1、绵阳市26年初中学业考试暨高中阶段学校招生考试英语本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分。试题卷共8页,答题卡共2页。满分140分,考试时间0分钟。注意事项: . 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上,并认真核对条形码上的姓名和考号。2. 选择题使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡对应题目的位置上,非选择题用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔书写在答题卡的对应框内。超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。3. 考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷 选择题(共00分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分5分)第一节:单项填空(共0小题,每小题1分,满分0分)从(、
2、B、D)四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1 ason li_ shape of the ke. Is_ eart.he;B. a; teC. he; teD.a;a2 It is go habi of _ toread sothing efore gintbd I B. e C. my D.mie3 He wsornn Germny, buthe has made Chia h _A famiyB.addrss. oseD home4 Wha id you t f yurirthday,Tony? An iPa, _ yantA. B.froC tD.or5.
3、 youwantto be eaty? _.miligcan helpyu tayhelhy.A. Smie SiinC Smiles. Smile6. _thby wit pr olasses? M broer, Jon. A.owB Wh. WheD. Wat7.My mother s il n hoital. I hve t _ my gnaetsat ho.A.o forB lok atC. lok up D. lookafter. nita, whri your bother?H_ out i he grdn wth gou ofkids.A. lays B. plyedC. isp
4、lyn . has playd. Dont you see he sgn “No Parig!” on the rgt?Sorry, I _. Bt ow I knoparking er is otright.A. don. dntC. hdnt. dost1. M athe caghta big ish ti morig, utagh _ oe. eel grat! Asmller. igetC igerD. bi11.Dring nth micn b veydngerous. You antbe _carefuA soB. vey mhD. to1. _ can youfnish y ho
5、work?I aboun hour.A. o loB. Hw son. Hw ofte. o r13 Wld u ie some tea?_A. Ye, leasB. e sme to ou . Me,tD. M peasure4. Cou you tell e_? At nne oclock, in tenmnue. A how will he aveB. hen he a le C wy h lingDwhe he wil ave15 IsMr rwn drvn here? m not sue He _ oe y trai. A. ayB.shal eeD. t6. or classoom
6、 is so clan Of cous. It _ evey d. is laned B. was cleaedC clanD ceane17. Howdo you like h cocert given b EXO? Exciting, _ one picfth ic wasn plyd uite well. A.thogh B. beauseC. D and18.I donwan to o shpping. _,I havt ot n oney. TeB.Howevr. BesidesInstd19. Hw kind you re! Yu awas d wha yu can _othr.A
7、.hepB. epngC. hsD. to hep2pefemove _ me omethig o hink bou.Awhic iB. a gveC.ha givD.ho gve第二节:完型填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分0分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的(A、)四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Ae andSar re ssters.y lied witthei pret a amdee in h counryi.Grwing up in e ountryside gav hemsomuch 1 As cldren theywre nver
8、boedbecuse there was lways 22 to d o the arm. Every day the oul 23 early and ep te parnts feed the cows ere shool.In h evein, f they a finished thi hmework, theyould wok intefi ntil he su wetdon. Weekns were roritetime 24 they couldha pcnics in teountryan,h
9、n theathe as reall 25 , g cming. 1. A. tB. trobleC. fD. ride2.A. ninB. verythngC metigD. anthng23. standB makeC. grwD. wk2. A. beas. soC. alhughD. bt25.A. rmB. gooC. cdD. adBNah i ony 3 years , and esahero. He hs hlpe his 26 ut of a fireOn1th ay, Noahas t home alone. Suddnl hheard meone 2
10、“ire! Fre!” Heran 28 . H awalto smoke from next d. He eninand sawis nebr, the79-yar-odMrs mih,in the ktchen. She odnot ge u because she adhrhe 29 .nthing cud happn o er athat monNoah 30 ran ac t hs lt ando water ove his acket. Te he 31 ito Ms. kihn to savehe Thre a a ot smoke and thefire as vy t Bt
11、as not scr.He 32 hire wit a ln nd helpedMs.Smih out.Te firet Nohs nec, rms an fce s a resut, he wa 3 fra mont.Many pople viitdhim nd rgh hi lersan resnt. “Wat a 3 ungman!” ysd.Noh was 35 t hehed Ms. Smit. “e sol help ache,” he aid.Noaaload, “Fiecanbevry dangers. It isportnto be careul h fire.”26. .n
12、eibo. classmteC.eace. frien27 A. sayigB. singigCshouingD. entioning28.A. upstiB.downsairC. insieD. utde29 . hndB. shouderClgD. r30 A caeulyB.quicklC.rudly. lly3. A rusheB.umped. wleD. climbd. . iscoredB.foght. ligtedD.built33. A. on aationB. athoC. in hospilD at or4. clverB. kindC weeD. rav3 A. gla.
