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2、辈一辈2. _ n. 项目项目; 工程工程3. _ n. 学会学会; 学院学院4. _ n. 巢巢; 窝窝5. _ n. 童年童年; 幼年时代幼年时代childhood childhood generationgenerationprojectprojectinstituteinstitutenestnest更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/6. _ n. 听众听众; 观众观众; 读者读者7. _ n. 突发事件突发事件8. _ n. 福利福利; 福利事业福利事业9. _ vt. 鼓舞鼓舞; 激发激发; 启示启示10. _ adj. 直言的直言的outspoken outs

3、poken audienceaudienceemergencyemergencywelfarewelfareinspireinspire更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/11. _ adj. 值得的值得的12. _ n.& vt. 支持;拥护支持;拥护13. _ n. 人群;观众人群;观众 vt. 挤满挤满14. _ n. 组织组织15. _ n. 荫荫 vt. 遮住光线遮住光线shadeworthwhilesupportcrowdorganization更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/1. _ v. 下决心下决心, 决定决定, 果断果断 _

4、n. 决心决心2. _v. 考虑;认为考虑;认为 _ adj. 考虑周到的考虑周到的; 体贴人的体贴人的 _ adj. 重要的重要的, 值得考虑的值得考虑的 _ n. 考虑考虑; 体谅体谅considerationdeterminedeterminationconsiderconsiderateconsiderable二、单词拓展二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/3. _ vt. 计划计划; 打算打算 _ n. 意图意图; 目的目的; 意向意向 intention intentionintendintend更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在

5、名师指津:http:/4. _ adj. 谦虚的谦虚的; 谦让的谦让的; 适度的适度的 _ n. 谦逊;稳重;质朴谦逊;稳重;质朴5. _ vt. 取得,达到取得,达到 _ n. 成就,功绩成就,功绩achievementachievementmodestmodestmodestymodesty achieveachieve更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ 6._ v. 使欢乐使欢乐, 款待款待 _ n. 娱乐娱乐, 款待款待, 表演表演 _ adj.愉快的愉快的, 有趣的有趣的entertainingentertainingentertainentertainenter

6、tainmententertainment更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/(B)灵活运用灵活运用1. We felt a great sense of _ (achieve) when we finally entered the key universities.名词作名词作of的宾语的宾语achievementachievement更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/2. This is a really _ (entertain) journey. 2. 形容词作定语修饰形容词作定语修饰journey。3. We must learn to be_

7、 (consider) and care more about others. 3. 形容词与形容词与be 构成系表结构。构成系表结构。entertainingentertainingconsiderateconsiderate更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/4. Im _ (determine) to succeed.4. 形容词作表语形容词作表语, 表示表示“有决心的有决心的”。5. The police are working on the _(intend) of the case. 5. 定冠词后接名词。定冠词后接名词。determinedintention更多

8、实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/三、短语翻译三、短语翻译 _ 蔑视;瞧不起蔑视;瞧不起2. _ 查阅;参考;谈到查阅;参考;谈到3. _ 为某人为某人付出付出(时间、精力时间、精力)4. _ 离开;启程离开;启程devote oneself /sth todevote oneself /sth tolook down upon/onlook down upon/onrefer torefer tomove offmove off 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/5. _ 继续;坚持继续;坚持6. _ 过着过着的生活的生活7. _ (偶然偶然)遇见;碰见遇

9、见;碰见8. _ 碰巧;凑巧碰巧;凑巧by chance by chance carry oncarry onlead a .lifelead a .lifecome acrosscome across更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/9._ 鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事10._ 值得做某事值得做某事11._涌进,涌入涌进,涌入12._为为专门准备专门准备 be intended forinspire sb. to do sthIts worthwhile to do sth.Its worthwhile to do sth.crowd in更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在

10、名师指津:http:/更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Jody Williams helped found an international campaign to stop the making of landmines. Jody Williams帮帮助发起一个反对制造地雷的国际运动。助发起一个反对制造地雷的国际运动。(B4P1)1. campaign n.运动,战役运动,战役 vi.作战,参作战,参加运动加运动更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/例句例句: The workers are running a campaign to pr

11、event a new airport being built near their home.工人们工人们正在展开一场阻止在他们家附近建正在展开一场阻止在他们家附近建新机场的运动。新机场的运动。搭配搭配: campaign for/against. 争取争取/反对反对的运动的运动更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 填入一个适当的词或完成句子。填入一个适当的词或完成句子。She started a campaign _ _ (对抗污染对抗污染).The leaders of the union are campaigning _ better working con

