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1、精品文档1. scientist science scientific2. know about 了 解 know of 听说过3. find/ find out/ discover/ invent4. explain sth. to sb5. be characteristic of sb/ sth6. pass sth from从处传来,传下pass by路过,经过pass down把传下去pass on传递,传授7. the way of doing sth = the way to do做某事的方法8. put forward 提出建议,推荐某人或者自己任职,提名;时钟往前拨9. by

2、 the way 顺便说by way of 通过 的方法lose one' s way 迷路no way没门,别想feel one' s way 摸索着走 谨慎从事on one s way to 在去的路上in this way=by this means=with this method用这种方法10. put away 抛弃;舍弃put down写下来;记入名单put on穿上;戴上;增加put off耽误;延期put out 熄灭(火T);扑灭(火)put up建立;建造put up with 忍受11. arrive at / come to / draw / reac

3、h a conclusion12. win / beat /defeatwin “赢得,获胜”,后接奖品,奖金,名誉, 财产beat "击败,战胜”,后接竞争队伍或者对 手,敌人defeat"击败,战胜”,后接竞争队伍或者对手,敌人,(此用法同beat),疾病等。13. be expert at/in sth 某方面的专家14. attend注意;照看,照顾;参加attendance n.照顾,出席attend school上学attend a lecture 听讲座attend a wedding 出席婚礼 15. attend to 处理,办理 I have some

4、important things to attend to.照顾,照料;Are you being attended to ?先 生,有人接待你吗?专心,注意 If you don ' t attend to the teacher, you ' ll never learn anything.16. expose A to B 使 A 暴露于 B A be exposed to B A 暴露于 B17. die (v.) dead (adj.) death (n.) deadly adj.致命的18. deadly adv.very极度;非常;十分 deadly seriou

5、s 十分认真 (2)like death 死一般地deadly pale死一般苍白19. every time每当每次(连词连接句 子)注意:immediately, the moment, directly, instantly 等与 every time一样,都可以 用作连词引导时间状语从句,意为“一.就”。20. absorb- .into 吸收,理解接受,吞并 be absorbed in 被一吸弓I ; 专心于;全 神贯注于某事21. suggest doing sth 建议做某事 suggest that 建议 should + V 暗示该使用什么时态用什么22. severe严厉

6、的;苛刻的;严格的. 剧痛的,剧烈的,严重的,难熬的 be severe with/on sth 对严格。23. be to blame应该受到责备blame sb for sth因责备某人blame sth on sb 把sth归咎于某人 24. look into向里看;调查,了解 25. suspect sth 怀疑某事suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑某人做某事 suspect that 从句26. look on 观看,面向,旁观,看待 look out面朝,留神,照料look over从上面看,察看,检查look around 环顾,观光,察看 look thro

7、ugh 看穿,审核,浏览,温习 look up and down 仔细打量,到处寻找look after 寻求,照顾,关心27. at ease 舒适 快活 自由自在ease off减轻痛苦,紧张状态,缓和,放松。28. connectwith与相联系,关系(抽象) connect to 与相连接29. come to an end结束,终结,终止30. handle n.柄,把手V. A.操彳;运用 B.经销;买卖 C. 管理 D.对待E.应付F.控制;管理31. link A to B 把与一连接;联系be linked to 连接link n.联系,关系29. announceannou

8、nce sth. (to sb.) announce that + 从句It is / was announced that + 从句 据宣传 announcement Nmake an announcement 下通知30. instruct instruction31. cure sb of sth治好了某人的病 cure for sth 治疗的方法32. have sb do sth= get sb to do sth让某人做某事have sb doing sth = get sb doing sth 让某 人一直做某事have sth done = get sth done 叫另1J人

9、做某事33. make money 挣钱make one' s way to 一路前进,向前make sure 确保make friends 交朋友make the bed 铺床make room for 为腾出空位、空间make up one' s mind 下决心 决定 make an appointment 约会 make a gossip 闲言碎语 make an apology 道歉 make a contest 竞争 make a choice 选择34. be strict with sb. in (doing) sth.35. prevent/stop/keep

