



1、9B Unit 1掌握下面的短语和句型:(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit) How do you like ? = What doyou thi nk of?你认为怎么样?get to = reach = arrive in/ at至 U 达thi nk about考虑in the future在将来travel in space 太空旅行try to do sth尝试做某事,设法做某事,努力做某事dream about / of 梦见,梦到compare A to B = compare A with B比较 A 和 B* compare A to B

2、 把 A 比喻作 Bcare for 关心* care for 照顾 =take care of / lookafterhelp sb with sth /help sb do sth帮助某人做某事in the form of 以.的形状=in theshape ofmake sb do sth 使某人做某事(Readi ng) find out 找到,找出 It is +形容词+ to比较级+ and +比较级越来越spacecraft 宇宙飞船(单复数相同)=spaceshipfirst of all 首先at prese nt 目前1.

3、. sth. 做某事more and more crowded越来越拥挤too to 太.而不能.large nu mbers of 相当多.a number of 很多.(谓语用复数)the number of .的数量(谓语用单数)It takes sb some time to do sth.花费 某人多少时间做某事。=sb spe nd some time (in) doing sth.10.at the speed of 以.的速度He is travelingat the speed of 130kilometers an hour.11.thr

4、ee eighths八分之三分数:分子为基数词,分母为序数词,分 子多于 1 时,分母用复数。one third三分之一; two fifths 五分之- ;a half 二分之一; a quarter四分之一12.prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事= stop/keep sb from doing sth13.in many ways在很多方面14.space 空间(不可数)=room15.take exams in online schools在网上学校进行考试16.called = named被叫作.的=with the n ame of =that is

5、called17.as +原形+ as 和.一样.18.speed boots 加速靴子19.make friends with 和.交朋友20.many kinds of =manytypes of 很多种.21.under the control of 在.的控制下22.tie sth to 把某物拴在上Weoften tie our cows to the tree. 我 们经常把牛拴在这棵树上。(Vocabulary, Grammar)1.take high-quality images拍高质量的图象take photos 拍照片2.connect sth to 把某物连接到.上3.p

6、rovide sth for sb. =provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物4.in that case在那种情况下5.take the place of 代替,取代6.digital camera 数码相机7.dried food 干粮,脱水食物8.no tebook computer笔记本电脑9.space sleep ing bag太空睡袋10.the solar system 太阳系11.be willing to do sth愿意干某事(Integrated skills and Study skills)1.turn on 打开(电器、水龙头等) turn off

7、 关闭(电器、水龙头等) turnup 调大(电器、水龙头等) turn dow n 调小(电器、水龙头等)2.begi n/start with以. 开始* end with 以.结束3.be quite differe nt from和.很不相同4.worry about担心= be worried about5.neither nor既不.,也不.(邻近原则)Neither you nor I am in Class Eight. 你 和我都不在 8 班。6.be afraid of 害怕7.do harm to 对.有害8.have sb do sth让某人做某事=let sb dos

8、th9.run over 浏览10. 比较级表示最高级的意思:比较级+ thanany other He is stron ger tha n any other stude ntin our school.=He is the strongest of all the students in our school.(Ma in task and Checkout)1. a guide to living on Mars南介词短语作定语,后置。2. keep away 马驱赶Settlers usually keep these animals away with laser light.定居

9、者经常用激火星生活指光驱赶这些动物。keep off 远离,不接近 Keep off the grass.请勿践踏草坪。keep on doi ng sth 继续做某事3. fi nish doi ng sth做完某事4. We get about M$10 for every 1.每 1 元相当于 10 火星美元。5. a popular form of en terta inment个流行的娱乐形式6. prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事7.lo w-gravity basketball games彳氐重力篮球赛8. be easy to do容易做be hard to do很难

10、做It is easy to say but hard to do.说时容易做时难。9. feel like感觉像feel like doi ng sth想要做某事= wantto do sth10.have a rest休息一会11.calm down 镇定下来,平静下来12.take off 起飞13.by the win dow在窗旁14.I don believe hat there are anyalie ns.我相信没有外星人的。否定前移,常见的动词有:think, believe, expect, imagi ne, suppose .二掌握下面的语法:1.情态动词can, co

