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1、吉林一中吉林Period 1 Warming up and Speaking1 What are the three essential elements for us human beings to survive on the earth?2 Which one would you prefer? Western food or Chinese food?3 What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper?4 Look at the pictures and tell me the names of the pictures.crab

2、crabshrimpshrimpmuttonmuttonroast duckroast ducknutrientsnutrients What do the foods have in common ?What do the foods have in common ?beansbeansbreadbreadbutterbuttercheesecheesecucumbercucumbereggseggslemonslemonsmeatmeatmilkmilkmushroomsmushroomsnoodlesnoodlesnutsnutsorangesorangespeaspeaspotatoe

3、spotatoesricericespaghettispaghettisugarsugartofutofucabbagecabbagepeachespeachesWhich foodsWhich foodsgive us give us energyenergy? ?help us grow bones and help us grow bones and musclemuscle? ?give us give us fibrefibre for for digestiondigestion and health and health?Period 2 ReadingGuessing1 Whe

4、re can it happen?restaurant2 Who will be there?customers 3 What is the business sense of the boss? serve good-eating food or slim-keeping food? Two different owners:Wang Peng and Yong Two different owners:Wang Peng and Yong Hui serve two different food in their Hui serve two different food in their

5、restaurants and have different results.restaurants and have different results. Reading for details Was Wang Peng run his business very well?How do you know that? What kind of person do you think he is? What will happen to them,Wang Peng and Yang Hui? Please find enough evidence to support your opini

6、on. opinion or inferenceAnswer true or false questions according to Reading Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people.(T)He provided a balanced diet in his menu.(F)Yonghui served a balanced diet. (F)Yonghui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. (F)Wang Pengs customer

7、s often became fat after eating in his restaurant. (T)Yonghuis menu gave them energy foods. (F)Wang Pengs menu gave them food containing fibre. (F)Wang Pengs admired Yonghuis restaurant when he saw the menu.(F)Wang Peng decided to copy Yonghuis menu. (F) Listen to the dialogue Listen and write down

8、the main idea Wang Peng is doing research to find out how an_unbalanced_diet affects your _health_,so you need to eat a _balanced_diet if you are to stay_healthy_.Finish this chartOwner of the restaurantProblems with food offeredFood to be neededWang PengToo much fat and energy-giving foodMore fruit

9、 and vegetablesYong HuiToo much fruit and too many vegetablesMore meat,fish,cheese,eggs and rice,noodlesExtensive reading:P52 For or Against building a Mcdonalds List the weaknesses and strengthes of it. food,service ,effect on people-your own opinion Discuss :on the first floor of DARUNFA,two fast-

10、food restaurants:Pisa Hut and Kentucky.How do you think they can compete against each other? How will they solve any problems if any?Reading 3 Come and eat here(2) Reading and discussing Look at the picture and predict the ending(married) Question:How did they solve their peoblem and get married ? a

11、ngrilypeacefullyunselfishly-happily opponent-enemy-companion-husband and wife two different restaurants with different food-glare at/spy on-both enjoy dumplingstalked about balanced (discuss peacefully)diets-recognized their own W and S and improve it-(share unselfishly)-get married and lived happil

12、y.Group work Discuss what good qualities do they each have? Cooperative,hard-working, competitive,honest, wise, What does the writer want to tell the readers by telling this story? to show the Ss that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afreshThe way to express “say”How did th

13、ey speakWhy did they speakshouted,thought,calledexplained,added,admittedThey can add:whispered,smiled,laughed,criedagreed,wondered,advised,repliedPurpose of it:avoid repeatation and describe vividly Use proper ways of “say” to replace “said” in this storyThe man pushed his chair angrily away from th

14、e table. “What do you mean?”he said. “I didnt come into this restaurant to be overcharged!”The hostess looked embarrassed. “Im so sorry you feel like that”she said. “Its the cost of the fish that you ordered.At the time I explained the price for each jin and you agreed.I didnt know you d feel like t

