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1、1 / 11七年级下M10-M12 练习题一、词汇。A)根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. -What is the d_ today? -It is November 11.2.1 m very tired, so I d like to myself at home.3. -Ca n you speak F_ ?-No, Ican t. I can only speak Englisd OCiinese.4. Mr White n eeded lots of mon ey, so he wan ted to _s_ his house.5. Did you go to the P_ Mus

2、eum when you were in Beijing last year?6. Would you like to go to the_(法国的)restaura nt?7. Fin ally they got to the _(顶部)of the Eiffel Tower.8. There are many_(奇妙的)pain ti ngs in the museum.9. Yesterday I visited a famous_ (宫殿).10. Mr Miller and his wife will _(到达)in Sa nya in two days.11.There re fi

3、ve f on each hand.12. My uncle h_ my arm and asked me many things about my grandparents.13. We m_ to Shanghai because my father found a new job in Shanghai.14. In B_, people speak British En glish.15. Hey, boy! Come here and sit on my k_ and listen to my interesting stories.16. You can t find your c

4、amera. Maybe you put it 某个地方)in your room.17. They_(挥手)to say goodbye to me and left.18. How many kinds of_ (外国的)la nguages do you know?19. It s not(礼貌的)to look somewhere else in China when you talk.20. In_ (事实),he is afraid of making a speech in public.21. There re many_(现代的)machines in the big fac

5、tory.22. -Do you like _ (摇滚乐)music? -No,I don t. It s too noisy.23. Did you hear the_(声音)of the wind last ni ght?24. The activities of learning from Lei Feng in our school is very2 / 11欢迎)with stude nts.25.lt s good manners to keep your (声音)down in public.26. I can play the piano, but I can t play t

6、he v27. I left my keys in the room, so I had to get in the room t_ the windowyesterday.28. My gran dpare nts like to liste n to Benjing O_.29. I told Tony his parents were in Shanghai, but he didn _ me. t b30. Mike s parents are b teachers.B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. How many _(visit) come to Beiji ng every y

7、ear?2. The two young men are from_ . They re_ (Russia).3. Peter and Julia are_ (Germa n).4. People in differe nt_ (coun try) do differe nt thin gs.5. Mr King _ (nod) his head and said to me,“ Oh, your answer isright.6. Liste n to the teacher_ (careful) in class.7. Don t ask anything too_ (person)in

8、Britain.8. You can shake_ (ha nd) with others whe n you meet visitors for the firsttime in Chi na.9. _(not shout) in the bedroom. Every one is sleep ing.10. _ (be) careful with the fire.11. ItIs_(noise)in the classroom.12. Mozart was born in_ (Austria n).13. Peter lives in the_ (west) part of the ci

9、ty.14. Kong Xian gdo ng is one of my favourite _(music).15. Do you like _ (Europe) classical music?二、根据汉语完成英语句子。1.你能独自一人驾船穿越太平洋吗?3 / 11Can you cross_ _ _ by boat alone?2.今年他们将要在海南度假。The n are going_in Hainan this year.3.两年前他还住在旧房子里。He lived in the old house_ .4猜猜看?今天我碰到谁了?_?Who did I meet today?5.我喜

10、欢小动物,如猫和狗。I like small ani mals_cats and dogs.6让我们互相帮助,互相学习。Let s heand learn from_ .7.见到那个美国男孩要和他握手。Please_ whe n you see the America n boy.8事实上,我一点也不喜欢数学老师。_,I don t like the maths teacher at all.9 那是因为你对日本的肢体语言了解的太少。_you un dersta nd the Japa nese body Ian guage too little.10 放学后,女孩们臂挽臂地走回家了。The

11、girls walked home_after school.11.赵本山的精彩表演使他闻名中国。Zhao Benshan s wonderful acting_ _ all over China.12.维也纳是欧洲古典音乐的中心。Vienna is_ Europea n classical music.13 .莫扎特创作了数百首精彩的音乐作品。Mozart wrote_ of music.14.暑假期间,大明的父母带他游览了北京。4 / 11Daming s parent_ him _ Beijing during the summer holidays.15.玛丽不仅会弹钢琴,还会拉小提琴

