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1、Lesson 3Nine to Five一、概括课文大意快速阅读课文“The Road to Success”,以约 30 词概括文章的大意。提示:文章讲述了记者王君燕的成功之路。在她母亲的影响下,她从小充满了好奇心而且勤奋,因此在工作中获得了成功。她对自己的记者工作感到满意并且非常珍惜。 The passage tells how Wang Junyan, a journalist, made success.Greatly influenced by her mother, she developed curiosity and diligence since she was young.

2、That helped her achieve success in her job.Shes satisfied with her job and values it very much.二、阅读理解仔细阅读课文“The Road to Success”,选择正确答案。1Which of the following is NOT the characteristic that madeJunyan successful?_ABeing curious.BWorking hard.CHaving a dream of becoming a famous presenter.DBelieving

3、 in what was true.C 2Who taught her to be curious?_AHer teacher.CHer father.BNobody.DHer mother.3The reason she chose to be a reporter after graduation is that_.A it is important that people grasp what is going on aroundthemBshe dreamed of becoming a reporter when she was a childCher mother wanted h

4、er to be a reporterDshe was curious of being a reporterD A 4What can we learn from the text?_AJunyan became a TV presenter because she often watchedTV when she was a little child.BJunyans mother had a great effect on her career.CJunyan was very naughty when she was a child.DJunyans mother asked her

5、to be a reporter after gra-duationfrom university.B 5Junyan didnt realise the importance of being a reporter until_.Ashe graduated from universityBshe became a journalist for a local newspaperCshe was asked to inspect an illegal businessDshe won an award for a reportC .and she told me that being cur

6、ious, working hard,and believing in what was true made her the success she istoday.(P26, Para.1)她告诉我好奇心、努力工作和坚持真理使她成为今天这样成功的人。1believe in 信任,信仰典例 Christians believe in Jesus.基督徒信仰耶稣。拓展 believe sb./sth.相信某人的话/某事是真的believe that.相信运用 完成句子(1)The boss _ (信任) him very much.(2)I _ (相信他) all the time.(3)We

7、_ (相信) he will succeed.believes in believe him believe thatWe would look in old nests to find birds feathers andwe would even turn over stones to look at the little creaturesthere.(P26, Para.2)我们会在旧的鸟巢里寻找鸟的羽毛,甚至把石头翻起来查看那里的小虫子。2turn over 反转典例The car was turned over and the driver was seriouslyinjured

8、.汽车翻倒了,司机受了重伤。拓展 turn away 把脸转过去,不理睬 turn to sb.向某人求助 turn out 结果是;证明是;生产运用 用适当的副词填空(1)Even the best theory can turn _ to be wrong.(2)Please dont turn your face _ while I am talking toyou.(3)The desk lamp was turned _ by someone.out away overAlthough there were lots of difficulties to overcome, shen

9、ever let her problems defeat her.(P26, Para.2)虽然生活中有许多困难,但她从不让困难打败自己。3overcome vt.战胜,克服 vi.得胜典例It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome suchdifficulties.你们克服了这么大的困难, 值得表扬。I believe truth will overcome.我相信真理将会获胜。运用 完成句子We can _ (战胜任何困难)overcome any difficultyShe said she chose to be a jour

10、nalist because it isimportant that people grasp what is going on around them.(P26,Para.3)她说选择当记者是因为人们了解周围发生的事是很重要的。4grasp vt.& n理解,领会;抓牢,抓紧典例 I dont grasp your meaning.我不懂你的意思。The little girl grasped her mothers arm.小女孩紧抓她母亲的手臂。His ideas are beyond my grasp.他的想法我不能理解。拓展 have a good grasp of 深刻了解with

11、in/beyond ones grasp 为某人力所能及/不及in the grasp of 在掌握中运用 完成句子(1)He failed to _ ( 理 解 重 要 性 ) of mywords.(2)After reading for a third time, I _ ( 深刻了解) the main idea of this book.grasp the importance had a good grasp of .she replied that it was after she was asked to inspectan illegal business.(P26, Par

12、a.3)她回答说是在被要求去调查一桩非法交易之后。5inspect v审查典例 I got out of the car to inspect the damage.我下车去查看损坏处。拓展 inspect sth.for sth. 检查是否有运用 完成句子(1)They _ the roof _ ( 检查是否有) leaks.(2)The mayor will come and _ ( 视察) ourschool tomorrow.inspected for inspect This paid off because she won an award for thereport.(P26,

13、Para.4)她的坚持获得了成功,因为她的报道获奖了。6pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;付清,还清,偿还典例 Did your daring plan pay off?你那项大胆的计划成功了吗?You must pay off your old loan before you can obtain a newone.你必须还清旧账,然后才能再借款。拓展 pay back 报复;偿还pay for 付钱运用 用适当的介词或副词填空(1)Im glad that his effort at last paid _.(2)How much did you pay _ your car?(3)I

