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1、Lecture 4Noun and Noun PhraseClassification of Nouns Number Forms of Nouns (名词的数名词的数) Unit Noun (Partitive) (单位名词单位名词) Classification of NounsWord formationLexical meaningGrammatical formSimple nounsSimple nounsCompound nounsCompound nounsDerivative nounsDerivative nounsCommon nounsCommon nounsPrope

2、r nounsProper nounsCountable nounsCountable nounsUncountable Uncountable nounsnounslSimple nouns: a noun that contains only one free morpheme. man, chair, land, ship, water, gas, faithlCompound nouns: a noun that is composed of two or more morphemes. armchair, farmland, seaside, forget-me-notlDeriva

3、tive nouns: a noun that comes from a verb, an adjective or a simple noun with affix. arrangement, greatness, ability, expectationP41 Ex.4A Common Noun Proper Noun个体名词个体名词 Individual Noun(boy, house, tiger, insect)集体名词集体名词 Collective Noun(family, team, cattle, police)物质名词物质名词 Material Noun(air, snow,

4、 bread, rice)抽象名词抽象名词 Abstract Noun(glory, honesty, education)A proper noun is a name used for a particular person, place or thing, and spelt with a capital initial letter.Anderson, China, San Francisco, the Democratic Party, the State Council, the 12th Five-Year PlanCount and non-count nouns A coun

5、t noun (or countable noun) is a noun that has a plural and which can collocate with numbers and with such determiners as a(n), many, few, these, those, several, etc. A non-count noun (or uncountable noun) is a noun that cannot go with the above-mentioned words.Three main number classes of Nsl1) vari

6、able NslRegular Vs irregularl2) singular invariable NslNoncount Ns: goldlAbstract adjective heads: the unreallProper Ns: Henryl3) plural invariable NslSummation plurals: scissorslPluralia tantum in s: thankslUnmarked plural Ns: peoplelPersonal adjecitve heads: the richlProper Ns: the Alps1)Ns with i

7、rregular plurallVoicing and s plural calf calveslMutation plural foot feet l-en plural child childrenlZero plural sheep sheeplForeign plurals stimulus stimuli (Latin)l larva larvae /i:/ l stratum stratal index indicesl matrix matrices /isi:z/l thesis theses (Greek)l criterion criterial bureau bureau

8、x (French)l tempo tempi (Italian)l kibbutz kibbutzim (Hebrew)Zero plurallZero plural ns can be both singular and plural; while invariable ns are either singular or plural.lThis sheep looks small.lAll those sheep are ours.lThis music is too loud.lAll the cattle are grazing in the field.lNs with equiv

9、ocal numberlThere are also nouns such as barracks(营房营房), headquarters(总部总部), means(方法方法,手段手段), series(系列系列), alms(施舍施舍), species(种类种类) and works(工厂工厂) whose singular and plural number share the same form. These nouns are treated as plural when used in the plural sense, or vice versa:lThe only means

10、to achieve success is to appeal to arms.lAll means have been tried out to increase agricultural production.2)Singular invariable NslSome concrete noncount ns can be reclassified as count ns with specific meaningslButters kind(s) of butterlA beer a glass of beerlSome abstract noncount ns can be recla

11、ssified as count ns where they refer to an instance of a given abstract phenomenonlInjustices, regrets, kindnesses, pleasures, etc.lSome noncount ns, particularly those denoting natural phenomena, may be pluralized, eg;lWalking through the woods lLets play on the sandslI have serious doubt/grave fea

12、rslRaise someones hopeslSome plurals express intensity, great quantity or extent, and a literary flavour.lThe sands of the desertlSailing on the great watersReclassification of material nslBreads几种(客)面包lCoffees几杯咖啡lLemonades几瓶柠檬汁lDeserts一片片沙漠lSands一片沙漠lFats各类脂肪lFishes各类鱼lFoods各类食物lFruits各类水果lTobacco

13、s各类烟草lMetals各类金属lSteels各种钢材lTeas各种茶叶lWheats各种小麦Reclassification of abstract nslAnxiety 焦虑焦虑 anxieties 使人忧虑的事情使人忧虑的事情lBusiness生意生意 businesses多片商店货多家企业多片商店货多家企业lDelicacy微妙微妙 delicacies山珍海味山珍海味lDisorder混乱混乱 disorders小病小病 微恙微恙lExperience经验经验 experiences 经历经历lFear恐惧恐惧 fears种种担心种种担心lFriendship友谊友谊 friends