12、ditions. against againstthe pollutionthe pollutionforfor更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. 简研究这些黑猩猩简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了家族已经很多年了, 她帮助人们了解了黑她帮助人们了解了黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。(B4P2)2. b

13、ehave v.行为行为; 表现表现例句例句: He behaved like a true gentleman. 他的行为像个真正的绅士他的行为像个真正的绅士。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/well/poorly/badly-behaved举止良好的举止良好的/糟糕的糟糕的behave oneself 某人表现得好某人表现得好, 行为得体行为得体be on your best behaviour 尽量表现得体尽量表现得体拓展拓展 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 Most parents like _ _ (表现好的孩子表现好的孩子).

14、His recent_ (behave) puzzles me. When the guests arrive, you should _(尽量表现尽量表现好一点好一点). childrenchildren well-behaved well-behavedbehaviorbehaviorbe on your best behaviourbe on your best behaviour更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of

15、 the world understand and respect the life of these animals. 40年来年来, 简简古道尔一直在呼吁世人了解并尊重古道尔一直在呼吁世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。这些动物的生活。(B4P2)3. respect v. & n. 尊重尊重, 敬意敬意 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/例句例句: We should respect and support each other rather than keep quarrelling all the time.我我们应该互相尊重、互相支持而们应该互相尊重、互相支持

16、而不要老是吵架。不要老是吵架。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 He is a _ professor and every student _ him. (respect) We have _ (非常尊敬非常尊敬) our English teacher. great respect for great respect forrespectablerespectablerespectsrespects更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I rememb

17、er the chimps in laboratories.我一旦停下来我一旦停下来, 所有的一切都会涌上心头所有的一切都会涌上心头, 我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。(B4P2)4. crowd in (on sb.) (想法、问题等想法、问题等)涌上涌上(某某人人)心头心头例句例句: Memories crowded in on me. 往事一往事一齐涌上我心头。齐涌上我心头。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/crowd into the hall涌进大厅涌进大厅a crowd of 一群;一堆一群;一堆in crowds 成群,大群地成群,大群

18、地go with/follow the crowds 随大流随大流be crowded with 满是满是更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/她心乱如麻。她心乱如麻。Too many uncomfortable thoughts _ her.人群涌入拥挤的街道。人群涌入拥挤的街道。The crowd crowded into the _ (crowd) street.运用运用crowdedcrowdedwerewere crowding in oncrowding in on更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: She is leading a b

19、usy life. 她正过她正过着忙碌的生活。着忙碌的生活。(B4P2)例句例句: She lived a hard life after her husband passed away.她丈夫去世后艰她丈夫去世后艰难度日。难度日。5. lead/live a.life 过着过着的生活的生活更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ 过着幸福的生活过着幸福的生活 lead a _ life 过着简朴的生活过着简朴的生活 lead a _ life 过着艰苦的生活过着艰苦的生活 lead a _ life 过着凄惨的生活过着凄惨的生活 lead a _ life 过着舒适的生活过着舒

20、适的生活 lead a _ life运用运用comfortable happy simple hardmiserable/dogs更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Many people look down upon poor people.很多人瞧不起穷人。很多人瞧不起穷人。(B4P4)例句例句: Her parents tell her not to look down upon/on countrymen. 她父母叫她她父母叫她不要瞧不起乡下人。不要瞧不起乡下人。6. look down upon 看不起;藐视看不起;藐视更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名

21、师指津:http:/look after 照料照料look into 调查调查look through 仔细看仔细看, 浏览浏览look out 小心,留神小心,留神更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。 我希望你不要看不起这种工作。我希望你不要看不起这种工作。I hope you dont _ _ this kind of work. look down upon look down upon/on/on更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ 我花了半小时浏览晚报。我花了半小时浏览晚报。I spent ha

22、lf an hour _ the evening paper.(3) 你要小心扒手。你要小心扒手。You should _ for pickpockets. look out look outlooking throughlooking through更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: If the word “group” refers to different members, use a plural verb.如如果果“group”这个词是指不同的成员这个词是指不同的成员, 就就用复数动词。用复数动词。(B4P5)例句例句: He is not the p

23、erson I referred to just now. 他不是我刚才提到的那个人。他不是我刚才提到的那个人。7. refer to 查阅,参考;谈到查阅,参考;谈到更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 你的评论是针对我们所有你的评论是针对我们所有人的吗人的吗?Does your remark _ all of us?refer torefer to更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/你可以在字典里查这个单词的意思。你可以在字典里查这个单词的意思。You can _ to find the meaning of this word.他谈到了玉树地震

