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1、谁有权决定 谁属于这个世界Who decides who belongs in the world?芸芸众生第一季第六集娜拉自周日上午起Blizzard emergency conditions暴风雪紧急预案在are now in effect across Northern Wisconsin威斯康星州北部实施through early Sunday morning.风速达到每小时七十英里Winds up to 70 miles-per-hour已造成雪盲症状have resulted in whiteout conditions整个地区降雪达三英寸with snowfalls up to

2、three feet throughout the region.风寒作用已达零下三十度Severe wind chills reach 30 degrees below zero.全区道路封锁Road closures are in effect throughout the region,气象局发出警告 请所有居民不要外出as the Weather Service is warning everyone to stay inside.弗朗西斯县和史密斯县已进入封锁状态Lockdowns are in effect in Francis County and Smith County,埃塞

3、克斯路已断电with power lines down on Essex Road.当地警♥察♥正全力抢修The local police precinct is working to restore power.暴风雪已使三人丧生Blizzard conditions have killed three另有七人情况危急with seven more in critical condition.请您晚间务必不要外出Severe warnings to stay inside continue throughout the night,建议居民as r

4、esidents are encouraged在地下室暂避to take shelter in their basements,关好所有门窗and to keep all doors and windows closed,大风将会as the wind chill.该死Shit.她还是孤身一人She was still alone.*宝贝宝贝宝贝 当你.*Baby, baby, baby, when you.*宝贝宝贝宝贝 当你.*Baby, baby, baby, when you.*宝贝宝贝宝贝 当你.*Baby, baby, baby, when you.*宝贝宝贝宝贝 当你.*Baby

5、, baby, baby, when you.*宝贝宝贝宝贝 当你.*Baby, baby, baby, when you.*就像这样*Like this*当你那样抱着我*And when you hold me like that*瞧瞧你完全成了孕妇好宝宝注射用促生育素娜拉怀孕会让你爱上一个素未谋面之人人生只此一次当妈妈很累 会有妊娠纹 皱纹和无法安睡的夜晚我等不及想见见雅各布了爱你 希拉里你好 娜拉Hello, Nera.-呼叫伯瑞尔医生 -当然 今晚还好吗- Call Dr. Burrell. - Sure. How's it going tonight?呼叫伯瑞尔医生Call

6、Dr. Burrell.正在呼叫好宝宝的伯瑞尔医生Calling Dr. Burrell at betterbaby.娜拉 怎么了Nera, what's wrong?我好像要生了I think I'm going into labor.不可能吧 太快了That can't be right. It's too soon.我知道 反正不太对劲I know, but something's wrong.听着 娜拉Listen, Nera,肯定是程序出了故障there must be a malfunction with the programming.失去

7、连接 正在重拨Connection lost. Redialing.正在重拨Redialing.状态Status?无法连接 失去信♥号♥♥Can't connect. Lost service.呼叫911Call 911.911 有什么紧急情况911. What's the emergency?我觉得我要生了I think I'm going into labor.女士Ma'am.我说我觉得我要I said I think I'm going into.大点声Speak up.喂 我说我觉

8、得我要生了 而我身边没人Hi. I said I think I'm going into labor and I'm alone.喂 喂Hi! Hello?我说我觉得我要生了I said I think I am going into labor,而我身边没人and I am alone.我需要帮助 拜托了I need someone to send help, please.连接中断Connection lost.不不不No no no.操Fuck!操Fuck.操Fuck.雅各布Jacob.雅各布Jacob?你在哪Hello?什么What?雅各布Jacob?操Fuck.雅各

9、布Jacob?雅各布Jacob!你是怎么来的How'd you get here?停下Stop it.他们说不会这样的They said this couldn't happen.停下 停下Just stop it. Just stop it.好吗 待在这别动Okay? Just stay right here.坐下 别动Sit down. Stop. Don't move.好了Okay. Okay.雅各布.Jacob.-爸爸 -好了- Dada! - Okay.-别动 好吗 宝贝 -好的- Don't move, okay, baby? - Okay.好的Ok

10、ay.别这样 雅各布 别这样Stop it, Jacob. Stop it!雅各布 快停下Jacob, stop it. Stop it.宝贝更好的伯瑞尔医生来电Call from Dr. Burrell at betterbaby.宝贝更好的伯瑞尔医生来电Call from Dr. Burrell at betterbaby.他两岁了 他已经两岁了He's two. He's already two.你说过不会产生那些副作用的You said those side effects wouldn't happen.是软件故障了The software malfuncti

