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1、8下 Unit 2Revision结婚结婚/嫁嫁/娶娶 v.感觉到感觉到 vt.想念想念/思念思念 vt.这样的这样的 pron.死的死的 adj.极好极好/美妙的美妙的adj.室内的室内的 adj.结束结束 adv.卡通卡通/动画片动画片 n.城堡城堡 n.词汇识记词汇识记castlecartoonoverindoorfantasticdeadsuchmissfeelmarry词汇识记词汇识记n.旅行n.速度n.沙/沙滩n.乘坐n.馅饼/派n.(庆祝) 游行n.魔法n.对,数个n.乡下/农村n.人物travellingspeedsandridepieparademagiccouplecoun

2、trysidecharacter除了以外美味的直接的海边的机场美丽,美人公司,生意细节exceptdeliciousdirectseasideairportbeautybusinessdetail航班高山要点亲戚航海海鲜主题公园景色,风景flightmountainpointrelativesailingseafoodtheme parkview去度假加入某人,和某人一起拿我所有的东西来自某人写的故事想念某人/错过做某事玩得愉快度过一整天一个室内的过山车以高速/低速/全速go for a holiday /go on holidayjoin sb.get all my thingscome f

3、rom the story by sb.miss sb. /miss doing sth.have a fantastic time/have fun/enjoy oneselfspend the/a whole dayan indoor roller coasterat high/low/full/top speed重点短语:重点短语:以每小时50公里的速度贯穿这次乘坐匆忙去饭店匆匆吃了一餐卡通人物例如迪士尼人物游行傍晚一天中做好的部分追赶情不自禁做某事at a speed of 50 kilometres an hourthrough the ridehurry to a restaura

4、nthave a quick mealcartoon characterssuch as /for examplea parade of Disney characterslater in the afternoonthe best part of the dayrun aftercant stop doing sth看4-D电影感觉到风数把钥匙环在末端/ 最后看烟火出席会议去野炊watch a 4-D filmfeel the winda couple of key ringsat the end of /in the endwatch fireworksattend a meetinggo

5、 for a picnicarrive in Hong Kong/.on the first day of the winter holiday中国园林自然美景的地方海边城市主题公园黄山终年,一年到头Chinese gardensplaces of natural beautyseaside citiestheme parksMount Huangall year roundwater sportsthe views thereplans for the May Day holiday搭乘直飞航班为你核实它要点欣赏自然美景去湖边钓鱼去南山的一次访问美味海鲜take a direct fligh

6、tcheck it for youmain pointsenjoy the natural beautygo fishing by the lakea visit to South Hilldelicious seafoodleave for the airportin the early morningthree and a half hours /=three hours and a half一:现在完成时的结构 现在完成时的构成: have/has + done助动词助动词 过去分词过去分词规则动词:直,去,双,变规则动词:直,去,双,变不规则动词:不规则动词:AAA,ABB,ABA,A

7、BCmovelivelovelike写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词:visitrepairwatchfinishvisited visited repaired repairedwatched watchedfinished finishedmoved moved lived lived loved loved liked liked verbed以以e结尾结尾d写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词:stopmoptrapplanstopped stopped mopped moppedtrapped trappedplanned plan

8、ned注注:以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写最后一个辅音字母双写最后一个辅音字母ed双写双写edstudy hurrystudied studiedhurried hurried去去yied注注:以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾的词结尾的词,去去yied.写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词:begive seemake put comewritewas/were beengave givensaw seenmade madeput putcame comewrote written before(句末句末)(以前)(以前), by

9、now /so far(到目前为止到目前为止), once, twice, three times, just(刚刚刚刚), recently(最近),(最近), yet(否否/疑疑)(还(还/已经)已经), already(肯肯)(已经)(已经), ever(否否/疑疑)(曾经)(曾经), never(从不)(从不), all ones life(一生)(一生) , in /during the past /last 5 years(在过去的五年里)(在过去的五年里), for + 一段时间一段时间 口诀口诀以前从来不出现,以前从来不出现,最近曾经一两遍,最近曾经一两遍,自从刚刚自从刚刚fo

10、r一段,一段,目前已经很明显。目前已经很明显。三:现在完成时掌握的重点 现在完成时的现在完成时的结构结构 现在完成时的现在完成时的否定,疑问形式否定,疑问形式 过去分词的构成(规则变化和不规则变化)过去分词的构成(规则变化和不规则变化) 现在完成时的现在完成时的关键词关键词 现在完成时的现在完成时的用法用法 have/has gonehave/has gone与与have/has been have/has been 区别区别 for/since for/since 用法区别用法区别 现在完成时与一般过去时的比较现在完成时与一般过去时的比较 延续性动词和非延续性动词延续性动词和非延续性动词在现

11、在完成时中在现在完成时中的使用的使用 1.都表示过去发生的事都表示过去发生的事 2.现在完成时强调过去和现在的联系,现在完成时强调过去和现在的联系,不能不能和具和具体的时间状语体的时间状语(时间点时间点)连用;连用; 3.一般过去时强调过去发生的动作或状态,与表一般过去时强调过去发生的动作或状态,与表示过去的具体时间连用示过去的具体时间连用(last, ago, yesterday, etc. )presentpast四:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别及联系:四:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别及联系:20122014 只用于第三人称只用于第三人称五:五:have/has gone与与have/ha