11、uld, may, might 都可以表示允许。can 朋友之间使用 could 跟老师或长辈之间使用 may 跟陌生人和尊敬的人之间使用 might 非常有礼貌但很少用2 .宾语从句 宾语从句要掌握三种引导词和两点注意。A、三种引导词:1由 that 引导(可省略)。2由连接词 what, who, which, where, when, how many 等弓丨导。3由 if 或 whether 引导。E、两点注意:陈述语序(从句的语序为:引导词+主语+谓语。)时态对应(当主句为过去时时从句也要变成 相应的过去时态。)Lucy asked Jim, Have you ever been t

12、o America?Lucy asked Jim if/whether he had ever bee nto America.9B Unit 2掌握下面的短语和句型:(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit)pla int letter 投诉信pla in to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某 事4.*post a letter 寄信5.do the laundry 洗衣服6.explore dan gerous places 勘察危险的地 方7.look after =take care of =care for照顾8.make the bed 铺床

13、9.help sb with sth =help sb do sth帮助某人做某事10.play with 和.一起玩;玩耍,玩弄Don play with fire.不要玩火。(Read ing)1.become/be in terested in对.感兴趣2.the first person to do sth第一个做某事的人3.in many ways在很多方面4.in order to do sth为了做某事5.buy sth from sp从某地买某物6.much easier容易得多比较级前可用much, many, a lot, far,3. have to do sth事必须做

14、某事,不得不做某still, even, a little, a bit等修饰。7.as a result (作为)结果8.no Ion ger =notany Ion ger不冉9.at work 在工作He is at work. =He is worki ng.10.* return home from work 下班回到家里* return 回来=get back / come back 归还=give backreturn sth to sb = give sth back to sb把某物归还给某人11. as _+ 原形+ as和.一样.”12. be ready for 为.作

15、好准备get ready for = prepare for为.作准备13. be happy with 对. 感到满意=besatisfied with / be content with14. a few weeks later = after a few weeks几个星期后(用于过去时态)15. go wrong 出问题;犯错误go miss ing消失;不见16. catch a virus感染病毒catch a cold 感冒17. wake up 醒来,叫醒18. washing machine洗衣机19. knock over 撞翻20. * in a mess 一团糟* ma

16、ke a mess of 把. 搞得一团糟21. do with 处理,应付(和 what 连用)=deal with (和 how 连用)22. in the end =at last = fin ally最后23. decide to do sth = make up ones mindto do sth =set ones mi nd to do sth 决定做某事24. The robot was just too much trouble. 机 器人太麻烦了。too much + 不可数名词; much too + 形容词或副词25. make sb do sth使某人干某事(Voc

17、abulary)1.in fact 事实上2.use sth to do sth =use sth for doingsth 使用某物做某事3.* take photos of 照相Can you take a photo of me ?你可以给我照一张相吗?4.connect sth to把某物连接到. 上5.at the end of 在.末尾6.at the same time 同是7.* solar battery 太阳能电池8.make sth +形容词使某物. ”(Grammar)1.have sb do sth 让某人做某事=let sb do sth = get sb to d

18、o sth2.There is something wrong with.?有问题了。3.give sb some suggesti ons给某人提一些建议4.teach sb to do sth = teach sb how to dosth教某人做某事(Integratedskills and Study skills)1.special gift 特另 U 的礼物=special prese nt2.over = more tha n 多于; 超过3.in clear Ian guage 用清晰的语言in En glish 用英语4.have a good memory 有良好的记忆力5

19、.get tired 感到累=feel tired6.every two mon ths每两个月7.find out找出,查明8.for free免费9.on time 按时,准时10.as as sb can = as as possible 尽 可能11.be made in 在某地制造的be made of 由.制成的(看得见原材料)be made from 由.制成的(看不见原材料)12.take turns to do sth轮流着干某事13.talk about 谈论14.be related to 和.有关系She is related to me by marriage.她禾口

20、我有婚姻关系。(Main task and Checkout)1.fill in 填写fill in an applicati on form填写申请表2.agree with sb 同意某人(的意见或答案)3.expect sb to do sth期望某人做某事4.n eed doing = n eed to be done5.medium-sized 中码的6.pay atte nti on to 注意,关注7.at least 至少at most 至多8.give sb in struct ions给某人指令9.all the time 一直10.What is wrong with ?

