1、把摘要一二段的文字修改,不要泛泛而谈文化,把范围集中在于论文相关的家庭婚姻观方面。请周五一定要给我。请把语法改好,老师说再像现在文章的样子他也不会帮我,那么论文一定也过不了。你们也不想名声不好吧,代写论文还过不了从喜宴看中西家庭文化的冲突与融合摘要:随着全球化的不断发展,中国具备越来越多的机会与其他国家进行交流,因此跨文化研究已经成为学术界的一个热点话题。人们普遍认可的是,中国拥有超过五千年的历史,并在儒家思想的影响下,拥有独特的文化。而同时,西方国家也有其特色文化。中国和西方国家之间与日俱增的交流要求我们对中西方文化有着更好的了解。 在中西文化交流各个方面中,家庭观念的不同已经显得十分突出。
2、这种由地理,发展历史、意识形态、价值观等等引起的差异性导致了中西方国家间跨文化冲突对抗和障碍。就目前而言,可能有众多关于中西方国家之间跨文化交际的研究。然而,本文将主要探讨喜宴,李安最著名的电影之一中所体现的中西方文化冲突和融合。本文的作者希望基于此文,能够使人们更好的理解中西方文化,并起到促进跨文化交流的作用。关键词:喜宴;中国;消费;文化冲突;融合The Conflicts and Integration of Chinese and Western Culture of family in the Wedding Banquet AbstractWith the development
3、of globalization, China has more chances to communicate with other countries which lead to a situation for cross-cultural research as a hot topic in academies. As is known to all, China has a history of more than 5,000 years and a unique culture affected by Confucianism. At the same time, western co
4、untries have their own cultures. A further communication between China and western countries requires for the good understanding of both cultures.Chinese and Western cultural communication, the family ideology has obviously shown the difference from many perspectives. The difference, caused by devel
5、opmental history ideology, values and thoughts, leads to conflicts and obstacles in cross-cultural communication. Nowadays, there have been many researches on the cross-cultural communication between China and western countries. However, this thesis is aiming at the analysis of Ang Lees famous movie
6、 Banquet on its conflicts and integration of both cultures. The purpose of the whole study is to help people with a good understanding with both Chinese and Western cultures and push ahead a frequent communication for both cultures.我根据中文摘要,重新写了一遍英文摘要,OK了不?Key words: Wedding Banquet; Chinese; western
7、; cultural conflicts; integration AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Xu, both for her intellectual guidance and for her warm and constant encouragement during the process of writing this thesis. With patience and prudence, h
8、e labored through drafts of this thesis and pointed out defects in my theorizing. Therefore, I owe all the merits in this thesis, if any, to him, though I am fully aware that the thesis might still contain some mistakes, for which I bear the whole responsibility.My cordial and sincere thanks go to a
9、ll the teachers in the Department of English, whose interesting and informative courses have benefited me a lot during my college years. The profit that I gained from their profound knowledge, remarkable expertise and intellectual ingenuity will be of everlasting significance to my future life and c
10、areer.I am also very grateful to my classmates, who have given me a lot of help and courage during my stay in the University and throughout the process of writing this thesis. Last but not the least; big thanks go to my families who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ulti
11、mate happiness in eventually finishing this thesis.ivContents摘要iAbstractiiAcknowledgementsiiiIntroduction1I. Literature Review4II. Different Culture of Family in China and Western Countries6A. Conception of “Home”6B. Confucianism versus Individualism7C. Cultural Tolerance and Diversity8D. Cultural C
12、onnotation of Wedding Feast8III. Conflicts and Integration of Chinese and Western Culture of Family in Wedding Banquet10A.Manifestations of Conflicts101.Attitudes toward marriage and family:102. The Figure of Wei Wei:113. The images of Wei Tungs Parents:11B. Integration of Chinese and Western Cultur
13、e of family121.Farewell at the airport:122.Use of Two Languages in the Movie:13Conclusion15Notes17Bibliography.181The Conflicts and Integration of Chinese and Western Culture of family in the Wedding BanquetIntroductionCultural conflict and integration act as such an in separate part of the human hi
14、story. If there is no cultural conflicts and integration, there must be no development and innovation in culture. Since the First Opium War, after the outbreak of the invasion of western powers and western learning, conflict and integration of Chinese and western cultures has become one of the main
15、themes of modern Chinese history development, which is possession of a variety of characteristics, and exert far-reaching impact on modern political, economic, military, educational and academic aspects 熊吕茂,近代中西文化冲突与融合的特点及其影响,Characteristics and Impact of the Conflict and Integration of Chinese and