11、oned.我不知道怎么. 但他太.I. I don't know how. But he is incredibly.你得.尽一切办法保护You have to protect. by any means necessary.他太.He is incredibly.连接中断Connection lost.上帝 该死God! Fuck!雅各布Jacob.雅各布Jacob.宝贝Baby.雅各布Jacob?雅各.Jac.嗨 妈妈Hi, Mommy.怎么了 妈妈What's wrong, Mommy?别这样 雅各布Stop it, Jacob.我哪里做错了 妈妈What did I d

12、o wrong, Mommy?我不过是出生了All I did was get born.把刀给我Give me the knife.把刀给我 年轻人Give me the knife, young man.我需要它I need it.要来做什么For what?保护我不受到你的伤害To protect me from you.这件毛衣好扎人 妈妈This sweater's itchy, Mommy.好扎人 妈妈It's itchy, Mommy.我看出来了I can see that.过来Come here.妈妈刚才只是吓到了Mommy's just scared.

13、好吗Okay?你现在能把刀给妈妈了吗So now you can give Mommy the knife?雅各布Oh, Jacob.拜托Hey, come on.好吧Okay.伯瑞尔医生发来三封新语♥音♥邮件Three new voicemails from Dr. Burrell.-我饿了 -等妈妈一会- I'm hungry. - Let's give Mommy a minute.-播放语♥音♥邮件 -我说了 我饿了- Play voicemail. - I said, I'

14、m hungry.我听见了 宝贝I heard you, baby.-等妈妈一下 -马上- Give Mommy a second. - Now!娜拉 你做了吗Nera, did you do it?好吧 宝贝Okay, baby.好吧 去洗手Okay, go wash your hands.现在去桌边坐着Now go sit at the table.还要牛奶 谢谢Milk, too, please.给我讲个故事 妈妈Tell me a story, Mommy.什么样的故事 宝贝What kind of story, baby?开心的A happy one.很久以前Once upon a

15、time.很久以前 有一位女士Once upon a time, there was a woman.开始有趣起来了This is getting good.很久以前 有一位女士Once upon a time, there was a woman.她很讨厌孤独who. hated being alone.为什么呢 妈妈How come, Mommy?是因为It's because.因为那是她知道的一切Because it's all that she knew.当她还是个婴儿的时候When she was a baby.一群陌生人在一个大垃圾桶里some strangers

16、found her发现了她in a Dumpster.她已经在那里待了一整天She had been there the whole day.这件事还上了新闻And. it even made the news.在垃圾桶里发现一个黑人女婴A little black baby girl孤身一人found in the Dumpster all alone.即使如此 没有人要养她And even then, no one claimed her.没人想要她No one wanted her.他们认为她是个错误They thought she was wrong.她从一个房♥

17、子到另一个房♥子She went from home to home,从这家人到那家人family to family.她一直是孤单的Always alone.她长大之后发生了什么What happened when she grew up?好吧Well.她试过去寻找别人She tried to find someone.一个能共度时光的人someone to spend time with,一个能一起欢笑的人someone to laugh.但是.But.没有人.No one.没有人真的喜欢她No one really liked her.为什么呢 妈妈How come

18、, Mommy?他们觉得她不够有趣they didn't think she was very fun.可能确实是这样吧Maybe she wasn't.可能在晚餐的时候Maybe during, um, dinner或是看无聊电影的时候or a boring movie,她会显得漫不经心 总会想到那个垃圾箱she would drift off and think of that Dumpster.还有.And.你知道的.You know, it's, uh.那种黑暗里的滋味darkness smell.它意味着It's meaning.没有人觉得她属于这个世

19、界about how no one thought she belonged in the world.不过之后But then, uh.之后呢But then?你的故事Your story.不过之后But then.这个女人this woman,她决心要she decided that she was.改变自己的命运In a change of fate,她再也不想孤独一人了she was never gonna be alone again.她要有个孩子She was gonna have a baby.她有了吗 她有孩子了吗 妈咪And did she? Did she have the baby, Mommy?有了Yes.她有了他 但他没有如她所想那样出生And she had him, but he didn't come out like she thought.没有吗He didn't?他怎么了What was wrong with him?-女士 -有什么事吗- Ma'am? - What do you want?我们接到了电♥话♥We got a call.接线员说她听到你尖叫Operator said she h


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