24、时的一些经历。他谈到了玉树地震时的一些经历。He _ during the Yushu Earthquake. referred to his experiences referred to his experiencesrefer to the dictionaryrefer to the dictionary更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi.很偶然地很偶然地, 我看到了一篇关于林巧稚大夫的我看到了一篇关于林巧稚大夫的文章文

25、章。(B4P6)8. by chance碰巧碰巧; 偶然偶然, 意外地意外地(=by accident) 例句例句: I heard their talking by chance. 我我偶然听到他们的谈话偶然听到他们的谈话。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。(1) 我昨天偶然碰到了一个老朋友。我昨天偶然碰到了一个老朋友。I _ yesterday.(2) 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。She _ in a drawer.came across some old photoscame

26、 across some old photoscame across an old friendcame across an old friend更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?何不像林巧稚那样在医学何不像林巧稚那样在医学院学习院学习,继续她的工作呢继续她的工作呢?(B4P6)例句例句: If you carry on, something good will happen one day. 如果你坚持不懈如

27、果你坚持不懈,总总有一天好的事情会发生有一天好的事情会发生。9. carry on 继续继续(continue);坚持坚持更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子根据汉语意思完成英文句子。(1) 如果你继续那样驾驶如果你继续那样驾驶, 你会出事故的。你会出事故的。Youll have an accident if you carry on _ (drive) like that.(2) 无论如何无论如何, 我们必须坚持研究我们必须坚持研究。In any case, we should _ our research.carry on withcar

28、ry on withdrivingdriving更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: However, the evening makes it all worthwhile.但是但是, 到傍晚时分我们就觉到傍晚时分我们就觉得这一切都是值得的得这一切都是值得的。(B4P2)例句例句: The arrival of the Premier made the local victims deeply moved. 总理的到总理的到来使当地灾民非常感动来使当地灾民非常感动。1. make+宾语宾补宾语宾补 使使怎么样怎么样更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http

29、:/仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 电脑的应用使我们的工作更有效率。电脑的应用使我们的工作更有效率。Using computers _ _. 运动使我们健康强壮。运动使我们健康强壮。Having sports _ _. makes our working more efficientstrong makes us healthy and更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to

30、 begin her project. 她母她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙亲头几个月来帮她的忙, 这才使她得以开这才使她得以开始自己的计划始自己的计划。(B4P2)2. only+ 状语状语+助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词/be+主语主语例句例句: Only after Jack returned did I learn about the truth. 只有在杰克回来只有在杰克回来后我才得知真相后我才得知真相。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 只有到那时我才明白她的意思只有到那时我才明白她的意思。_ I unders

31、tand what she meant. 只有用这种方法我们才能完成这项工作只有用这种方法我们才能完成这项工作。 _we finish this work.Only then didOnly then didOnly in this way canOnly in this way can 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/原句原句: Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories. 我一旦停下来我一旦停下来, 所有的一切都所有的一切都会涌上心头会涌上心头, 我就会

32、想起实验室的黑猩猩我就会想起实验室的黑猩猩。(B4P2)3. Once. 一旦一旦 引导状语从句引导状语从句例句例句: Once you have confidence, youll be successful in the interview. 一旦你有一旦你有了信心了信心, 在面试中你就能成功在面试中你就能成功。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 一旦出版,这本书会非常畅销。一旦出版,这本书会非常畅销。_, this book will be very popular. 一到那里一到那里, 我会跟你联络的。我

33、会跟你联络的。_ , Ill keep contact with you.Once(it is)printedOnce(it is)printedOnce arriving/I arrive thereOnce arriving/I arrive there 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/1. 几天前几天前, 我碰巧我碰巧与我的一位朋友与我的一位朋友在街上在街上偶然相遇偶然相遇。1.The other day, I came across one of my friends on the street by chance.2. 他他过着艰苦的生活过着艰苦的生活。2. H

34、e lived a hard life.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/3. 我们谈话的时候我们谈话的时候提到了提到了他的叔叔。他的叔叔。3. He referred to his uncle in our conversation.4. 他说决定下个月他说决定下个月启程启程去他叔叔家。去他叔叔家。4. He said he decided to move off to his uncles home next month.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/5. 因为穷因为穷, 他怕被人他怕被人瞧不起瞧不起。5. Being poor, he is a

