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1、2019-2020 牛津 7A 秋季提高班拓展提优训练(unit 6 )(答案不全)1 / 6、单选题(注意! ! !请圈划关键词))1. Why do yousweets? Because they are bad for my healthy.A. likeB. dont like C. not likeD. dislike)2. We havepork for dinner. You dont need to buy any.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few)3. My father likes readi ng n ewspapersbreakfas

2、t.A. forB. about C. atD. to)4. The old man doesnt look . How abouthim to hospital?A. well; take B. health; taki ngC. healthy; to take D. healthy; tak ing)5. Wheres grandma? I want tohello to.A. talk; her B. say; sheC. speak; herD. say; her)6. I sometimes havein the eveningsupper.A. chicke n; in B. c

3、hicke ns; atC. chicke ns; onD. chicke n; for)7. I do not eat sweet sn ackscakesdrink coffee.A. likes; orB. like; andC. like; or D. likes; and)8. Kitty doesbecause she want to be.A. exercise; health B. sports; healthyC. sports; health D. exercises; healthy)9. Susa n dances foron Sun day.A. some time

4、B. sometime C. some times D. sometimes)10. He says he will come to see usn ext week.A. sometimeB. some time C. sometimes D. some times)11. Sweet snackspeople energy(能量),they are not healthy.A. gives; soB. gives; butC. give; but D. give; because)12. Millie goes dancingTuesday after noontwo hours.A. i

5、n; for B. on; forC. at; inD. on; in)13. We should make a pla nthe trip before we start out.A. toB. for C. ofD. with)14.are good. But remember not to eat them.A. Tomatoes; too many B. Potatoes; too much C. Fish ; too many D. Carrots; too much )15. Kate, you havetwoin your basket. Yes, I want to eatto

6、ni ght.A. fish; fishB. fishes; fishes C. fishes; fishD. fish; fishes)16_ do you watch TV every day?_ two hours.A. How much; Less tha n B. How long; More tha nC. How many; Many tha n. How long; Little tha n)17. There ssheep on the grass.A. little B. a little C. fewD. a few)18. Each of the childre nex

7、ercise every day.A. need toB.needs to C.needs doD.needs take)19. Theresome cart ons of orange juice, but thereany milk.A. are; isn t B. are; is C. is; aren tD. is; is)20.the picture carefully. How many girls can you?A. Look at; look B. Have a look; see C. See; see D. Take a look at; see )21.TV do yo

8、u watch everyweek? About two hours.A. How often B. How long C. How muchD. How many)22. Good luck_your new diet. Good luck to sb.with sth.A. forB. to C. atD. with)23. The doctor says that Mr Brow n n eeds _more.A. exercise B. exercises C. exercis ing D. to exercise)24. Doing morning _good for our hea

9、lth, I thi nk.A. exercises are B. exercise is C. exercises isD. exercise are(2019-2020 牛津 7A 秋季提高班拓展提优训练(unit 6 )(答案不全)2 / 6)25. Millie n eeds_ cha nge her lifestyle_keep fit.A. to; to B. to;/ C. /; to D. /;/2019-2020 牛津 7A 秋季提高班拓展提优训练(unit 6 )(答案不全)3 / 6()26. The n ews sounds. I want to tellto my b

10、est friend.A. good; them B. well; it C. well; them D. great; it( )27.Where is_ orange coat? He can t find it. Who can help_?A. an; hisB. a; him C. the; himD. an; him()28. It is importa nt_us stude nts_ carefully in class.A. for; to liste nB. for; liste ning C. of; liste n D. of; to liste n()29.The s

11、tude nt_a lot of money_ books.A. takes; to B. takes; buying C. spe nds; on D. spe nds; in()30.You n ever eat rice with fish._ . I think it tastes much too bad.A. Yes, I doB. Yes, I don tC. No, I don Dt No, I do()31.The_in this shop are really_.A. sweet; sweet B. sweets; sweets C. sweets; sweet D. sw

12、eet; sweets()32 .I read_ book. It is very funny.A. the wholeB. whole theC. the allD. all whole()33. Let s make a good plan for our summer holiday. _ .A. That s all right. B. All right.C. Never mi ndD. Not at all()34. _? A cup of tea and some bread.A. What do you want to drinkB. What would you like t

13、o orderC. How long do you drinkD. What about drinking some tea二、 词汇运用1. My grandfather always _(锻炼)before breakfast every morning.2. The_ (收音机)in this shop are very good.3. How many_ (sheep) are there on the farm?4. The_ (knife) are very sharp. Be careful.5. There s ten_(woman) doctors in his hospit

