



1、皖南八校 2022 届高三第三次联考:英语答案英语试卷答案第I卷选择题共115分 1-20 题,每题 1.5 分,总分值 30 分1 5、CCAAC6 1 0、AABCB1115、CBCAB 1 620、BACCB 21-35 题每题 1 分,总分值 45 分21、B。Notreally表示“玩得不太开心。22、A。 appetiten. 食欲“出去散步会使你中餐有食欲。 23、C。“通常的、惯常的意思为“周一得回去正常上班24、B。distinguishfrom 词组搭配25、D。“时机总是青睐有准备的人26、A。inform 与 the young gen eration 之间的关系是动宾

2、。27、C。句子主语thenumber of后接名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;后句far more 与前句时态形成比照,从句后半段为现在进行时,所以前半段也用现在进行时。28、C。 pickout 挑选,选拔; rule out 排除; bring out 显现; take out 去除, 除掉,把带出去29、B。members 和 the ba nd 是所属关系30、D。 only 后接状语,句子要局部倒装。31、Bo adaily news feature和 focus on 是主谓关系32、Co should表“竟然33、A。 when 引导的主语从句 “新的地铁线路何时开放还不清楚34

3、、C。 not a chance “不可能35、D。 sit 与 found 是并列谓语 36-55,每题 1.5 分,总分值 30 分36、Co receivean intelligenee test接受智力测试。37、Ao against在这里表示比照关系,平均成绩100分与作者得到的160分相比。38、B。根据所提供的情景,可以判断出这位汽车修理工不是一位军人,他没有 参加上文提到的智力测验,所以只是作者的估计,用 possibly。39、D。 并列连词,表转折,根据上下文,此处为转折。40、A。根据汽车修理工的工作性质,选 fixed。41、 C。句意为“假设我的汽车修理工为智力测验设

4、计题目。42、D。根据下文中这位汽车修理工的话“ Why, you fool,可以确定答案。43、C。从上下文可以看出作者是一名智商很高的人,是脑力劳动者。可知作者 假设用自己的双手工作,会做得差。44、A。第二段作者谈论了他的汽车修理工,第三段是作者对自己的假设,第四 段再次讲述修理工的故事。45、B。聋哑人买钉子和盲人买剪刀的事都是笑话。46、Do need作行为动词,解释为“需要。47、B。因为这位聋哑人到商店买钉子,所以他走进商店,把两个手指放在柜台 上做夹钉子的动作,另一只手做锤子敲打的动作。48、C。根据上下文,售货员误解了他,所以他摇头。49、A。根据句意,售货员拿出了钉子。50

5、、D。根据句意,下一位进来的是盲人。51、 B。特殊疑问句,how表示方式,意为“如何?52、C。盲人会说话,他们买东西时用自己的话语表达就可以了。53、 A。根据句意,“今天我用这个故事耍弄了我所有的顾客。54、 A。修理工在下文中说的话说明他有把握使作者上当受骗,所以用for sure。55、D。 此处的 smart 有“滑头,诡的意思,汽车修理工说: “因为你受过足 够的教育,所以你不会太滑头。 56-75题,每题 2分,总分值 40分56、 C。细节理解题。依据最后一段中的Manypeople believe that it developed as a training game f

6、or soccer, to be played inthe off season, or when it was snowing.57、A。推理判断题。依据其后的 score more goals than the otherteam比另一队 多进球,可判断手球运动的唯一目的是比赛时多进球。58、 B。推理判断题。依据文章的倒数第二句: Now, incountries where handball is popular, players can earn large sums of money, andindoor stadiums seating over ten thousa nd pe

7、ople sell out regularly.推断答案。59、D。文章整体布局。依据第二段-第四段。60、 D。图表分析题。表中 Wednesday和6: 30 p. m.对应的是Body Burn。61、 C。细节理解题。从 Body Power和Body Stretch局部得出答案。62、 B。图表分析题。题干中的 She has not exercised for a long time暗示 Lena适 合上BeginnerAerobics课,表中Saturday中的Beginner Aerobics所对应的时间是 3:00p.m.63、 A。细节理解题。最后一段中的fat burni

8、ng提示答案。64、 C。主旨大意题。这是一篇新闻报道,第一段就是新闻的主要内容。C项很 好地概括了新闻的主要内容,并符合标题的特点。65、 B。细节理解题。由第二段的第一句得知 B正确、A错误;由第三段得知C 错误;由第七段中的 A 2003regulation .to receive the nine-year compulsory education in cities wheretheir parents work得知 D 错误。66、 A。词义猜想题。根据所在句子的意思:“中国的户口过去 孩子们 只能在他们家乡省份上学。 ,并结合上下文,可知是“限制 ,而不是“阻止、“保护或是“抵抗

9、 。67、D。推理判断题。由第六段得知:在北京、上海和广东,能够就地入学或高 考的孩子的父母必须符合几个条件。 言外之意: 不符合条件的就不能享受这一政 策。故 D 正确; A 项为事实,而非推断; B、 C 文中无依据。68、B。细节理解题,第二段中 “The fatherthen searched the local woodland and found the victims, two brothers and threemale cousins with their shotguns at their side.69、D。细节理解题,第二段中“ The bodieswere found