12、。Mary can_ _ play the piano_ the violin.16 你喜欢京剧吗?Do you like_?17. 玛丽是个摇滚乐迷,对吗?Mary is a_ music, isn t she?18. 他的舞曲使他闻名整个欧洲。His dance music_ all over Europe.19. 后天是你还是凯特要去公园?Will you_ go to the park the day after tomorrow?20. 多么美丽而宁静的岛啊!_ beautiful and quiet isla nd it is!三、单项选择。()1. -_ met you at t

13、he airport? -My uncle.A. What B. WhenC. Who D. Whose()2. -_ did Kate go to school by bus this morning?-Because there was someth ing wrong with her bike.A. How B. Why C. WhatD. Where()3. -Who _ your grandfather at the train station? -My father.A. did meet B. does meet C. metD. meet ing()4. Fin ally w

14、e went _ .A. swimmi ngB. swimC. to swimmi ng D. swam()5. I was _ holiday in Beiji ng last mon th.A. inB. for C. on D. at()6. -How did your mother go to work? -_ .A. By the bike B. By a bike C. By bike D. By her bike ()7. -We went to the zooand watched a baby tiger yesterday.A. Good luck. B. Guess wh

15、at? C. It was great! D. Have a nice day.()8. -_ I ve pass 通过)my TOEFL test. -Fantastic!A. Got it. B. Take care. C. Guess what? D. Take it easy.4 / 117 / 11() 9. It took Janet three hours_ reading this interesting story.A. to finish B. fini shed C. finishingD. fini shes()10. -_ have you lived in Binz

16、hou? -For about ten years.A. How soon B. How ofte n. C. How long D. How much()11. Here are some ways_ the visitors from Russia.A. welcomeB. to welcomeC. welcomi ngD. to welcomi ng()12. Tom _s_ are long , but he can t run fast.A. legB. legsC. armD. arms() 13. Look! The girls are walking arm _ arm wit

17、h each other.A. inB. onC. byD. from)14. The old man _ my arm and asked many things about his daughter.A. hold B. held C. catchD. caught)15. I don t like other people to touch me .A. allB. at notC. at allD. all right)16. Did you read the passage_ Lingling?()17.1 don t like maths.A. In a hurry B. Gues

18、s what C. In fact D. Be careful() 18. Open your_ and say“ Ah”.A. head B. nose C. month D. mouth()19. _ out your love. The world will become a nicer place to livein.A. Speak B. To speak C. Spoke D. Speek ing()20. -Please_ to return my book by Friday. I ll use it oaySaturd-No problem. I ll finish read

19、ing it on Thursday.A. don t forget B. not to forget C. not forget D. forget not toA. ofB. fromC. inD. by,I mbored8 / 11()21. Trains always get to the station_ , but sometimes they are late.A. on time B. in time C. at times D. of time()22.lts important_ the teacher carefully in class.A. liste n to B.

20、 to liste n C. to liste n to D. liste ning to()23.polite to the others.A. BeB. Bei ngC. To be D. All the above()24.late for class.A. Is ntB. ArentC. DontD. Dont be()25.call me Mimi! Its my cats name.A. NotB. Didn tC. DoesntD. Dont()26. I can play_ violin, but canayt 卫_ drum.A. the;theB. /;/C. the;/D

21、. /;the()27. The Blue Danubeis _ Strauss.A. ofB. byC. inD. for()28. Do you like swimming _ running?A. andB. orC. withD. so()29. I m_a_ of rock music.A. fineB. fanC. fansD. fact()30. Sara eats_ meat and she gets_ fat.A. much too; much tooB. too much;too muchC. much too;too muchD. too much; much too()

22、31. Beethoven began to lost his_ in his forties.A. hearB. earsC. heari ngD. hears()32. -Which of the two T-shirts will you take?-I ll take_. One is for my brother and the other is for myself.A. eitherB. bothC. all()33. -_ nice dress it is!-Thank you!A. What a B. What C. HowD. How a9 / 11()34. -Your

23、brother n ever gets up early, does he?-_ . But he gets up late at weeke nds.A. Yes, he does BNo, he doesn Ct. Yes, he has D. No, he hasnt()35. Don tdrive so fast! We must slow down when we drive_ the tunn el.A. past B. across C. over D. through四、完形填空Body Ian guage is very importa nt. It can make oth