21、 . 怎么了?=What is the matter with ? / What is the trouble with ?11.be sorry to do sth 很抱歉做某事A: I hurt my foot yesterday.B: I am sorry to hear that.12.reply to 回答,答复13.look forward to doing sth渴望做某事14.hear from 收到某人来信 二掌握下面的语法:need 意为需要”它既可作情态动词,也可作 实义动词,还可以作名词。下面是它的具体用 法:1. need 作情态动词,没有人称和数的变化, 可直接构成

22、疑问句和否定句。如:- Need you go yet?- No, I need n . (Yes, I must)You needn tgo, need you?你不一定要去,是吗?- Must I go now?-No, you needn. / No, you dont have to.2. need 作实放动词,主要有下列两种用 法:(1)sth need doing. = sth need to be done.女口:The flowers n eed wateri ng.=Theflowers n eed to be watered.(2)sb need to do sth. 女口

23、:Does he need to know? 他需要 知道吗?You don tneed to worry about him.你不必为他担心。3. need 作名词。如:他们非常需要帮助。(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit)1. amaz ing = surpris ing令人惊讶的(和物有关)amazed=surprised感到惊讶的(和人有关)be amazed at = be surprised at对.感惊讶2. * a long way to go一段很长的路要走3. * continue to the end坚持到底4. c on ti nu

24、e doing sth = go on doing sth继续做某事* con ti nue to do sth = go on to do sth继续做(另一件事情).5. take a rest = have a rest休息一下6. * on one s way back 在某人回来的路上They re in great need of help.13.9B Unit 3掌握下面的短语和句型:* on one s way home 在某人回家的路上so that 以便(so that + 从句,in order to +动词原形)the rais ing of the n ati ona

25、l flag升国旗take a walk = have a walk 散步Chin ese-style garde n中国式园林n atural la ndscape自然景观con sist of = be made up of由.组成step by step 一步一步地,逐步地Chin ese pain ti ng中国画14.* on one s way to在某人去的路上7.* drago n dance tgl舞龙* paper cut剪纸8.learn about sth了解某事(Readi ng)1.unl ess 除非=i

26、fnot2. in no rther n China在中国北部=in the25. capital of Ch ina中国的首都4.get lost = lose one5.at the cen tre在中心6.Forbidden City2.3.4.north of China = in North Chinain differe nt shapes 形状各异的* in stra nge shapes 奇形怪状的in the shape of = in the form of以.形状see sth with ones own eyes 亲眼看见某事take a bo

27、at trip乘船旅游lien.谎言;tell a lie lie (lay, lai n, lyi ng)位于be ope n to the public at sun rise在日出时(Grammar)in spite of尽管,不管(后接名词或代词或 Ving)* although / though 虽然,尽管为(后接 从句It was still hot although it rained heavily.=It was still hot in spite of the heavyrain.tour man ual = tour guide旅游指南tear sth into pie

28、ces 把某事撕碎by accide nt偶然I saw one of my good friends by accident yesterday.=I happened to see one of my good friends yesterday.take sth with sb带上某物be famous for 因.而闻名You had better take an umbrella with you. 你最好带上一把雨伞。6.weather forecast天气预报7.in a hurry 匆忙地hurry up 赶快;hurry off 匆匆离去 hurry to do sth匆忙做

29、某事He did his homework in a hurry. = He hurried to do his homework.8.such as 例如9.be in terested in 对.感兴趣(Integrated skills and Study skills)1.leave for = go to 去.2.one more week =ano ther week又一个星期four more=a no ther four 再四个3.fly to = go to by pla ne / air机去4.pla n to do sth计划做某事5.go on holiday 去渡假6

30、.accord ing to 根据(Main task and Checkout)1.It is + 形容词+ to do sth.做某事是的。2.大概数目:hun dreds of, thousa nds of,millions of, billions of具体数目: two hun dred, three thousa nd, twenty millio n3.不定式作定语:I thi nk South Korea is a great country to visit.There are lots of in terest ing things todo in South Korea.

