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1、整理文本仁爱英语八年级下册英语教案(导学案)学校:班级:时间:.Unit5FeelingHappy Topic1 Why all the smiling faces?学习目标:1、(1)、复习和学习表达情感的形容词:upset, worried, disappointed, unhappy(2)、学习其它新单词和短语:invited, saythanks to, silly, smile, none, rich2、掌握 "linkingverb+adj." 结构的用法。You look so excited.I feel disappointed.That is very

2、exciting.The music sounds wonderful.3、学习如何表达个人情感。How are you doing?Very well, thank you.Please say thanks to your mom.How nice!What a shame!4、能理解谈论个人情感的比较熟悉的话题,获取主要信息。学习过程一、课前准备1、复习 .师生问候。让学生谈谈寒假生活,鼓励他们用英语表达情感。T: Welcomebacktoschool.Ss: Thank you.T: Hi,S1,why are you smiling?S1: Because I had a good

3、 winter holiday.T: Why all the smiling faces? Boys and girls!Section A2、画出本课新生词,能猜测它们的汉语意思。试试看! upsetworrieddisappointed unhappyinvitedsaythanks to sillysmilenonerich 3、通过预习,你还有哪些疑问? 二、课堂学习过程。1、预习情况交流。2、听录音,跟读,弄清单词的读音。3、核对预习部分答案。4、讨论预习中存在的问题。三、你来试试,好吗?(一)、词汇城堡:根据句意以及首字母提示写出单词。1、IiXiaomingtomybirthda

4、yparty. 2.Hehasalotofmoney. Heisr.3.Isawyousfacesin the photo.4. You are too s!how could you make such mistakes? 5.Nof the students was hurt in last week's accident.(二)、你很聪明,定能挑战!单选串串烧。()1. Jack is a good boy. He spends one hourbooks every day.What a good habit!A.toreadB.in readingC.readD.on rea

5、ding ()2. Mygrandmawantsto travel ,but she can'twalk. A.Sheistoo old.B.Really?C.Whatashame! D.I'msorryto hearthat.()3. Whywashesoupset? Because therewasnoticket.A.leaveB.to leaveC. leftD.leaving(三)、我是小小翻译官。1.We will(过夜 )atJim'shousethis Sunday. 2. You( 看起来很焦虑 )this morning.Ilostmypurse.3

6、. That is(我最喜爱的之一)movies.4. Theyyourparentswith them.( 想和一起去 ). (五)、情景交际:在空格处填入适当的单词补全对话。A:Why do you look so?B:Oh, I have movie tickets. I want you and Tom to go with. A:Really?are we going to see?B:Wesee The Sound of Music.A:Oh,I heard it is very interesting .are we going? B:On Sunday.A:That's

7、 great.四、学习后记: .教学后记:Section B课型:新授授课时间: 学习目标:1、学习新单词和短语:be proud of ,seem,taste,smell ,set the table, be able to 2、继续学习表达情感的句型。He feels disappointed because he can't get a ticket to The Sound of Music.It'ssofunny andinteresting .It'ssomoving .Did she sound worried?I'm sure Mr.Lee wi

8、ll be surprised!3、继续学习 "linking verb+adj." 结构。He looks a little disappointed .He feels disappointed because he can't get a ticket to The Sound of Music.The food tastes delicious. The litter smells terrible.4、学习谈论关于电影的话题。学习过程1、画出本课新生词,能猜测它们的汉语意思。试试看!seemtastesmellset ablesurprised 2 翻译下

9、列短语。a ticket toBeijingOprea be proud ofset the table be able to have a temperaturenext time 3、通过预习,你还有那些疑问? 二、课堂学习过程。1、预习情况交流。2、听录音,跟读,弄清单词的读音。3、核对预习部分答案。4、讨论预习中存在的问题。三、你来试试,好吗?(一)、词汇城堡:根据汉语提示写出单词。1. The soup has very little (味道) .2. Milly,the dinner is ready.Could you(摆放 )thetable forus? Sure.3. We

