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1、2精选 word 范本!2010 年扎鲁特二中初二期中考试英语试题一翻译下列短语(15)1 为 准备好3 对 有益 想要感觉要7 至少,不少于动身去某地放弃 众所周知 参加选择(20)16. Would you mi nd not_A. smokeB. smokes111315here?交朋友 更强壮 尽10(某人)同1214最大努力比赛长大成人一天两次C. to smokeD. smoking17. Kan gka ng was angry_MichalA. withB. toC. atD. for18.1 prefer skat ing to_A.da neeB. danced19 Thi

2、s term I make many freinds_A.withB. andC. dancingmy classmatesC. toD. dancesD. foryou to get to school?20._did itA how soon ;take B How long ;cost C How ofen ;spend D How long ;take21. Do you mind ope ning the window for me ?A. Yes, of course not B. Yes,please C . Not at all22 At last they went clim

3、i ng in stead of_A. going swimB. go swimmi ngC .go swimi ng23 You had better notA. to watch_ TV todayB. watchC . seeD. No, you dontD.goi ng swimmingD. watching)24 Bad luck!A. leavemy pen cil box in the classroomB. forgetC. left25. Shall we take the_ boy to the hospital ?B. diseaseC. illA. ill ness26

4、. The policema n asked the boys_ play in the streetA. to notB. not to C. did ntD. forgotD. sickD. not27. The tall boy is_to carry the heavy boxA. eno ugh strongB. stron gly eno ugh C. stron gly eno ugh D. strong eno ugh28. Why dont you play basketball with us ?A. Yes , I have B. Thats right C. I thi

5、 nk it29. Thank you for_me your bikeA. le ndB. borrowC. borrowi ng()30. I get up early_ I can get to school on timeA. en ough toB. so thatC. but()31 We haveD. OK, Id love to ()D. lendingD.orhomework to do this weeke nd2精选 word 范本!精选 word 范本!_ gold medals_ we get in the Sydney Olympics?37. Youd bette

6、r move your leg too much (改为否定句)Youd better_ your leg too much38. Would you mi nd closi ng the wi ndow? (改为否定句)Would you mind_ the wi ndow?39. Care for your little brother,please (改为同意句)_ _ your little brother, please.40. Could you do me a favor?(改为同意句)Could you_ _ _41 You cant be late time (改为同意句)_

7、late n ext time42 I have a headache.(画线提问)_ _ _ you ?28. He cant go with you because he has tohomework .(画线提问)_ _ he go with me ?43 请告诉她不要去河里游泳。Please ask herin the river .44. 她离开这么早是什么意思?What did she mean_ _ so early ?四、用所给词的合适形式填空(10)45.There are many_in Shan ghai.( foreig n)46.Wang Ian is one of

8、the most_ (play)47.Well visit the park if it_(not rai n) tomorrow48.the teacher always en courages me_ (study) hard .49._ (stay)up late is bad for your health.50.Lilei is good at_ (jump).51. During the May Day holiday ,I usually see you_ (play)basketball.52. He left_ (with) say ing goodbye .So his m

9、other was very an gry.53._You kept me_ (wait) so longyesterday,would you mindearlier todayB. much tooA. too many)32 I helped my mother_A .cookB.cookedC. many tooat homeD. too muchD. Both A and C()33. Hi! childre n. Did you enjoyat the party ?A.youB. yoursC. yourselfD. yourselevs()34. An apple a day

10、is goodyour healthA.toB. forC. atD. with()35. Mum ,may I watch TV now ?Sure, but youhelp me with my homework firstA.mayB. canC. must ntD. mustC. to cook三、按要求改写句型(25)36. We got 28 gold medals in the 2000 Sydney Olympics (画线提问)do hie(come)5 分)精选 word 范本!五、情景对话,从下面的方框中选出合适选项补全对话(A: Hello!B: Hello! 54A:

11、 Just a minute .May I ask who is that ?B: _55_A: Hold on ,please.Ya ng Lin ,there is a call .I ts from Li Ming.C: Hi,Li Ming ,This is Yang Lin speak ingA: Hi,Ya ng Lin Thank you for ask ing me to your part _56_ .Beacause my sister is sick and I have to look after her.C: _57_I hope its not seriousA:

12、No really She is a little better nowC: Glad to hear that .Please tell your sister I hope she gets better soon .Good ni ght.B:Tha nks. 58A.This is Li Mi ngB.Good ni ghtC.Can 1 speak to Yang lin, please?D.rm sorry to hear that.E.rm sorry I cant come.完形填空 (10 分)Joan and Alice are in Grade One.They_ 59_

13、in the same building and they are good_60_ .They go to school and come home together. After61_they sing ,play,read or do theirhomework in front of the buildi ng .One day It was Joans birthday.Joan 62_Alice to her party.The little girl went there atsix.The party_63_and all the people said , Happy bir

14、thday to you,Joan She was very 64.Joa nspare nts brought some other food and the childre n thought it was very delicious ,so they _65_much . After that they bega n to play in the room.They _66_ a good time there.Werent you at home yesterday?asked Alice ._67_an swered Joa n .It was my gra ndfathers b

15、irthday and I went to his home withmy _68_What ? the little girl said in surprise( 惊讶地)Is he only one day older than you?59.A. workB.liveC.walkD. run60.A. stude ntsB.teachersC.classmates D. friends61.A. classB.breakfastC.schoolD. day62.A. askedB.letC.toldD. hoped63.A. fini shedB.startedC.leftD. lift

16、ed64.A. happyB.sorryC.freeD. busy65A .sawB.carriedC.foundD. ate66.A. gaveB.gotC.hadD. heared67.A. Yes ,I amB.No , I was ntC.Yes ,we wereD. No,we werent68.A. fatherB.motherC.brotherD. family七阅读理解(20 分)AMost children like to watch TV.Its very interesting.By watching TV they can see and learn a lotand

17、know many things about their country and the world. Of course,they can also learn many things onthe radio.But they can learn better with TV.Why?Because they can hear and精选 word 范本!watch at the same time.But they can see no thi ng on the radio.TV helps to open childrens eyes.TV helps to open children

18、s minds,too. They can learn knowledge and better ways of doing thi ngs.They may find the world is now smaller than before.Many childre n watch TV on Saturday or Sun day eve nin g.they are always busy with theirlessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late.They cant have

19、a goodrest.How about you,my young frien ds?()73. Childre n can study better and more easily with TV because_A. they like to watch TVB. they can hear at the same timeC. they can watch at the same timeD. they can listen to and see somethimg at the same timeBThe Chin ese New Year is the most importa nt

20、 holiday for Chin ese.the New Year comes with thefitst day of the First Moon, betwee n January21 and February 19.People get ready for theholiday for fifteen days. Finally ,at midnight it is the first day of the First Moon .People close the shopsand the streets are empty.Everyone locks(锁 )the doors a

21、nd stays at home .It is an important time for the family .The youger people bow(鞠身弓)to the older people .TheChinese people this ketou.This means to touch the ground with forehead(前额)Then the youn gerpeople wish the older people a happy new year.The older people give childre n prese nts or money inre

22、d envelipes( 信圭寸).The family than goes to sleep.In the morning ,people put on their best clothes .Some people stay at home ,others go out to cvisitfriends or n eighours .They are very polite and do not use bad words .I ts the most importa nt day of theday .(74. The Chin ese New Year i n the passage

23、means_A .Mid Autu mn DayB. the Spri ng FestivalC. Christmas DayD .the Dragon(龙)Boat Festival(75. It takes about_to get ready for the Chin ese New YearA. a few days B. twelve days C. half a monthD. three days()76. At midni ght(午夜)you can see_people in the streets. Every onestays at homeA.lots ofB. hu

24、n dreds ofC. manyD. few()777. The part of the face above (在.上) the eyes and below (在.下)the hair isthe_ .()69. A few childre n go to bed late because they_A. are busy with their less onC. watch TV)70. Childre n cant see anything_A. in the radio B. on the radio71. TV helps to ope n childrens_A. eyesB. mindsB. do their homew


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