1、专业八级翻译讲解汉译英专业八级翻译讲解汉译英英译汉:英译汉:1.1.能运用英译汉的理论和技巧能运用英译汉的理论和技巧, ,翻译英、翻译英、美美 报刊杂志上有关政治、经济、历报刊杂志上有关政治、经济、历史、文化等方面的论述文章及文学原史、文化等方面的论述文章及文学原著的节录。著的节录。2.2.翻译速度为每小时翻译速度为每小时250-300250-300词。词。专业八级翻译讲解汉译英汉译英:汉译英:1.1.能运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国能运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国报刊杂志上的论述和国情介绍,以及一报刊杂志上的论述和国情介绍,以及一般文学作品的节录。般文学作品的节录。2.2.翻译速度为每小
2、时翻译速度为每小时250300250300汉字。汉字。3.3.常见的文章类型:国情介绍(介绍中国常见的文章类型:国情介绍(介绍中国文化、名胜等);文学作品(以散文、文化、名胜等);文学作品(以散文、小说为主);新闻特写、评论、政论文小说为主);新闻特写、评论、政论文等;科技商贸(由于词汇障碍,很少等;科技商贸(由于词汇障碍,很少用)。用)。专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 2010 2010年年: :汉译英汉译英: : 朋友关系朋友关系; ; 论说文论说文英译汉英译汉: : 复活节风景描写复活节风景描写; ; 描写文描写文 2009 2009年年汉译英汉译英: : 手机手机; ; 论说文论说文英译汉英译
3、汉: : 环境危机环境危机; ; 获奖发言获奖发言 2008 2008年年汉译英汉译英: :内心世界内心世界; ;哲理散文哲理散文英译汉英译汉: :婚后生活婚后生活; ;哲理散文哲理散文专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 2007 2007年年: :汉译英汉译英: : 黄昏的景色描写黄昏的景色描写; ; 描写文描写文英译汉英译汉: : 大学与科技世界大学与科技世界; ; 论说文论说文 2006 2006年年汉译英汉译英: : 中西民族性格对比中西民族性格对比; ; 论说论说英译汉英译汉: : 丘吉尔演讲丘吉尔演讲; ; 演讲稿演讲稿 2005 2005年年汉译英汉译英: :人生的意义人生的意义; ;论说文
4、论说文英译汉英译汉: :书的分类及阅读书的分类及阅读; ;论说文论说文专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 2004 2004年年: :汉译英汉译英: : 人际关系人际关系; ; 论说文论说文英译汉英译汉: : 内心世界的反思内心世界的反思; ; 论说文论说文 2003 2003年年汉译英汉译英: : 美国人性格美国人性格; ; 论说文论说文英译汉英译汉: : 在家拘禁的感想在家拘禁的感想; ; 叙述文叙述文 2002 2002年年汉译英汉译英: :风俗延传风俗延传; ;小品文小品文英译汉英译汉: :胜者与败者胜者与败者; ;论说文论说文专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 2001 2001年年: :汉译英汉译英: :
5、 论钓鱼论钓鱼; ; 论说文论说文英译汉英译汉: : 苦中有乐苦中有乐; ; 论说文论说文 2000 2000年年汉译英汉译英: : 三代博物馆三代博物馆; ; 说明文说明文英译汉英译汉: : 名人的早亡名人的早亡; ; 论说文论说文专业八级翻译讲解汉译英1.EXCELLENT TRANSLATION(10-9) The translation faithfully reflects all the original passage with only 1 or 2 minor lexical errors. It adequately reflects the style and tone
6、of the original passage. The translation is elegant (appropriate choice of words, a variety in sentence patterns)专业八级翻译讲解汉译英2.GOOD TRANSLATION WITH FEW INACCURACIES(87) The translation reflects almost all the original passage with relatively few significant errors in comprehending individual words,
7、phrases, sentences or ideas. The translation is readable (generally clear, smooth, cohesive)专业八级翻译讲解汉译英3.PASSABLE TRANSLATION WITH SOME INACCURACIES (65) The translation adequately reflects most of the original passage with occasional errors in comprehending individual words, phrases, sentences or i
8、deas. The translation is, for the most part, readable.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英4.INADEQUATE TRANSLATION WITH FREQUENT INACCURACIES (43) The translation only reflects about half of the original passage with frequent errors in comprehending individual words, phrases, sentences or ideas. The translation is, for the
9、most part, readable.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英5.POOR TRANSLATION (2-1) The translation reflects less than half of the original passage. Almost all sentences contain errors. The translation is for the most part unreadable.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (1)spelling punctuation-Run-on sentences punctuation capitalization- 专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (
10、2)sentence structure-grammar verb-tense voice mood or auxiliary verb verb form number- reference-专业八级翻译讲解汉译英(1)words-wrong words no such words(2)expressions-wrong expression no such expression usage error error in collocation awkward专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (2)expressions-wordy repeating not clear in meaning ill
11、ogical (3)style-improperly formal improperly colloquial improperly literary专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 error in relation or wrong connection wrong organization of the ideas wrong starting of a new paragraph abrupt in relation 专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (1) (1)在人际关系问题上我们不要太浪漫主义。在人际关系问题上我们不要太浪漫主义。(2)(2)人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先人是很有趣的,往往在接
13、,而饿了吃糠甜如蜜,饱了吃蜜也不饿状态,而饿了吃糠甜如蜜,饱了吃蜜也不甜。甜。(9)(9)第二,你初到一个餐馆,开始举筷时第二,你初到一个餐馆,开始举筷时有新鲜感,新盖的茅房三天香,这也可以叫有新鲜感,新盖的茅房三天香,这也可以叫做做“陌生化效应陌生化效应”吧。吧。 专业八级翻译讲解汉译英(8)(8) 开始吃的时候你正处于饥饿状态,而饿了吃开始吃的时候你正处于饥饿状态,而饿了吃糠甜如蜜糠甜如蜜 S1 as you start eating you are in hunger, and when you are in hunger chaff tastes sweet as honey汉语汉语:
14、 : 重复手段重复手段( (原词重现原词重现) )英语英语: : 替代手段替代手段( (同一词同一词, ,近义词近义词, ,上下义词上下义词, ,概括词概括词) )专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 那是一个寒冷潮湿的晚上那是一个寒冷潮湿的晚上,这样的晚上大部分人待这样的晚上大部分人待在家里。在家里。 It was one of those cold, wet evenings when most people stayed indoors. e.g. 开始吃的时候你正处于饥饿状态,而饿了开始吃的时候你正处于饥饿状态,而饿了吃糠甜如蜜吃糠甜如蜜 ( (参考译文参考译文) ) as you start ea