14、 have paid him _ for the trick he played on me.off for backI discovered then that as long as I am committed andnever give up I will be able to produce high qualityreports.(P26, Para.4)那时我发现,只要全身心投入,永不放弃,我就能写出高质量的报道。7commit vt.投入;犯(罪),做(错事等)典例 As a doctor, hes very committed.作为医生他是很敬业的。I committed an

15、 error in handling the business.我在处理这项业务时犯了一个错误。拓展 commit oneself to 致力于commit a crime 犯罪commit suicide 自杀commit an error 出差错,犯错误运用 完成句子(1)Get ready to _ (全身心投入) the work.(2)This is a man who has _ (犯罪)commit yourself to ommitted a crimeShe hesitated and then told me that the year before shehad brok

16、en her wrist.(P27, Ex.5)她犹豫了一会儿,然后告诉我在她腕关节受伤之前的那一年8hesitate v犹豫,踌躇点拨 (1)作不及物动词,常与介词 about 连用。如:Dont hesitate about that.Do it at once.对于那件事不要再犹豫了,马上去做吧。(2)作及物动词,还可意为“有疑虑;不愿意”,后常接动词不定式。如:He did not hesitate to ask her to sit beside him.他毫不犹豫地请她坐在他身旁。运用 完成句子(1)If you have any questions, _ (不要犹豫)ask.(2

17、)She _ ( 对 犹 豫 不 决 ) the choicebetween the two dresses.dont hesitate to hesitated about本课时单词拓展词汇构词法小结inspect v审查inspection n.检查,视察inspector n.检查员,巡视员1._和_为名词后缀,表示“性质,状态,行为,过程,结果”。如:translation 翻译;influence 影响。2_为名词后缀,表示人或行为者。如:actor演员。3_加在以 l 开头的形容词前,表示否定。如:illogical 不合逻辑的。illegal adj.不合法的,违法的legal

18、adj.合法的existence n生活;存在exist v.存在,生存-ence -tion -cal-or 运用 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 A ticket _ (inspect) got on the train and began to_ (inspect) our tickets.2 Elevators must undergo an annual safety _(inspect)3When you drive, you must not exceed the _ (illegal)limit.4We do not believe in the _ (exist) of ghos

19、ts.5Most scientists believe that water doesnt _ (exist)on the surface of the moon.inspector inspect inspection legal existenceexist 1I never thought about going on TV because my family didnteven have one until I was in junior high school! (P26, Para.1)我没想过能上电视,因为直到我上初中的时候家里才有电视!点拨 not.until 意为“直到才”,

20、用于引导时间状语从句。如:He didnt go to school until he was seven.他直到七岁才去上学。拓展 not.until 句型有下列变换形式:(1)将 not.until 从句提到句首,主句要倒装。如:Not until he was seven did he go to school.他直到七岁才去上学。(2)将 not.until 从句置于“it was.that”之间,构成强调句。如:It was not until he was seven that he went to school.直到七岁他才去上学。运用 同义句转换(1)We didnt know

21、 about it until yesterday.It was _ that _.(2)He doesnt come until late in the evening.Not until late in the evening _.not until yesterday we knew about it does he come 2 .being curious, working hard, and believing in what wastrue made her the success she is today.(P26, Para.1)是好奇心、努力工作和坚持真理使她成为今天这样成

22、功的人。点拨本句中 make 后接名词作宾补,意为“使成为”。如:They made him their team leader.他们让他做队长。拓展 make 作使役动词的其他用法为:(1)make宾语省略 to 的动词不定式注意:在主动语态中作 make 的宾补的不定式要省略 to,如果 make 用于被动语态,则要加上 to。如:I couldnt make my car start this morning.今天早上我的汽车发动不起来了。The students were made to do the homework the whole night.学生们被迫整个晚上都做作业。(2)

23、make宾语过去分词过去分词作宾补表示宾补的动作与宾语是逻辑上的动宾关系。如:I need to make my car repaired.我需要修理我的车。(3)make宾语形容词形容词作宾补表示宾语所处的状态或性质。如:What he said made her angry.他说的话让她很生气。运用 用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)Seeing him happy made me _ (happy) too.(2)When I first came to America, I had a lot of difficultymaking myself _ (understand)(3)He m

24、ade me _ (repeat) it.(4)We made her our _ (monitor)happy understood repeat monitor 3It was my mother who taught me to be curious.(P26, Para.2)是妈妈教会我要有好奇心。点拨 本句为强调句型,其结构为“It was/is被强调的部分that/who其他成分”。该句型可用于强调主语、宾语、表语和状语,但不可以强调谓语。当强调主语且指人时,可用that/who 引导;其他情况只能用 that。如:It was Mr.Smith who/that taught m