15、his!”The man pulled his money out of his pocket. “And whats more,”he said. “It didnt taste very nice.Was it fresh?” “It was dried fish,so Im not sure,”she said “I wont come here again,”said the man to himself. “I wont serve him again,”said the hostess to herself.Fill in the blanks with “tell,say,spr

16、ak,discuss,ask 1._a lie (tell) 2._a question (ask) 3.dont_a word (say) 4._a language (speak) 5._a story (tell) 6._Business (talk) 7._a topic (discuss) 8._a joke (tell) 9._hello (say)Blackboard designCome and Eat Here (2) What did they do?Results Combine their menu and provide a balanced one 1.raw ve

17、getables withhamburgers 2. boiled potatoes, not fried3.fresh fruit with ice cream1.cut down the fat2.increase the fibre 3 .a big success Relationship: competitors-cooperators-coupleConclusion : We are what we eat . Health is more important than beauty .Proverbs : An apple a day keeps a doctor away .

18、 First wealth is health .HomeworkHomework1 1)Read the text aloud and find Read the text aloud and find out some beautiful sentencesout some beautiful sentences2) Write a short passage to explain 2) Write a short passage to explain your sign.your sign.grains, ricedairynutsmeatfruitgetable Period Five

19、:Vocabulary studyTeaching Aims and demands教学目标 语言技能 学习策略 情感态度1.通过课文前两个部分单词的重现率,使学生 在反复接触,练习,巩固的过程中有效地掌握这些词汇和短语2.部分重点词汇,句型通过发现,归纳总结的方式集中学习,达到运用自如认知策略:善于记要点,联想学习记忆词语调控策略:明确需要,把握主要内容,探索适合自己的词汇学习策略和方法培养自信心和成就感重点与难点重点词的用法归纳和总结恰当地使用和运用到写作中方法情景下的词,句,文教学法(语境猜测,联想,归类成串记忆,归纳总结,填空练习,Teaching procedureStep 1 gu

20、essing games:according to the description(both words and sign language),guess the word(group competition)Step 2 find words meaning the same from the context and then translate some commonly used names of foodStep 3 discover and summarize the usages of key words,patternsStep 4 complete sentencesStep

21、5 make up a short passage using the words and patternsStep 6 homework:try to find out more about food and shareGames(guess the word based on some description:color,shape,size and nutrients it contains or uses of it)1.cucumber bacon mutton lemon2.peach mushroom pea garlic3.carrot vinegar spaghetti eg

22、gplant4.pepper barbecue nut muscle Discovering useful words and expressions Find words and expressions from the text that mean the same1._sth that you say is not true2._not to be punished for sth3._uncooked4._the strong wish to know about sth5._sth who buys things or services from a shop,ect.6._a pa

23、rticular quality that gives sb or sth advantages7._keep steady orr give equal importance to two things8._the state of owing money to sbFind the phrases from the reading and give good Chinese translationBarbecued mutton kebabs 烤羊肉串Roast pork烤猪肉Stir-fried vegetables炒菜Fried rice炒饭Beef and bacon cooked

24、in the finest oil用精制油烹制的牛排和腊肉Vegetables served in vinegar蘸醋吃的蔬菜Win his customers back赢回顾客Be in debt负债Glare at him怒目而视某人Spy on me打探某人Enjoy dumplings and breast of chicken cooked with garlic喜欢饺子和蒜蓉鸡胸Cut down the fat and incrrease the fibre减少脂肪,增加纤维素Put on weight胖了Important words patterns benefit limit

25、 get away with cut down cant/wont have sb doing sth less often/healthybenefitI stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my foodDid you get much benefit from your holiday?Your advice is of great benefit to me.The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.Rain will benefit the cr

26、ops=The crops will benefit from rain.We can all benefit from his knowledge.He will benefit from the new way of doing business.The summary of the usage of “benefit”1.parts of speech noun (U&C)and verb(Vt&Vi)2.phrases: sb /sth benefit from sth=get benefit from. be of great benefit=beneficial t