10、 are Chinese. China is great and we are(骄傲)ofour country.4. You(似乎 )worried about waiting in line for a long time.5. The apples闻( 起来 )terrible.I think they go bad.(二)、你很聪明,定能挑战!单选串串烧。()1.Did you see the movie Baobeijinhua ,Ran? No, I didn't.It's very funny.I hopeyousee itnexttime.A .to, theB

11、.can,theC.will, D. can,()2. Kang kang,_youpleasedyourmarks? Yes, Igot 100.I will go on studying hard.A. are, withB.do,withC. are, toD.do at ()3. What's wrong with him?Hefeels_ because he can't buy a ticketthe concert.A. disappointed,toB. disappointing, ofC . disappointed, ofD. smartto()4. We

12、watch the Olympic in London in 2012. You're right.A. are able toB .will be able toC.be able toD. were able to()5. Mom, Mr Fan asked you to call him this morning.OK.I willlater.A.ring him upB.ring up himC.call up himD. call her up()6.This movie is veryso I don't want to see it at all.A . inte

13、restingB.sillyC .goodD.boring(三)、安家落户:用下列单词填空,注意形式!happy ,worry,move ,please,surprise1. Andy thinks Love me once more,Mom is very, so he likes it.2. Helen's English is poor,andit made her mother.3. Mark got an Ain this English exam.Is hewiththeresult?Yes.4.I ambecause mybestfriendKevinlostgame.5

14、. Miss Liuisatthatbadnews,so she don'tknowwhat to do.Only stand there without a word.(四) 、我是小小翻译官。1、多么糟糕的消息啊 !news!2、昨天迈克尔发烧了。 Michaelyesterday. 3、我昨天给汤姆打了个电话。 Iyesterday. 4、所有的人都希望事事顺利。All the people hope.(五)情景交际苑:选择适当答语,其中有两项是多余的。A:What'sthe matter with Wang Lei?B:1 .A:Why?B:2.IthinkWangLe

15、ilikesthemovieverymuchandreallywishestoseeit. A:3 .TheSoundofMusicis also myfavorite.B:ButI likemusic.Myfavoriteisrockmusic.IwanttodanceasIlistentoit.Doyoulikerockmusic?A:4It'snoisy.But mybrotherlikesit a lot. B:What kind of music do you like best?A:5A. He is disappointed.B.She is surprised and

16、happy.C. Because he can't get the ticket to The Sound of Music.D. Country music is my favorite.E. Yes,I like it very much.F.I think it's very interesting.G. No I don't like it at all.学习后记: 教学后记:Section C课型:新授学习目标:1、学习新单词和短语。2、掌握表达感情 l 的句子。Mrs.Von Trapp died, and the family were very sad

17、and tired. The children cried and shouted every day.The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children.The father was almost mad at first,but the smiling faces of his children pleased him and made him happy again. They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing e

18、achother.3、能根据上下文猜测生词和意思。4、能从图文中搜索相关信息,并理解大意。5、提高阅读理解能力。学习过程1、画出本课新生词,能猜测它们的汉语意思。试试看!lively mad pleaseeverywhere Americaplay 2 翻译下列短 语.cheer upat firstfall into in the endon the way to so thatbe afraid of-3、通过预习,你还有哪些疑问?二、课堂学习过程。1、预习情况交流。2、听录音,跟读,弄清单词的读音。3、核对预习部分答案。4、讨论预习中存在的问题。三、你来试试,好吗?(1) 、单选串串烧,

19、你能选出最佳答案吗?()1.Why didn't Sally come to the party? Because she was very busy . She went toa familythree children.A.care for,ofB. care for,withC.care about,toD.care about ,with()2.Why does the father often become? Becausethe noisy children.A.angry, B.angrily, of C.angry, forD. angry,of()3.We often

20、 go to the hospital with flowers tothe sickkids.A.cheer,onB.cheer ,upC.cheer, inD.cheer,at()4the morning of June 25 ,2007, a lot of English teachersfrom different places arrived in Beijing.A.AtB.InC.OnD.Over()5.Why didn't you go to school yesterday? Because Ithe river and gotill.A.fallinB.fall i

