1、Unit1 Great scientistsWord study 1. put forward 提出;推荐、提名;提前提出;推荐、提名;提前理解:说出下列句中划线部分的意思。理解:说出下列句中划线部分的意思。 Weve put the wedding forward by two weeks.(2) Put the clock forward by ten minutes.(3)Mr.Smith put forward a suggestion at the meeting。(4) Her name was put forward for the lead role in the play.
2、将将提前提前(advance) (advance) 把(时钟)往前拨把(时钟)往前拨 提出建议提出建议(come up with)(come up with)被推荐被推荐/提名提名 put down put down put off put off put away put away put on put on put out put out put asideput aside 放下,记下放下,记下 推迟,延期推迟,延期 放好,收拾好放好,收拾好; ;储存储存 穿上,穿上, 上演上演 扑灭;扑灭; 储蓄储蓄; ;放在一边放在一边 The manager _ a good idea to so
3、lve the problem.2.Tom, could you please _toys and books ? They are everywhere.3. The big fire was _an hour later. 4. The match has _ because of the rain. 5. Time was up for the test. So all the students _ their pens and turned in their papers.6.The man _his best hat and went to the station.7. We _so
4、me money _every month for our retirement. put forwardput awayput outbeen put offput downput onput asideaway联想:联想:put词组词组 2.conclude v. 总结总结 ,结束,推断出结束,推断出 conclusion n. 结论,结束eg:得出那种结论太困难了。It is too difficult to reach that conclusion.最后,我对我的东京之行说几句。In conclusion, I will say a few words about my visit
5、to Te to /reach / draw a conclusion 得出结论得出结论 in conclusion 总之,概括来说总之,概括来说3.defeat Vt.打败,战胜;使受挫打败,战胜;使受挫1. Our team defeated theirs in the game. 2. The result of your exams almost defeated me. n. 失败失败1. They have got six victories and two defeats.2. They finally had to admit defeat. 他们最后只得认输。他们最后只得认输
6、。辨析:辨析:defeat,beat,win这三个词都有这三个词都有“赢赢”的意思,但用法不尽相同。的意思,但用法不尽相同。(1)defeat/beat都可都可接接sb.作宾语作宾语,其宾语通常是其宾语通常是“人人”或或“一个团体一个团体”,如如a team, a class, an army等。等。另外另外,defeat还可用于指在战争中还可用于指在战争中“击败击败”敌军或入侵者。敌军或入侵者。(2)win后后接接sth.如如game, war, prize, respect等;等;运用:用运用:用defeat、beat或或win填空。填空。 They_ us fair and square
7、(公正地公正地) in the football match. The U.S.A _ the Iraq War but lost the national popularity(国家声望国家声望). wondefeated/beat4. expertShe is an expert in child psychology.They are all expert in this field.归纳:归纳:be an expert at/ in/ (doing) sthbe expert at/ in (doing) sth他是音乐方面的专家。他是音乐方面的专家。He is an expert i
8、n/at music.He is expert in/at music.n. 专专家家adj. 熟练的,内行的,熟练的,内行的,专家的专家的是是的专家的专家擅长做某事擅长做某事5.attend(1)You must attend to your work.(2)Attend carefully to what she is saying.(3)I didnt attend his wedding on Sunday because I was too busy.(4)He has some matters to attend to today.你必须专心于你的工作。你必须专心于你的工作。注意听
9、她说话。注意听她说话。星期天我没出席他的婚礼因为太忙了。星期天我没出席他的婚礼因为太忙了。他今天有很多事情要处理。他今天有很多事情要处理。attend a meeting 参加参加/出席会议出席会议attend school /church 上学上学/去教堂去教堂attend to sb/sth.专心专心,注意注意,仔细听仔细听 接待接待,招待招待,处理处理,照料照料Exercises (1) 她岁就上学了。她岁就上学了。(2)你能马上处理这件事吗?)你能马上处理这件事吗?The students are busy making preparations for the lecture bec
10、ause they will _the competition. A. attend B. join C. take part in D. attend to She attended school at the age of five.Can you attend to this matter right away ?6.expose vt 暴露,揭露,使曝光暴露,揭露,使曝光1. He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of perfect white teeth.2. He exposed the plan to the newspapers. 3. The
11、 film has been exposed.他突然一笑,露出了一口漂亮的白牙。他突然一笑,露出了一口漂亮的白牙。他向几家报纸透露了这个计划。他向几家报纸透露了这个计划。这胶卷已经曝光了。这胶卷已经曝光了。归纳总结归纳总结expose sth. 显露或露出某事物显露或露出某事物expose sb to sth 使接触使接触/使面临使面临/遭受遭受(危险或不快)(危险或不快) =be exposed to sth拓展:拓展:exposure n.显露,暴露;揭露,揭发显露,暴露;揭露,揭发1.Its too bad that children are _ to films and news ab
12、out crime and violence.2.We want to _ the kids to as much art and culture as possible.3. _ to strong sunlight for a long time does great harm to your skin. exposed B. exposeC.observed D. Being exposedABDExercises:7.cure Vt. 治愈治愈 cure sb.of + 疾病名称疾病名称 治愈某人治愈某人.(疾病)(疾病) cure sb.of + 不良行为不良行为 矫正某人不良行为矫