27、o sb/sth for the benefit of=for the good of sth benefit sb/sthLimitI found your menu so limited that I stoppedThe number of competitors is limited.He is a man of limited ability.As they had limited experience,they often had limited ideas.We must limit our expense to less than $ 10.Her food was limit

28、ed to bread and water.Our holidays are limited to two weeks a year.He sees no limits to mans progress.We must set a limit to the expense of the trip.There are limits to what I can do to you.Im willing to hep you within limits.The summary of”limit” noun verb(Vt)1.limitto/set a limit to/there is a lim

29、it to2.within limits3.limited:adj attribute and predicativeGet away withHe couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies.How did he get away with cheating?He thinks he can always get away with telling a lie.“get away with sth 1.not be punished for what you have done wrong 2.not in pass

30、ive(做坏事)不受惩罚 被放过Cf:get away from 1.not in passive 走开,跑掉,回避,摆脱 2.succeed in leaving a place or be off the point or avoid talking about sth get up get together get to get through get off get on get along with get started Cut downIn this way,they cut down the fat and increase the fibre.We must cut down

31、 our expenses.Is George trying to cut his weight down?If you cut down all the trees,you will ruin the land.“cut down”:Vt.phrase 1.reduce 2.(tree)cut so as to let it fall削减,减少压缩Cut off cut up cut away cut inPattern:cant have sb doing sth Cant have sb doing =cant stand/bear/put up with sb doing Eg.快去把

32、湿衣服换掉,我是不会让你感冒的. I cant have you catching cold,run and change your wet clothes. 我决不允许你冲我那样大喊大叫. I wont have you shouting at me that way.pattern Less often;less healthy less+原级原级The movie was less funny than the book.They are less expensive than imported types.Her main concern was less for herself th

33、an for him.Complete the sentences 1.they stood there_(怒目而视)each other. 2.If we cheat in the exam,do you think we can_(不受惩罚)? 3.We must_to an hour (把晚会限制在) 4.The doctors strongly advise people _(大大降低)smoking and drinking. 5.His business failed,so he _(负债累累) 6._(要想赢回顾客),you must improve your service q

34、uality . 7.Humans_(受益于)peace and suffer from war.Translations 人人都需要均衡饮食和心情舒畅,才能保持健康,否则就会疾病缠身. 我的一个朋友近些天来感觉很心烦,所以不得不去看医生.医生问其缘由得知:该患者身感不适主要有两个原因:一个是由于从前生活艰难,常常负债,但当一次生意成功成了爆发户后,便整天暴饮,暴食鱼肉过量,结果非但没增加体重,相反体重大大下降,二是从那以后每天提心掉胆,感觉有人在窥视他,窥视他的钱财,有人在怒目而视于他,使他不敢入睡. 基于此种情况,医生建议他多做户外运动,保持良好心态,对健康大有益处,此外,要改善自己的饮食

35、习惯,把适量的肉类食物与青菜,水果合在一起吃.最后医生还提醒人们要坚决不可饮酒过量,购买打折食品时一定要谨慎,否则都会对健康产生不良影响.您明白了吗? 牢记:病从口入啊!所以只要均衡饮食和适当运动,人人都会健健康康的!用到的短语:Balanced diets spy on sb/sthKeep healthy/fit glare at sb Feel less healthy benefit sb/be beneficial to sbFeel frustrated combinewith Have to do mustntBe in debt buy food with a discount

36、 Become a success have a bad effect onDrink too much Eat far too much meat and fishPut on weightLose much weight 1. To remember the useful words and expressions2. Revise modal verbs learned in unit 1Period 6 GrammarPeriod 6 GrammarModal Verbs:ought toModal Verbs:ought toTeaching Aims and Demands教学目标

37、 技能目标 策略目标 情感态度1.从运用的角度出发,引导学生把语言的形式,意义和用法有机地结合起来2.结合语言情景,在语篇的支持下,自主发现总结出其用法3.使学生能够自如地运用它们来表达建议,推测等认知策略,交际策略乐于观察,探究其含义并尝试模仿重点与难点识别判断语境中其作用对比归纳总结出异同点方法观察发现讨论归纳总结运用任务型,探究交互型教学法Teaching ProcedureStep 1:revision list the learned modal verbs and explain the content of them in the following sentencesStep