15、ting you are in hunger, when chaff tastes sweet as honey专业八级翻译讲解汉译英(8)(8)而饿了吃糠甜如蜜,饱了吃蜜也不甜。而饿了吃糠甜如蜜,饱了吃蜜也不甜。S1: Even chaff tastes sweet as honey when one is hungry, whereas honey doesnt taste sweet at all when one is full.S2: For hungry ones ordinary food becomes a delicious one as if it is mixed wit
16、h honey, however when they are full, even honey will not taste so sweet.S3: The least tasteful food tastes sweet when youre hungry, while the sweetest honey tastes nothing special when youre full.( (参考译文参考译文) ) Husks will taste like honey when you are hungry, and vice versa.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 E.g.为了推动中美关系的
17、发展为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一中国需要进一步了解美国步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国美国也需要进一步了解中国. To promote the development of China U.S. relations, China needs to know the United States better and vice versa.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英(7)(7)于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。肯为摇头。S1: Consequently, delight changes to anger; praise changes to
18、blame; and nodding head changes to shaking head.S2: Consequently, satisfaction is switched into anger, compliment into blame and fastidiousness, and nodding into shaking ones head.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 E.g. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. (F. Bacon: Of Studies) 读书使人
19、充实读书使人充实,讨论使人机智讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确笔记使人准确.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英(7)(7)于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。肯为摇头。( (参考译文参考译文) ) Consequently, your joy would give way to anger; your praises would to criticism or even fault-finding; and your nodding in agreement to shaking the head. Pts: 英语常省略前面出现的词英语常省略前面出现的词; 汉语常重
20、复这些词语汉语常重复这些词语.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (4) (4)开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候, 印象很好。印象很好。 (5)(5)吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。 (6) (6)愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴席,缺愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。点就都找出来了。 (7) (7)于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。首肯为摇头。Subjects专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (4)( (4)(你你) )开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候, 印象很好。印象很好。 (5)(5)(你你) )
21、吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。 (6)( (6)(你你) )愈吃愈趋于冷静,愈吃愈趋于冷静, ( (你你) )吃完了这顿宴席,吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。缺点就都找出来了。 (7) (7)于是于是( (你你) )转喜为怒,转喜为怒, ( (你你) )转赞美为责备挑剔,转赞美为责备挑剔, ( (你你) )转首肯为摇头。转首肯为摇头。专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (4) (4)开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。 (5)(5)吃头吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。 (6)(6)愈吃愈趋于冷静,愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了
22、这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。 (7)(7)于是转于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。S1: Starting to eat the first dish, impression is good. Its also very delicious when eating the first two main dishes. Having finished it all the disadvantages are found out. Then turn from happy to angry, praise to
23、blame, yes to no.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (4) (4)开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。 (5)(5)吃头两个主吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。菜时,也是赞不绝口。 (6)(6)愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。席,缺点就都找出来了。 (7)(7)于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。挑剔,转首肯为摇头。S2:When we begin with the first course or the appetizer, we are very positively imp
24、ressed. When we continue with the first two main courses, we are also full of praises for the dishes. Yet we become less and less enthusiastic as we continue to eat; and when the dinner is over, all the shortcomings have been found out. Therefore, happiness turns into anger, praises into criticism,
25、and head-nodding into head-shaking.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (4) (4)开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。 (5)(5)吃头两个主吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。菜时,也是赞不绝口。 (6)(6)愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。宴席,缺点就都找出来了。 (7)(7)于是转喜为怒,转赞美为于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。( (参考译文参考译文) ) You will be not only favorably impressed with the