10、 on Saturday after one of the hunters raised the alarm by calling hisfather from a mobile phone but was cut off.70、A。细节理解题。第三段中“ It appearedthe hun ters had man aged to return fire. Police believe they may have woundedtheir killer as a blood sample was found that did not match any of the victims.71、

11、Co 推理判断题,根据第四段中 “Authoritiesare said to be examining the weapons of local hunters, farmers and shepherds. 可推理出。72、B。细节理解题,第一段中 “ In a studydescribed in The Journal of experimentalPsychology, a group of people withend-stage kidney 肾 failure were provided with electronic devicesthat required them to r

12、ecord their moods at various times throughout the day.For comparison, a group of healthy volunteers used the same devices. When researchershad studied the results, they found that the levels of happiness were about thesame for the two groups. 73、Co 推理判断题,第三段中 “When thedevices beeped, the subjects we

13、re asked to rate their mood on a 5-point scale,with 2 defined as “very pleasant and minus 2 defined as “ very unpleasant. Onaverage, the kidney patients rated their mood as 0.70, while the healthy subjectsrated it as 0.38. 74、Ao 推理判断题,第四段中 “But thesepatients were not given a chanee to answer questio

14、ns about their mood privatelyand repeatedly over a period of time, Dr. Riis said, and so it was unclear howaccurate their responses were.75、Do主旨大意题,根据全文归纳。第U卷非选择题共35分76-85题,每题 1 分,总分值 10分书面表达:总分值 25 分One possibleversion:Recently,many schools in cities such as Beijing and Wuhan have cancelled thewome

15、n's 3000-meter race and the men's 5000-meter race at their sports meets dueto students' poor physical condition. It aroused heated debate about youngstudents' health.Some studentsthink that schools should not give up long-distance running because it canbuild up our bodies, keep us aw

16、ay from illness and relax our brain. We canlearn better after exercise. More importantly, it helps develop a strong willand endurance. But othershold opposite opinions. They believe that long-distance running is not good forus. It makes us tired and excited so that we can't calm down to study af

17、terexercise and we may get hurt in it. Besides, long-distance running is a bigchallenge to our physical conditions.For my part, it is unwise to call off long-distance races. So long as we are careful enough, the races can do us nothing but good.听力原文:Text1M: Alreadyaround 5:30? My flight is 7 o '

18、clock.W: You 'dbetter leave earlier. Rush hour starts at 5 o'clock.Text2W: Where did you say you found this dog?M: It was under a big tree between thelibrary and the office building. Text3M: Whencan we turn our pages over and begin?W: You maybegin now. You will have thirty minutes to answer

19、forty true orfalsequestions.Text4W:Oh, what alovely painting in your living room!M:I ' mglad you like it. It' s a Christmas gift, from my son.Text5W: Thelecture this morning was so boring!M: I ' llsay I had eoneye on the clock the whole time.Text6W: Are youfree tomorrow afternoon?M: Yes,

20、 Ithink so.W: Let ' sgo for a swim, OK?M: Goodidea. Shall we ask Jim?W: OK!What time shall we leave?M: Well, Ican ' t leave before 2 o ' clock. I have a lot of work to do.W: Don' tworry! We won 't leave before 2 o ' clock. We 'll wait for you at the gate of the Children &

21、#39; s Park.M: Allright. Good-bye!Text7W: Excuseme. Are you a new student?M: Yes, Iam.W: Nice tomeet you. I 'm Gao Hui. I ' m in Class 3. May I know your name, please?M: JamesAllen Green. I ' m from America.W: Shall Icall you James or Jim?M: Itdoesn ' t matter. But my friends call me

22、 Jim for short.W: Ok.Which class are you in, Jim?M: Class2.W: Really?So is my friend, Bob. Do you know him?M: Ofcourse. We live in the same building.Text8M: Why,Mary Smith! I haven' t seen you for ages. How have you been?W: John,John Brown! It has been a long time, hasn' t it? It must be at

23、least a year.M: No, wetalked at the Johnson 'Cshristmas party last December. Don't you remember?W: That ' sright. Well, how are you? Still working for the food company?M: No, Ichanged job three months ago. I' m with the National Bank now. How aboutyou?W: I ' m still teachingat th

24、e university, but I moved from the German Department to the SpanishDepartment. Well, how is your family? Are the children all in the school now?M: No,Bill is still at home. Tom is in the third grade and Jane' s in the second.W: Our twochildren haven' t started school yet, either. But they wi

25、ll go in the fall.Text9W: How canI help you, Mr. Martin?M: Well, I startedhaving a bad headacheweeks ago and it 'gsetting worse. I can't sleep well. I' mtired all the time. And the worst thing is my hair is getting very greyand I ' monly 30.W: I see.Well, do you smoke? M: No. Igave i

26、t up a month ago.W: Right.I see you' re abusinessman. How many hours do you usually work every day?M: Well, Iusually work eight hours a day, but at the moment I work at least ten hours. W: That ' sa lot. And how do you relax?M: Well, Iusually sit in front of the TV with a pizza and a coffee.

27、W: Hmm. Do you do any exercise at the moment?M: Notreally, but I ' m losing a lot of weight and I don ' t know why. W: Don' tworry.I think it 'jusst too much work. I want you to eat more vegetables anddo some exercise. Come backand see me in four weeks.Text10s pulse is takeThe experiment needs fifty people dividedinto two groups of the same size


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