13、正某人不良行为1. Can this medicine cure me of my cold? 这药能治好我的感冒吗?这药能治好我的感冒吗?2. He was cured of his habit of drinking. 他已经改掉了喝酒的坏习惯。他已经改掉了喝酒的坏习惯。n. 治愈,治疗方法治愈,治疗方法a cure for sth.治疗治疗的方法的方法Is there a certain cure for cancer yet?与与cure sb.of sth.结构类似的短语还有结构类似的短语还有 remind sb.of sth. 使使某人某人想起想起某事某事 rob sb.of st
14、h. 抢抢了某人某物了某人某物 inform sb.of sth. 通知通知某人某事某人某事 warn sb.of sth. 警告警告某人某事某人某事 rid sb.of sth. 使使某人某人摆脱摆脱某事某事 convince sb. of sth. 使使某人某人信服信服.8. challenge Schools must meet the challenges of new technology.2. She doesnt like anyone challenging her authority.n. 挑战挑战vt. 向向挑战挑战challenge sb. to sth. / to do
15、 sth向某人挑战向某人挑战eg. He challenged me to play chess.他向我挑战下象棋。他向我挑战下象棋。Exercise: The official said holding the Expo not only brought opportunities to Shanghai, but also brought great _ in many ways. A. responsibilities B. movements C. connections D. challenges译文:译文:那位官员说举办世博会不仅给上海那位官员说举办世博会不仅给上海带来了机遇,同时
16、在很多方面也带来了带来了机遇,同时在很多方面也带来了挑战。挑战。 absorb vt. 吸收,吸引吸收,吸引Cotton gloves absorb sweat.So many good ideas. Its too much for me to absorb all at once.棉手套吸汗。棉手套吸汗。这么多好注意,很难一下子完全吸收。这么多好注意,很难一下子完全吸收。 使专心使专心be absorbed in 专注于专注于,全神贯注于全神贯注于The old man was completely absorbed in the book. 老人全神贯注地读这本书。老人全神贯注地读这本书
17、。1. 当我进来时,他正聚精会神地在看小说。当我进来时,他正聚精会神地在看小说。When I entered,he_ a novel.2. 我们可以我们可以从从外国语言外国语言中吸收中吸收我们需要的东我们需要的东西。西。 We can_from foreign languages.absorb what we needwas absorbed in readingExercises3. Water can _ and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a stable environ
18、ment.A. attract B. absorb C. attend D. allow译文:译文:水可以吸收和释放大量的热量而温度水可以吸收和释放大量的热量而温度不发生大的变化,这样就创造了一个稳定不发生大的变化,这样就创造了一个稳定的环境。的环境。 10. suspect vt. 怀疑,觉察怀疑,觉察我们不相信他们的诚实。我们不相信他们的诚实。We suspected their honesty.老虎觉察到危险,逃跑了。老虎觉察到危险,逃跑了。The tiger suspected danger and ran away.suspect sb.of (doing) sth怀疑某人某事怀疑某
19、人某事suspect sb.to be 怀疑某人是怀疑某人是suspect that怀疑怀疑The police suspect him of having taken the money.They suspect him to be a thief.John Snow suspected that the second theory was correct but he needed evidence.警察怀疑他拿了钱。警察怀疑他拿了钱。他们怀疑他是个贼。他们怀疑他是个贼。约翰约翰.斯诺认为第二种理论是对的,但是他斯诺认为第二种理论是对的,但是他需要证据。需要证据。运用:用适当的词填空或用所
20、给词的适当形运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。式填空。 (1) I suspect him _ (be) the spy. (2) What made you suspect her _ having taken the money?单选单选Nobody wants to make friends with the boy _ money. A. suspected of having stolen B. suspected to steal C. suspected having stolen D. suspecting to have stolenofto be11. blam
21、e vt.责备;谴责责备;谴责; n. 过失;责备过失;责备 blame sb. for (doing) sth.为某事责备某人为某事责备某人 sb be to blame (for sth.) (不能用被动)(不能用被动) 某人应某人应(为某事为某事)承担责任承担责任/受责备,该怨某人受责备,该怨某人运用:用适当的词填空或完成句子。运用:用适当的词填空或完成句子。 我不责怪你,我责怪我自己。我不责怪你,我责怪我自己。I do not blame you,but I _. 那次事故怪不得孩子们。那次事故怪不得孩子们。The children were not_ the accident. Th
22、e manager blamed him _ his carelessness at work.I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to blameC. is to be blamed D. should blameblame myselfto blame for for12.pollute vt.污染污染13. handle vt. 处理,操纵处理,操纵我们都得学会调节压力。我们都得学会调节压力。We all have to learn to handle stres
23、s. n. 把手,柄把手,柄the handle of the pump/doorpollution n. polluted adj.14. link .to. 把把和和连接连接/联系起来联系起来这浅浅的海峡把大陆和台湾联系起来。这浅浅的海峡把大陆和台湾联系起来。The shallow strait_ the mainland. links Taiwan tobe linked to与与连在一起连在一起They believe that this illness is linked to the use of chemical pesticides.比较:比较:Police suspect t
24、here may be a link between the two murders.把把与与连接;联系连接;联系 连接;结合连接;结合把把 与与 连接连接把把与与 有关系有关系 / 连接连接Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.The two spacecrafts will link up with each other in orbit.This new railway line is connected to the old one.linktolink up (with)jointo/connecttoconnectwith15.
