五年级上册英语试题轻巧夺冠_1516 东营市实验学校 (人教新起点)_第1页
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1、.2019-2019学年第一学期期末五年级英语试题题号一二三四五六七听力总分得分一、录音中有十个句子听录音两遍,按听到的顺序给以下图片排序10二、录音中有十段对话和十个问题,对话和问题听两遍,将正确答语代号写在前面的括号中10 1. A: Hes my science teacher. B: Hes my father. C: Hes my art teacher. 2 .A: Tuesday B: Wednesday C: Monday .A: carrot B: Beef C: carrot and beef 4. A: No, she isnt. B: Yes, she is. C: s

2、he is kind. 5.A: seventy yuan B: eighty yuan C: seven yuan. 6.A: sweep the floor. B: make the bed C: water the flowers 7.A: hes very smart. B: he is very pretty. C: he isnt very quiet. 8.A:shes nine. B: Shes eleven C: shes seven. 9.A: Yes, there are B: No, there are C: No, here isnt. 10. A: windy B:

3、 rainy C: sunny三、下面关于五位老师的五段描绘,根据录音内容在每位老师相对应的词框内打5tallshortthinstrongoldyoungfunnyactivekindstrictMiss liuMrcarterMrzhaoMrmaMissli 四rabbit 正与朋友们议论他们回家能帮父母做什么。请仔细听录音两遍然后在括号中写出每个动物所做事情的字母代号5 A: make the bed B: water the flowers C: empty the trash D: cook the meals E: set the table.五、录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,写出

4、所缺的单词51. There are _ bedrooms, a bathroom and a _ in the rabbits new flat.2. His own room is _ and nice.3. The curtains in his room are _.4. There are_ end tables in his own room. 六、听短文判断以下句子正误,与录音内容一致的在括号内写“T;不一致的写“F。5分   1. Bananas are Monkey's favourite food.   2. Rab

5、bit don't like grapes.   3. Zip likes carrots. They're fresh and healthy.   4. Zoom likes vegetables.   5. Today Cat would like some fish for lunch.笔试:60一、请找出每个小题中不属于同一类的选项,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内。5分 1. A. Social Studies B. homework C. Moral Education D. P. E. 2. A.

6、 young     B. short   C. quiet      D. thin 3. A. fruit     B. grape   C. apple      D. orange 4. A. mountain    B. sky    C. air  

7、0;  D. healthy 5. A. closet     B. path    C. mirror     D. end table二、单项选择,请将正确选项字母标号填写在题前括号内。15分    1. There _ some beautiful trees in front of our building.   A. have       

8、; B. has        C. is      D. are   2. - What's your new music teacher like?           - _A. She likes sports.    B. She is funny.    C. Fish

9、 and vegetables.  D. She likes my mother.    3. - What do we have _ Mondays?           - We have English, math and P.E.A. in         B. on         C. for  

10、   D. at    4. - What would you like for lunch?             - I'd like some_.A. tomato and mutton          B. tomatoes and muttonC. tomato and muttons   

11、60;    D. tomatoes and muttons   5. - Would you like some _?             - Yes, please.A. grape     B. cabbage      C. carrot    D. green bean  

12、6. - Sarah, dinner is ready, please _.              - OK, Mum.A. do the dishes        B. cook the meals   C. set the table        D. wash the clothes 

13、   7. There is a mirror _ the wall.A. on        B. in     C. over     D. at    8. There are no _ in our village.A. lake   B. river     C. tall buildings   D. mountain 

14、60; 9. I don't like grapes. They're _. A. tasty   B. sour     C. fresh         D. healthy   10. - _is your favourite day?             - Monday.A. What&#

15、160;    B. How      C. How day         D. Who 三、找出相对句子的答语10 1. What classes do you have on Mondays?  A. Yes, he is. 2. Is there a road near the river?    B. Chicken. 3. What can you do,

16、 Mike?     C. We have P.E. and music. 4. Is your teacher strict?        D. Yes, there is. 5. What's do you have for lunch?  E. I can clean the bedroom 6. What is your English teacher like? F. Green beans and fish 7. How m

17、any horses are there? G. No, there arent. 8.Are there any pandas in the mountains? H. Hes tall and strong. 9.Can you wash the clothes? I. There are fifteen. 10.Whats your favorite food? J. Yes, I can.四、阅读理解 15 一Dear Jack,I'm your pen pal, Zhang Peng. I'm very happy to make friends with you.

