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1、中考英语中考英语语法复习:非谓语动词语法复习:非谓语动词一、考点测试( ) 1. Dont let him _ out alone at night. He is young and will be frightened. A. goB. goes C. to goD. going( ) 2. The girl was often heard _ happily in her room.A. singB. to singC. singingD. sings( ) 3. Please dont forget _ the room while I am away in Beijing.A. cle

2、an B. to cleanC. cleanedD. cleaning( ) 4. Do you know Neil Armstrong? Yes. He is the first man _ on the moon.A. walk B. walks C. to walkD. walked( ) 5. _ more about tomorrows weather, call 121. OK, I will. Thank you.A. Know B. KnowingC. To knowD. Known( ) 6. Hi, Tom! Can you tell me when _ for Londo

3、n? Yes, tomorrow morning.A. leavingB. leavesC. to leaveD. are you leavingCABBCC语法复习:非谓语动词语法复习:非谓语动词( ) 7. In order to win the first place in the contest, he practiced _ the English song, but found it difficult _ the lyrics.A. to sing, to rememberB. to sing, remembering C. singing, to rememberD. sing

4、ing, remembering( ) 8. How about _ in the river with us? Sorry, I cant. My parents often tell me _ that.A. swim, dont do B. swim, to do C. swimming, not doD. swimming, not to do( ) 9. Do you think _ is important for you to learn English?A. listen B. listensC. listeningD. listened( ) 10. Would you mi

5、nd _ soccer ball here? Sorry. Well go and play on the playground.A. playingB. not playingC. not to playD. played( ) 11. Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it by yourself.A. ask, writeB. to ask, writing C. ask, writingD. asking, writeCDCBC语法复习:非谓语动词语法复习:非谓语动词( ) 12. I cant decide

6、_. You mean the purple sweater or the blue one?A. how to go thereB. who to go with C. where to visit D. which to choose( ) 13. Stop _ a noise in the library. The students are reading books.A. make B. to makeC. makesD. making( ) 14. The English story is very _, we are all _ in it.A. interesting, inte

7、restedB. interesting, interesting C. interested, interestedD. interested, interesting( ) 15. Dont keep me _ for a long time. Or I wont go with you.A. waitedB. to waitC. waitingD. wait 二、考点精讲精练非谓语动词是指在句中起名词,形容词或副词作用的动词形式,而不是作谓语的动词形式。动词的非谓语动词形式分为动词不定式,动词ing形式和分词(现在分词和过去分词)。初中阶段重点掌握不定式和动词的ing形式的基本用法。考点

8、1:动词不定式: (1). 形式:to +动词原形 (肯定) / not (never) to +动词原形 (否定) 如:CADD语法复习:非谓语动词语法复习:非谓语动词The teacher told me to come here on time tomorrow. (肯定)老师告诉我明天要按时到这里。The teacher told me not (never) to come here on time tomorrow. (否定) 老师告诉我明天不用按时到这里。(2). 用法. 作主语 (可用it来作形式主语,将真主语置后)To learn English is very import

9、ant It is very important to learn English.学英语很重要。. 作宾语。A. 做动词的宾语: Suddenly it began to rain. (to rain 做began的宾语) 突然天开始下雨。I hope to see the famous scientist. (to see 做hope的宾语) 我希望看到这著名的科学家。经常接不定式作宾语的动词有:语法复习:非谓语动词语法复习:非谓语动词B. 和疑问词who, what, when, where, how, which等连用作tell, ask, know, show等动词宾语。如: I d

10、ont know what to do.我不知道做什么。 She showed us how to do it.她向我展示怎样去做那东西。 C. 用it来作形式宾语,将真宾语置后。如: We find it possible to eat 10 apples at one time.我发现一次吃10个苹果是有可能的。. 作宾补My father asked Mary to buy some salt back. (Mary在句中作宾语,to buy 补充说明Mary 要做的事)我爸叫玛丽去买些盐回来。 Mr. Li told us not to play computer games in t

11、he net bar. (us在句中作宾语,not to play 补充说明us 不要做的事) 李老师告诉我们不要在网吧玩电游。语法复习:非谓语动词语法复习:非谓语动词 类似用法的动词有:. 作定语Would you like something to drink? (to drink作定语修饰something) 你想要来些喝的东西吗?I have a lot of homework to do. (to do作定语修饰homework) 我有很多作业要做。This is the room for me to live in. (to live in作定语修饰room) 这是给我住的房间。.

12、 作状语He went there to see his grandma. (to see作目的状语) 他去那里目的是去看他的爷爷。The boy is old enough to learn to drive a car. (to learn作结果状语) 这男孩够大去学开小车。语法复习:非谓语动词语法复习:非谓语动词(3). 省to的不定式使役动词和感官动词,后带宾语,再接不定式作宾补时,主动语态时不定式要省to,被动语态时要补to. 这种用法在被动语态的语法中己详细介绍。现将他们归纳成表格如下:I saw a boy go across the road just now. 我看见有个男孩刚才过了马路。Look! Can you see the boy going across the road? 看!你能看见那个男孩正在过马吗?(4). 不带to的常用句型语法复习:非谓语动词语法复习:非谓语动词拓展:(1)动词ing形式(动名词) 后接动词须用动词ing 形式的单词,短语,句型归纳如下:(2)分词现在分词(即动词ing形式)一般用来修饰事物,


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