12、s been 区别区别 have/has gone to:已经去了或在途中,还没有返回; have/has been to:曾今去过某地,现在已经回来了,后面可接表示“次数”的状语; have/has been in:表示某人“已在某地停留一段时间,现仍在那里”,其后常带表示一段时间的状语。 总结总结六:六:since 和和for:1) Eddie has lived with Millie since 2001. Eddie has lived with Millie since 4 years ago. Eddie has lived with Millie since he was bo

13、rn.小结小结:since + 时间点时间点 ( 词、词组或句子)词、词组或句子)2) Eddie has lived with Millie for four years.小结小结:for + 时间段时间段 3) 对以上句子划线部分提问对以上句子划线部分提问:How long has Eddie lived with Millie? We have learned English _ Grade Three in primary school.We have learned English _ five years.2.He hasnt felt well _ last night. Has

14、 he seen the doctor?3. I have read this story book _ three days ago. I havent finished reading it yet.选用选用since 或或for 填空填空:sinceforsincesince His father has died. (for 2 years) The football match has begun.(since9:00a.m) The twins have joined the army. (since they are 18years old) My teacher has jus

15、t left Nanjing. (since 3 days)His father has been dead for 2 years.The football match has been on since 9:00 a.m.The twins have been soldiers/ been in the army since they are 18years old. My teacher has been away from Nanjing since 3 days ago.七:延续性动词和非延续性动词七:延续性动词和非延续性动词在现在完成时中的使用在现在完成时中的使用延续性动词延续性动

16、词: : be, have, know, live, work, study, learn, teach, wait, wear, walk, sleep等,等,这些动词可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。这些动词可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。非延续性动词非延续性动词: :come, go, arrive, leave, begin, start, buy, join, die, borrow等,等, 这些动词这些动词可用于可用于现现在完成时,说明某个动作的在完成时,说明某个动作的结果还存在结果还存在,但但不能不能与表示与表示一段时间一段时间的状语连用。的状语连用。通常延续性动词可以表示一种状态,和

17、表示通常延续性动词可以表示一种状态,和表示一段时间的状语连用。一段时间的状语连用。He has been here for two hours.而非延续性动词通常表示某一动作的发生,而非延续性动词通常表示某一动作的发生,要想用非延续性动词和表示一段时间的状要想用非延续性动词和表示一段时间的状语连用,必须要用相对应的延续性动词进语连用,必须要用相对应的延续性动词进行转换。行转换。He has bought a new book.He has bought a new book for three days.kept具体见课本具体见课本P 28 He has bought the book. He

18、 has bought the book for a week. He has had the book for a week. buyhavecome /go/get tobe injoin be inbe a memberleave be away borrow keep begin be on finish be over die be dead return be back She has bought the computer for two years.hadbuyhave/has hadHow long have you come to the United States? be

19、en income tohave/has been inbuyhave/has hadAnn has gone to China since three months ago.been income tohave/has been inbuyhave/has hadgo tohave/has been inMy brother has joined the army for five years. been inbeen a soldier come tohave/has been inbuyhave/has hadgo tohave/has been inarrive inhave/has

20、been injoin have/has been inhave/has been a soldier I have left Shanghai for 3 days. been away for 3 days. come tohave/has been inbuyhave/has hadgo tohave/has been inget tohave/has been injoin have/has been inhave/has been a soldier leave have/has been away I have borrowed the dictionary since 3 day

21、s ago . kept come tohave/has been inbuyhave/has hadgo tohave/has been inget tohave/has been injoin have/has been inhave/has been a soldier leave have/has been away borrow have/has kept The film has begun for 10 minutes. been on come tohave/has been inbuyhave/has hadgo tohave/has been inget tohave/ha

22、s been injoin have/has been inhave/has been a soldier leave have/has been away borrow have/has kept begin have/has been on The concert has finished for half an hour. been over come tohave/has been inbuyhave/has hadgo tohave/has been inget tohave/has been injoin have/has been inhave/has been a soldie

23、r leave have/has been away borrow have/has kept begin have/has been on finish have/has been over His dog has died for two years . been dead come tohave/has been inbuyhave/has hadgo tohave/has been inget tohave/has been injoin have/has been inhave/has been a soldier leave have/has been away borrow ha

24、ve/has kept begin have/has been on finish have/has been over die have/has been dead 类似的转换还有:fall asleepbe asleep move therebe there open be open 等 巧记巧记10个瞬间性动词的转换个瞬间性动词的转换 (课本课本 U2 P28) “开始离去借来还,出生入死买到家开始离去借来还,出生入死买到家”1 beginbe on6 returnbe back2 leavebe away from7 joinbe in/a member of3 gobe in8 di

25、ebe dead4 borrowkeep9 buyhave5 comebe in/at10 arrivebe in/at arrive/come/go to die become a borrow Leave/ move buy open join start/begin finish/ end catch a cold get up get to know get out close wake up go to sleep become interested in be in be deadhavekeepbe away / be out be abe in/a member ofbe op

26、enbe onbe overhave a coldbe upknowbe outbe closedbe awakebe asleep/ sleepbe interested inCorrecting 1. I have borrowed the book for 3 months. 2. My bother has joined the army since he was 18. 3. Jack and Tom have lived here since 5years. 4. The film has been on since I have come to the cinema. 5. Wh

27、en has Mr. Li caught a bad cold? have kepthas been in/ been a member of the armysince 5 years ago/ for 5 yearscame didcatch 6. Ten years have passed since they got married. 7. Jim has gone to Beijing for 2 years. 8.What time have the factory opened? 9.I have gone to Chunhua Middle School twicehashas been indidopenbeen toeg. 他死了两年了:He died two


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