25、announce vt.宣布宣布,通告通告,预示预示 Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition. It has been announced that he will resign. The bright flowers announced that spring was here. 拓展拓展: announcement 通告,声明,宣布通告,声明,宣布 Attention, please. Ive got an important announcement to make. 当他宣布竞赛的优胜者时当他宣
26、布竞赛的优胜者时, 大家都静静地倾听。大家都静静地倾听。他辞职的消息已经宣布。他辞职的消息已经宣布。鲜艳的花朵显示春天已经到来。鲜艳的花朵显示春天已经到来。16.contribute vt/vi 贡献;捐献;导致;投稿贡献;捐献;导致;投稿(1)This new discovery will contribute to humanity. (2)Most people contributed something to the new church buildings.(3)Smoking can contribute to lung cancer. (4)She contributes reg
27、ularly to a physics journal. 她经常向一家物理杂志社她经常向一家物理杂志社投稿投稿。这个新发现将对人类这个新发现将对人类作出贡献作出贡献。大部分人都为教堂的新建筑大部分人都为教堂的新建筑捐献捐献了一些东西。了一些东西。吸烟可吸烟可导致导致肺癌。肺癌。 contribution n. 贡献贡献 make a contribution to (doing) sth. 对对作出贡献作出贡献 这些改革对于我国的经济发展做出了重大这些改革对于我国的经济发展做出了重大贡献。贡献。These reforms_ the development of the economy of o
28、ur country. contributor n. 撰稿人;捐助人;促成物撰稿人;捐助人;促成物made a great contribution to运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1. 他主动向红十字会捐款。他主动向红十字会捐款。He offered to _ the Red Cross. 2. 我相信新鲜的空气有助于健康。我相信新鲜的空气有助于健康。 Im sure fresh air_ good health3.他对项目的全面成功做出了非常积极的贡献。他对项目的全面成功做出了非常积极的贡献。He_ the overall success of the
29、project. contributes tocontribute tomade a very positive contribution to经典回放 Plastic bags are provided for our convenience but they have also_the pollution of the environment. A. adapted to B.turned to C.contributed to D.looked forward to17. apart from 此外;除此外;除之外之外1.Traveling abroad took me a lot of
30、 time apart from money.到国外旅行到国外旅行除了除了花了我很多钱,花了我很多钱, 还花了我很多时间。还花了我很多时间。2.Apart from them, I had no one to talk with.除了除了他们,我没有可以谈话的人了。他们,我没有可以谈话的人了。=besides/as well as/ in addition to=except3.Apart from some spelling mistakes, your composition is a good one.除了除了一些拼写错误外,你的作文不错。一些拼写错误外,你的作文不错。=except f
31、orapart from besidesexcept = in addition to/as well as except for即学即用即学即用(1)姑且不论价格,这件衣服也不适合我穿。姑且不论价格,这件衣服也不适合我穿。 _,the dress doesnt suit me. (2)除了几个缺点外,他是个值得信任的老师。除了几个缺点外,他是个值得信任的老师。He is a trustworthy teacher, _some shortcomings. All the graduates have found good jobs _Jack. A. for B. except C. bes
32、ides D. withApart from/Besides/As well as/In addition to the costapart from/except for 18. be strict with sb. 对某人严格的对某人严格的 老师对学生们很严格。 Teachers are strict with students. 拓展: be strict in / about sth. 对某事严格对某事严格 He is strict in his work.keep a strict hand over 严格管教严格管教in the strict sense of the word严格
33、地讲严格地讲 strictly speaking19.make sense 有意义,讲得通;合理有意义,讲得通;合理(1)This sentence doesnt make any sense . 这个句子完全讲不通。这个句子完全讲不通。(2)What you say does not make sense to me. 你说的话我弄不明白。你说的话我弄不明白。(3)It makes good sense that the students are asked to recite English texts.makes no sensemakes no sense to me要求学生背诵英语课