16、Western Culture in Modern Times,中南大学历史与文化研究所,2007年,第2页。. The major difference between Chinese and Western culture is that China is an oriental country, and its traditional culture is completely different from western heritage. China has a history as long as 5000 years, and Chinese people have develo
17、ped their own independent music, musical instruments, painting techniques, traditional Chinese medicine, and especially , cooking methods whereas completely different and unique when compared with Western ones. Comparing with western people who are keen on tasty and convenient eating,and ignore the
18、bad effect of high fat food.Chinese believe in healthy eating, and have a holistic approach towards health. They eat more vegetable and bean products and less meat 。The Western culture is more advanced, and loves adventure and exploration. And Chinese seeking for safe life .The Chinese focus more on
19、 collective gain instead of individual gain by making the right decisions, and believe in the golden means so as to full into extremism. Born in 1954 in Taipei, Ang Lee graduated from the National Taiwan College of Arts in 1975 and then went to the United States, where he studied theater directing a
20、t the University of Illinois and film production at New York University. Having garnered international acclaim for his work, Taiwanese director Ang Lee was one of the first Chinese-born directors to find critical and commercial success on both sides of the Pacific. In the 2007 book The Cinema of Ang
21、 Lee: The Other Side of the Screen, Whitney Crothers Dilley has analyzed in detail the striking diversity of Lees films, as well as Lees recurring themes of alienation, marginalization, and repression. Many of Lees films, particularly his early Chinese trilogy, have also focused on the interactions
22、between modernity and tradition. Some of his films have also had a light-hearted comic tone which marks a break from the tragic historical realism which characterized Taiwanese filmmaking after the end of the martial law period in 1987. While The Wedding Banquet (1993) became a break-out hit for Lee
23、 as the most proportionately profitable film of 1993, it was Sense and Sensibility (1995) that brought Lee his first true international acclaim. Following that, both Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) (nominated for Academy Award for Best Director) and Brokeback Mountain (2005) (which won the Aca
24、demy Award for Best Director) became cultural touchstones, sweeping awards ceremonies and, in the case of Brokeback Mountain, sparking intense critical debates. When asked by a TV interviewer how he found his films, Lee is said to have replied: I dont find my films, my films find me. 力子,融合中西之长创造完美电影
25、李安访谈录,当代电影,2006年第6期The Wedding Banquet is a 1993 film about a gay Taiwanese immigrant man, Wai-Tung Gao who marries a mainland Chinese woman to placate his parents and get her a green card. His plan backfires when his parents arrive in the United States to plan his wedding banquet. Wedding Banquet i
26、s the first of three movies that Ang Lee would make about gay characters and is a co-production between Taiwan and the United States. Wai-Tung Gao and Simon are a happy gay couple living in Manhattan. Wai-Tung is in his late 20s, so his Taiwanese parents are eager to see him get married and have a c
27、hild. At Simons insistence, Wai-Tung decides to get married to one of his tenants, Wei-Wei, a penniless artist from mainland China in need of a green card. Besides helping out Wei-Wei, Simon and Wai-Tung hope that this will placate Wai-Tungs parents. After the banquet, Wei-Wei seduces the drunken Wa
28、i-Tung, and becomes pregnant. Simon is extremely upset when he finds out, and his relationship with Wai-Tung begins to deteriorate. In a moment of anger, after a fight with both Simon and Wei-Wei, Wai-Tung admits the truth to his mother. The perceptive Mr. Gao sees more than he is letting on; he sec
29、retly tells Simon that he knows about their relationship. In the end, both derive some happiness from the situation, and Wai-Tungs parents walk off to board the aircraft, leaving the unconventional family to sort itself out.I. Literature ReviewThe Wedding Banquet deals with a controversial issue, na
30、mely homosexuality. When Brokeback Mountain came into theatre, people were amazed at the sentimental capture of issue of homosexual romance by Ang Lee. It got 8 nominations and finally won 3 of them, including the Best Achievement in Directing on the 78th Academy Award ceremony. However, Brokeback M
