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1、导游英语课程教案1.课程定位与内容课程定位:导游英语课程为专业任选课,授课对象为英语专业三年级学生。课程职业性强计划为有意向从事导游行业工作的学生提供行业基础知识并培养他们的专业技能。由于三年级学生已经具有一定听说读写的基本技能,所以本课程的教学目标应集中在英语导游相关职业知识及职业技能的培训上,以导游工作基本过程为导向来组织教学过程, 尤其应该通过大量的情景模拟练习来帮助学生掌握涉外旅游活动中吃、住、行、游、购、娱”六大环节的工作过程,获得、巩固相关的从业技能。课程内容:教材:导游英语实用教程天津大学出版社,2010 年 4 月,刘丽莉主编该教材共分三个部分 :Service Procedu

2、re (导游服务步骤);Chinese Culture (中 国文化);Tourist Attractions(旅游景点)。根据教材、课程目标及实际情况教学内容主要分为两大块:基础理论知识及实际操作。基础理论部分以教师讲授为主,主要涉及导游服务相关基础知识。实际操作部分以学生小组活动为主要形式,学生需对设定的旅游目的地开展模拟导游活动。教学重点:致欢迎词、酒店安排、旅行安排、景点介绍、饮食文化、节日文化、特产、致欢 送词、解决投诉问题。教学难点:中西文化差异,知识覆面广,表达能力要求高。2.本堂课的教学目标帮助学生掌握旅游线路设计的要素及规则,让学生通过学习,能够设计出完整合理的旅游线路。3.

3、教学方法及手段 (任务型&情景法)课程主要分为理论知识讲解和实践技能操作两部分。理论知识部分主要以教师讲解形式为主涵盖导游必备素质、基本服务要求、导游职责、行程安排、中国传统文化知识介绍 等内容,实践操作部分将对学生进行分组, 要求学生以小组展示的方式对规定省市的旅游线路进行设计及讲解。模拟实践课以练为核心,结合任务型教学法和情景法的教学理念,以幻灯片和视频短片为切入点,声音、图像辅助的多媒体教学手段具有较好的带入性,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,更好的参与到课堂活动中。4.评估方式上课 30%作业设计 30%视频作业 40%、教学内容及时间安排WeekDayPartDaily Topic/

4、Activities12/20,21Traits of excelle nt tour guides;Airrii订广Io22/27,28/ 1 UUI yUIUkx7 11 Ivlll 1 LvlOiXOMeet ing the guests;On the way to the hotel;33/6,7Part 1 Tour Guidi ngProcedures and SkillsHotel accommodationsTalk ing about the iti nerary;Sightsee ing43/13,14&Di ning in Chi na53/20,21Chin e

5、se CultureShopp ing;En tertai nment63/27,28Han dli ng Complai nts;Farewell74/3,4History of Ch inaChin ese religi ons: a brief in troducti on84/10,11Traditi onal Chin ese Festivals;Traditi onal Chin ese Medic ine94/17,18Chin ese calligraphy and painting;Ancient Chin ese Architecture104/24,25Part 2Tou

6、ristAttracti ons(Practice)Iti nerary1:Australia115/1,2It in erary 2:Syd ney125/8,9Iti nerary3: Melbo urne135/15,16Iti nerary 4: New Zeala nd145/22,23It in erary 5: Europe155/29,30It in erary 6: America166/5,6It in erary 7: Korea n & Thaila nd176/12,13It in erary 8: Japa n186/19,20Review三、考核成绩分配比

7、例Physical atte ndance (10%)* Although it just takes 10 perce nt, you will not pass this class if you missmore tha n 5 timesGroup Prese ntatio n (5%*6=30%)1.5-6 people in each group2.About 15 min utes3.Must have Slides, pictures or videos4.About Chin ese culture or tourist attracti ons5.based on our