13、 surprsdC. afid. sy第二部分:阅读理解(共25小题,每小题2分,满分5分)第一节:短文理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分4分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Aoh an Ay ae likmany teengers theseas. Thy haejos to o to help out aondthehome. Jos washes ars his neighbors wil my hlp their neigbs dswithteir hmework.iken amili,both of oshanAmys
14、prents o outsid t hme.ryone in Josand Amys mly s buy.heirmom work in an ofic d oftn as t sty lte for meetins. her father wnhiow sall usinesad stayslat tiish is work. Josh anAmy go o hol Bot eong o clubs ad spts teams. ylso hve lotsoffrinsw whmthe wnt osendtim.Jsh and Amys mm leavesfo work a 7:00in m
15、ring n dosnot get home mot dayunti 6:3 pm. he sa is rueor their dad,buthe lees hoe n te mnin ev earlier.Joshan ysrnts wor be aletprovide forteir aily. Tey ed mony p or heir oe adto pay their ills. Nex yer thy an to bu a new ca The fami alo antsto go o avaationto Califria.Jos and Amned cloths, boo,an
16、dher thins fr school.Their paents arealsosaving mone s Js andAmycan go o cllege whtey is ighschool.6.How my eople are hrein thefaily?A. One.B To.C. Three.D. Four.37. What des he father do?A. Wri an ofceB Ru isownbusiness.C Plavacatis to alifnia.D. Driekds to schol.38. Wt dote ks do t hel their prent
17、?. Take par-time jobs.B. Joincundports teamsC Sped time wt thr ied.D. Go to hoolaly.39. heedothe parents spn mostof thedytie?. Atome B. trkpace. C. n eir ks schl .n busines trips40. Wat thbet tilefor this pasag?A Loveykids. Hard-orkingarets. Fmil hD. Abusy fmiyBGot a bad grde, afraid to shomy renteo
18、rcards ae gin out this riay,n I reized d aied chmistry. My aents rerobay ong o kil for tha. Wht sholdI d? ady RitaAnswersIts bette to behonst ith t ad tell hm it ia erfiultue yourtrying you ardest. Pomise thm you wil wor harder. Study litle everynighs whe our net tet mesyu'l be mch more pre
19、are ButeflyLe meges, ou havelways een gea tet and slipped pjus thi oeti?Explain ta o youprt.DerpYou soudlearn fr insectshen thety tcoss w, thealdownainnd gain utlt smetime e sucss. alT t I id. sowyour parets youeportards and then imly ask the. “Didnyon of you gys eerfail aest?” Naughty Inevershwed y
20、 paesmy est scores ts none of ther busnes!Flowr41. Ldy Ri put her quetin here t _.A.ask fr elpB drw others aeno. peasehearents he h grad wth others2.owmany popl avsed LayRita o tel the trth?A.Fie . Four C hee. D.T.43. cordi to Bttery, _.A oboy nd w ihemitryB. bettr raation ma lead tobtter grades. y
21、wot bd rad if yu d youbestD. parets dontcarhow thei kid doat schol44. Wha cawe enro Ml s uggeson?A. Goo news neeroes byondte gate.B. nowldge is power. Falrs te motrosuces.D.hrs no se itout fire5.Whtdo we kow aoutNugt?Heoes well in all his suject. is parents sed t e great studens.C. He thnksitsnormal
22、to fal smetes.D. e da n shohs grades tohispren.CSuent whgettied o looing tth rwals a classro miht ike o ae e ature courseeig offeedby Cal College gai tissummer. rups of about a oen stents ah, ld by nepericed guide, will o n ten-a campingtrips o hemontas tostud he plats and nimalsthatgrowndlive there