31、ountain is not Ang Lees first work that touches the sensitive area of forbidden love of two men. As early as 1994, He made the film Wedding Banquet in Taiwan, winning international applause for his awareness and artistic display of the issue. On the poster of the film, the bridegroom stands behind t
32、wo people, a man and a woman. The triangle suggests an abnormal relationship among the three peopleactually in the film, one is the mans real lover, and the other is his fake bride. Actually, Wedding Banquet, Eat Drink Man Woman and another film, Pushing Hands, are Ang Lees trilogy of father and all
33、 focuses on the conflicts between a Chinese father and a westernized Chinese son. The making of the trilogy originates from Ang Lees personal experience. Born in Taiwan and having western education, Lee is a typical amalgam of eastern and western culture. And as Lee once mentioned, he has a traditio
34、nal father who sticks to the conventions and has a gap for understanding Lees career as a director who makes movies in America. Therefore many scenes in the films are Lees real experience, which make the films convincing and real. Interestingly, it was these three consecutive successes that enabled
35、Ang Lee to be noticed by the mainstream film industry in U.S. After that, Ang Lee began to stretch his talent in a broader area 王爽,从李安的“三部曲”看中西文化的冲突与融合,中南大学 2011年. Ang Lees way of coping with issues associated with ethnicity, generation conflicts and gender tightly interwoven in the movie is very or
36、iginal indeed. While contemporary novels such as those of Amy Tan underscore the often-irresolvable dilemma of choosing between adherence to tradition and the American way of life, Lee focuses on two main points. The first is an interrogation of the stereotypical image of the “Orientals” in many Hol
37、lywood movies and the biased portrayals of the Asian parents, of young, ambivalent Asian Americans, and even oppressive and racist White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. The second is the assertion of a value that is not exclusively Eastern, Western, hybrid, heterosexual, or homosexual, but more simply huma
38、n: the idea of human continuity, suggested by the future birth of a child (in this case, Wai Tung and Wei Weis baby). This imminent event enables the characters to bridge their physical and mental distance and, eventually, successfully reconcile the opposites, like sweet and sour, with a result that
39、 is as delicious as the Chinese food of the banquet, as constructive as the development of the plot. Thus, Lees film opens new channels of communication between East and West Elisabetta Marino. When East Meets West: A Sweet and Sour Encounter in Ang Lees The Wedding Banquet. University of Rome Tor V
40、ergata. Postcolonial Text,Vol 1, No 2 (2005).II. Different Culture of Family in China and Western CountriesA. Conception of “Home”Chinese culture is greatly influenced by Confucianism ,filial piety was a very important category in Confucian thought. Therefore Chinese culture of filial piety plays a
41、crucial role in the thinking of Chinese standards and codes of conduct. Filial piety-oriented culture respected advocate to honor, father and son, ruler and subject, hierarchy, old and young. In the family unit, filial piety is about respect for the elderly, caring for the elderly, obedient to their
42、 will and thought is built on the blood relationship of a special kind of feeling. According to cultural scholars, one is filial obedience, which means people must respect the will of their parents; another layer of meaning is to maintain the continuity of the family, children must follow the will o
43、f the ancestors, the family name, and the family business, honor, etc. from generation to generation down. Filial culture has more than two thousand years of history, and has experienced dozens of dynasties, which is a cultural heritage from generation to generation . As a result of the recognition
44、of its generation, the filial piety has played the role of intergenerational integration. In contrast, Westerners focus more on personal feelings, so they are better able to live according to their own will, rather than their parents, or family constraints and limitations, and therefore, enjoy more