21、ntoC . fell inD.fell into ()6.What happened to the family?They lived happily.A. in the end B . at the end ofC. the endD. by the end of (2)、穿针引线,从 II 栏中找出 I 栏相应的答语。I()1.How does Mr.Lee feel?()2.Iwant to go ,but I have no tickets. ()3.Why is the woman worried?()4.How are you doing?()5.Do you like Beij

22、ing Oprea?IIA. No,I don't like it at all.It's boring.B. Because she lost her ID card and passport.C. He's disapponted.D. It's a great pity.E. I am fine .Thank you. (3)完形演练场。Mr. and Mrs. Jones live in London. They don't often go out 1, but last Saturday, Mrs.Jones 2 to her hushand

23、,"There is a good 3 tonight. Can we go and see it?"Mr. Jones was quite 4about it,so they went and both ofthem liked the film very much.They came out of 5 at 11 o'clock, got into their 6and began to drive home. It was quite dark,then Mrs.Jones said to Mr. Jones,"Look!A woman is run

24、ning along the road very 7 , and a man is running after her."So Mr. Jones drove slowly near the woman and said to her,"Canwe8you ?"" No, thank you ,"the woman said,but she didn't stop9. "My husband and I always run home after the film,andthe 10onedoes the cleanig at

25、 home . Thank you all the same."()1 A. at nightB. in the eveningC. in the aftenoonD.at noon()2.A. toldB. talkC. spokeD. said()3.A. filmB.matchC.meetingD. message ()4.A.angryB.afraidC.worriedD.happy()5.A.the filmB.TVC.the cinemaD.the shop()6.A. seatsB.chairsC. carD. train ()7.A.fastB.slowlyC.lat

26、eD .long()8.A.leaveB. noticeC.helpD. love()9.A.toturnB. runningC.runsD.ran()10.A.lastB. cleverC.lazyD.great学习后记: 教学后记 :SectionD课型:新授学习目标:1、学习新单词和短语。come into being,main ,role,express, culture,gesture, make peace with sb. 2.学习一些京剧的知识。Beijing Opera 's historyfour main rolesofBeijing Opera3、复习并总结 &

27、quot;linking verb +adj" 结构。You look excited.I feel disappointed.The boy seems worried.The food tastes so delicious. The litter smells terrible.Did she sound worried?The father was lonely and often become angry because of the noisychildren. She was very sad and went mad.学习过程1、画出本课新生词,能猜测它们的汉语意思。

28、试试看!mainpeacegestureculture expressrolethankful 2. 你能根据语境猜测下列短语得意思吗?comeintobeingmakepeace withsb. befullofagreewith 3、通过预习,你还有哪些疑问? 二、课堂学习过程。1、预习情况交流。2、听录音,跟读,弄清单词的读音。3、核对预习部分答案。4、讨论预习中存在的问题。三、你来试试,好吗?(一)、词汇城堡:根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1.Mary is still unable to(表达) herself in English. 2.Who play the rof the M

29、onkey King?3. Sheng is the mrole in Beijing Opera .4. He made a手( 势 )of OK.5. Traveling can help people learn about different(文化 ).6. We all know pgeons鸽( 子 )stand for pin the world.(二)、单选串串烧,你能选出最佳答案。()1.When will youyour brother?I don't know. Maybe a few days later.A.makepeaceB.makepeace withC

30、.madepeace withD. friendlywith()2.Soccer ismore and more Chinese people.Doyoulikesoccer? Yes ,ofcourse.A.popular toB. popular with C.popular ofD.unpopularwith()3.The stories usuallyhappiness and laughter. Yes.This kind of ending is perfecct.A. end withB.end ofC.ends withD.end up()4.Beijing Opera is

31、our national operaa history of 200 years. Yes , you're right ,and I like it very much.A .withB.hasC.haveD.to have()5.Beijing Operaafter 1790.A.get into B. fall intoC. came into beingD. picked up ()6.Is there anything in the box?Yes .The box isChristmas cards.A. fill withB. full ofC . full willD.