14、al.6. It s time for youc to_ your diet. It s not healthy.7. John d_ lemons. They are too sour(酸的).8. Hele n n_walks to school. She rides a bike every day.9. _l_ means how one lives .10. An apple a day keeps the doctor_ (远离).11. Do you know those_ woma n) n ames?三、 动词填空1. Doing morning exercises_(be)

15、 good for us.2. Whyyou(like) ice-cream?3. It s time for you(make) your lifestyle better.4. Somethi ng_(be) wrong with my car.5. The stude nts are busy(clea n) the classroom.6. Daniel n ever_(exercise) at school.7. Bruce runs for half an hour_ (keep) fit every morning.8. Some of our classmates are bu

16、sy_ (study) in the classroom now.9. Are you ready(take) a walk with me now?10. Do we n eed_ (buy) some milk on the way home?11. You n eed nt_(go) shopp ing today.12. All the classmates pla n_ (have) a school trip this Sun day.13. My mother always_ eat) an apple after supper.14. They are talk ing abo

17、ut_(play) basketball after school.15. Now many people_ (not write) letters.16. My brother_ (计戈 U) to make a model pla ne with me n ext Sun day.17. Give_(she) ten apples to share with her frien ds.19. _ (leave) turn yellow whe n autu mn comes.20. Eat ing eno ugh food can give you en ergy for_ (play)

18、football.四、完成句子2019-2020 牛津 7A 秋季提高班拓展提优训练(unit 6 )(答案不全)4 / 61. My uncle plants many_( 西瓜在农场 )every year.2. _ (很重要)the students to do homework every day.3. Don t eat snacks_ 两餐之间 ).4. Eating hamburgers_(对我们没有好处).5. _does Tom get_ (得至 M 十么生 日礼物 )?6. Yang Liping is a great dancer. She_ (跳舞超过六小时 )ever

19、y day.7. My mother buys_(三公斤牛肉 )and_ (两篮子鸡蛋 ).来8. Reading in bed_ ( 对我们的眼睛不好 ).9. My father seldom_( 吃鱼和肉).10. I plan_ (改变我的生活方式)。11. Amy_ (吃两片面包和一杯牛奶作为早饭).12. 糖果中含糖分太多。(请用两种句式表达)_13. There_(班级之间有场篮球赛 )in our school every week.四、 根据Everybody wants to be h_ . You know food is very I _72 . There are m

20、any healthy foods. You canhave m_ banan as, apples, oran ges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruit and v 74 are good for you. Butdon t eat too m 75 chocolate. It s not good for you. It s not healthy food. Healthy foodnoanamalke you gmake you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying,“An apple76dhe

21、doctor away.” S7your un healthy lifestyle. Get up e _ nd do some sports every day.Don t be lazy! C 79 your unhealthy lifestyle. You will be healthy and h _ 80 .五、 主观性阅读(每空Birthday traditions are different around the world. In the United States children often celebrate a birthday with a party. Theygi

22、ve prese nts and have a taste of cake and ice cream.Childre n in Korea celebrate in a differe nt way. They eat seaweed (海带) soup and rice cakes. Korea ns serve seaweed soupbecause it is healthy. Guests to the birthday party may be dressed in traditi onal clothes called han bok. At a birthday party i

23、nCanada, children look for a coin in the cake. When the children play party games, the child who finds the coin goes first.Its said that Germa ns are the first people to have birthday parties for childre n by their pare nts. Pare nts place a wooden birthdaywreath( 花环)with candles on the table. They

24、light a tall candle in the middle, the life candle, every year un til their childbecomes 12 years old.Different coun triesDiffere nt ways to1 birthday2Have a partyGive34 cake and ice creamKoreaEat5 seaweed soupHave ice cakes6 traditional clothesCanada7 a coi n in the cakePlay party gamesGerma nyHold

25、 a birthday party by8Place a wooden9 with10 on the table课后巩固音标()1 AmaJJB salt C always Dalready()2Ayoung B countryC shoutD enough()3Awallet B minuteC beforeD collect()4 A.ideaB really1C area D jeans()5A dateB MaryC change D potato()6A turnB turkeyC Saturday D Thursday()7A costB lemonC clockD knock()

26、8A thinkB clothesC withoutD there()9A mangei B tha nkC hungryD oranget )10A roomB zooC n oodlesD bookshop_ 、词汇1.I have many nice_(照片)in the family album.2._ Water is very important for(我们).2019-2020 牛津 7A 秋季提高班拓展提优训练(unit 6 )(答案不全)5 / 63. Eati ng_is good for our_ (健康).4. We are _ the trip to Austral