18、Now let me tell you something about my school and my village.I study in Xiwang School. It's a nice school. I go to school from Monday to Friday. My favourite day is Tuesday, because we have music and computer class that day. My favourite food is chicken, because it's yummy. And I like fruits

19、, too. They are healthy for me. Mr. Sun is my favourite teacher. He teaches English. He is thin and tall. He is very funny and we like his classes. I love my village. There are many small houses and a lake. The water is clean. There are many fish in the lake. There is green grass and many trees. We

20、can run on the grass. It's a beautiful village. Tell me about your class and your city, please.                                 


22、60;                           Yours,                      &#

23、160;                                                 &#

24、160;                                   Zhang Peng一 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写“T,错误的写“F。5    1. Jack is a student, too.

25、60;  2. Zhang Peng likes music and computer classes.   3. Mr. Sun teaches music.   4. There are some rivers in Zhang Peng's village.   5. Zhang Peng's village is beautiful.二 根据短文内容用适宜的词语填空每空一词。51. _ is Zhang Peng's favourite day.2. _ is Zhang Peng&

26、#39;s favourite food.3. Mr. Sun isn't fat or _.4. Zhang Peng likes fruits, because they're _.5. Many houses in Zhang Peng's village are _.二  The USA is the fourth largest countries in the world. It is smaller than Russia, Canada and China. Washington DC is its capital. But it is a q

27、uiet city. New York is the biggest city in America and its one of the biggest cities in the world. It is in the east of the USA and at the mouth of the Hudson River. A large part of the city is on Manhatten Island 岛,a big island in the river. New York has a larger population than Washington DC. In N

28、ew York we can see the famous statue, the statue of Liberty.     1. The USA is the _ largest country in the world.A. second        B. third        C. fourth    2. Washington DC has a _ population than New

29、York. A. larger        B. smaller       C. more    3. Washington DC is _ than New York .A. larger         B. more crowed     C. quieter    4

30、. A large part of New York is on _.A. an island       B. the sea       C. the lake    5. New York is one of the _ cities in the world.A. quietest        B. biggest     &#

31、160; C. oldest五、连词成句51. our , is ,math ,teacher , young, very, active, and. . 2. teachers, you, have, do, many, how, new. ? 3. three, are ,bedrooms, the, there, house, in. ? 4. what ,have, do, for, you, Mondays, on, lunch. ? 5. my, is, day, favourite, and my ,Friday, favorite, Mr. Li, is teacher. .

32、六、根据首字母提示填上所缺单词,每条横线上只填一个单词51. There are many tall b_ in the city.2. The trash bin is b_ the door.3. I am helpful at home. I can water the _.4. I would like to have tomatoes and e_ for lunch.5. What do you do on weekends? I watch TV ,read books and my h_.七、小练笔5以My home 为题写一篇小短文,描绘一下自己的家重点介绍你房间里的物品及布

33、局听力材料:一、1.There is a bridge over the river. 2.Chenjie often reads book on Sundays.3.I have a new math teacher.He is short and thin.4. I would like some chiken and carrts5.My music teacher is a university student.she is pretty.6.there is a picture over the bed.7.Amy can put away the clothes.8.what da

34、y is it today?its Tuesday.9.what s your favorite food?eggplant.10.on Thursdays I have PE.二、1、whos that man? Hes my art teacher.Q:whos that man?2. today is Tuesday ,we have P.E. Q:what day is today?3. what do you have for lunch? I have beef and carrots. Q: what do you have for lunch?4.Whats your chinese teacher like?5.how much is this red coat? eighty yuan.oh too expensiven.how about that blue one? its seventy yuan.Good.Ill take it.Q:how much is that red coat?6.mother goat is ill.we can help her


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