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1、Un it 8 A gree n world教学目标知识与能力:1.To lear n to talk about how to protect the environment2. To lear n to correct the mistakes by check ing the work过程与方法:1.to get the Ss to take out their homework and check out their homework ifthere are lots of mistakes.2. the teacher ask the Ss how to correct them.w

2、hich student should give someways情感态度与价值观:To train the Ss good habits of study.教学重点难点1.To lear n to talk abouthow toprotecttheen vir onment2. To learn to correctthemistakes by check ing the work教学活动内容活动组织过程改笔2Step 1 Revisio nTran slate the phrases and senten ces.1.关掉水龙头2.少于 3. 扔掉 4.依靠 5.自然资源6.洗澡 7.刷

3、牙 8.学生的数量9.用纸的两面10.回收空瓶子 11.关灯12.做一个调查13.的结果 14.保护环境15. 几乎没有学生带他们自己的袋子去超市。16. 这是调查的结果。17. 调查表明学生为帮助保护环境正在做许多事。Step 2 Prese ntati on1. Prese nt some new words with pictures and the n read them aloud2. Let some stude nts spell the words.3. Read after the teacher.4. Read together.Step 3 Speak up1. List

4、en to the conversation between Sandy and Kitty then answer thequesti ons:Tran slatethe phrasesand senten ces.Learn some new words andmaster them.Liste ntothecon versati onbetwee nCheck out the homework andthe preview.The Ss can read the contents onpage 117.31)What has bee n a serious problem all aro

5、und the world?2) What can Kitty do to protect the en viro nment?3) Is air pollution harmful to our health?2. Listen to their conversation again and find out the advantages ofpla nti ng trees.? Trees make our tow n look n icer.? Trees reduce dust and help keep air clea n.? Trees help keep soil in pla

6、ce duri ng storms.? Trees provide home for ani mals.3.Read aloud the conversationthen work in pairs to ask and answer. Usethe con versati on as a model4. Make your own dialogue.Sample con versati onS 1: Water is very importa nt for all livi ng thin gs.S 2: Yes. We should use our water carefully and

7、not waste it.S 1: Right. We can help save water by doing many simple things liketurning off the tap while we brush our teeth.Sandy and Kitty then an swerthe questi ons:Liste ntotheircon versati on aga in and findout the advantages of planting trees.Make your own dialogue.Lear n how to correct themis

8、takes .4S 2: Taking short showers saves even more water.S 1: Saving water is good for the environment. I hope all of us do ourbest to save water.S 2: I hope so too.Step 4 Study skills1. Expla nati onWe can correct a lot of our own mistakes by checking our work. After wehave finished a piece of writi

9、ng, always spend some time reading itthrough.Types of mistakesLearn how to correctmistakes.W= word usage mistakeP = pun ctuati on mistakeS = spelli ng mistake M =miss ing word G =grammatical mistakeStep 5 Exercises单词使用错误标点符号错误拼写错误 遗漏单词 语法错误Complete the exercisesLearn the following :W= word usage mis

10、takeP = pun ctuati on mistakeS = spelli ng mistakeM = miss ing wordG = grammatical mistake51. Complete the exercises on page 117.Millie has written an article. Help her check her work. Underline themistake, make the correct ions and decide the types of mistakes she has made.Let s protect the environ

11、ment!2. Check the an swers.3. Then read them aloud.4. Do more exercisesCorrect mistakes in the senten ces.Step 6 Lan guage points1.1 think our tow n will look nicer with more trees around.句中 with more trees around 为介词短语,起副词作用。Around 用作副词,意思是“周围,四周”。2. Air polluti on is harmful to our health.be harmf

12、ul to sb.= harm sb. = do harm to sb.对某人有害3. They provide home for ani mals vide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.on page 117.Check the an swers.Do more exercisesCorrect mistakes in thesenten ces.Lear n these Ian guagepoints and master them.Do more exercises.6提供给某人某物Step 7 Homework1. Rememb

13、er the new words and the Ian guage points in this less on.2. Write a short passage“My green life ” and use the skills wehavelear nt today to check your work.7课堂达标一. 根据中文提示与出单词1. He does his homework(粗心地),so he often gets bad marks.2. These(活着的)plants need watering.3. How much is the(煤)?4. Don t thro

14、w it away. We can(再使用)it.二. 单项选择()1.We depe ndwater and air to live.A. inB. toC. forD. on()2. Water is not only useful for families, buta wider use for factories.A. to haveB. haveC. havi ngD. has()3. I will see my pare ntsA. if possible B. if it is possibleC. if is possible D. A and B()4. He came ho

15、me late., he didn t see his father.A. As a resultB. BecauseC. ButD. Although()5. Thethings will beif they are watered.A. livi ng; living B. alive; livingC. alive; alive D. livi ng; alive8板书设计8 下 Unit 8 A green world Speak up and Study skills1. Types of mistakesW= word usage mistake单词使用错误P = pun ctua

16、ti on mistake标点符号错误S = spelli ng mistake拼写错误M = miss ing word遗漏单词G = grammatical mistake语法错误2. Language points1.1 think our tow n will look nicer with more trees around.句中 with more trees around为介词短语,起副词作用。Around 用作副词,意思是周围,四周”。2. Air polluti on is harmful to our health.be harmful to sb.= harm sb. = do harm to sb.对某人有害3. They provide home for ani mals vide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.提供给某人某物9教 后 反思(上节课存在问题的解决情况、本课教学经验或问题描述、存在问题的原因分析、提出改进措施)This period is to leann Speak up and study skills. First


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