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1、考题在线(2010济南模拟)为适应山东省素质教育的要求,你校学生会开展了学生“读一本好书”的学习活动,请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文向21世纪报进行报道,并简要说明你对该项活动的评价。活动目的活动对象活动内容你的做法与收获注意:1.不得透露所在学校信息。 2.可适当增加内容,使文章完整通顺。3.字数:120150。_.课标单词课标单词1_轨道;绕轨道飞行轨道;绕轨道飞行(n. & vt.)2_在船在船(飞机、火车、公共汽车飞机、火车、公共汽车)上上(adv.)3_代替;取代代替;取代(vt.)4_业余的业余的(adj.)5_评论评论(n.)orbitaboardreplaceamat

2、eurreview 6_经济经济(n.)_ (adj.)7_祝贺祝贺(n.) _ (vt.)8_成就;功业;伟绩成就;功业;伟绩(n.)_取得;完成;达取得;完成;达到到(vt.)9_高兴的;快乐的高兴的;快乐的(adj.)_快乐;使愉快快乐;使愉快(n. & vt.)_令人高兴的令人高兴的(adj.)10_信念;信条信念;信条(n.)_相信相信(v.)_可信的可信的(adj.)_不信;怀疑;疑惑不信;怀疑;疑惑(n.)economyeconomic/ economicalcongratulationcongratulateachievementachievedelighteddeli

3、ghtdelightfulbeliefbelieve believabledisbelief 11_证据证据(n.)_明显的明显的(adj.)12_文化的文化的(adj.) _(n.)13_金融的金融的(adj.) _(n.)14_创立;建立创立;建立(vt.)_创立;建立;创立;建立;基础基础(n.)15_创作创作(vt.)_生产;产量生产;产量(n.)_产品产品(n.)evidenceevidentculturalculturefinancialfinancefoundfoundationproduceproductionproduct.常用短语常用短语1_拍摄拍摄2_总共;合计总共;合计

4、3_被分成被分成4_集中于集中于5_和和相似相似take photographs of in total be divided into concentrate on be similar to 6_在太空在太空7_起飞起飞8_很高兴做某事很高兴做某事9_既然既然10_快点;得了;来吧快点;得了;来吧11 _ 相信相信in space take off be delighted to do sth now that come on believe in.高频单词点击(用所给单词的适当形式填空)1Please accept my _(congratulate) on your marriage.

5、答案:congratulations2Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great _(achieve)答案:achievement3I was_(delight) to hear you were getting married.答案:delighted4It was the Communist Party of China that_(found) the Peoples Republic of China.答案:founded5He has_(produce) more than 100 paintings all h

6、is life.答案:produced6. The man has a strong _(believe) in God.答案:belief7. Some films dont fit in with _(history) facts,they are only imaginary.答案:historical8. I argued about the governments new_(economy) policy with him.答案:economic9. It is_(evidence) to everyone that she loves music.答案:evident10Human

7、s will never be _(replace) by robots.We are their masters forever.答案:replaced historical adj. 历史性的You must place these events in their historical back ground. 必须把这些事情同它们的历史背景联系起来。I watched a historical play on TV last night. 昨晚我看了一部历史剧。词语解析:词语解析:historic historic is usually used to describe sth. tha

8、t is so important that it is likely to be remembered.具有历史意义的。具有历史意义的。Today is a historic occasion for our country.对我们国家来说,今天是具有历史意义的一天。The area is of special historic interest.这个地区有特别的历史意义。 Practice1. Put the following sentence into Chinese.The meeting between chairman Lian Zhan and General Secretor

9、y HuJintao is a historic one.2. Correction: He has been doing some historic research. _Key to reference1.连战主席和胡锦涛总书记的会面是一次具连战主席和胡锦涛总书记的会面是一次具有历史意义的会见。有历史意义的会见。2.historic改为改为historical。, 300 kilometers northwest of Beijing.1 China lies in the east of Asia.2 Our school lies in the south of the city.3

10、Japan lies to the east of China.Conclusion be/lies +to /in/ on the west/ east/ south /northof +NFor examples 镜头回放 1 常用句式必备常用句式必备1. China lies east of Asia.2. Our school lies south of the city.3. Japan lies east of China. 1. East of Asia lies China.2. South of the city lies our school.3. East of Chin

11、a lies Japan.拓展一改成倒装句Exercises 1. South of the lake _two factories. A. lies B. lie2. The sea lies_south of our school. A. to B. the C. to the 3. Five great lakes _south of China. A. stand to the B. lies to the C. lie the D. lie China lies east of Asia= China lies to the east of Asian. Conclusion 此时的