10、 from doing sth阻止某人做某事36. be absorbed in 专心致志37. be determined to do 决定做某事38. sothat如此以至于39. die of / from 死于40. attend to/take care of/ look after41. cure sb of one ' s disease/illness42. put forward 提出43. make sense讲得通,有意义44. be linked to 和有联系45. be exposed to 暴露于46. look into 调查,向里看1.1 in add

11、ition to 另外1.2 lead (led, led) to 导致,通向49. take up 开始从事,继续,占据,接纳, 吸收50. be to blame for因应当受到责备51. apart from/except for/besides/other than/but/except 除之外52. take in收留,包括take on雇佣,呈现,露出,承担take over接任,接管,接收take off脱掉衣物,飞机起飞,成功。 take back撤销,同意收回,回忆昔日53. work on 从事;继续工作;致力于54. be enthusiastic about 对某事充

12、满热情55. With的复合宾语结构独立复合结构With + n./pron. + 介词短语 He sat there with a smile on his face.(2) With + n./pron. + 副词With Mr Smith away, we ' ve got more room. With + n./pron. + 不定式With so much work to do, he could not go home.(4) With + n./pron. + 现在分词 The street was quiet with no buses running. With +

13、 n./pron. + 过去分词 In came a man with his hands tied back.(6) With + n./pron. + 形容词He wrote a shirt, with the neck open, showing his bare chest.56. be cautious about/of sb 对小心谨慎的57. base sth on 把建立在be based on 基于58. can nevertoo 再也不为过59. would have doneshould have done精品文档needn' t have doneought t

14、o have done60. only +介词短语/副词/状语从句放在句首,要使用部分倒装前不倒后倒only then did he realize that he made mistakes. only at home can I have a good sleep.1. know about 了解be known as 作而出名be known for 因而著名as far as one knows据某人所知2. divide into 把分成separate .from3. consist of由组成 不用被动,进行=be made up of consist in存在于4. take

15、the place of = replace 代替=take sb' s place 代替某人take place 发生,举行in place of =instead of 代替5. arrange v. (for连用)安排,筹备,布置 arrangement n. 筹备,安排 arrange to do sth. 安排做某事,预定 arrange for 安排,准备arrange for sb to do sth安排某人去做某事6. fold v.& n.折叠,弯曲,合起来folder纸夹foldaway a. 可折叠的unfold打开(反义词)fold back折叠起来;折

16、回去fold up失败;倒闭7. clarify one's stand/ position 阐明某人的立 场clarify matters 澄清真相8. puzzle over 苦思 be in a puzzle about 对不解人 puzzled物 puzzling9. be in/ come into conflict with 与冲突 / 矛盾10. be unwilling to do sth 不愿意做某事11. break away from 摆脱,脱离break down 坏(抛锚,出故障,身体跨了)break into 闯入,break out (war/fire/d

17、isease)爆发break off 中断 break the rules 违反规则 break the records打破记录12. to one' s credit 值得赞扬 13. for one ' s convenience=for the convenience of sb为了 方便某人at one' s convenience在某人方便的时候It is convenient to sb.在 sb 方便的时候It is convenient for sb. to do sth sb 方便 做sth14. attract sb.吸引某人 attract one

18、' s attention 吸引某人的注意力15. work together 合作 work out 算出 work on从事,继续工作;致力于16. look around 参观,四处看17. It is worthwhile to do sth.值得做某事It is worthwhile doing sth be worthy to be done be worthy of being done be worth n/pron /doing eg.The book is worth reading.The book is worthy to be read/ of being r

19、ead. It is worthwhile to read the book.18. leave out 遗漏,漏掉 leave A for B 离开 A 去 B leave alone不管;撇下一个人 leave aside 搁置 leave behind 遗忘,遗留 leave+宾语 + 宾补(adj/v-ing/v-ed ) 使.19. sb. be familiar with sth sth be familar to sb熟悉某物20. whisper to sb 悄悄说21. pick up 捡22. make a list of 列清单23. delightn. to one&#

20、39; s delight使某人高兴的是 vt. delight sbadj delighted be ed at sth, be delighted to do sth物 delighting1. impression n (c) give sb. a good impression 给某人以好印象make/have/leave an impression on sb.给某人留下印象impress vt.使一印象深刻 主语 impress sb with sth 主语impress sth on sb给某人留下印象sb be impressed by sth sth impress sbim

