



1、高等学校英语应用能力考试2015年12月B级真题(a卷)Part I Liste ning Comprehe nsion(25 min utes)Directions : This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4sectionsSection ADirections : This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 7 recorded questions in it.After each question, th

2、ere is a pause. The questions will be spokentwo times. Whenyou hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A),B), C) and D) give n in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresp onding letter on theAn swer Sheet with a sin gle line through the cen ter.Exa

3、mple : You will hear:You will read: A) I m not sure.B) You re right.C) Yes, certai nly.D) That s interesting.From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore,C) Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with a single

4、linethrough the center. A B C4D . Now the test will begin.1.A) Won derful.C) Tha nk you.B) Here you are.D) I ll take one.2.A) You can t miss it.C) Nice to see you.B) It takes too much time.D) Yes, it s John Smith3.A) How are you?C) Here it is.B) Yes, I do.D) My pleasure.4.A) I d love to.C) Five more

5、 mi nu tes, please.B) Take it easy.D) The departme nt managers.5.A) That s too late.C) Not bad.B) On Mon day morning.D) 45 dollars.6.A) Sure.C) Enjoy your dinner.B) Have a good time.D) Two si ngle rooms, please.7.A) On the third floor.C) Mind your steps.B) No problem.D) This way, please.Section BDir

6、ecti ons: This secti on is to test your ability to un dersta nd short dialogues. ?There are 7 recordeddialogues in it. After each conversation, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues andquestions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correctanswer fro

7、m the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you shouldmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Nowlisten to the dialogues.8.A) She moved to ano ther city.C) The work con diti on was poor.B) She was tired of the job.D) The jo

8、b was too challe nging.9.A) A pair of shoes.C) A T-shirt.Directi ons: In this secti on there are 2 recorded con versati ons. After each con versati on, there are somerecorded questi ons. Both the con versati ons and questi ons will be spoke n two times. When youhear a question, you should decide on

9、the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A),B), C) and D) give n in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresp onding letter on theAn swer Sheet with a sin gle line through the cen ter.Now liste n to the con versati ons.Con vers ion 115. A) One night. C) Three nights.B) Two ni ghtsD) Four

10、 ni ghts.16. A) Behind the building.C) Across the street.B)In front of the build ing.D) Near the shopp ing mall.Con vers ion 219. A) To send an email to the general manager.B) To discuss the matter with the HR man ager.C) To offer the woma n a training opport uni ty.D) To give the woma n more resp o

11、n sibilities.Section DDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, butwith some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. Dur ing the sec ondread ing, you are required to put the miss ing words or phrases on the A

12、n swer Sheet in order ofthe n umbered bla nks accord ing to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check yourwriting. Now the passage will begin.Have you ever thought what keeps people happy in their work? We20ve recestlwey.Of course, salary is important. Apart from salary, what else makes p

13、eople happy with their jobs? Now pleaselook at the chart. You can see the _ 21_ factor is the opportunities to learn andgrow. It represents _ 22_ present of the people we asked. And 20 percent of the peoplesay _ 23_ to achieve their goal is important. Our survey also shows that another twoB) A pair

14、of socks.10. A) He s been late.D) Blue jea ns.C) He s filed an in terview.D) He s lost his job.C) The after-sales service.D) The meeti ng schedule.C) It is a waste of time.D) It is harmful to health.C) The salary is good.D) The office is nice.C) Havi ng a trai ning course.D) Ask ing for a pay rise.1

15、7. A) A day off.B) A pay rise.18. A) Two years.B) Three years.C) A new positi on.D)A paid holiday.C) Five years.D) Eight years.importa nt factors are a good worki ng relati on ship with co-workers and a good _24_Task 1Part IIVocabulary & Structure(10 min utes)Directi ons: This part is to test yo

16、ur ability to con struct correct and meanin gful senten ces. It con sists of 2secti ons.Section ADirecti ons: In this secti on, there are 10 in complete stateme nts here. You are required to complete each oneby deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D

17、).Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cen ter.25. Some of the employees in the company are _ to work at flexible hours.A) take nB) achievedC) allowedD) formed26. Please call us for more information as our website is currently _ constructio

