1、欢迎阅读环境污染的英语句子导读:1、许多河流,尤其是流经城市的河流,往往很脏。水面上漂浮着垃圾,连水里的鱼吃起来都有一股怪味。Many rivers, especially the river flows through the city, often dirty. Agarbage floating on the water, even the fish in the water to eat have astrange smell.2、亚美比亚美索比达平原回馈今人的尽是赤烈熏蒸的漫漫黄沙,谁能遥想这不毛之地竟孕育了灿若星河的两河文明呢?Asian American than Asian A
2、merican cable today is plain ratiofeedback trinley fumigation sand, who can think this actually gave birth togally Canruo Galaxy Mesopotamia?3、一片绿洲、一方净土、看不到,无数车鸣、无数喧嚣、听得 到。An oasis, a pure land, can not see, countless car sound, countlessnoisy, heard.4、 影影绰绰的群山像是一个睡意未醒的仙女, 披着蝉翼般的薄 纱,脉脉含情,凝眸不语。The sh
3、adowy mountains like a sleepy unawakened fairy, wearing aChanyi gauze, with nothing very much enamored.5、水面上漂浮着垃圾,连水里的鱼吃起来都有一股怪味。这些 都是因为河水被污染而造成的。欢迎阅读A garbage floating on the water, even the fish in the water to eathave a strange smell. All of these are caused by the pollution of the river.6、 世界上最远
4、的距离不是生与死, 而是我在上海街头牵着你的 手,却看不见你。The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, butwhen I hold your hand in the streets of Shanghai, but I cant see you.7、往日小河微波粼粼,是动植物最要好的朋友,今天小河却浑 浊不堪,臭气熏天。Old river microwave clear, animals and plants are best friends, todayis muddy creek, stinking
5、.8、生态环境也遭受着严重破坏,大量森林被砍伐,洪涝滑坡等 灾害时常发生,水土流失,气候异常等。The ecological environment has also suffered serious damage, alarge number of forests have been cut down, floods and landslides andother disasters often occur, soil erosion, climate anomalies and so on.9、河水污染非常严重,气味奇臭,沿河有许多小鱼死掉了。循 河而上,原来武当屠宰厂有两个排污口,直排污
6、水进入河流。River water pollution is very serious, the smell of strange smell,along the river there are many small fish died. Along the river, the originalWudang slaughter factory has two sewage outfall, sewage straight into欢迎阅读the river.10、 在我的家乡有一条干净、 清澈的小河, 它的名字叫做玉带 河,可是近几年来玉带河的水越来越黑,并有垃圾,还发出臭味。There i
7、s a clean, clear river in my hometown, it is called the YudaiRiver, but in recent years the jade river water more and more black, andthere is also garbage, stink.11、造纸厂的废水污染了河,河水变黑发臭,隔岸可闻,鱼自 然绝了迹,家乡的河一时成了臭河,成了大地的疬痕。The pollution of wastewater by the river, black river shore to smell,smell, no trace
8、of natural fish, the river in my hometown has become asmelly river, into the earth scrfofula mark.12、扬沙满天飞,臭水到处流,我们的地球越来越像一个没人 管的脏孩子。Sand everywhere, smelly water flows everywhere, our earth moreand more like a dirty boy nobody.13、一路走来,我只看到被污染的、墨黑的河水,没有发现河 水里有水草,也很少看到河边有树木。Along the way, I only see
9、the polluted, black river, found no water inthe river, have seldom seen trees by the river.14、沙漠日趋逼近,对近在咫尺的历史名城敦煌来说绝不再遥欢迎阅读不可及。The desert is approaching, close to the historical city of Dunhuang, itis no longer impossible.15、河水不像以前那样干净了, 上面飘着一些死鱼和一些垃圾。The water wasnt clean, floating above some dead