12、介词和 the 要省应该同时省去, 要不省同时都不能省去。拓展二类似的还有:1. turn left =turn to the left2. our windows face south = our windows face to the south1. Yang was in space for twenty-one and a half hours and made 14 orbits of the earth.2. When he was orbit ing in the capsule, , which is orbit ing the earth,镜头回放 2反思: 你能从上面的句中

13、找出 orbit的用法吗? 1. n.2. v. (a:及物动词 b:不及物动词)1. The spacecraft is moving in orbit around the moon.2. How many satellites have been put in orbit around the earth?More examples for you to think over:3. The earth orbits around the sun once a year and the earth orbits itself only once a day.4. How many spac

14、ecrafts have orbited the moon?回顾课本1. made 14 orbits of the earth. =orbited the earth for 14 times. 2. When he was orbit ing in the capsule =when he was orbiting the earth in the capsule3. which is orbiting the earth =which is orbiting around the earth , he took photographs of planet earth.拓展一take ph

15、otographs of +宾语 =take photos of +宾语=take pictures of +宾语=photograph +宾语拓展二photograph-photographer-photography镜头回放 3The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight was a “complete success”.链接1. Failure is the mother of success.2. He has strange ways of turning failure into success.3. I havent had m

16、uch success in my applications of jobs.其特点:success是不可数名词镜头回放 44. He wasnt a success as a teacher. 其特点:当表示一个成功的人或事的时侯, success通常是可数名词。 除了success有这种用法外, failure/help/ surprise/shock等也通常有这种用法。For example:1. They wished us a pleasant journey.2. His colleagues wished him happiness on his retirement.3. Pl

17、ease wish me luck.4. I wish you happy birthday.延伸构成的其他句型呢?NASA wishes China continuing success with its space flight programme.思考:此处的结构是否是wish sb doing sth?真相:此处的continuing 修饰后面的success, 意思是不断的/持续的成功, 所以整句的结构是wish China success。句型是wish +宾语+N镜头回顾 61 wish to do I wish to see the manager. 2 wish sb to

18、do I wish the manager to be informed at once. 3 Its to be wished that Its to be wished that the problem will be solved soon. 2Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise.信息提取句中when用作并列连词,与动词的 进 行 时 态 连 用 , 表 示 “ 正 在 做 突然”,此时when相

19、当于and then或and at the same time。例句仿写我们正在开会,这时一个人闯了进来。We a meeting someone broke in.were havingwhen3Is this the first time hes seen aliens landing on the moon?信息提取本句句型为:This/It is/was the序数词timethat sb. have (has)/had done sth.意为“这是某人第几次做某事”。例句仿写这是她第二次访问北京。This is the second time that he Beijing.has

20、visited5破解疑难句典句While he was travelling in space,Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station,which is orbiting the earth,American astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko.分析本句为复合句,主句为Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station,while he

21、 was travelling in space为时间状语从句,aboard the International Space Station是介词短语作定语,修饰two astronauts;which is orbiting the earth为非限制性定语从句,修饰the International Space Station;而American astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko为two astronauts的同位语。试译杨利伟在太空旅行时,他与环绕地球运行的两位国际空间站的宇航员进行了对话,一位是美国的宇

22、航员爱德华卢,一位是俄罗斯的宇航员尤里马林年科。.交际用语必背1You dont Aliens, do you?你不相信有外星人,是吧?2I dont believe it!我一点也不相信!3You cant !你不会当真吧!4It is a _ idea!真是个疯狂的想法!5You must be !你一定是在开玩笑吧!believe ina word ofbe seriouscrazyjoking1 congratulation n祝贺;恭喜(常用复数) Youve passed your driving test!Congratulations!你驾驶测验合格了!恭喜!(1)Congra

23、tulations!恭喜恭喜!祝贺你!恭喜恭喜!祝贺你!offer/send ones congratulations to sb. on sth. 为某事向某人祝贺为某事向某人祝贺express ones congratulations 表示庆贺表示庆贺accept ones congratulations 接受某人的祝贺接受某人的祝贺(2)congratulate v 祝贺,庆祝,恭喜祝贺,庆祝,恭喜congratulate sb. on(doing)sth. 向向祝贺祝贺congratulate oneself on. 为为庆幸;感到自豪庆幸;感到自豪I offered him my c

24、ongratulations on his success.我祝贺他的成功。You can having done a good job.你的工作做得很出色,你应该感到自豪。congratulate yourself on(1)congratulate是指对某人取得的成就或喜庆之事表是指对某人取得的成就或喜庆之事表示示“庆贺,祝贺庆贺,祝贺”,其宾语是,其宾语是“人人”,常与介词,常与介词on搭配。搭配。(2)celebrate是指对某一节日、生日、胜利和成功等是指对某一节日、生日、胜利和成功等的的“庆祝庆祝”。congratulate,celebrate 以练促记用congratulate/