23、Stunts arr hr ow things, wc includesleping bas, warm clothing, ood dwate, nd oher usefl toos. Adwhatdo te stuent da ay?ll, as soon asthe un comes up,hey eatekfastan stat climing up the montain trai o tenext camgroun, hch i five t ten mies away. As te studentakenotes,heguidpot out dern lant n nimal a
24、lgie the trail.Te clmb is usualyover by ealy afteron,ote group eds there of he day eting o swmmig in amontin lae eore din each igt, they alm togter an disusst dy actvitis.t te ed of therse,he tentswritereport usng theinformaio thy havllectd. But te dtmind a ll. t theyo mind isleagthe buty th wines a
25、 the goo frindsyv ma to rer t teirnormal lvs inte ity.46Whatcan theouoffr to the tudents? tter raes ntess.B. re vacos in munin.C.A diffn eanig expeiee.D. Betr chance o tudy inCarvel Collee.47. Howfr doe a sudent havto walk throughout course?A. About ive t tn mies. About tw hundr iles.C. Abotfift to
26、on hundred mile.D bou sixy to oe undr and twentymile.h d thestdentveto beore dinner?AWash thesees up ina monain ae. Attnd clas by e exerience gudeC Wrtabot wa ty see aln trail.D.Reiew hat they lear througdisussio.9. Wha can e tel aut coue?. T ill chane ampgrunds veB.estudents ave o learll y theselv.
27、 Pes anbooks wlbe useess n th coreD Carelolleeil prov everythig forhe stdents0.From he las rraph we kow te tunts ar_A.eruwith the ina repoB. wiling to goba to thectyC. look frward toreturnng hometo tied o say nthe cue any lgerDY mayt reaiz , bt you a doing mu e tha j sudyig whe u aret school. School
28、isalso th plae er youlan to et onwel wth eople But hisiso awas sy. Whtcn ou i youjustdont likoneof you claste?I ou disoe tt yo ae problem getting on ith yurclasmate or frind, the ms imprtan tig tolearn is tolerance. Tlerancis heablity o reaiznd espette difrencesiother. ca nt cge te way tat otherpole
29、 do,so i s iotant to lean t live apply withtheToleranc ill makeevern ge on eter i ac othe.Geting to ow soon y hl o undesnd why they dotingsdifrently Something ifferent do nt xacty enhatit is bad. olerace achesuto kep temperate ad pn min.Yo need toremember anodsayng, “Teaotherho yu wt to bereated”. I
30、f you tolrtemhig, i dos nt men tatyou hve t lik i. No one s asig you to change oyou ae or htou blievein.Toernce jt ans tat you hold epctth diffrences nothers nd t try to ake thm cane.Itiortant to race toeance, becusi i mk veron eesir.Learn o accpt peopl fohei diffentabiitie andnerests.e world s verd
31、iffent, andpracticing oeae in yor wn school an it can helpmk a iferenc51 This psaei trying to tlus_.wats mportatfo stuenB watudents shud do at scholC. w t tre epl different from usD. hw togotes o o tings in theht wy5. From tfirt paragraph we kow tt t schoo _.A. itsaserfo someon to hat otrsB.getinalo
32、ng wth ohers s nt a grt deal mostsuens re getinonwll ih eah otherD.stdents are lnin he tis bide sudying53. Whaistolaceccording to the assage?A. ccpt peple athyare. Believeyou are alws righC.Expe vrbod to be the same.D.Cneoursl to please hepl54.Wc is he closetin meaning to th ndrlin rd arraph3?A. gen
33、teB. ipolieC.tieD rensbl5. The lat praph sggets hat_.A. tolere ca only elearnt a scholB. liing wth peopeofthe sm inteests is eairpacticing tolerane tscocn hel ake abetter woldD. peope i differnt outrieshave derent inests n abiliies第二节:补全对话(共小题,每小题2分,满分0分)根据下面的对话内容,从方框内的选项( A、B、E 或 F)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选