10、fish and somerubbish.16、原本清澈见底的小河,还能看到成群的鱼儿游来游去,如 今只剩浑浊一片。Originally clear the bottom of the river, but also to see groups of fishswim to swim, and now only a muddy.17、大河里浊浪滚滚,水面上的垃圾五颜六色,腥臭不堪,随 波逐流。The river Zhuolang rolling on the surface of the garbage rancid, driftriotous with colour.18、烟雾缭绕中将健康吞
11、噬,吞云吐雾中将肺脏染黑,烟气袅 袅中将环境污染,一吸一抽中将疾病唤来。The smoke will be healthy in black smoke engulfed the lungs, smokecurl in environmental pollution, a disease called a smoke.19、清初秦-晋地区是高森林覆盖率的葱绿之地,可今天呈现在世人面前的只有那沟壑纵横的贫瘠黄土,千疮百孔伤痕累累。欢迎阅读In the early Qing Dynasty Qin Jin area is high forest coverage rate ofgreen land
12、, can today show in front of the world only the ravines of barrenloess, scarred in a disastrous state.20、整个市上空都被层层的烟雾笼罩着,人不仅能感受到天气 的闷热,而且熏得人眼都睁不开。All over the city are the layers of smoke shrouded, people not onlyfeel the hot weather, and make eyes open.21、贪婪的人类,不知道珍惜自己赖以生息的家园,无休止的 过渡开发,使原本茂密的森林,变成濯
13、濯童山,鸟兽已无栖息之处。The greedy man, dont know to cherish their home living homes,transition development endless, the dense forest, become bare, andhave no place to live in.22、遛狗不见狗,狗绳提在手;见绳不见手,狗叫我才走。The dog does not see the dog, the dog rope in the hand; see therope does not see the hand, the dog before I
14、go.23、弥漫的毒气、刺耳的噪音、浓厚的灰尘, 这让人不堪忍受,且严重损害到居住在这的人们的身体健康。The poisonous gas, harsh noise, thick dust, which makes peopleunbearable, and seriously damage the health of people living in it.24、亚洲最大的沙漠水库已干涸见底,民勤岌岌可危。Asias largest desert reservoir has been dry, Minqin in jeopardy.25、现在,由于人们的乱丢乱弃,小河变得臭气熏天。垃圾、 草
15、欢迎阅读叶漂满了水面,再也没有人在那游泳、嬉戏。Now, because people littering, the river becomes stink. Garbage,grass full of floating water, no one to play in the swimming.26、路上、垃圾一大堆,空中、灰尘满天飞。On the way, a lot of garbage, air, dust flying.27、河水很臭, 阵阵臭味直往我鼻孔里钻, 小河无声地流淌着,像在偷偷哭泣。The river water is very smelly, the smell is
16、straight to my nostrils, theriver flows quietly, like in secretly crying.28、 电视屏上的小河上飘浮着鱼儿的尸体小河上几乎都是又臭 又脏的垃圾,岸边的小草也几乎枯黄了。The TV screen on the river floating on the fish body on the river isalmost always dirty and smelly garbage, the shore of the grass is almostwithered.29、今天,我和妈妈在八街坊看到一条小河,小河特别脏,河 水
17、像倒了许多浓墨似的,很黑很黑。Today, my mother and I saw a small river in the eight neighborhood,river river is very dirty, like many edges like, is black.30、沙漠日趋逼近,对近在咫尺的历史名城敦煌来说绝不再遥 不欢迎阅读可及;亚洲最大的沙漠水库已干涸见底,民勤岌岌可危。The desert increasingly approaching, to close at hand in the historiccity of Dunhuang is no longer ou
18、t of reach for the vast; Asias largestdesert reservoir has been dry, Minqin in jeopardy.31、现在已经很少见到清澈见底的河流了。许多河流,尤其是 流经城市的河流,往往很脏。Now, its very rare to see the clear river. Many rivers, especially theriver flows through the city, often dirty.32、钢铁森林喷吐出来的滚滚浓烟,遮天蔽日,使原本蔚蓝的 天空混沌不清。Steel forest belched out smoke, clouds, make originally blue skychaos.33、今天是世界环保日,人人贡献一份力量,让我们携手以爱 去拥抱环境,去呵护环境,共创美好家园,你我都能做到!Today is the world environment day, everyone to contribute a force,let us join hands in lo
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