25、celebrate填空We him on having passed the examination.我们祝贺他考试及格。We the New Year with a dance party.我们举行舞蹈晚会庆祝新年。congratulatedcelebrated1(2010延边州高考复习质量检测)It is on October 1,2009 that the Peoples Republic of China_its 60th birthday.AcongratulatedBkeptCremained Dcelebrated解析:句意:2009年十月一日,中华人民共和国庆祝了它的60年华诞

26、。celebrate“庆祝”,符合题意;congratulate“祝贺”,其宾语为人。答案:D2aboard prep.在(船、飞机、火车)上;上(船、飞机、火车)adv.在船(飞机、火车)上;上船(飞机、火车) go aboard (the plane)登(机)All aboard! (口)请大家上船/车/飞机!Welcome aboard! 欢迎乘坐!on board搭乘(船、飞机等),相当于aboardThe plane is taking off.Please go aboard.飞机就要起飞了,请上飞机。All the people aboard were drowned in th

27、e sea.船上所有的人都在海中淹死了。the flight to Washington D. C!欢迎搭乘本次飞往华盛顿特区的班机!Welcome aboard(1)aboard adv./prep.在在/到船到船(车、飞机车、飞机)上上所谓所谓“在在/到船到船(车、飞机车、飞机)上上”就是就是“在在/到其板到其板(board)上上”。(2)abroad adv.在在/到国外、户外到国外、户外所谓所谓“在在/到国外、到国外、户外户外”就是就是“在在/到广阔到广阔(broad)的环境中的环境中”。go abroad出国出国at home and abroad 国内外国内外 aboard,abr

28、oad 3replace v. 取代,接替;更换,更新;把放回原处More new machines will be installed to replace the old ones.将有更多的新机器被安装以取代那些旧的。 2Please go _ the ship quickly.There is only 10 minutes left.AabroadBaboardCboard Dbroad解析:go aboard the ship意为“上船”。abroad“在/到国外”;board“板”;broad“宽阔的”。答案:BTeachers will never computers in t

29、he classroom.课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。You have to replace the books on the shelves before you leave.你离开之前必须把书放回书架上。I will my father for a while.我将暂时代替我父亲。be replaced bytake the place of3As modern equipment is being used widely,the factory _ most of its workers with robots.ArepresentsBreplacesCexchanges Dreduce

30、s解析:replace.with.“用取代”。represent“代表”;exchange“交换”;reduce“减少”。答案:B4 delighted adj.高兴的;快乐的 Tom is delighted at/to hear the good news.汤姆听到这个好消息感到很高兴。,the day turned out fine that morning.令我们感到非常高兴的是那天早晨天气转晴了。The child making fun of others.这个孩子以取笑别人为乐。They gave a delightful party.他们举办了一场愉快的聚会。To our gre

31、at delighttakes delight in4_ with what he had done,the public thought highly of him.ADelightBDelightingCDelighted DBeing delighting解析:be delighed with“对感到高兴”。delighted为过去分词作状语。句意:人们对他所做的事情感到高兴,并对他给予了高度评价。答案:C5 evidence n. 证据;根据;迹象 Have you got enough evidence of his guilt to arrest him?你有逮捕他的足够证据吗?你

32、有逮捕他的足够证据吗?(1)give/show/bear evidence of有有的迹象的迹象give no evidence of 没有没有的迹象的迹象in evidence 明显的;显而易见明显的;显而易见的的call sb. in evidence 叫某人来作证叫某人来作证(2)evident adj.明显的;清楚的明显的;清楚的It is evident that. 显然显然The room bore evidence of a struggle.这房间里有搏斗过的痕迹。The army is more in the cities than in rural areas.军队在城市中

33、比在乡村里更惹人注意。 he has made a mistake.你们一定很清楚,他犯了错误。in evidenceIt must be evident to all of you that5They havent discovered any _ that would prove her guilty of the crime.Maybe she is innocent.AsymptomBsymbolCevidence Dbelief解析:evidence“证据”;symptom“症状”;symbol“象征”;belief“信仰”。句意:他们还没有发现可以证明她有罪的任何证据。也许她是无辜

34、的。答案:C1 in total 总共;合计(相当于in all)There are fifty students in our class in total.我们班总共有五十位学生。(1)Total n 总数;总额总数;总额 adj. 完全的;全部的完全的;全部的 v. 计算计算的总和的总和a total of 总数为总数为total up(to)add up to 合计;总数达到合计;总数达到(2)totally adv. 完全;全部地;整个地完全;全部地;整个地Can you tell me your income?你能告诉我你的总收入吗?Our expenses reached 20.