38、2:find the sentences containing Modal V from the context and judge the functions of themStep 3:discover the differences of the modal verbs in expressing the same functions esp. the similarity and difference of should/ought toStep 4:test and exercisesStep 5:discussion using modal verbs if necessary 1

39、.lead in T: First wealth is health. What should/shouldnt we do to keep healthy? What kind of food must we eat to be strong? What ought we to eat to stay slim? WhatWhat should/shouldntshould/shouldnt we do to keep we do to keep healthy?healthy?What kind of foodWhat kind of food mustmust we eat to be

40、strong?we eat to be strong?WhatWhat oughtought wewe toto do to stay slim?do to stay slim?I. (Revision) What modal verbsmodal verbs have you learned?can/could may/ might can/could may/ might will/ would had better will/ would had better shall/ should must shall/ should must have to need have to need

41、ought to dareought to dareII. Try to explain the meanings of the modal II. Try to explain the meanings of the modal verbs in the following sentences.verbs in the following sentences.1.He can speak English well.2.You can go home now.3.That cant be true.4.Could you please show me the way to Beihai Par

42、k?5.They hunters are lost. They could starve.6. May I come in?7. He may give you some help?abilityabilitypermissionpermissionguessingguessingrequestrequestpossibilitypossibilitypermissionpermissionpossibilitypossibility8.Dont worry. I will help you.9.Often he would dress up like a rich man.10.Would

43、you like to join us for dinner?11.You shall have the ticket as soon as I get it.12.You should arrive at the airport two hours before he goes.13.It is five oclock. He should turn up soon.14.Wang Feng wins an award every year. He must be misepromisepast habitrequestpromisepredictionadvicespe

44、culation1. By lunchtime they would all be sold. 2. His restaurant ought to be full of people.3. What could have happened?4. Nothing could have been better?5. Something terrible must have happened.6. I will take all that fat off you in two weeks. 7. He could not believe his eyes.8. He wondered if he

45、should go to the library to find out.9. He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies.10. He had better do some research.11. After eating in the restaurant people would become fired very quickly.A.A. Intention B. Duty C. Promise D. Possibility E. GuessingIntention B. Duty C. Promise

46、 D. Possibility E. Guessing(D)(D)(E)(A)(B)(A)(B B)(D)(C)(D)(D)Possibility can may must would should can 疑问句,否定句 决不可能 may 肯定句.否定句 或许(不是) must 肯定句 想必一定 should 肯定句(根据经验判断) 很有可能 would 肯定句(个人的观点,看法)大概ability can 与 be able to 时态上: can 一般现在或过去时态 be able to 各种时态 过去时时, was/were able to 强调结果,叙述事实,could表达情感Adv

47、ice and duty should 与 ought to 相同点:从道义,义务上应做的事:应该,应当” 不同点:ought to有引申的用法”按常理应当,非常可能的事,表应该,侧重责任,义务 should 有时与和how,why连用,表示意外,惊异 做”竟会” 还可用于虚拟条件从句中表”万一” 以及四类动词及各变化词性的名词性从句中Blackboard design Grammar First wealth is health should/ought to should (not)have done ought(not)to have done1.You1.Youto the meeti

48、ng this afternoon if to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.you have something important to do.A. neednt to comeA. neednt to comeB. dont need come B. dont need come C. dont need comingD. neednt comeC. dont need comingD. neednt come 2.- 2.-I help you with some shoes,madam

49、?I help you with some shoes,madam?-Yes, I would like to try on those brown ones-Yes, I would like to try on those brown ones. .A. WillA. WillB. Should C. MayB. Should C. MayD. MustD. Must 3.The only thing that really matters to the children is how 3.The only thing that really matters to the children

50、 is how soon they soon they _return to their school. _return to their school. A.canA.canB.must C.have to D.ought to B.must C.have to D.ought to 4.What we 4.What we get seems better than what we have.get seems better than what we have.A.can B.couldA.can B.couldC.cantC.cantD.couldntD.couldnt5.Look! Wh