27、ia this win ter holiday _ 计戈 U5. You d better not eat food with too much _s_ and fat.6. Da niel had lbeef for supper tha n me this evening7. My wife always cher mind and you ” ll never know what she will do next.8. How many k_of pork do you want9. Please don not eat sbetwee n classes in the classroo

28、m10. He is so hun gry. He n eeds some_(汉堡)to eat.11. As students we shouldn t care too much about 分数).All we need is to do our best.12. There are thirty_ (woma n) teachers in the school.13. My Chin ese teacher cut the watermel on into_ (half)三、单项选择( )1.This is_mp3 and_useful book on the desk,but _mp

29、3 is not mine.A. a;a; a B. an;an; the C. an; a ; the D. a; a; the()2.-.1 wonder when Miss Zhang free time today I d like to talk to her-Sorry she is busy her work todayA. will; be B.has; with C is; with D have; doing( )3.The girl_ a mask wants to dress up_ Snow White.A.wears; as B with; as C weari n

30、g;in D with; in()4._you _down_ headlines of today s newspaper.A Need to write any B Don eed to write some C Need to write someD Do n eed to write any( )5.Some one tells me that you like eat ing vegetable dinner. Yes,l also like watch ing carto ondinnerA for;for B at ;for C for;at D at;at()6There_ a

31、Christmas party this after noon.A are going to be B is going to have C will have D is going to be( )7.-The girlred is.Yes, she looks like.A. with;beautiful; beautifully B.i n;beautiful; beautiful C. with; beautiful; a dollD.i n; beautiful; a doll()8. Is watch ing too_ hours of TV bad_ your_A. much;t

32、o;healthy B.much; for; healthy C. many; to; health D. many; for ;health( )9 -Would you like _ sweets?-No thanks . My_ are baddo not want to have any sweets.A. any; tooth B. some; tooth C. an y;toothes D. some;teeth( )10.Does he need me_ him _his English.A.Help;fit B.to help; withC. help;healthy D.he

33、lp;at()Eati ng good food and doing sports_ you keep_ .A. help ,fit B.helps ,healthy C.help ,health D.helps ,fitter()There are_ people_the bus stop.A.too many, wait ing forB.too much ,wait ing forC.too many ,wait ing at D.too much wait ing at( )This kind of cake looks _but smells_.A.good ,badB.well ,

34、badlyC.good ,good D.well, well( )There_ so_ for me_.A.are;ma ny houseworks;,doB.is;much housework; to doC.are;much housework;to doD,is;ma ny houseworks;do ing()15.-Could you show me the way to the hotel? -.A.Yes, I could. B.Well, I couldn Ct. .With pleasure. D.No,you can.()16.All theare from.A.me n

35、doctors; Germa ny B. men doctors; Germa n C. man doctors; Germa nyD. man doctor; Germa n()17.1 wantsame pair of sports shoes you.A.a,to B.the ,as C.the ,with D.a ,as( )18 .I t is_to play hide-a nd-seek with my frien ds.A. fun B.a great funC.funnyD.great funny()19.A lot of students tried,but _of them

36、 could work out the maths problem.A.little B a little C.few D.a few( )20.The carsChina are much cheaper tha n the others.A.are made in B.are made of C.made in D.made by()21.The little boy_ a lot of money_books.A.costs; on B.takes;to buyC.spe nds; onD.spe nds;to buy四、 动词填空1. Did your cousin spend as

37、much time as he could _ (do)his homework?2. The Greens_ (look)for the little dog at the moment3. Jane with her classmates always_(try)to help the students in poor areas2019-2020 牛津 7A 秋季提高班拓展提优训练(unit 6 )(答案不全)6 / 64.Does the government plan_ (build)a new interesting hospital here5. Shall we play te

38、nnis after_ (chat)under the tree2019-2020 牛津 7A 秋季提高班拓展提优训练(unit 6 )(答案不全)6. I will take you to the museum if it _ (not rain)tomorrow morning7. Go straight on and you_(see)the hotel8. I_ (call)you just now but nobody answered9. Look!there are some old men_ (fish)by the river10. Amy ofte n goes swim

39、ming _(keep) fit.11. Everybody n eeds_ (exercise) every day.12. You are too fat, so you n eed to eat(little) meat and more vegetables.13. It is very necessary (必要的)for us_(eat) healthy food.14. How many_(sheep) can you see on the hill?15. Little Jane plans _ (fly) her kite with her father next week.