34、项涂黑。选项中有一个为多余选项。A: Hownice o s yu bak, L i! B: Wodrful! Ive o mny place of ieres nd Ioyed mself nDisneland.A: 7 B: N ally. Somtimes o ino trouble.Thy spoke too uiky andI coulnhve log convsaions it thepople tere. 58 A: Y, I agr. I no glsh sveryirtan, utI fn feel slepn Egs clsss. 59 B:Im afraid,too. A
35、d its ery difcult form toreeernew wordsA:Me, too. Iont now whattodo. 60 B: ont ethe diiclties dscorageyu.memr: wheehere is wil,there i a wayA ow was you ri?t imes I feel lke iing up.C. Wht id yu buy ithe A?D. I ral afraidfth inl exam. I think I hold ok hare at gish.F. Culd yo ake yorlf ndesood i the
36、 USA?第I卷非选择题(共40分)第三部分:写(共三节,满分40分)第一节:阅读填空(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容补全答题卡上对应表格中所缺失的信息,每空仅填一词(数字按一词计)。ay eahquaksappe eveyyar.Someof tesartquakes re very stong.When ey hapn in ctes, they canb vey serious. Mny peple wll be urtordie in he arhquakes.owingsomeways topotct orsef il el o eep o safe
37、 nthe arhquke.If youareindorwhn he rhquakhappens,the saestple s nera srongtble r esk. Stt on thefloo n a doorway orloto a wall s afan sandingin he midle of rom Remember o poet our adnd neckwith ou arms. Stay ayfrom widows, l fniture and cture or anyngthatmay fall o you. Do ot ry to run out o the uil
38、din.f you re ot of dors, movetoclear aes Gt wyfrom buldinsnd re. Bevery carefulof falen ower ines.Te nger is nt oerwhe the srogshakg stop. Tere wil bem shoc afte mst earthquakes. call hem aftrshocsand hey sometimescn bemore dangerohanthefirsearthquke.Wen i afe for you to oe aron,chck thpeplena ou. S
39、ome may nee helYomay feel fra, ut you soud tytosa alm. Th is thmost iportt thn to d theearthqukeHw to proet yuself int eathqake?Idoors 61 Hid unde a song tabeor des. ina doowaor cl to a 2 . Prte you hed and nek ith r 3 . Say way rom anyting tht ay fal n yo Dnot try to run ou hen e eathquakeis hapeni
40、ng. Move tocr reas. Stay away fm buiingsantree e carful offalen per lis. Remembertha 6 can be ore dagerous meimes. Mve rud to check the people a you wentis afeYo hol alwaystay 5 !第二节:选词填空(共10小题,每小题分,满分1分)阅读下面短文,根据文中意思,从方框中选出恰当的词,并在答题卡上对应题号后面的横线上写出各单词完整、正确的形式,使短文文理通顺,意义完整。 fin book big ho mindclever
41、sm scho alway nae Mnyers ago, teeasa fily nam Faln. hy lived Bstn. Thr ere five gir and six boy ie fmily. On aJnuary dy 06 anoter aby s orn.Thebos mothe and herhusbad gave he bo 66 Bnjamin.Benjmin wa te 67 o al thechildre. He cu readhn hasfi e could rte he he wa even. Th extyearhipretsnhm o 68.Atcho
42、l njamin as god a readig and wrg, btno good at mths. Hea all ofhi father 69 .And whenhe had mony,e 0 wet toby boks Helikdboos. hey told him 7 to dosomething hoy liked to use his head an tre to 72 wys toelp eopl enjoy life oe Foral, heried know if there wase wto 73 farther, aybwth sothin on his hado eet. Slowly picture wiming shes, or paddles, gew in his 74 . he als mst beneithr to 75 no to mall.An th mu bneithr oo heavy or oo lht.At t h invente thepadleo swimin第三节:书面表达(共题,满分2分)请用英语简单描述一件你珍爱的物品,并包括以下三个方面的内容:1、 如何得到的;2、 拥有多久了;3、 珍爱的原因。注意:1、字数8左右;、开头已给出,不
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