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1、Unit1Unit1Cultural Cultural relics relics What are cultural relics?v历史纪念物历史纪念物 从历史、艺术或科学角度看,具有突出、普遍价值从历史、艺术或科学角度看,具有突出、普遍价值的建筑物、雕刻和绘画,具有考古意义成分或结构的建筑物、雕刻和绘画,具有考古意义成分或结构的铭文、洞穴、住区及各类文物的综合体。的铭文、洞穴、住区及各类文物的综合体。v考古遗址考古遗址 从历史、美学、人种学或人类学角度看,具有突出、从历史、美学、人种学或人类学角度看,具有突出、普遍价值的人造工程或人与自然的共同杰作以及考普遍价值的人造工程或人与自然的共同

2、杰作以及考古遗址地带。古遗址地带。v建筑群建筑群 从历史、艺术或科学角度看,因其建筑的形式、同从历史、艺术或科学角度看,因其建筑的形式、同一性及其在景观中的地位,具有突出、普遍价值的一性及其在景观中的地位,具有突出、普遍价值的单独或相互联系的建筑群。单独或相互联系的建筑群。vMing Dynasty vaseks5u精品课件The Taj Mahal (In India)ks5u精品课件ivory dragon boatMogao Caves There are some famous cultural There are some famous cultural relics in Chin

3、a .Do you know relics in China .Do you know what they are?what they are?Yuan Ming Yuan (圆明园)(圆明园)A man who doesnt go to is not a true man. The Great Wall Forbidden City(故宫)(故宫)Potala PalacePotala Palace布达拉宫布达拉宫Mausoleum of the first Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors秦始皇陵和兵马俑秦始皇陵和兵马俑 The famous

4、The famous cultural relics cultural relics in the world in the world The Pyramids in Egypt 埃及金字塔埃及金字塔 The Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔)(比萨斜塔)The Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔埃菲尔铁塔Paris女神双唇紧闭,戴光芒四射的冠女神双唇紧闭,戴光芒四射的冠冕,身着罗马式宽松长袍,右手冕,身着罗马式宽松长袍,右手高擎象征自由的火炬,左手紧握高擎象征自由的火炬,左手紧握一铜板刻着一铜板刻着美国独立宣言美国独立宣言发发表的日期表的日期-公元公元1776年年7月月

5、4日,日,脚上散落着已断裂的锁链,右脚脚上散落着已断裂的锁链,右脚跟抬起作行进状,整体为挣脱枷跟抬起作行进状,整体为挣脱枷锁、挺身前行的反抗者形象。锁、挺身前行的反抗者形象。Statue of Liberty自由女神像自由女神像Have you ever seen anything made of amber?Have you ever heard of amber?What is this?Raw amber with inclusions What is amber?琥珀是史前松树脂的化石琥珀是史前松树脂的化石。琥珀是由千。琥珀是由千万年前植物所分泌出来的树脂,经过地万年前植物所分泌出来的


7、昆虫或植物的琥珀为珍贵珍贵 。amberambervIt has a beautiful yellow-brown colour.vIt feels as hard as stone.vIt easily melt when heated.vOnce it is heated, it can be made into any shape.Frederick WilliamFrederickv Frederick William I, the king of Prussia, would never have imagined that his greatest gift 1._ the Rus

8、sian people would have such an 2.(amaze)_ history. This gift was the Amber Room, 3._ was given this name 4._ several tons of amber were used to make5._. The amber which6.(select)_ had a beautiful yellow-brown colour 7._ honey. The design of the room was 8._the fancy style popular in those days.toama

9、zingwhichbecauseitWas selectedlikeinvIt was also a treasure9.(decorate)_ with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years 10. _(make).decoratedto makev In fact, the room was not made to be a gift. It was designed 1. _the palace of Frederick I.2_, the next King of Prussia, F

10、rederick William I, to 3. _ the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. 4. _ return, the Czar sent him a 5. _ of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room became part of the Czars winter palace in St Petersburg. About four meters long, the room served 6. _a sma

11、ll 7. _hall for important visitors.v Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room _(move ) to a palace outside St Petersburg _ she spent her summers. She told her artists to add more details _ it. In 1770 the room was _ (complete) the way she wanted. Almost six hundred candles _ (light ) the room, and its

12、 mirrors and pictures _ (shine ) like gold. v_ , although the Amber Room was considered one of the _ (wonder )of the world, it is now_ (miss) .v In September 1941, the Nazi army was _ St Petersburg. This was a time _the two countries were_(在交在交战)战). Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, t

13、he Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects _ the Amber Room. _, some of the Nazis secretly _ (steal ) the room _ (it ). vIn less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. There is no doubt _ the boxes were then put on a train _Konigsberg, _ was

14、 at that time a German city _ the Baltic Sea. After that, _happened to the Amber Room _(remain) a mystery.1 cultural relics2 survive for a long time3 in search of4 could never have imagined5 such an amazing history6 in the fancy style7 be decorated with jewels8 belong to 9 in return (for)10 a troop of best soldiers 文化遗产文化遗产存在很久了存在很久了搜寻搜寻从来没想到从来没想到如此令人惊讶的历史如此令人惊讶的历史以奇特的风格以奇特的风格用金子和珠宝装饰着用金子和珠宝装饰着作为回报作为回报一支最好的军队一支最好的军队属于属于仍旧是个谜仍旧是个谜11 become part of12 serve as 13 add more details to14 be considered one of the wonders of the world15 This wa


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