14、hips表示友谊的事例表示友谊的事例lJoy欢乐欢乐 joys令人快慰的人或事令人快慰的人或事lKindness善意善意 盛情美意盛情美意 kindnesses善行善行lPity怜悯怜悯 pities不幸不幸lSecurity安全安全 securities证券证券 债券债券lSympathy同情同情 sympathies同情同情 慰问慰问 表示慰问的函电等表示慰问的函电等Invariable ns ending in s lSubject names ending in ics are generally singular nouns, lPhysics is an important sub

15、ject in middle school.lAthletics is a required course for the students of all grades.lHowever, some such nouns are treated as plural when used in other senses than subject names:lAthletics (体育运动)have been greatly promoted at this college.lPolitics政治学;政治观点或态度, linguistics, electronics, mathematics, i

16、nformatics, mechanics力学, statistics统计学;统计数字或资料, acoustics声学/音响学;音响效果, optics, economics经济学;经济要素/经济上的利弊lDisease and game names ending in s are generally treated as singular:lMumps is a kind of infectious disease.lDarts (投镖游戏)is one of the oldest of games and was not confined to children.lDiabetes糖尿病,

17、 mumps腮腺炎, measles麻疹, phlebitis静脉炎, rickets软骨病, shingles带状疱疹, arthritis关节炎;lBowls保龄球, dominoes多米诺骨牌, checkers/draughts跳棋, fives英国两人或四人玩的对墙投机之手球, ninepins九柱戏, darts掷镖游戏, billiards玩桌球lBut there are a few exceptions, e.g. measles and rickets can be used either as singular or as plural, while cards is u

18、sually treated as plural:lRickets is/are caused by malnutrition (营养不良).lCards are not allowed here.lThe news of the losses suffered by our troopsl Al were much worse than expected.l B C DSome nouns ending in s are treated as singular, eg: news, summons传票传票, gallows绞架绞架3)Plural invariable nsli) summa

19、tion pluralslSummation plurals denote tools, instruments, and articles of dress consisting of two equal parts which are joined togetherlNames for things made of two parts such as scissors, pincers(钳子钳子), calipers/callipers(火钳火钳), shades(太阳太阳镜镜), glasses/spectacles, shorts, trousers, jeans, pants, sl

20、eeves, suspenders(吊带裤吊带裤),scales, pliers(老虎钳老虎钳), shorts, tweezers(镊子镊子), stockings, socks, tongs(夹具夹具), shears(大剪刀大剪刀), handcuffs(手铐手铐), slacks(便裤便裤), braces(背带裤背带裤), binoculars(双筒望远双筒望远镜镜), compasses(圆规圆规), flares(喇叭裤喇叭裤), forceps(镊子镊子) , etc are usually used as plural. lThe sugar-tongs (方糖钳) are

21、not in the sugar bowl.lJoes trousers are black and white.lBut when they are preceded by such unit nouns as a pair of and two pairs of, the number form of the following verb is generally determined by the number marker of the unit noun.lOne pair of scissors isnt enough.lTwo pairs of pliers are missin

22、g from my tool box.lIi) pluralia tantum ending in slSome pluralia tantum (ie ns that occur only in the plural) end in s, whereas others have no plural marking, eg: people. They have plural concord.lThese damages have not yet been paid, have they? (damages=compensation in money imposed by law for cau

23、sing loss or injury)lIn many cases, pluralia tantum ending in s also have singular forms, which can be dissociated in meaning from the plural.lThat damage was repaired long ago. (damage=loss, harm)lNouns usually taking plural endings such as archives(档档案案), arms(武器武器) , contents(内容内容,目录目录), eaves(屋檐

24、屋檐), clothes, fireworks(烟火烟火), goods(货物货物), minutes(记录记录), morals(道德道德,品行品行), remains(遗体遗体), stairs(楼梯楼梯), suburbs(郊区郊区), thanks(谢意谢意) and wages(工资工资) are generally used as plural:lThe contents of this book are most fascinating.lA few such nouns, e.g. whereabouts(行踪), dramatics(舞台艺术), may be treated

25、 either as plural or as singular:lHis whereabouts were/was known only to his personal staff.lNouns ending in ings such as clippings(剪下来的东西剪下来的东西), diggings(挖出来的东西挖出来的东西), belongings, savings(存款存款),earning(收入收入), filings(锉屑锉屑),shavings(刨花刨花),winnings(奖金奖金), greetings, findings, lodging(租住的房租住的房间间), s

26、urroundings(环境环境), sweepings(扫拢的垃圾扫拢的垃圾), etc are generally used as plural with the exception of tidings(消息消息) which can be used both ways:lThe clippings of the hedges are usually burnt.lThe tidings has/have come a little too late.P26 Ex. 2AlIii) unmarked plural ns: people, police, etc.lPolice: The