8、teach ing pla nFi nal exam (60%)四、教材和参考资料1、 建议使用教材:导游英语使用教程 刘丽莉主编,天津大学出版社,2010 年 4月2、主要参考资料:1实用导游英语王向宁主编,北京大学出版社,2014 年 5月2英语导游教程 纪春、 裴松青编著, 旅游教育出版社, 2008年 8 月授课时间2017.03-2017.06课次授课方式理论课;课件;教材课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):1.课程基本情况介绍及课程考评方式。2. Traits of excelle nt tour guides; A Tour guide s main tasks上一课次教学内容

9、提要本课次教学目的、要求:1了解本课程基本情况及课堂要求、考核方式。2. 熟知优秀导游必备素质。3. 熟知导游基本职责。教学重点及难点:1.Traits of excelle nt tour guides;2. A Tour guide s main tasks教学基本内容与教学设计(含时间分配)方法及手段1. In troduce the objectives of this course; course content;schedule (25m ins)2. Readi ng and Improvi ng:Traits of Excelle nt T our Guides (Ha ndo

10、uts)(25m ins)3. Reading and Improving:A Tour Guide incipal Duties(Handouts)(25mi ns)4. Consolidationand group discussion: Pre- tour preparations(Handouts)(25mi ns)作业和思考题归纳法;多媒体授课时间课次授课方式理论课;课件;教材课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):1. Meet ing the guests;2. On the way to the hotel;3. Hotel accommodati ons上一课次教学内容提要1.

11、 课程基本情况介绍及课程考评方式。2. Traits of excelle nt tour guides; A Tour guide s main ta本课次教学目的、要求:1了解接团必要准备工作及期间注意事项,了解可能面对的突发情况并知晓如何应对。2. 掌握欢迎词撰写技巧。3. 了解酒店等级划分标准及可提供的服务;能够合理安排住宿并处理突发情况。教学重点及难点:1. Greet ing guests.2. Compose a welcome speech.3. Check in.教学基本内容与教学设计(含时间分配)方法及手段1. Review: Traits of Excellent Tou

12、r Guides; A Tour Guide -stour preparati ons (10 mins)2. Lead-in: group work: Pre-arrival service (10mins)3.Read ing and Con cludi ng: Meeti ng the guests (25m ins)4. Con solidati on and group discussi on: Compose a welcome speech (30 mins)5. Reading and Concluding: Hotel accommodation (25mins)归纳阻 Du

13、 多媒?re作业和思考题:Reading (p4, p12, p19)授课时间课次授课方式理论课;课件;教材课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):1.Talk ing about the iti nerary;2. Sightsee ing上一课次教学内容提要1. Meet ing the guests;2. On the way to the hotel;3. Hotel accommodati ons本课次教学目的、要求:1. 了解旅行行程安排注意事项,能够独立设计安排行程。2. 能够应对行程变化或取消等突发事项,并采取积极补救措施。3. 掌握景点讲解词撰写技巧。1. Help stude

14、nts to know the basic elements of a complete itineraryHelp stude nts to know the basic rules of desig ning an iti nerary教学重点及难点:1.To schedule an iti nerary2. To han dle with an altered travel pla n3. To write a comme ntary教学基本内容与教学设计(含时间分配)方法及手段1. Review:Meeti ngthe guests; On the way to the hotel;

15、Hotel归纳法,多媒体accommodati ons (10mi ns); check ing homework (10mi ns)2. Lead-in: group discussion: the basic elements of a complete itinerary(10mi ns)3.Read ing and Improv ing: Talk ing about the iti nerary with the guests (20 mins)4. Readi ng and group discussi on: Measures can be take n to tackle an

16、 alteredtravel pla n (Ha ndouts) (25m ins)5. Readi ng and Improvi ng: Sightsee in g(Ha ndouts) (25m ins)a. pre-board ing proceduresb. categories of tour comme ntariesc. eleme nts of tour comme ntaries作业和思考题:To schedule an 2-day it in erary about Lan zhou.授课时间课次授课方式理论课;课件;教材课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Di ning

17、 in Chi na上一课次教学内容提要1. Talk ing about the iti nerary;2. Sightsee ing本课次教学目的、要求:1. Have gen eral kno wledge about the Chin ese culi nary arts.2. Be familiar with Chin ese cook ing methods, features and famous dishes.3.To know the basic western cooking styles and Western food; be able to compare Chine