18、n.A) un derB) byC) ofD) with27. _ the sales man ager bega n his report with the statistics of last monthA) By nowB) As usualC) So farD) At most28. _ our great surprise, our company has made much more profit than we expected last year.A) ForB) WithC) InD) To29. A company meeting provides an opportuni

19、ty to _ ideas and discuss any problems thatcome up within the workplace.A) reachB) shareC) takeD) lead30. Big change have taken place at the Marketing Department _ the new manager came.A) beforeB) afterC) sinceD) while31. He said he would continue to support us _ we didn t break the rules.A) as well

20、 asB) as soon asC) as far asD) as long as32. The school was _ in 1929 by a Chinese scholar.A) establishedB) placedC) imagi nedD) made33. We have reached an agreeme nt _ we should in vest in the In ter net-related bus in ess.A) whatB) whereC) thatD) as34. _ the excelle nt service, guests can enjoy de

21、licious food in our restaura nt.A) In place ofB) In additi on to C) In charge of D) In case ofSection BDirecti ons: There are 5 in complete stateme nts here. You should fill in each bla nk with the proper form of theword give n in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresp onding space on the

22、An swerSheet.35. We are looking forward to (receive) _ your early reply.36. The main purpose of (educate) _ is to teach students to think for themselves.37. I was told that their project (complete) _ last week as scheduled.38. It is (general) _ believed that about 4%of new cars can have electrical p

23、roblem.39. As a newcomer, almost everything in the company seems to be (interest) _ to me.Part IIIRead ing Comprehe nsion(35mi nutes)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you ar

24、e in structed.Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, number 40to 44. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make thes sales.Task 2correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Ans

25、wer Sheet with a single line through the center.Starting a restaurant can be rewarding but challenging. Here are some steps to help you to make yourrestaurant business a success.First, take a look at the restaurants that will be your competition. Learn what your competitors (竞争者 ) are serving and us

26、e the information to create a restaurant that will stand out among them. Speak topeople to understand what type of restaurant they would like to have in the area.Next, you will need to make a decision as to what kind of food you plan to offer. Choosing your targetcustomers will help determine what t

27、ype of food you will offer.Research the different types of menus and select the menu items that will be right for your restaurant.Deciding on the building and its location is also important for your success. Make sure that the buildingis easily found and reached. It is important to be located in an

28、area that will attract customers.Finally, do plenty of public relations work and advertisement of the restaurant opening. Consider havingsome special discounts and door prizes on the day of the grand opening.40. According to the passage, the first step in starting a restaurant is to _ .A) find a sui

29、table location.B) set up your profit goal.C) learn much about your competitors.D) advertise the opening of your restaurant.41. By choosing your target customers, you can _.A) learn how much you can charge for each dish.B) decide on what kind of food to offer them.C) know the cost of running the rest

30、aurant.D) predict how many customers will arrive.42. Which of the following is important when you choose a building for your restaurant?A) There are no other restaurants nearby.B) It is easy for customers to visit.C) There is a parking lot available.D) It is popular with tourists.43. On the day of t

31、he opening of your restaurant, you are advised to _.A) show customers around the building.B) invite some important persons.C) offer some special discounts.D) make an opening speech.44. The passage is mainly about _.A) how to choose a restaurant location.B) how to cut restaurant running costs.C) how

32、to attract customers.D) how to start a restaurant.Directions: The following is a poster. After reading it, you will find 3 questions or unfinished stateme nts, numbered 45 to 47. For each questi on or stateme nt there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You shouldmake the correct choice and mark

33、 the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a sin gle line through thecen ter.45. Which of the following is advertised in the poster?A) An arts exhibiti on.B) A fur niture shop.C) A sport eve nt.D) A garage sale.46. Accord ing to the poster, the money to be raised will be give n to_ .A) a hig

34、h schoolB) a tee n cen terC) a local hospitalD) a local n ewspaper47. If you register before April 17, the registrati on fee is_ .A) $20B) $25C) $30D) $35Task 3Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in theblanks marked 48 to 52 ( in n

