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1、1PEP 五年级英语下册阅读理解专题训练姓名_ 班级_成绩_Passage 1 ( 10 分) )阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打“2”错误的打X”。Hello, I mack. I am a student. I usually get up at 6:00 in the morning. Then I do morni ngexercises. I read En glish at 6:30 every mornin g. I eat breakfast at 7:0 0.I go to school at 7:15 .I havelunch at school. I go hom

2、e at 4:30 in the after noon. I eat dinner at 6:3 0.I do my homework at 8:00 p.m.Igo to bed at 9:30.This is my day.1. () Joh n is a teacher.2. () Joh n reads En glish every day.3. () Joh n has lunch at home.4. () John watches TV at 8:00 inthe eve nin g.5. () Joh n goes to bed at 9:30.Passage 2( 1 吩)阅

3、读短文,回答下列问题。Hello, I am Lin a. I live in Jin hua. It s a beautiful cityhere are four seas ons in my city. They arespri ng, summer, fall an d win ter. It s warm in springhe trees are gree n. The flowers are beautiful. Wecan pla nt many flowers in spri ng. We ofte n fly kites. Summer is fun for me. It

4、s very hotan swim inthe river. But I like fall best. It s windyid cool in fall. I often play basketball with my friends. SometimesI go hiki ng with my pare nts. It s usually cold in win ter in my city. Sometimes it sno ws. So we canmake a sno wma n in win ter. I like my city very much.1. How many se

5、asons are there in Lina s city?2. What s Lina s favourite seas on?3. What can Lina do in summer?4. What s the weather like in fall inJin hua?25. What Sinhua like?Passage3 ( 1 吩)阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打“2”错误的打X”。Today is October l5h.It s Amy s birthday. She has a birthday party at home. Her friends are a

6、ther homeThey are sta nding around the table. There a big cakeao n the table. Twelve can dles are onthe cake. They are si nging the)sg “ Happy Birthday to you ” Amy. Amy gets many presents today.She is going to have a big dinner in the eve ning, too.She s very happy.()1.Amy s birthday is on Octh5()2

7、.Amy is twelve years old.( )3.There s a big cake on the desk.( )4.Amy gets many birthday cards on her birthday.( )5.Amy has many frie nds.Passage 4( 1 吩)阅读短文,选择正确的答句,把序号填在题前的括号里。It s Sun day morningome childre n are in the park. They are hav ing a good time.Some are playi ng games un der a big tree.

8、 Some are si nging and dancing .Some boys and girlsare climb ing the hill. Others are rowing on the lake.Look, Tom is sitt ing by the lake. He is read ing .Hele n is running after a nice butterfly. She wan tsto catch it.( )1.Who are in the park?A.Some stude nts and teachers.B.Some childre n.C.Many o

9、ld men.( )2.What are they doi ng?A.They are jump ing.B.They are climbi ng mountains.3C.They are playing.()3.Where is Tom?A.Hes sitting on the lake.B.Hes reading by the lake.C. Hes behind the lake.( )4.What does Helen want to do?A.She wants to catch a butterfly.B.She is running.C. She is reading.()5.

10、Are the boys and girls having a good time?A.Yes, they are.B.They are having a good time.C. Yes, they doPassage 5( 10 分)阅读短文,判断正“、误“F”,填写在题前的括号内。It s Sunday tod.aIty s warm . The sky is b.luWehat a lovely day ! So my classmates and I have apicnic. We are having a good time ! Look ! Wu Li and Liu Ping

11、 are catching butterflies . The butterfliesare very beautiful .Wang Lei is collecting leaves .Oh, where is Wang Ying ? She is in the woods .She ispicking up leaves .She likes collecting leaves , too . What am I doing ? HaHa ! I am taking pictures formy classmates . The pictures are very beautiful .

12、We are very happy! I like having a picnic .( )1. It s very cold today .( )2.Wang Ying is in the classroom( )3. Wang Tao and Liu Hua are playing chess( )4. Wu Lei is counting insects( )5. Wu Lei and Wang Ying like collecting leavesPassage 6( 10 分)阅读短文,回答下列问题。4Today is TeachersDay. We dongo to school.

13、 Itsunny and cool. We are having a good time withMiss Wangon a beautiful farm.Miss Wang is our math teacher Shes strict and smart, we all like her.Look! Fang Fang and LingLing are singing and dancing. Bin Bin is picking flowers with Dong Dong.Ming Ming is watching a rabbit. Is the rabbit sleeping? O

14、h, no, its eating carrots. Miss Wang iscooking lunch for us. I m helping her. I m washing vegetables and fruit. How happywe are!1. What s the date today?_2. Who s Miss Wan _3. What are Fang Fang and Ling Ling doing?_4. What s the rabbit doing?_5. Are they havi ng a good time?_Passage 7( 10 分)阅读短文,判断

15、正“T、误“F”,填写在题前的括号内。Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Wu Yifa n?Wu: Yes, this is Wu Yifa n. What are you doi ng, Mike?Mike: rm watch ing TV. What are you doing? And how is everybody doing?Wu: Just fine. Im doing the dishes. My father is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweep ingthe floor

16、. And my brother is play ing chess with my sister. Mike: What do you do on the weeke nd?Wu: I visit gran dpare nts and go shopp ing.Mike: Do you want to go to the n ature park?Wu: Sure. What time?Mike: At 1:30.Wu: OK. See you later.Mike: Bye.()1. Wu Yifan is watch ing TV and Mike is doing the dishes

17、.()2. Wu Yifans father is writ ing an e-mail in the bedroom.()3. Wu Yifan visits gran dpare nts and goes shopp ing on the weeke nd.5()4. Wu Yifan wants to go to the Childrens Park at 1:30 with Mike.()5. Wu Yifa ns brother is playi ng football.Passage 8 ( 10 分)阅读理解,根据要求回答问题。(20 分)thI m Mary. It s myl

18、di 记 iy。 Today is April 5 ,it s my birthday. s windy and warm. I get up at 6:20,after breakfast, I visit my grandparents.And then, I climb mountains with my frie nds .In the after noon,I watch TV and go shopp ing with my parents. My father and I like summer best, becausewe can swim.My mother like sp

19、ri ng best, she likes to climb mountains. We are happy today.1.When is Mary s birthday?2.What s the weather like today?3.What s Mary s favourite seas on?4. What does Mary do in the after noon?5. Why does Mary s mother like spring?Passage 9( 10 分)选择正确的答案,把编号写在前面的括号里There are seve n days in a week . T

20、hey are Sun dayM on day Tuesday Wedn esday ThursdayFriday Saturday . Sun day is the first day of the week .In Sun day , I am play ing cards with my friends .Mon day is the sec ond . We are walk ing to school . Tuesday is the third . I ofte n do my homework .Wedn esday is the fourth . We are flying kites in the park . Thursday is the fifth . We do my math . Fridayis the sixth . We are working hard at school . Saturday is the seventh . We are having fun together .( )1.There aredays in a week .A、sixB、 fiveC、seven6()2.What is the first day of a week()3.What am I doi ng in Tuesday ?.A、do my homewo


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