51、at youve done! You 5.Look! What youve done! You more careful.more careful. A.may be B. had to A.may be B. had to C. should have been D. would be C. should have been D. would be Dialogue Go to see doctors for your cold Make dialogues in pairs between doctors and patients (including asking for and giv

52、ing advice)Homework:Homework: The grammar part in The grammar part in “ Chang Gui Xun Lian ”“ Chang Gui Xun Lian ”Period Seven:Listening and speakingPeriod Seven Listening and speaking Teaching Aims and demands 听力技能目标 听懂对话内容,理解主旨要义,并获取具体的事实性信息培养获取关键词和整体把握能力 学习策略目标 认知:熟悉题目要求,通过引导和介绍理解材料背景,回答问题更有针对性调控

53、:攫取关键信息,培养正确判断所听信息的能力交际:引导学生了解食物的分类及其内涵情感目标重点难点培养学生相互讨论,相互交流,合作学习的习惯和能力重点:理解对话大意,获取具体信息难点:如何运用所听到的内容解决实际问题 Teaching process1.Revision :words about food,and its kinds; three diseases2.lead-in:questions based on the three kinds learned before3.listening:finds the details and finish the blank4.Listenin

54、g again to check and further understanding 5.discussion Revision:Translation Exercise 豆,辣椒,蘑菇,胡萝卜,白菜,纤维,茄子,豌豆,甘蓝,大白菜,黄瓜,土豆 柠檬,桃,樱桃,橙子,葡萄,苹果, 米饭,汉堡包,意大利面,饺子,蛋糕,羊肉,牛排,蛋类,豆腐,猪肉,鸡肉 供给热量食物,强壮体魄食物,保护性食物 肥胖症,佝偻病,坏血病Lead-in:Questions Do you know another three types of food besides the above?Divided in colou

55、rs? What are the three colours and what do they stand for? What food does each colour contain?Listen and finish the blank Part 1:_Emmas_ This is a dialogue between a_,Emma and the _, Pan.Emma keeps_ _and gets_easily.She tells Pan what she has for three meals:an_and a_for breakfast;a_for lunch and ha

56、lf a bowl of_and a dish of _for supper.And she also tells Pan that she cant eat too much,as she will feel_.After listening,Pan tells her that she needs more_,because she is not eating neough and looks too thin and adds that she will become seriouly _. The disease Emma is suffering from is_. Part Two

57、:the doctors_and _Pan tells Emma how to eat well but still _ _. There are three types of food working like _lights. The first is”_”,containing a lot of _,sugar,salt,_,_ cream ,cakes,food_in fat,so we _eat too much of it. The second is “_”,including bread,_,_,rice ,meat,fish,_and _,therefore we shoul

58、d eat some every day. The last is “_”,which includes all_and _,thus we should eat some at every _. Emma thanks the doctor and decides to follow Pans advice. Only _diets can keep people _.Contrast and matchRed foodProtective foodYellow foodEnergy-giving foodGreen foodBody-building foodDiscussion and

59、homeworkThink of the possible reasons for some common diseases: 口腔溃疡(canker sore) 便秘(constipation) 脚气(beriberi/atheles foot) 感冒(cold)*Think of your own eating habits,balanced or unbalnced?How are you going to improve and become healthy?Period 8 WritingAdvertise your restaurantTeaching Aims and Deman

60、ds教学目标 技能目标 策略目标 情感态度搜集有关饮食的词汇素材这类文章的基本语句和方法培养学生的写作技能,关注写作过程中的认识能力 指导学生学习地道的多样的语言表达形式 培养学生自主与合作学习等认知和交际策略方面的能力提高学习兴趣,增强社会实践意识, 难点与重点搜集整理相关的词汇,句型,过度词语及写作方法指导学生运用所学语言及搜集的素材于真实的写作 方法任务型教学法 Teaching procedure Step 1:Create the style or characteristics of the restaurant State the aspects to attract customers(gro


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