Western music:TheBlue Dan ube.1. Greeti ngs.2. Enjoy the music.让学生享受 美妙的音乐,通过这个环 节,既可以活 跃课堂气氛,放松心情,又 可以陶冶情操。主备人:审核人:_复备人:_Step TwoPre-I.Free talk:T: Do you still remember1. Liste n carefully about

4、 Joha nnStrauss.以旧引新, 培 养的听力能readi ng(5)this piece of music?Whos it by?T: Yes, Joha nn Strauss theyounger. There are twocomposers called JohannStrauss, Joha nn Strauss theyoun ger and Joha nn Straussthe elder. Do you know theirrelati on ship? Lets get toknow more about them?2. T: ok, we are going to

5、 learn our new less on, Un it2Vienna is the centre ofEuropea n classical music.Lecture some new words:elder, young, composer,Vienna,Europea n,classical-2. Learn the new words with theirpart ners.力, 同时引起 学生对新课 的兴趣, 并为 下文作铺垫。StepThreeWhile-readi ng(24)1. Scanning(1)Ask stude nts to sca n thepassage.2.

6、 SkimmingAsk students to skim thepassagea nd check the truesenten ces on the textbook.3.Careful reading.Paragraph 1:Ask some one to read thefirst paragraph and answerthese questi ons.1.Sca n the passagea nd answer these questions as quicklyas they can.(1) Whats the n ame of themusic?(2)How many comp

7、osers aremen tio ned in the passage?(3) Who are they?2.Skim the passageand checkthe true sentences on thetextbook.3、Careful reading.Listen to the student, and answer these questi ons:A. Where is Vienna?B. Why did a lot of musiciansthcome to Vienna in 18 century?要求学生快 速阅读短文,找出问题的 答案, 初步了 解短文内容。通过学生快

8、速阅读, 培养 学生获取主 旨的能力。 并 且从整体把 握文章的内容, 为进一 步学习做好 铺垫。让学生带着 任务(问题)去阅读课文,去找答案, 有 助于学生更 加准确地获取信息,提高2Read by themselves andfind out difficulties.3Solve difficulties:a. in the centre of b. the capital of c.in the eighteenthcentury(2)Paragraph2:1Please read the secondparagraph and complete thetable of Joha nn

9、 Strauss theyoun ger and Joha nnStrauss the elder.2Ask some stude nts towrite out their an swers onthe blackboard.2Read and find outdifficulties in four of the firstparagraph.3Solve the difficultiestogether.Go to the blackboard andwrite out their an swers.3Have the studentsdiscuss theimportantpoints

10、 with their part ners.4Ask some students to be“little teachers to solvethe difficulties.a.there were twocomposerscalled ,called = named被叫做 b. make sb. + adj.使某人怎 么样e.g. His homework madethe teacher angry.Paragraph 3Read together and fill inthe bla nks.3Students read and pointout difficulties points

11、in groups.4To say the difficultiesand solve with the help of thelittle teachers.Read Paragraph 3 and fillin the bla nks:Mozartwas bornin1._in 1756. Before hewas 2._ ,he3._not only the pia noNameRelati on shipWorks阅读效果和 技能。学生通 过分层次阅 读文章,获取 具体信息,把 知识点和课 文理解在分 段学习得以 突破。而小组 活动能通过学生间的自 主、合作学 习,让学生充 分地实践运

12、 用语言,并激 发学生创造 性思维的发展。(2)Read Paragraphs2-5Complete the table.but also the 4._.Hisfamily 5._ himaroundEurope and he 6._con certs in many cities. HeRead the passage andfind out the difficult poi nts.a.another,另一个(三个中的 另外一个)e.g. I have 3 brothers, one is ateacher, one is a doctor, another is amanager.b

13、. not onlybut alsoe.g. He is not only an actorbut also a writer.c.take/ show sb. around带领参观Can you take me aroundyour school?e. give concerts开音乐会、 演 唱会7.a lot of wondermusic. But he became very8.and died young.Read the passage and findout the difficult poin ts.Step FourPost-readi ng(10)1. ReadingGiv

14、e some time for thestude nts to read the passagecarefully and ask some volunteerstoreadparagraphs by paragraphs irclass, and find out who readsthe best.2.Have students ask andanswer questions aboutShakespeare after readingthe passage.3.RetellingNow, please close the bookand try to retell the story.1

15、. Read the passage carefully.2. Ask and answer questionsabout Johann Strauss andMozart after reading thepassage like this:S1: When was Mozart born?S2: He was born 3. Try to retell the story withoutlook ing at the book.Vienna is a beautiful old city on the riverDanube. Itthe 1.city of Austria and the

16、 2.ofEuropea n classical music.There were two 3.called Johann Strauss: a 4.and a 5. The father wrote and熟读课文, 为 复述课文做 好铺垫。适量的口头 练习, 让学生 巩固本课时 的语言重点。played music for a classical dance6. His waltzes made him7.all over the world.Joha nn Strauss the youn ger, was alsovery successful and 8. Hewrote 9.150

17、 waltzes andhe wrote The Blue Danube in 1867.Mozart was another important10. Before he was5, he played 11.thepiano but also the violin. He wrote12.ofwonderful piecesof music. But he became13.and died in 1791.Step FiveSummary(21. Get the students tosum up the Ian guage points.T: What have we learnedt

18、oday?Ss:.2.Let the stude nts to choosethe best team in this less on.1.Sum up the Ian guage poin ts.2.To choose the best groups.引导学生对 这节课的总 结, 让学生做 自由发言, 培 养学生自主 学习, 自主总结的良好学 习习惯。简短的评价 使学生的课 堂表现得到 肯定并且可 以激励学生 的学习兴趣,树立学习英 语的信心。Step SixHomework(11. Read the passageafterclass.2. Write the composition:The life of Xian Xin haiFinish the homework.课后作业有 助于学生巩 固已学的知 识, 补充其他 方面的锻炼。写作是阅读 的拓展, 让学 生最终完全 掌握语言, 实 践运用语言。七、板书设计:Module 9Western musicUn it 2.Vie nna is the centre of Europea n classical music.In the eig


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