21、pressive adj. 印象深刻的The girl impressed her friends with her beauty.2. He took up his book and hurried out. 拿起 He took up challenge with courage 接受 He decided to take up photograph as his career 开始从事I' m going to take this matter up with my lawyer.着手处理It takes up too much room.占据(时间或空间) take off 脱

22、下;起飞 take in接纳,吸收;领会,理解;欺骗take on呈现出;雇佣 take over 接管 take it easy!另1J着急take your time 慢慢来 take advantage of 禾U用 3. previous to 在之前4. be surrounded by/ with 被包围5. tolerate/ bear/ stand/ put up with 忍受 vt. tolerance n. tolerant adj6. lack v. be lacking in/ lack sth.n. (be) lack of sth. for lack of sth

23、 缺乏 He lacks courage = He is lacking in courageThe plants died for lack of water7. adjustment n - adjust v.调整 adjust to8. press v sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 one' s way to 挤 n. the press 新闻界9. lose sight of/ out of sight 看不见 catch sight of / in sight 看见 at the sight of 一看(连词作用)10. sweep up扫除,打扫11. swit

24、ch off=turn off关掉(电灯或电器)switch on=turn on 打开 switch from A to B? 由 A 转变为 B 12.slide into溜进(悄声地)13. Speed up 加速at a speed of 以 速度14. the instant 一 就(conj 作用)for an instant 一瞬间15. be overcome by ( anger,grief)被(感情)压倒16. remind sb of sth使某人想起某事Vt. remind sb to do sth 提醒remind sb that使想起17. as a result

25、+ 结果(句子)as a result of +原因(n/短语) 由于result in 导致result from 由弓I起His carelessness resulted in failure.As a result of the rain, we can' t go out.18. suffer from遭受患(病)19. be similar to 与 相似20. Keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止 stop/ prevent sb. ( from ) doing sthprotect sb. from sth/ doing sth.保护某人免受伤害21.

26、 be well-known for/ as 因而闻名 / 作为而闻名22. sth be difficult to do ( hard,easy, important, necessary)23. follow sb to do sth 跟着某人做某事24. in no time 立亥Uat one time 曾经in time 及时 at times 有时 on time 按时at a time 一次 at all times 一直from time to time 不时的25. in all directions= in every direction四面八方in the directi

27、on of 在方向under the direction of sb 在某人的指导下26. show sb in/ into 领某人进入show sb. out / around 领某人出去 / 四处看看show sb. sth. = show sth to sb 向某人展示show off 炫耀 show up 出现show sb. the way 指路show sb what/ how / where to do 教 sb show that 从句27. provide sb with sth= provide sth for 提供29. fall fast sleep 熟睡conside

28、r sb to have done 认为某人做了某事31 . in space 在空间中32 . up- to -date 最新的,日益更新的,33 .dispose of sth / sth be disposed of 处理34 .turn into 转化成35 .stare at 盯着36. happen to + n.发生happen to do sth.碰巧做(无进行时)it happens/ happened that 碰巧37. program sb to do sth安排某人做某事38. perform tasks/ work 履行职责 / 任务1.1 nvoke .in /

29、be involved in 牵涉2. photograph / photo (s)take s of sb 给某人照相3. submit sth. to sb.向某人递交(文件) submit (that)主张 submit to sb/ sth 屈服于4. be eager (for sb.) to do sth渴望做某事be eager for / about sth.be eager thatbe anxious for /about sth. 担心,忧虑be anxious to do sth渴望做某事5. concentrate (one' s attention, min

30、d, efforts, thoughts) on (doing) sth.全神贯注,致力6. inform sb of/ about sth通知某人某事inform sb (that)7. in the meanwhile/ meantime 与此同时 ,在 此期间8. depend on 依靠,依赖;取决于It all depends视情况而定9. in that case 如果那in any case 不管怎样in no case 绝不,放句首倒装in case (of) 以防万一as is often the case with 对是常有的事 Take your umbrella in