40、16. _ (eat) less meat is good for our health.17. Good_ (lucky) with your En glish, Da niel.18. -Would you like to drink _(some) juice? -Yes, I d like to.19. Your lifestyle is n ot healthy. You n eed to exercise_ (much).20. We usually use_ (knife) to cut apples.21. -How much are the_ (potato) ? -Five

41、 yua n a kilo.22. Please finish your food. There are many hungry_ (baby) in the world, you know.23. By the end of this mon th, people in Beiji ng will be able to brush their _ (tooth) with water from Hubei.24. Don t smoke any more. It s bad for your_ (healthy).25. He, with Tom ofte n_ (go) to the pa

42、rk on Sun day.26. It is important for us_ ( keep) healthy.27. The nu mber of stude nts in our school_ (be) 800.五、 句型转换1._Vegetables are important for us _important ushave vegetable2How long do you spe nd exercis ing every day? How longyouexercise every day?3.Put on more clothes or you” ll catch a co

43、ld _ _ put on more clothes,you ll catch a cold4There are 5600 books in the school library._ _ Of the book s in the school library_ 56005.1 d like two kilos of sugar.(对戈 U 线部分提问)_you like?6. How many hours do you sleep every day?(改为同义句)_ do you sleep every day?7. How do you like your new lifestyle?(

44、同义句)_ do you_ of your new lifestyle?六、中译英1. 咱们晚饭后散散步吧。 Let s_ after supper.2. 你必须改变你的生活方式,因为你需要足够的睡眠。You must cha nge your lifestyle, because you_eno ugh_ .3. 整个上午她都很高兴。 She is very happy_ .4. 我们能从巧克力中获取很多能量。 We can get_ from chocolates.5. 他经常打排球来保持健康。 He often plays volleyball to_ .6. 超过 80 个学生喜欢吃零

45、食。_80 students like eating sweet snacks.7. -每天晚上你睡多长时间?-不到八小时。-How long do you sleep every night? -_eight hours.8. 你们工厂工人的总人数是多少? What the_ the workers in your factory?9. 葡萄里的糖分很多。_in the grape10. 她正计划改变不健康的生活方式。She_.11. 医生叫我另 U 再吃垃圾食品。_The doctor told_ _junk food any more12. 你每顿吃几碗饭 ?_ _ _ _ _ do y

46、ou have for a meal13. 少吃零食多锻炼,你就会保持健康._ and exercise more,and you_.七、 完形填空Do you ofte n thi nk of your pare nts? You may say, Of course, I 36_J buy a prese nt for my mother on Mothers Day andon Fathers Day I give my father 37, too. But what about the other days of the year?I have a friend whose pare

47、nts live in another city. One day 1 went to see her. We had a nice conversation (谈话). Thenshe wan ted to 38. So she dialed (拨号)the nu mber, but the n she put dow n the phone. Afterabout fiftee n 39, she dialed the nu mber aga in Hi, MomLater I asked, 40 did you dial the nu mber aga in? She smiled, M

48、y pare nts are old and 41.They cant get close to the teleph one quickly. I always do so whe n I call them. I just want to give them 42 time to an swer thecall.2019-2020 牛津 7A 秋季提高班拓展提优训练(unit 6 )(答案不全)My friend is a good girl. She is 43 thinking about her parents. You also want to be a 44 child,5 /

49、62019-2020 牛津 7A 秋季提高班拓展提优训练(unit 6 )(答案不全)9 / 6right? Please always remember to 45 your pare nts in every situati on, not just on some importa nt days.36.A.willB.doC.wontD.don t37. A . a cakeB . a kissC . some moneyD . a prese nt38. A . make a callB . pay a visitC . have a restD . go for a walk39.

50、A . seco nds 秒)B . min utesC . hoursD. days40. A. HowB . WhatC . WhyD . When41. A . fastB . slowC . healthyD . careless (粗心的)42 . A . littleB . quickC . noD. enough43 . A . alwaysB . neverC . seldomD . sometimes44. A . badB . cleverC. goodD . sick45 A . think ofB . look afterC . ring upD . 1iste n t

51、o八、任务型阅读(15分)A.阅读下面的材料,根据材料内容完成后面的表格,每空一词。Dear Nan cy,I am happy to tell you my school and my life. Every day my father drives me to school. My school is very big and beautiful. Ilike my school very much. The desks and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures on the walls. You can also see some flowers onthe teachers desk. We clea n the classroom every day.I don t go to school on Saturday and Sun day. I get up at six on Saturday. I play basketball with my father in


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