45、freedom. Most Westerners live estranged from their parents。Many westerners feeling astonishing when they witness three or even four generations live under one roof. They cant understand how can they live so harmony and even without any quarrel。Besides they cant understand why those Chinese need to g
46、ive some of their slavery to their parents。In westerners opinion family is a economic organizations and political unit.。The relations between couples are solo rely on couples feeling,and children have many rights parents would not interfere in their children own life,children have freedom to choose
47、their own life。B. Confucianism versus IndividualismChinese culture is closely related to Confucianism. Confucian teachings advocate love within the family, rituals, etiquette, hard work and moderation. In the movie, love within the family can well be illustrated by Mr. and Mrs. Gaos exceeding care o
48、f their son Wai Tung, the protagonist, in terms of his marriage. They are very keen to have a grandson as soon as possible, so much so that they placed Wai Tungs name in the Singles Club, hoping that they can find an ideal girlfriend for him. This kind of care is very common among Chinese families,
49、which represents parents love for their children. When their children arrives in marriage age,the parents would urge their children to find their husband or wife. Parents would introduce some people to their children, for them think those people are perfectly suit their children and will help their
50、children in the future. In some cases, some parents even substitute their children to meet the blind date. In American culture, however, it is hard to imagine that parents love of their children is expressed this way. American parents normally think that adult children have their own independent cho
51、ice and they normally respect their own choices, just as Simons parents. As American culture is characterized by individualism, adults tend to think independently. They listen to their parents but they make decisions on their own.This concept individualism means the inviolability of personal dignity
52、, to promote independent thinking individuals, judgments and freedom of choice, stressing self-reliance, self-improvement, self-realization, but also stressed the supremacy of individual interests. Individualism is the core values advocated by the West, the Wests life more autonomy, freedom, and gre
53、ater emphasis on personal experience and feelings, and less bound by discipline and restraint.Chinese culture is also full of rituals and formalities under the influence of Confucianism. L. S. Vasilev. Confucianism in China. Russian Studies in History. Volume 8, Number 1 / Summer 1969. pp 31-62One c
54、ase in point is the wedding ceremony in this movie which goes through many traditional procedures, for instance, a big wedding banquet where the bride and bride groom are required to perform a number of games to amuse people, new wedding room invasion, which means people present in the wedding cerem
55、ony come into the room at night where the bride and bridegroom live and play unimaginable tricks on the bride and bridegroom. In this movie, Wai Tung and his wife Wei Wei were commanded to creep into their quilt and then take off all their clothes inside before the people at the spot.C. Cultural Tol
56、erance and DiversityOne special point in this movie is that it talks about Chinese people and American attitudes toward gay issue. As most Chinese people resent the attitude of homosexual acts, and no law expressly states that to protect the legitimate rights of homosexuals, homosexuality in the com
57、munity is subject to a certain degree of discrimination and oppression. China is for several thousands of years of the feudal system, and the economy based on agricultural self-sufficiency, more occlusion, little contact with new cultures and things, so it is really hard for Chinese people to accept
58、 the gay relationship. The number of different nationalities, races and beliefs collection in the US and China, the United States is called a mosaic of Xi State - is small by a different color composition of an individual picture appears to be a country. But if you look closely, you will find individuals of different skin color and race is still maintain their distinctive characteristics. This is because each nation to maintain its own cultural traditions, national characteristics, showing the entire contents of different cultures, distinctive featur
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