31、case it rains.10. accuse sb. of sth.指控某人某事charge sb. with sth. 指控blame sb. for sth. 责备ask/ cure/ rob / warn /remind sb. of sth.11. so as ( not) to = in order ( not ) to 为了 (不)做11. deny doing sth.拒接做某事12. be skeptical about/ of sth.怀疑某事13. be in a dilemma处于进退两难的境地14. be gifted in sth/ doing sthhave a

32、 gift for sth在某方面有天赋15. approve of sb/ sth. 赞成,认可approve sth. 批准16. process a film / photos 冲洗胶卷 /照片in (the) process of 在过程中17. make an appointment with sb.与某人约会18. occupy vt占有;从事,忙于occupy oneself in (doing) sth 忙于做某事 occupation n.占有;工作; by / profession 工作是19. suppose vt假设(虚语气);认为;料 想,推断suppose you

33、were a journalist.be supposed to do sth.本应该做某事be not supposed to do 表示不允许20. sb. be offered a job提供给某人工作 offer sb. sth21. assist (sb.) in doing sth.assist sb in/ with sth.帮助,协助(help)22. 表示将来的五种句型1.will/ shall do 2. be going to do3. be doing 4. be to do 5. be about to do23. go out on a story出去做新闻24.

34、cover vt.铺,覆盖泡括,涉及He covered the table with a piece of cloth.His research covered a wide field.(2)占有(时间,面积)The city covers ten square miles.(3)走完,走过They covered 20 miles a day.(4)看完(多少页书)I have covered 200 pages now.支付(开支)The firm barely covers its costs25. take sth. with sb.随身带着某物26. find+ n. + adj

35、.+ to do sth.发现做某事 很.you will find your colleagues very eager to assist you.27. have a nose for sth. 对很敏感 探查发现某事物的能力28. keep sth. in mind = remember29. meet /miss a deadline 如期 / 超过期 限30. take notes 做笔记31. a trick of the trade行业诀窍32. case, situation, position, condition, stage, point等抽象地点n.做先行词时,其后的

36、定语 从句用 where引导,相当于in which33. get the wrong end of the stick 得出错误 结论34. This is how the story goes.这就是事情的发展35. tell the truth / tell a lie 说实话 / 说谎36. look forward to sth./ doing sth.期盼做 某事37. set to work = settle down to work 开始 工作settle down to sth/ doing sth.着手做某事set about doingset out to do sth开

37、始做某事38. pass sth (on) to sb 把传给某人 pass sth down to sb 把传给下代39. above all最重要after all毕竟,终究 first of all 首先 last of all 最后 in all 总计;40. concentrate on (doing) sth 专心做某事 concentrate one's attention on 把注意力集中于上41. update a law 修订法律update sb on sth向某人提供最新的信息42. so as (not) to= in order (not) to (不)为

38、 了做43. be guilty of 犯最be guilty for/about sth 对 sth 感到内疚44. be in a dilemma陷入进退两难的困境put sb into a dilemma 使某人处于进退两难的境地1. aid(用法同 help)do/ give/ offer (some )first aid进行急救2. fall ill/ sleep/ awake/ silent fall+ adj.3. do an injury to sb. = do sb. an injury 伤 害某人an injury to + 身体部位( arm/leg )(胳膊/手/腿)的

39、伤get injured/ wounded/ infected 受伤 /感染 get+adj.4. bleed to death 流血致死bleed-bled-bled5. be essential for/ to sb.对某人是必要的It is essential for sb. to do sth.做某事是必要的It is essential that (should)+v 原形 虚拟语气essentials 必需品6.squeeze out 挤出7.over and over again 反复1.1 n place适当,合适的位置out of place 不合适take place 发生

40、take ons' s place=take the place of sb.=in place of 取代1.5 tand on/ without ceremony 拘泥于礼节 / 不拘小节10. A number of students are sleeping.The number of sleeping students is 60.11. put one ' s hands on = find12. apply sth to sth.把某物涂/应用到上apply to sb. for sth.向某人申请某物 apply to sth 适用于apply pressure to 用力掘,压13. make a/some/no difference 有一些/没有 什么区别14. save 拯救(life);节约(money) save up 储蓄 save (on) sth 节约1.1 If possible/ necessary如果可能/必要的话16. act as 作为17. be / get/ stand close to 靠近18. a variety of = varieties of 各种各样的19. affect sth.影响


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