24、ers un dersta nd(理解)youeasily. When you are talki ng with others, you are 1 on ly using words, but also using gestures手势).For example, waving your 2 is to say “ Goodbye. ” A smile and clapp ing han ds 拍手)means3 ” , Nodd ing the head means “ yes ” ,but shaking the head means“no” . Different countries

25、 have different body Ianguage.For example, men in Russia, France and Arab(阿拉伯的)countries kiss _4 other whe n theymeet, but men in Chi na or Australia shake 5 . People in some countries like touching eachother, but people from English speaking countries don t like others touch them 6 all.If you touch

26、 an En glish pers on, you should say like standingclose to others when they are talking, but you have to giveEnglish people more 7 space when you retalking with them. In some Asiancountries, it not polite8 the head of others. People from other coun triesmay not understand yourlang uage. 9they can un

27、derstand your bodyIan guage. Body Ian guage can help you get10 well with others.()1. A. justB. notC. thenD. /()2. A. legB. noseC. earD. hand()3. A. welcomeB. goodbyeC. helloD. tha nks()4. A. theB. anC. eachD. every()5. A. headsB. handsC. feetD. fin gers()6. A. inB. onC. ofD. at()7. A. pers onalB. pe

28、rs onC. pers onsD. person ()8. A. touchB. to touchC. touch ingD. touches7 / 11sSorry. ” People in Arab coui11 / 11()9. A. andB. butC. soD. because()10. A. fromB. inC. onD. for五、阅读理解。Hands play an importa nt part in our daily life. But do you know which of your two handsyou use more? Very few people

29、use both han ds equally well. Most of us are right-handed.Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handred. New-bor n babies can take hold of things with either of their han ds, but in about two years they usually use their right han ds. Scientsts don know why this happe ns.Mon keys are our

30、close relatives in the an imal world. Scie ntists have found that mon keyslike to use one of their hands more tha n the other, but it can be either hand. There are as manyright-ha nded mon keys as left-ha nded on es. Next time you visit a zoo, watch the mon keyscarefully, you will see that some of t

31、hem will use their right hands and others will use their lefthan ds. But most of the people use their right hands better and this makes life difficult for thoseleft-handed people. We live in a right-ha nded world.()1. How many people among 100 people use their left hands better?A. About 5%B. About 5

32、0 %C. About 95%()2. What s the meaning of the underlined word“ equally ” inChines(A.公正地B.均等地C.平凡地()3. New-bor n babies can use_ .A. both of their hangsB. n either of their handsC. their right hands()4. Which of the flowwi ng is true?A. There are more mon keys using their right hands tha n left han d

33、s.B. There are more mon keys using their left hands tha n right han ds.C. there are so many right-ha nded mon keys as left-ha nded on es.( )5.“ We live in a righin ded world. ” means .12 / 11A. Most people use their right hands better.B. Few people use their right hands better.C. Half of the people

34、use their right hands better六、补全对话(其中有两项为多余选项)。A: _B: Two Russia n teachers.A: _B: I kissed them three times.A: _B: Because people from differe nt coun tries have differe nt body Ian guages. In China,the US and Britain, people usually shake hands with a smile. But in Russia, peopleusually kiss each

35、other.A: _B: I ll put our hands together and nod my head._A: Yes, I know. We should touch our no ses.A. What do you do when you meet Maori people?B. What did you do to welcome them?C. Do you know what to do when you meet Maori people?D. Why didn t you shake hands with them?E. Who taught you Russian?

36、F. What will you do when you meet an Indian person?G. Who came to your school yesterday?七、词组互译1.身体语言_ 2 碰鼻子_ 3 点头_4.最好的朋友_ 5 握手_ 6 电影明星_7.互相_ 8 外国学生_ 9 事实上_13 / 1110.站得近_ 11 上课迟到_12 离开,搬走_13.小心_14.站成一排_15 独自进入实验室 _16.准时,按时_ 17.抓紧_18.go there_19.movie/film star_ 2O.at the airport_21.Pacific Ocea n_22

37、.have a good time_ 23.on holiday_ 24.such as_25.the day before yesterday_ 26.take a walk_27.first of all_28.wait in line_ 29.at the station_30.do differe nt things_ 31.spe nd all day_32.take lots of photos_ 33.go with sb.34.Beiji ng Opera_35.the capital of Austria_ 36 认为,考虑_37.流行音乐_38.Western Music_39 在那时_40. 的中心_ 41.on the river _ 42.hundreds of_


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