35、fraid of being looked down upon.6. 他说他说只有过只有过富裕的富裕的生活生活 , 他他才才能感到一丝安慰。能感到一丝安慰。6. He said only by living a wealthy life can he feel a bit comfortable. 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/7. 他叔叔死后他叔叔死后, 他将他将继续继续他的事业。他的事业。7. He will carry on his uncles business after his death.8. 一旦一旦接手接手, 他愿意他愿意将所有的精力花在将所有的精力花

36、在他叔叔的公司他叔叔的公司上上。8. Once he got it, he would like to devote himself to his uncles company.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/合并:合并: The other day, I came across one of my friends on the street by chance, who lived a hard life. He referred to his uncle in our conversation and told me he decided to move off to

37、 his uncles home next month. Being poor, he is afraid of being looked down upon, so he wants to live a rich life. 更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/He said only by living a wealthy life can he feel a bit comfortable. He will carry on his uncles business after his death and once he got it he would like to d

38、evote himself to his uncles company.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ Like that of her own character, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowlings life has the luster of a fairy tale. Divorced, living on public 16 _ (assist) in a tiny Edinburgh flat with her baby daughter, Rowling wrote Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Ston

39、e at a table in a cafe during her daughters naps and it was Harry Potter 17 _ rescued her.16. 名词作宾语。名词作宾语。 17. 与前面的与前面的It is构成强调结构。构成强调结构。 assistanceassistancethatthat更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/Rowling 18 _ (work) as a French teacher when she heard that her book about the boy wizard had been accepte

40、d 19 _ publication. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone was published in June 1997 20 _ achieved almost instant success. 18. 根据句意可知用进行时态。根据句意可知用进行时态。 19. 表目的。表目的。 20. 前后为并列关系前后为并列关系, 故填故填and。was workingwas workingforfor andand更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/With the publication of the American editio

41、n in 1998, Rowlings books continued to make publishing history. Harry Potter climbed to 21 _ top of all the bestseller lists. Indeed, the story of the boy wizard, his Cinderlad childhood, and his adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry caught the 22 _ (imagine) of readers of all age

42、s. 21. 特指畅销书的前茅。特指畅销书的前茅。 22. 名词作宾语。名词作宾语。 thetheimaginationimagination更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/In Britain a separate edition of the first book appeared 23 _ a more “adult” dust jacket so that grown-ups 24 _ (read) it on trains and subways would not have to hide 25 _ copy behind a newspaper. 23. 介

43、词介词with的基本用法。的基本用法。 24. 现在分词作定语。现在分词作定语。 25. 指代前面的指代前面的grown-ups的。的。withwithreadingreadingtheirtheir更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/二、完形填空二、完形填空 One day, I was sitting in a fast food restaurant when I noticed an older gentleman walking in. As he 1 by I smiled at him, sincerely welcoming his 2 . That was

44、all. 1. A. passed B. stood C. sat D. ran 1. A 根据上句的根据上句的an older gentleman walking in可推出这可推出这里填里填passed。pass与与walk是词语同现。是词语同现。2. A. proposal B. survival C. arrival D. approval 2. C arrival (到达到达)与上文的与上文的walking in和和passed by是词是词语同现。语同现。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ One day, I was sitting in a fast foo

45、d restaurant when I noticed an older gentleman walking in. A few minutes later he stopped in front of my 3 because he really wanted to tell me how much he had 4 my smile. 3. A. desk B. table C. house D. window B 第一句中的第一句中的I was sitting in a fast food restaurant 有提有提示。示。table与与restaurant是词语同现。是词语同现。4

46、. A. expected B. predicted C. adopted D. appreciated D 根据下文的根据下文的And I just wanted to thank you 可推出。可推出。appreciate与与thank是近义词复现。是近义词复现。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/As he 1 by I smiled at him, sincerely welcoming his 2 . That was all. “Not many people give a friendly 5 to a stranger these days,” he sai

47、d. “And I just wanted to thank you for your kind 6 .” 5. A. smile B. hand C. lung D. chest A 根据第一段的根据第一段的I smiled at him可知。与可知。与smile是同根词是同根词复现。复现。6. A. language B. gesture C. reaction D. influence B gesture(手势,姿势手势,姿势)与上文的与上文的smile是上下义词复现。是上下义词复现。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/His 7 surprised me, but m

48、y response to his words was even more 8 . I just felt warm in heart! 7. A. response B. expression C. impression D. addiction 7. A 由句中的由句中的but my response可知。与可知。与response是原是原词复现。词复现。8. A. exciting B. surprising C. disappointing D. frightening 8. B surprising与上文的与上文的surprised是同根词复现。是同根词复现。更多实用、好用的学习教辅