18、se cook ing style withwestern.教学重点及难点:1. In troduce Chin ese culi nary history and Eight Great Traditi on;2. Talk about Chin ese cook ing methods, features and famous dishes;3. Introduce basic western cooking styles and Western food;4. Compare Chin ese cook ing style with western style.教学基本内容与教学设计(含

19、时间分配)方法及手段1. Review: basic eleme nts of an iti nerary and tour comme ntaries (10mi ns);check ing homework (10 mins)2. Lead-in: group discussion:what s your favorite Chinese dishes? Do youknow how to cook it? (10 mins)3.Read ing and Improv in g: Chin ese Culi nary arts (40mi ns)a. read the textb. T a

20、lk about Chin ese culi nary history and Eight Great Traditi onc. Chin ese cook ing methods, features and famous dishes4.Reading and Improving:westerncookingstyles and Western food(Handouts) (30mins)a. read the textb. compare归纳法,多媒体作业和思考题:Role Play.Work in groups of 5 or 6. You are havi ng dinner. On

21、e of you is the host. The rest are foreig nguests. You are having a chat about the eating customs and the characteristicsof variousregi onal dishes in China.授课时间课次授课方式理论课;课件;教材课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):1. Shopp ing;2. En tertai nment上一课次教学内容提要1. Chin ese culi nary history and Eight Great Traditi on;2. Chin

22、 ese cook ing methods, features and famous dishes;3. Basic western cooking styles and Western food.本课次教学目的、要求:1. Have gen eral kno wledge about Chin ese local specialties; can in troduce them effectively to the tourists.2. Have general knowledgeabout local places dntertainmentactivities; can introdu

23、ceandarrange the en terta inment activities according to the touriststs.in teres教学重点及难点:1. Introduce tour guide s responsibilities for guiding the tourists to do shopping.2. Talk about Chin ese specialties and souve nirs.3.Introducetour guide Besponsibilitiesfor guidingthe tourists to enjoy local pl

24、acesen terta inment activities.4. Talk about famous Chin ese en terta inment activities.教学基本内容与教学设计(含时间分配)方法及手段1. Review: Chin ese culi nary arts (10mi ns); check ing homework (10 mins)2. Lead-i n: group discussi on :lf you are a tour guide, what Chin ese specialtieswill you in troduce to the guests

25、? Why? (10mi ns)3.Read ing and Improv ing: Shopp ing in China (35m ins)a. read the textb. T alk about Chin ese specialtiesc. Group work: tour guide s “ should ” and“ shouldn 4. Readi ng and Improvi ng: En terta inments in China (Ha ndouts) (35m ins)a. read the textb. T alk about famous en terta inme

26、nt in Chinac. Group work: tour guide sshould and “ shouldn aboiit ” entertainment arran gements归纳法,多媒体” about shopp ing作业和思考题:Role Play (P59, P68)授课时间课次授课方式理论课;课件;教材课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):1. Han dli ng Compla in ts;2. Farewell上一课次教学内容提要1. Shopp ing;2. En tertai nment本课次教学目的、要求:1. Be able to han dle diff

27、ere nt kinds of compla ints2. Know how to make a farewell speech to the guests教学重点及难点:1. In troduce the com mon problems and accide nts duri ng the tour.2. In troduce the esse ntial kno wledge and skills a tour guide n eed for han dli ng the accide nts.3. Talk about the procedure to han dle with the

28、 compla in ts.4. Talk about how to make a farewell speech.教学基本内容与教学设计(含时间分配)方法及手段1. Review:Shoppi ng &En tertai nmen t(10mi ns); check ing homework (10 mins)2. Lead-in: group discussion:If you are a tourist, what do you usuallycompla in about the tour? Why? (10mi ns)3.Read ing and Improv ing: Ha

29、n dli ng problems and emerge ncies (ha ndouts)(35mi ns)a. read the textb. T alk about the com mon problems and accide nts duri ng the tourc. Group work: what kno wledge and skills a tour guide n eed for han dli ngthe accide nts;d. Group work: how to han dle with the compla ints4. Readi ng and Improv