35、o more than 3 words) in the table below. You should write your an swers on the Answer Sheet corresp ondin gly.Using Best Buy Express Service is easy. Just follow the Purchas ing Guide. Or con tact us if you n eedmore help. Please call 1-866-Best Buy with your questi ons.The price of Best Buy Express

36、 products are updated daily from BestB.All Best Buy Express transactions ( 交易)are safe and secure. Any personal information you give us willbe han dled in the strictest con fide nce accord ing to our Privacy Policy available at . $2000 limit per tran saction.If something is not right with your purch

37、ase, simply return your item(s) to one of our Best Buy stores inthe United States. Returns will only be processed starting from the day following your purchase. Best Buy will bepleased to excha nge or give you a refund in any Best Buy store in the Un ited States. The sales receipt will berequired to

38、 process a return.Best Buy Express ServiceHow to use: follow the _ _48_How to con tact: call_ 49_Price of products: updated_ 50_ from BestBSecurity & Privacy:1)Personal in formati on: han dled in the strictest con fide nce2)Per tran saction limit: $2000Retur ns:1)where to retur n: any Best Buy s

39、tore in the Un ited States2)whe n to process returns: from the day followi ng_ 513)what to be required to process a return: ._52_Task 4Directions: The following is a list of expressions often used for road. After reading it, you are required to find theitems equivale nt to (与等同)those give n in Chin

40、ese in the table below. Then you should mark the corresponding letters in the order of the n umbered bla nks, 53 through 57, on the An swer Sheet.A. Don t follow too closelyB.Keep dista neeC. -Accide nt areaD -. Road closedE -Road work aheadF-.Two-way trafficG -On e-way trafficH -.Bend aheadIBus lan

41、eJ - .Electronic toll collection (ETC)K -Service areaL - .No passi ngM -No park ingN -.Dead endO -No hor nP -.Falling rocksQ -Slow dow n at exitExamples: (Q )岀口慢行(M)禁止泊车53() 单向行驶()事故多发区54.()电子收费()小心岩石滑落55.()前方弯道()服务区56.()保持车距()公交车专用车道57.()禁止鸣号()前方道路封闭Task 5Directions: Read the following passage. Aft

42、er reading it, you are required to complete the answers that followthe questi ons (No. 58 to No. 62). You should write your an swers (in no more tha n 3 words) on the An swerSheet corresp ondin gly.Public Storage is an intern ati onal self-storage compa ny .It rents spaces, ra nging from closet-size

43、d (橱柜大小的)un its to ones that can hold the contents of a five-bedroom house. We offer in door andoutdoor bus in ess un its -some with climate con trol that have drive-up, walk-up and elevator access andconvenient access hours.Once you find the right storage space, reserve( 预订)the self-storage unit on

44、line for free. Feel free to inspect the space and meet the property man ager before ren ti ng the storage un it. When you to pack, we vegot everything you need, including the moving supplies.Once you move in, you keep the only key to your self-storage unit, which you can access on yourschedule. All

45、of our bus in ess storage agreeme nts are mon th-to-mon th, and you can cha nge you storage unitspace and location without penalty( 惩罚).Easy and flexible that s what you can expect from Publicstorage .58. What kind of bus in ess un its does Public storage offer?Public storage offers_ business units.

46、59. How can customers reserve the self-storage un it?They can reserve it_for free.60. What are you advised to do before renting the storage un it?To in spect the space and meet_ .61. What will Public storage promise to do if you get ready to pack?They will provide everythi ng, i ncludi ng_ .62. When

47、 can customers keep the key to their self-storage un it?rereAs soon as they _ .Part IV Translation English into Chinese(25 minutes)Directions: This part, numbered 63 to 67, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the foursentences (No.63 to No.66) is followed by three choi

48、ces of suggested translation marked A), B), and C). Makethe best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Andthen write your translation of the paragraph (No. 67) in the corresponding space on the Translation/CompositionSheet.63. Before developing their new project, the management team had thoroughly examined the organization scurrent situation.A) 在开发新的项目之前,管理团队全面审视了该机构的现状。B )管理团队要先研究策略,才能清楚地了解公司产品的情况。C)要研发新的产品,管理团队需仔细地摸清公司原先的状况。64. Our goal is to help business


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