32、filled of()7.Milly and Lily often fight with other other , but Milly alwayscan find awaymake peace.A. ofB.toC.forD.with学习后记:教学后记 :Topic2 I'm really worried about Beth.整理文本SectionA课型:新授学习目标:1、学习新单词和短语。shy , bestrictwith,send,takeiteasy 2、掌握原因状语从句。Shefeelsverylonelybecauseshehasnofriendsto talk wi

33、th.3、进一步学习并掌握表示个人情感及个性的词汇。Anythingwrong? Oh, dear!I'mreallyworriedabouther.4、用合适的形容词准确表达个人情感。学习过程:一、 1.画出本课新生词,能猜测它们的汉语意思。试试看!shysendshy badlye-card 2、翻译下列短语。be strict withtakeiteasy talk a talk withthank you for these daysnext time 3、通过预习,你还有那些疑问? 二、课堂学习过程。1、预习情况交流。2、听录音,跟读,弄清单词的读音。3、核对预习部分答案。.

34、整理文本4、讨论预习中存在的问题。试试看,你能行!(一)、词汇城堡:根据句意以及首字母提示写出单词。1、Beth was crying in her own bedroom because she did binthe math exam. 2.Minmin is their only daughter,but her parents are swithher.3. The little girl is always very s,so she is afraid of speakingin class and marking mistakes.4. Peoplese-cards to eac

35、h at Christmas. (二)、你很聪明,定能挑战!单选串串烧。()1. Jim ,you look so worried .?My mother is ill in hospital.A.SomethingwrongB.AnythingwrongC. NothingwrongD.Every thing wrong()2.The Browns are very stricttheir son and they hopetheir son will have a good job in the future.A.atB.aboutC.inD.with ()3.Are you angryh

36、im? Yes,I'm angryhis answer.A. with,withB.with, atC.about, withD.of,for()4.He seemsa atudent , but we often see him smoke.A.beB.isC.to beD.being()5.Li Lei did quitein the English competition.I did even.A. better,wellB. good, betterC.well,betterD.well,good ()6. Idon'thowtotalkwithhim.Heiseasy

37、-going.A. Don'tbeafraid .B. Takeiteasy .C.NevermindD.Notworried()7.Theold womenlives,butshe never feels.A.lonely,alone B.alone , lonely C.lonely ,lonelyD.alone,.alone, ()8.She felt sadher petdogdied yesterday.A.becauseB.whenC.afterD. and (三)、我是小小翻译官。1. 到底是怎么回事?What to theproblem?2. 我恐怕下周的英语测试我会做

38、的更糟。I'm afraid I'lleventheEnglishexamnext week. 3.她有一间大而舒适的房子住。She has a big comfortable house.4. 我将寄张电子贺卡让你高兴起来。I 'llyou an e-cardtoyou.5. 我希望有一天我回飞往月球。II'lltothe moon some day.(四)、情景交际:在空格处填入适当的单词或句子补全对话。A:Hello,Helen.?B:It's Beth.She looks so blue and unhappy.A:Oh,dear!.Whatse

39、ems to be the problem?B:Shein this game ,so she feels sad and she has nofriends,Idon't know whatto doA:She should.I think I should have a talk with her. B:Yes, please ! I'mworried about her.(五)、句型魅力秀:按要求完成句子。1. She looks happy because she did well in the exam。(对划线部分提问)she happy?2. We need an

40、other two men to finish the task.( 改为一般疑问句 ) youanother two men to finish the task? 3.Miss Wang is talking to Helen.( 同义句转换 )Miss Wang isHelen.4. She seems quiet.(同义句转换 )She seemsquiet. she is quiet.5. The old man looks lonely.(对划线部分提问) does the old man?学习后记:教学后记:SectionB课型:新授学习目标:1、学习新单词和短语。fail ,f

41、eeling,experince , suggestion , inone'steens,such ,normal,soft 2、学习安慰他人的句子。Don'tworry.There,It'llbeOK.3、复习如何提建议。4、学会使用恰当的语言描述自己或他人的情感。5、学会解决身边的问题。学习过程一、 1.画出本课新生词,能猜测它们的汉语意思。试试看!failfeeling experincesuggestion suchnormalsoftanfairhotlline 2、翻译下列短语。In one's teensat one's age 3、通过预