25、e chemistry in middleschool.在中学时,正是史密斯先生教我化学。It was yesterday that I lost my book.正是在昨天我丢了我的书。运用 用强调句型改写句子(1)My mother takes me to school every morning._ my mother _ takes meto school every morning.(2)Einstein was able to come back to his research again afterthe war was over._ after the war was over

26、 _Einstein was able to come back to his research again.It is that/who It was that 4 I asked her if there was any special moment that made herrealise this and she replied that it was after she was asked toinspect an illegal business.(P26, Para.3)我问她有没有什么特殊的时刻使她认识到这一点,她回答说是在被要求去调查一桩非法交易之后。点拨这是一个由 and

27、连接的并列复合句,主干部分是“Iasked her.and she replied.”。and 前面的分句包含一个由 if 引导的宾语从句,宾语从句中又包含一个由 that 引导的定语从句,其中从句的引导词 that 不能用 which 来代替,因为其先行词special moment 被 any 修饰; and 后面的分句包含了一个由 that引导的宾语从句,而且宾语从句还省略了一些成分,完整的句子 应 是 “it was after she was asked to inspect an illegal businessthat she realised this”。运用 完成句子I wr

28、ote to Lincoln to ask _(他是否知道公司举行的聚会), _(他回信说)the pressure ofwork kept him from joining them in most if he knew the party that was held bythe company of the parties.and he replied that间接引语(二)一、直接引语为陈述句时的变化当直接引语为陈述句,变为间接引语时要用 that 引导(常可省略) ,主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的 say/said, 也可用tell/told 来代替。当主句的谓语动词为现在时态,间接引

29、语中的谓语动词时态不变;当主句的谓语动词为过去时态,间接引语中的谓语动词一般按下列规律变化:直接引语间接引语一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时现在完成进行时过去完成进行时一般过去时过去完成时过去进行时不变过去完成时不变如:“Im preparing my lessons,” she said.她说:“我在准备功课。”She said that she was preparing her lessons.她说她在准备功课。I said to them, “Youll be disappointed at the news.”我对他们说:“听到这个消息

30、你们会失望的。”I told them that they would be disappointed at the news. 我告诉他们,听到这个消息他们会失望的。He said to me, “Jane spent all her time doing that.”他对我说:“简做那件事花了她全部的时间。”He told me that Jane had spent all her time doing that.他告诉我简做那件事花了她全部的时间。注意:(1)直接引语中的谓语动词为一般过去时,若与一个具体的表示过去某年、某月、某日的时间状语连用,变为间接引语时则不用改变时态。如:My

31、father said to me, “I read the book in 1986.”我父亲对我说:“我在 1986 年读了这本书。”My father told me he read the book in 1986.我父亲告诉我他于 1986 年读了这本书。(2)直接引语表达的意思是客观真理时,变为间接引语时时态不变。如:The teacher said to us, “The earth goes around the sun.” 老师对我们说:“地球绕着太阳转。”The teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.老师告诉我

32、们地球绕着太阳转。(3)如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(ought to,had better, used to 等 ) 或 已 经 是 过 去 时 的 形 式 (could, should,would, might 等)时,改为间接引语则不再变化。如:Peter said, “You had better come here tomorrow.”彼得说:“你最好明天来这儿。”Peter said I had better go there tomorrow.彼得说我明天最好去那儿。二、直接引语为问句时的变化1间接引语中要用陈述句的语序,且时态的变化仍遵循上述规律。如:She ask

33、ed, “What is it? Whats going to happen?”她问:“那是什么?又要发生什么事了?”She asked what it was and what was going to happen. 她问那是什么,又要发生什么事了。2特殊疑问词要保留。如:The boy was wondering, “How does the computer work?”那男孩感到好奇:“电脑是怎样工作的?”The boy was wondering how the computer worked.那男孩对电脑是怎样工作的感到好奇。“Why do you speak English s

34、o fluently?” I said to him.我对他说:“为什么你的英语说得如此流利?”I asked him why he spoke English so fluently.我问他,他的英语为什么说得如此流利。3一般、选择或反意疑问句在改为间接引语时要加 whether或 if。如:“Is there anything wrong, Madam?” asked the policeman.警察问:“夫人,出了什么事吗?”The policeman asked the woman whether there wasanything wrong.警察问那个妇女是否出了什么事。He asked me, “Do you study English or French?”他问我:“你学的是英语还是法语?”He asked me whether I studied English or French.他问我学的是英语还是法语。He said, “You are interested in English, arent you?”他说:“你对英语感兴趣,是吗?”He asked whether I was interested in English.他问我是否对英语感兴趣。一、同义句转换1She said, “Are you from the South?”She asked


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