



1、.词汇运用复习目标掌握词汇的灵活运用、综合运用。题组训练一(问题习题化)用方框中所给词的适当形式完成短文,将正确的词写在文中的横线上(其余有两个多余) (I)with, on, them, proud, change, so, why, other, this, return, however, useSome years ago,Chinese high school students would show their news schoolbags, new clothes or new pens to their classmates when&#

2、160;the new term started. Today, however, all have (1)_. If you still come back to school (2)_ only these things, you are falling out-of- date.Students in big cities like 

3、;to bring the latest high-tech things to school, and feel (3)_ to showoff (炫) these things to (4) Mobile phones, MP4 players, CD players, electronic dictionaries, the list is endle

4、ss.Young people think that, living in the 21st century, they must keep up with the date. They don't want to fall  behind. Besides, they think  that they nee

5、d to keep in touch with their classmates, so  they need mobile phones.They also like  to listen to the   pop music, (5)_ they need CD players. They explained that, someth

6、ing   like electronic dictionaries,  these can be  (6)_ in their study, too. They think that their parents should understand (7)_  they want these things.  

7、;Foreign students will also bring some latest high-tech things when they  (8)_ to school at the beginning of a new term.However, they often use the money which they&

8、#160;made by(9)_ during the holiday to buy (10)_ high-tech things that they want. (II)cook, dark, finish, high, lead, light, luck, map, sign, sure, surprise, worryIt was already late when we started for the next town, which according to the (1)_was about

9、fifteen miles away on the other side of the hill. There we felt (2)_that we would find a bed for the night. Soon (3)_ fell after we left the village, but (4) _, we met no one 

10、as we drove fast along the narrow road that (5)_ to the hill. As our car climbed (6)_, it became colder and the rain began to fall, making it difficult to&

11、#160;see the road. After we had travelled for about twenty miles, there was still no (7)_of the town which was marked on the  map, we were beginning to get 

12、;(8)_. Then, the car suddenly stopped. A quick examination showed that we had used  up the gas. Although we had little food with us, we decided to spend the

13、0;night in the car. Our meal was soon(9)_, and then I tried to sleep at once, but John, who was a poor sleeper, got out of the car after a few minutes

14、 and went for a walk up the hill. Soon he found, in the valley below, the (10)_ of the town we were looking for. We at once pushed the car to

15、0;the top of the hill. In less than a quarter of an hour, we were in the town.答题技巧解答这类考题所涉及的内容比较广泛,主要涵盖两个方面:一是从构词法角度考虑词类转化。如:动词名词、名词形容词、形容词副词、动词形容词等,根据所填单词在句子中的句法功能,将所给单词作相应变化来完成句子。二是按照语法规则要求考虑词形变化。如:名词的单数变复数和名词所有格形

16、式,人称代词的数、格之间的相互转化,形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的相互转化,人称代词、物主代词与反身代词三者之间的相互转化,基数词与序数词的相互转化,动词的不同时态、语态的变化形式,V-ing形式和不定式,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式,同义词、反义词及同义词等。题组训练二(知识网络化)用方框中所给词的适当形式完成短文,将正确的词写在文中的横线上(其余有两个多余)parent, spend, do tradition, they, easy, pay, survey, play, game, child, useWhich is (1)_, using an iPhone or tyin

17、g shoes(系鞋带)? According to a new survey, more (2)_ aged between 2 and 5 can use high-tech products than tying their shoes. The survey (3)_ on 2,200 mothers with children aged from 2 to 5.According to the (4)_ , 66% of children know how to turn&#

18、160;on a computer, 73% know how to (5)_ a mouse,70% can play computer (6)_ and 23% can make a phone call. However, only 33% know the address of (7)_ own

19、60;family,11% know how to tie their shoes and 20% can swim.Nowadays,many (8)_ use high-tech products as educational tools. When they are busy with work, they turn to computers

20、 or mobile phones for help. Therefore many children (9)_ a lot of time on high-teach products and have little time to practice basic(10)_ life skills such as tying t

21、heir shoes.题组训练三(与中考链接)用方框中所给词的适当形式完成短文,将正确的词写在文中的横线上(其余有两个多余)(I)come, plant, easy, put, he, mean, around, same, grow, for, wonder, possibleA rich man asked a wise old man to help his son give up bad habits. The old man took the boy (1)_ a walk through a garden. He stopped suddenly and asked th

22、e boy to pull up a small plant (2)_ there.The boy pulled it up (3)_. The old man then asked him to pull up a bigger (4)_. The boy pulled hard, and the plant (5)_out.“Now pull up that one,”said the old man, pointing to a bush. The boy did (6)_ best, and finally pulled it up.“Now pull this one out,”sa

23、id the old man , pointing to a tree. The boy put his arms (7)_ the tree and tried to pull it up, but he couldn't.“It's (8)_,” said the boy. He was tired. “It's the (9)_ with bad habits,”said the old man. “When they are young it's easy to pull them up, (10)_ when they grow up they can

24、't be uprooted (根除) so easily.”These words changed the boy's life.(II)schoolmate, fill, don't as, only, return, choose, change, success, full, spend with Steven Jobs , the CEO of Apple, was not a good student when he was in school.  At that time, he always got into trouble with his

25、(1)_. When he went to college, he (2)_ change a lot. Then he dropped out(退学). But he was (3)_ of new ideas. After that, Steven Jobs worked (4)_ a video game designer in a company. He worked there (5)_ for a few months and then he went to India. He hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and a new chance to (6)_ his life.Steven Jobs lived on a farm in California for a year after he (7)_ from India. In 1975, he began to


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