31、South Korea is also a good place to goshopp ing.坐飞I have many clothes to wash every day.4.thi nk of 想起,想到,认为(1)Ca n you thi nk of a good idea to deal with theproblems?你能想出一个处理问题的好方法吗?=Can you come up with a good idea to deal with the problems?(2)The book made me thi nk ofhim.这本书使我想起了他。=The book remi

32、n ded me of him.What do you th ink of the film?你认为这部电影怎么样?=What do you thi nk about the film?5.do some research做一些研究6.traffic 交通,车辆(不可数名词)7.in stead of代替.二掌握下面的语法:1. although, though 和 as 的用法区别:三者均可表示“尽管;虽然”,引导让步状语从句。although 用法较正式,语气较 强;though 较常用;as则主要用于倒装句。 它们的用法有如下几点值得注意:(1) 状语从句由 although, thou

33、gh 或 as 引导,主句之前不可有 but, and, so, however 等并列连词,但可有 yet或 still等副词。although 与 though 常可互换。例如:Although /Though he believes it, yet he will not act . 他虽然相信它,但 却不肯有所行动。(2) as 表示“尽管;虽然”,只能用于倒装句,即:将表语、状语或谓语动词放在as之前。though 也可这么用。例如: Young as /though he is, he knows a lot .他虽然年纪不大,却懂得很多。 注意:如果表语是单数名词,要省略 a。例

34、如: Child as / though he is, he can speak two foreig n Ian guages. 虽然他是个孩子,但他会说两门外语。(3) though可以放在句末,表示“但是”,although 却不能。例如: They said they would come; they did not, though . 他们说他们会来,可是 他们并没有来。(4) although 只用来陈述“事实”,不能表 示“假设”。因此可以说even though “即使” 以及 as though “好像(=as if) ”,不能说 evenalthough 或 as alth

35、ough 。例如:I believe you are on duty eve nthough you re in plain clothes . 尽管 你穿着便衣,我相信你是在值勤。2. uni ess用法unless 意为”除非.,否则.,引导一个否定意义的条件状语从句,可以替换为 if.not 。例如: My baby sister n ever cries uni essshe is hun gry. (= My baby sister n evercries if she isnt hun gry.)我刚出生的妹妹从来不哭,除非她饿了。I shall go there tomorrow

36、 uni ess rmtoo busy. (= I shall go there tomorrowif rm not too busy.) 如果我不太忙的话,明天将到那儿去。Uni ess you go at once, you will belate. (= If you dont go at once, you willbe late.)如果你不马上走,就会迟到的。3. so that 与 so . that .的用法:一、 so that 引导目的状语从句时,表示以便;为了 ”,从句中常使用 can /could /may/might /will /would /should等情态动词或

37、助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用 can 和 may 等词,在 so that前可以用逗号,意思是因此;所以”。如:She bought a digital camera on li ne she would save a lot of time.(2003 扬州市)A.so that B.as soon as C.no matterD.such that ( 答案为 A。)二、 so +形容词或副词+ that .引导结果状语从句。(一)so +形容词或副词+ that .引导的肯 定的结果状语从句,意思是 如此以致于.”。女口:_ fine day it is today!Yes

38、,the sunshineis_beautiful that rd like to goswimming in the sea. (2003 青岛市)A. How, such B. What a, very C. How, so D. What a, so ( 答案为 D。 )4.当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以致于大喊大叫。(根据中文意思完成句子, 每空一词。)(2003 北京市海淀区)When the football fans saw Beckham, they got excitedtheycriedout.( 答案为 so, that。)(二)so +形容词或副词+ tha

39、t .引导的否 定的结果状语从句,意思是 如此以致于不 能”。女口:Miss Gao asked a questi on, but itwas_ that n obody could an swerit.(2001 安徽省)A.very difficult B. too difficult C.difficultenough D. so difficult (答案为 D。)注意:当 that 引导的结果状语从句为肯定句时,so . that . 可以与 be . eno ugh to do 转换;当从句为否定句时,可以与 too .to . 或 be not . eno ugh to do 转

40、换。 女口: The boy is so young that hecant look after himself.( 改写句子,使 B 句与 A 句意思相近)(2004 年桂林市)The boy is not_to look afterhimself ( 答案为 old eno ugh。)so . that .引导结果状语从句有时候可以与 such . that .句型相互转换。The stone is so heavy that I cant liftit up.( 改写句子)(2003 南京市)It is_ a heavystone1 cant lift it up.(答案为such, that。)9B Unit 4一掌握下面的短语和句型:(Comic strip and Welcometo the unit)1.hear of 听说2.be famous for因.而闻名be famous as 作为. 而闻名3.sb


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