35、我们的支出总额达二十英镑。The visitors to the exhibition totaled up to 15,000.展览会的参观者总共有一万五千人。totala total of6How many people learn English as a second language?_,there are more than 375 million.AWhats moreBAt allCFirst of all DIn total解析:in total“总计,总共,合计”,符合题意。whats more“此外,还有”;at all“完全,根本”;first of all“首先”。答

36、案:D(1)believe in“信任;信仰信任;信仰”,多指品德上的相信。,多指品德上的相信。(2)believe表示相信某人的话、相信某事等,表示相信某人的话、相信某事等,believe sb.=believe what sb. says“相信某人的话相信某人的话”。 believe in,believe 2 believe in 相信;信任;信仰 Do you believe in Chinas traditional herbal medicine?你相信中国传统的中草药吗?How can you such a person?你怎么能信任这样一个人呢?He does not belie

37、ve in religion.他不信仰宗教。believe in以练促记用believe in/believe填空I you,so I what you said.我信任你,因此我相信你说的话。I dont that everyone God.我相信,并非每个人都信仰上帝。believe in believebelievebelieves inNow_that I have made this first visit,I hope I can come many more times.既然我已经来了第一次,我就希望以后能来更多次。 now that 既然;由于(口语中有时that可省略),引导

38、原因状语从句,相当于since。Now that you have finished your work,youd better have a rest.既然你的工作已经做完了,最好休息一下吧。We may as well finish the job, weve gone so far with it.这项工作既然已做了这么多,我们还是把它做完为好。Now (that) you are grown up,you should not rely on your parents.既然你已经长大了,就不应该依赖父母。now that【注意】引导原因状语从句的连词还有because,as,for,s

39、eeing/considering that“由于,鉴于”;in that“因为,原因是”等。Seeing (that) hes ill,hes unlikely to come.他生病了,不可能会来。I was lucky in that I was able to find a good baby-sitting.我很幸运能找到好保姆。7_ you are grown up,you must stop this childish behavior,or youll make a fool of yourself.ANow that BUntilCAlthough DEven if解析:no

40、w that引导原因状语从句,意为“既然”。句意:既然你已经长大了,就必须停止这样幼稚的行为,否则你会出丑的。答案:A时间时间/ 原因状语从句原因状语从句 1(2009上海高考)You cant borrow books from the school library _ you get your student card.AbeforeBifCwhile Das解析:考查时间状语从句。句意:在你没有学生卡之前不能在学校图书馆借书。根据常识,一个学生只有拥有学生卡之后才可以借阅图书馆的书籍。before“在之前”;if“如果”;while“当时候,然而”;as“随着,因为”。答案:A2(200

41、9辽宁高考)It just isnt fair_I was working as a waiter last month,my friends were lying on the beach.Awhenever BthoughCfor Dwhile解析:考查连词在具体语境中的辨析。while引导时间状语从句,表示“当时候”。句意:上个月当我在做服务员时,我的朋友们躺在沙滩上,我觉得这不公平。答案:D3(2010河南省焦作市质量检测)It was only two weeks _ she organized an allstar concert that raised $2 million fo

42、r the disabled people.Asince BwhenCbefore Duntil解析:句意:仅仅两周的时间,她就组织了一场音乐会,为残疾人筹集到二百万美元。应该选C项。答案:C4(2008山东高考)He found it increasingly difficult to read,_ his eyesight was beginning to fall.Athough BforCbut Dso解析:句意:因为他的视力开始下降了,他发现读书越来越困难了。后一句是在说明读书越来越困难的原因,故只能用for,for为并列连词,前后两句为并列关系,for后连接的句子对前句起到补充说明

43、的作用,语气较as/because要弱。答案:B 5(2010西安质检)Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,_ this was a memory she especially treasured.Aas BifCwhen Dwhere解析:考查连词用法。根据所给语境可知表示原因。句意:珍妮因丢失了在加拿大拍摄的相片感到非常伤心,因为那是她倍加珍惜的回忆。答案:A6(2010宁夏银川二模)Why didnt you try your best to stop him from doing s

44、o?I tried to,but _ I could,the policemen turned up.Auntil BwhenCbefore Dafter解析:before “在之前”;until “直到”;when “当时候”;after“在之后”。句意:“你为什么没尽力阻止他这样做?”“我尽力了,但是在我能够劝说他之前,警察出现了。”由句意可知,C项和题干相符。答案:C7(2010辽宁五校期末)Criticism and selfcriticism is necessary _ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes. Aby that B

45、at thatCon that Din that解析:句意:既然批评和自我批评能帮我们发现和纠正错误,那么它就是必需的。in that “既然”,表原因,和句意相符,所以答案为D项。答案:D8(2010青岛模拟)How long do you think it is _ he arrived here?No more than half a year,I believe.Awhen BthatCbefore Dsince解析:考查疑问句中“It is时间段since从句”句型(动词用过去式)。答案:D.单词拼写1Do you have any_(证据) for what you said just now?答案:evidence


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