42、习,你还有那些疑问?课堂学习过程。1、预习情况交流。2、听录音,跟读,弄清单词的读音。3、核对预习部分答案。4、讨论预习中存在的问题。试试看,你能行!(一)、词汇城堡:根据汉语提示写出单词。1 、 She is really sorry to(不及格)the Chineseexam.2. Miss Gao has over ten years teaching经( 验 ).3. All the students agree with my建(议 ).4. She is a quiet girl.She likes listening to轻( 柔的 )music.(二)、你很聪明,定能挑战!单

43、选串串烧。()1. Kangkang failedlast math exam because of the pirated盗( 版的 ) books.A. passB.to passC.passingD.passed()2.The boss made the workersfor ten hours aday in old days.A.workB. workingC.to workD. worked()3.Is thereintoday's newspaper?A.something new B.new somethingC. anythingnew D.newanything()

44、4. Do you havehomework andexams?Yes .It'ssoboring.A .too many,too muchB.toomuch,too manyC.many too ,muchtoo D.much too, many too () 5. We always have nofor sleep.A.enoughtimeB. time enoughC. manytimeD .timemany(三)、我是小小翻译官。1. 他经常给我们将笑话并总是使我们发笑。Heoftenandalways.2. 在我十几岁的时候我喜欢运动和读书。I loved playing

45、sports and reading books.3. 家长似乎不理解他们的孩子。Itthat parents don'ttheirchildren.4. 当有不好事情发生的时候,每个人都会有那样的感受。Every one may havewhenhappiness.Jenny wants toyou.5. I really don't know how I can use a computer.(同义句转换) I really don't knowuse a computer.学习后记: 教学后记:SectionC课型:新授学习目标:1、学习新单词和短语。strang

46、er ,advice ,beusedto,as as,hometown,accepet,inpublic , fallasleep, clap2、学习同级比较。3、继续复习如何提建议。学习过程1、画出本课新生词,能猜测它们的汉语意思。试试看!stranger advice hometown accepetclapcarefully 2.翻译下列短语。beusedtoas as fallasleepinpublic What'smoreclapone'shands 3、通过预习,你还有那些疑问? 二、课堂学习过程。1、预习情况交流。2、听录音,跟读,弄清单词的读音。3、核对预习部

47、分答案。4、讨论预习中存在的问题。三、你来试试,好吗?(一)、词汇城堡:根据句意以及首字母提示写出单词。1.He is a s,so he has no friends here.2.I love my hIt's a beautiful city .3.Sometimes we should aothers' advice . 4.If you are happy , please cyour hands .5. Mr.Jiang is too tired , so he falls aquickly .(二)、你很聪明,定能挑战!单选串串烧。()1.The people h

48、ere are as friendly asin our homedowm .A. thatB. thisC.thoseD.these() 2.The manget up eary, but now hegeting up late . A.is used to; used toB.used to;.isusedtoC.usedto;usedtoD.was used to;is used to()3.Mr. Lee gave uson how to learn English well.A.some advicesB.many advicesC.some adviceD.an advice (

49、)4.time flies!A. WhatB.What aC.HowD. How quickSectionD课型:新授学习目标:1、学习新单词和短语。dealwith , forexample,elder , refuse, anybody,hit ,eventhough ,understand,no longer 2、复习原因状语从句和同级比较。3、 进一步学习怎样提建议。4、学习怎样处理不愉快的情绪。学习过程1、画出本课新生词,能猜测它们的汉语意思。试试看!elder refuse anybodyhit understandsadness though 2.翻译下列短语。eventhoughno longer dealwithforexample allthetimecalmdown 3、通过预习,你还有那些疑问?二、课堂学习过程。1、预习情况交流。2、听录音,跟读,弄清单词的读音。3、核对预习部分答案。4、讨论预习中存在的问题。三、你来试试,好吗?(一)、词汇城堡:根据英文释义及首字母提示写出单词。1. ea thing to show that something is ture2. rsomeone asked you to do sth , but you will not do it


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