49、资料尽在名师指津:http:/“Not many people give a friendly 5 to a stranger these days,” he said. I just felt warm in heart! It is true that smiles are rare among 9 these days, and I was just happy to have done a little bit to 10 that imbalance. 9. A. colleagues B. accompanies C. strangers D. villagers 9. C 根据第

50、一段的根据第一段的Not many people give a friendly 5 to a stranger 可知。与可知。与stranger是原词复现。是原词复现。10. A. hold B. watch C. keep D. correct 10. D根据句意及后面的根据句意及后面的imbalance(不平衡不平衡)可推出。可推出。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ Even a small gesture like a smile can 11 out the best in others, and whats more, it will usually brin

51、g out something good in you as well! Also, this is a 12 gift to humans. 11. A. bring B. break C. turn D. carry 11. A 根据句中的根据句中的it will usually bring out可知。与可知。与bring是原词复现。是原词复现。12. A. delicious B. curious C. precious D. previous 12. C precious(宝贵的宝贵的)与上文出现的与上文出现的the best, something good是词语同现。是词语同现。更

52、多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ The magic of a smile is so sincere and 13 that it can make everything better. What a simple but moving way to make someone warm! 13. A. stressful B. powerful C. doubtful D. careful 13. B 根据主语根据主语magic可推出。可推出。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ I 14 each of us will find a lot more

53、smiles in our life and bring love and light to other peoples 15 just by smiling. 14. A. understand B. realize C. think D. hope 14. D 根据句意及该空后面的宾语可知。根据句意及该空后面的宾语可知。15. A. family B. habit C. life D. work 15 C. 由句中的由句中的will find a lot more smiles in our life 可知。可知。与与life是原词复现。是原词复现。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津

54、:http:/要求考生根据语篇内容要求考生根据语篇内容, 预测作者接预测作者接着要讲什么内容。提问方式有:着要讲什么内容。提问方式有: (1) In the next part, the author would most probably discuss _.(2) What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows? 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解技巧点拨技巧点拨推断后续内容推断后续内容更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/ 做这类题时应把握作者的写作思做这类题时应把握作者的写作思路路, 如文章可能按

55、事件发展的经过描如文章可能按事件发展的经过描写写, 也可能按因果关系、对比关系来也可能按因果关系、对比关系来叙述叙述,从而做出比较科学的、合情合理从而做出比较科学的、合情合理的预测。的预测。 此外此外, 要把握文章结构要把握文章结构, 注意最后注意最后一段的内容一段的内容, 特别留意最后几句话。特别留意最后几句话。更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/即时练习即时练习 A. Arian de Bondt got his idea from his boss.B. Large, flat, black surfaces need to be built in cities.C.

56、The Dutch engineers system has been widely used.D. Heat can also be collected from asphalt roads.1. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?D 细节理解题。第一段最后一句话点明了主题细节理解题。第一段最后一句话点明了主题,第二段是介绍它的来历第二段是介绍它的来历.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/A. To absorb heat from the sun.B. To store

57、 heat for future use.C. To turn solar energy into heat energy.D. To carry heat down below the surface.2. For what purpose are the diving pipes used?D 细节理解题。从第四段的叙述中可知答案细节理解题。从第四段的叙述中可知答案.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/A. some pipes have to be re-arranged in winterB. the system can do more than warming u

58、p the buildingC. the exchangers will pick up heat from the street surfaceD. less heat may be collected in winter than in summer3. From the last paragraph we can learn that _.B. 推理判断题。从最后一段中可知这种系统不仅让楼推理判断题。从最后一段中可知这种系统不仅让楼房得到了保暖房得到了保暖,也可以让马路上的积雪和冰块消融也可以让马路上的积雪和冰块消融.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/A. What

59、we shall do if the system goes wrong.B. What we shall do if there are no asphalt roads.C. How the system cools the building in summer.D. How the system collects heat in spring and autumn.4. What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/C 推理判断题。本文最后一段介绍了

60、这种推理判断题。本文最后一段介绍了这种系统是如何让建筑物在冬天得到保暖的系统是如何让建筑物在冬天得到保暖的,而而第二段中第二段中”the result is that their building is now heated in winter and cooled in summer by a system that relies on the surface of the road outside”可以知道接下可以知道接下来的这一段肯定会解释这种系统是如何在来的这一段肯定会解释这种系统是如何在夏天为建筑物降温的了夏天为建筑物降温的了.更多实用、好用的学习教辅资料尽在名师指津:http:/A. The si


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