30、i ng: Farewell speech (35m ins)a. read the textb. Group discussi on: pre-departure servicesc. eleme nts of a farewell speech归纳法,多媒体作业和思考题:Role Play (P75, P81)授课时间课次授课方式理论课;课件;教材课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):1. History of Chi na2. Chin ese religi ons: a brief in troduct ion上一课次教学内容提要1. Han dli ng Compla in ts;2

31、. Farewell本课次教学目的、要求:1.To know the brief history of China;2. Be able to introduce history of China in English;3. Have some kno wledge about religi ons in China;4. Be able to in troduce Chin ese religio ns in En glish教学重点及难点:1.Talk about the brief history of China2. Talk about the religi ons in China

32、教学基本内容与教学设计(含时间分配)方法及手段1.Review:Ha ndli ngCompla ints&Farewell(5m in s);check inghomework(5mi ns)2. Lead-i n: group discussi on: How many Chin ese dyn asties were there? Whichone, in your opinion, is the greatest? Why? (10 mins)3.Read ing and Improv ing:China s histo(ha ndouts) (40mins)a. read t

33、he textb. Summary4. Readi ng and Improvi ng: The Con fucius and Four Major Religi ons (40mins)a. read the textb. Group discussi on: your un dersta nding of Taoism归纳法,多媒体作业和思考题:Could you tell us someth ing about Con fucius?授课时间课次授课方式理论课;课件;教材课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):1.Traditi onal Chin ese Festivals;2. Tra

34、diti onal Chin ese Medici ne上一课次教学内容提要1. History of China2. Chin ese religi ons: a brief in troduct ion本课次教学目的、要求:1. Be able to in troduce importa nt Chin ese festivals in En glish;2. Have some kno wledge about traditi onal Chin ese medici ne;3. Be able to in troduce traditi onal Chin ese medici ne

35、in En glish教学重点及难点:1.Talk about traditi onal Chin ese festivals2. Talk abouttraditi onal Chin ese medici ne教学基本内容与教学设计(含时间分配)方法及手段1. Review:History & religio ns (5mi ns); check ing homework (5mi ns)2. Lead-in: group discussion:What s your favorite traditional festival ? Why?(10mi ns)3.Read ing a

36、nd Improv ing: Traditi onal Chin ese Festivals (ha ndouts) (40mins)a. read the textb. Group discussi on: wester n festivals in China4. Readi ng and Improvi ng: Traditi onal Chin ese Medic in e(40 mins)a. read the textb.Group work: compare traditi onal Chin ese medici ne with western medici ne归纳法,多媒体

37、作业和思考题:Tran slatio n (P102-103, P122-123)授课时间课次授课方式理论课;课件;教材课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):1. Chin ese calligraphy and painting;2. Ancient Chin ese Architecture上一课次教学内容提要1. Traditi onal Chin ese Festivals;2. Traditi onal Chin ese Medici ne本课次教学目的、要求:1. Have some kno wledge about Chin ese calligraphy and pain ti

38、 ng;2. Be able to in troduce Chin ese calligraphy and painting in En glish;3. Have some kno wledge abouta ncient Chin ese architecture;4. Be able to in troduce ancient Chin ese architecture in En glish教学重点及难点:1.Talk about Chin ese calligraphy and painting2. Talk about ancient Chin ese architecture教学

39、基本内容与教学设计(含时间分配)方法及手段1. Review: check ing homework (10 mins)2. Lead-i n: group discussi on: What do you know about Chin ese calligraphy?(10mi ns)3.Read ing and Improvi ng:Chin ese calligraphy and pain ti ng(ha ndouts)(40mi ns)a. read the textb. Group work: compare Chin ese calligraphy and painting with wester ncalligraphy and painting4. Readi ng and Improvi ng: ancient Chin ese architecture (40mins)a. read the textb.features, stylesc. famous an cie nt Chin ese architecture归纳法,多媒体作业和思考题:Prepare for Iti nerary 1: Beiji ng授课时间课次授课方式实践课课时安排授课题目(教学章、节或主题):It in erary 1: Beiji ng上一课次教学内容提


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