27、police have caught the burglar.lT denote individual police officers we normally use a police officer, or a policeman/policewoman with the plurals police officers, policemen, policewomen. In a collective sense the police force, only police can be used:lHe wants to join the police.Number forms of comp

28、oundsli) plural in the last elementlClose-ups特写lGrown-ups成人lForget-me-nots勿忘我草lBrainpowers智囊团lTelltales搬弄是非者lPathfinders开路先锋lii) plural in the first element occurs especially when the compound includes a postmodifier or final particlelsome lookers-onlTwo sons-in-lawlCommanders-in-chiefliii) appositi

29、onal compounds whose first element is, or includes, man or woman pluralize both the first and the last elementlGentlemen farmerslWomen doctorslWhen the plural is in the last element when the compound is not appositionallWoman-haterslMan-eaterslIV) number-n singularlA five-year plan lThe eight-hour d

30、ay八小时工作制lA ten-dollar bill一张十元的美钞Number forms of the collective, material, abstract and proper nounslSome collective nouns are countable, some are not. Countable collective nouns behave just like individual nouns. An uncountable collective noun has no plural form. If we want to count the number, we

31、have to use a kind of individual noun related semantically to the collective.Number forms of the collective nslCollective individuallPoetry poemlMachinery machinelClothing garment, coat, etclFurniture table, chair, etclCutlery knifelEquipment toollCollective individuallWeaponry gun, pistol, etclCorr

32、espondence(信件) letterlFoliage leaflLuggage trunk, bag, etclPolice policeman, Clergy clergymanNumber forms of the material nslMaterial nouns are generally uncountable and have no plural forms. But there are some such items that can be used either uncountably when used to mean the material itself, or

33、countably when used in other senses.Number forms of the abstract nslAbstract nouns are mostly uncountable, e.g.:lHonesty is the best policy.lBut there are some abstract nouns that are countable like individual nouns, e.g.:lvictory / a victory / two victoriesSome abstract noncount nouns have semantic

34、ally related individual nouns as their countable equivalents:abstract noun individual noun laughter laughs; work jobs; correspondence letter, notes, etc.photography photos; permission permit; music songs; fun joy; homework exercises Some English nouns such as family, room, mouth, ear, etc. seem to b

35、e only countable nouns. However, they can express abstract senses in certain collocations: to have too much family(= too heavy family burden)to have too much winter(= a too long spell of cold weather)to have too much mouth(= to talk too much)to have too little ear(= to be not inclined to listen to o

36、thers)to have room for(= to have a need for)to feel the patriot rise(= to feel the patriotic feelings rise) Some English nouns (fool, man, coward, coquette, scholar, poet, politician, sportsman, etc.) that are usually countable can become uncountable when referring to peoples features:to be fool eno

37、ugh (= to be foolish enough);more of a fool (= more foolish);less of a fool (= less foolish);as much of a fool as (= as foolish as);too much of a fool (= too foolish);He was enough of a man to tell the truth.Number forms of the proper nounlProper nouns are unique in reference and therefore have no p

38、lural forms, except for such proper names as the United States, the Philippines, the Netherlands, etc. which are themselves plural in form. When a proper noun takes a plural ending, it takes on some characteristics of a common noun, e.g.:lHave you invited the Browns?lThere are two Miss Smiths / Miss

39、es Smith in the class.P51, 52 Ex.4ElAdvice忠告advices通知lAuthority权威authorities当局lColor颜色colors颜色,军旗lCorn玉米corns鸡眼lForce武力 力量forces军队lGreen绿色greens青菜lImport进口imports进口品lStone石料stones一块块的石头legg蛋渍 蛋白eggs一个个的蛋lLamb羊肉lambs羔羊lRubber橡胶rubbers胶鞋lOnion洋葱味onions洋葱头lManners礼貌lPapers证件 文件lProperties性能lSands沙漠lTim

40、es时代lWoods森林lAirs摆架子lBrains头脑lEffects效果 财物lExporters出口品lLook神色 脸色looks 外貌lIrons脚镣手铐lPain疼痛pains疼痛努力lPart部分parts部分,才能 a man of partslQuarter一刻钟 四分之一quarters一刻钟 四分之一 住处 营房lRuins废墟lSpirit精神spirits情绪 酒精lWit机智wit智力 聪颖理智lWork工作 works著作lLetter字母,信letters字母,信,文学,学问 Partitives are also called unit nouns.General partitivesPartitives related to the shape of thingsParitives related to volumeParitives related to the state of actionPartitives denoting pairs, groups, flocks, etcGenitive partitivesl这类单位词包括piece, bit, item, article, 它们


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