34、文很有意义要求学生背诵英语课文很有意义。Can you make sense of this poem?make sense of 理解理解 ( 常用于疑问句或否定句)常用于疑问句或否定句)归纳总结归纳总结make sensemake sense of 理解理解.,明白,明白.make no sense 没道理;没意义没道理;没意义拓展:拓展:There is no sense in doing sth. 做做没意义没意义in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来说在某一方面;就某种意义来说in no sense 决不是,决非决不是,决非a sense of 感感common sense
35、常识常识lose ones sense 失去知觉失去知觉有道理;讲得通;有意义有道理;讲得通;有意义即学即用即学即用 (1)你能听懂这个美国人在说些什么吗?你能听懂这个美国人在说些什么吗? Can you what this American is saying? (2)那对我毫无意义。那对我毫无意义。 That just to me. (3)在一定意义上,学习法律就像学习一门语言。在一定意义上,学习法律就像学习一门语言。 , learning the law is like learning a language. (4)买那么贵的大衣没意义,这些便宜的也很好。买那么贵的大衣没意义,这些便宜
36、的也很好。 Theres that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.make sense ofmakes no senseIn a senseno sense in buying(5) Dogs have a very good _ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake. sense B. view C. means D. idea译文:译文: 狗的嗅觉极好,所以经常被用来在地狗的嗅觉极好,所以经常被用来在地震中搜寻
37、幸存者。震中搜寻幸存者。20.reject vt. 拒绝,抛弃(后面常跟名词,拒绝,抛弃(后面常跟名词,代词,动名词,代词,动名词,不跟不定式不跟不定式)Marys mother_to let her go abroad to study. refused declined turned downA. rejectedHe rejected my offer of help.他拒绝了我提出的帮助。他拒绝了我提出的帮助。辨析 reject 后只能接名词,并暗含对被拒绝的东西不屑一顾,看不起。 refuse 后接名词还可接不定式,不含感情色彩,所以表示谢绝时用refuse。 object常用于ob
38、ject to sb/sth 或object to (sb)doing sth 结构,意为“拒绝某人/某事或“拒绝做某事” decline意为(有礼貌地)谢绝,后可接名词,代词或动词不定式。高考经典回放 1,According to scientists,our mental abilities begin to_from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22. A.differ B.shrink C.fail D.decline 2,-Are you still mad at her ? -Not really,but I
39、cant_that her remarks hurt me. A.deny B.refuse C.reject D.decline Take in用作及物动词 (vt.) .take in 有“吸收”之意,例如: On weekends the Smiths usually drive to the countryside and take in the fresh air there.周末,史密斯一家常驱车到农村去吸收那里的新鲜空气. .take in有“领会,理解”之意,例如: Before you translate a sentence, you should first take i
40、n the meaning of the words.动手翻译句子之前,首先要理解单词的含义。 I couldnt take in why you are angry.我无法理解你为什么生气。 take in “欺骗,蒙蔽”之意,例如:Law will protect the girl taken in and sold by the abductor.法律将保护那位被人贩子欺骗和拐卖的姑娘。 The saleman have taken in the old people and made them buy their poor quality.那些推销员欺骗老人,让他们购买低品质的货物。
41、.take in 有“包括”之意,例如: The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰。关于take的高考常用词组及归纳 take back 收回,接回,退回。如: Im sorry, I take back what I said. 对不起,我收回我说过的话。 take down (1) 写下,记下。如: He took down everything the teacher said. 他把老师说的所有话都记了下来。 (2) 拆下,拆掉。如:
42、They decided to take down the dangerous bridge. 他们决定把这座危险的桥拆掉。 take off (1) 脱下。如: Take off your wet clothes. 脱下你的湿衣服 (2) 起飞。如: When did the plane take off? 飞机是什么时候起飞的? 3,请假,休息。如: I want to take a day off (from work). 我想休假一天 take on (1) 聘用,雇用。如: The company decided to take on a new secretary. 这家公司决定聘一个新秘书。 (2) 呈现,显现,具有。如: Her face took on a new expression. 她
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