26、first dish or cold dishes, but also profuse in praise of the first two courses. However, the more you have, the more sober you become until the dinner ends up with all the flaws exposed. Consequently, your joy would give way to anger; your praises would to criticism or even fault-finding; and your n
27、odding in agreement to shaking the head.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英(2)(2)人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都是他或她的优点。的都是他或她的优点。S1: Human beings are interesting. When it is the first time you meet a person, you only notice his or her merits.S2: People are interesting and get the first impression of his or her
28、merits when they communicate.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英(2)(2)人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都是他或她的优点。的都是他或她的优点。S3: People are very interesting, for when first meeting somebody, they usually focus on his or her strong points.S4: Human beings are very interesting in that when they get into contact with som
29、eone what they first see is often his or her good points only.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英(2)(2)人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都是他或她的优点。的都是他或她的优点。( (参考译文参考译文) ) Human beings are interesting in that they tend to first see good in a new acquaintance.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (4) (4)开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。(5)(5)
30、吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。S1: When we begin with the first two course or the appetizer, we are very positively impressed. When we continue with the first two main courses, we are also full of praises for the dishes.S2: We are very impressed by the first dish or cold dishes to begin with. We woul
31、d also give endless compliments on the first two entrees. 专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (4) (4)开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候,印象很好。(5)(5)吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。S3: The first dish or cold dishes leave a good impression, and the first two main dishes are also appreciated.S: You will be not only favourbly impressed
32、 with the first dish or cold dishes, but also profuse in praise of the first two courses. 专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (6) (6)愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴席,愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。缺点就都找出来了。S1: Yet the more we ate, the clearer we became. And after dinner we found out all the shortcomings.S2: As the dinner goes on, people tend to
33、be calm. After finishing it, they have found out all the defects.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英 (6) (6)愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴席,愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。缺点就都找出来了。S3: Yet the more we eat, the sober we become. Drawbacks are all found out right after the banquet.S: However, the more you have, the more sober you become until the d
34、inner ends up with all the flaws exposed.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英范畴词范畴词: : 表达行为表达行为, ,现象现象, ,属性等概念的词属性等概念的词. .e.g. He was described as impressed by Dengs flexibility.译文译文: : 据说他对邓的灵活态度印象很深。据说他对邓的灵活态度印象很深。人际关系问题人际关系问题: : interpersonal relation (problem)用餐的经验用餐的经验: : dining (experience)饥饿状态饥饿状态: : (a state of ) hu
35、nger新鲜感新鲜感: : freshness (feeling)专业八级翻译讲解汉译英至于才子佳人等书至于才子佳人等书As for books of the beauty-and-talented typeAnd the “boudoir romances”谋事在人谋事在人, ,成事在天成事在天Man proposes, heaven disposes.Man proposes, God disposes.世人都晓神仙好。世人都晓神仙好。All men long to be immortals.1. All men know that salvation should be won. 专业八
36、级翻译讲解汉译英译法译法直译直译意译意译首肯首肯noddingagreement; approval; positive view摇头摇头shaking ones headdisagreement; disapproval;negative view吃糠吃糠have chaff /bran, huskshave dishwater举筷举筷take up chopsticks to eat; begin to eat with chopsticksto take up a knife and fork; begin to eat with a knife and fork 专业八级翻译讲解汉译英
37、饿了吃糠甜加蜜。饿了吃糠甜加蜜。1. In hunger one can taste honey in chaff.2. Hunger is the best source. 转首肯为摇头。转首肯为摇头。1.Nodding approval will give way to head-shaking.2. Agreement will give way to disagreement.3. Approval will give way to disapproval.4. Positive views will give way to negative views.专业八级翻译讲解汉译英新盖的茅房三天香。新盖的茅房三天香。A newly-built latrine smells sweet in the first 3 days.Fresh air doesnt last long in a new latrine.Familiarity breeds contempt.( (亲不敬亲不敬, ,熟生蔑
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