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1、what do you do?words Unit 8 What do you do ? actually 事实上 agree 同意 athlete 运动员 audition 试演,试唱 boring 枯燥的 cashier 出纳员 dangerous 危险的jobsa. cashier b. cook/chef c. doctor d. flight attendant e. judge f. lawyer g. musician h. nurse i. pilot j. police officerk. receptionist l. salesperson m. security gar

2、d n. singer o. waiter p.waitress front desk agent 前台服务员 firefight jobs 职业提问: What do you do? Whats your job? Im a . What does he do? Whats his job? Hes a . 工作地点提问: Where do you work? Where does he work?I work in a . He works in a .对工作的喜好:How do you like it? How does he like it?Not very much. He hate

3、s it.I really like it. Its OK.a. cashier b. cook/chef c. doctor d. flight attendant e. judge f. lawyer g. musician h. nurse i. pilot j. police officerk. receptionist l. salesperson m. security gard n. singer o. waiter p.waitress Who wears a uniform? . wears a uniform.a. cashier b. cook/chef c. docto

4、r d. flight attendant e. judge f. lawyer g. musician h. nurse i. pilot j. police officerk. receptionist l. salesperson m. security gard n. singer o. waiter p.waitresswear a uniform5sit all day 1talk to people6work hard8stand all day2handle money3work at night7write tickets4 3. Conversation He works

5、in a hotel Rachel: Where does your brother work? Angela: In a hotel. Rachel: Oh, really? My brother works in a hotel , too. Hes the front desk agent. Angela: How does he like it ? Rachel: Not very much. He doesnt like the manager. Angela: Thats too bad. What hotel does he work for? Rachel: The Plaza

6、. Angela: Thats funny . My brother works there, too. Rachel: Oh, thats interesting. What does he do ? Angela: Actually, hes the manager. A musicians job is interesting. A musician has an interesting job. You are right. I agree. I dont really agree.a. cashier b. cook/chef c. doctor d. flight attendan

7、t e. judge f. lawyer g. musician h. nurse i. pilot j. police officerk. receptionist l. salesperson m. security gard n. singer o. waiter p.waitresseasydifficultstressfulrelaxingdangeroussafeboringexciting 7. Conversation : Thats exciting! Listen ad practice. Richard: Hey, Stephanie. I hear you have a

8、 new job. Stephanie: Yes. Im teaching math at Lincoln High School. Richard: How do you like it ? Stephanie: Its great. The students are terrific.好极了 How are things with you ? -how are you doing?你情况如何? Richard: Not bad. Im a firefighter now ,you know. Stephanie: Thats exciting! Richard: Yes, but its

9、a very stressful job. And sometimes its dangerous. 12 . Reading Job profiles Look at the photos. Which job looks the best ? Why ? Actress Lisa Parker has two jobs. She works as a waitress at night, but shes really an actress. During the day ,she auditions for plays and television shows. Her schedule

10、 is difficult, and shes tried a lot. But shes following her dream. Video game tester Lots of teenagers want John Blues job. He plays video games for eight hours a day. And he gets paid for it! John is a video game tester for a big video game company. Is it ever boring ? Never. John almost always win

11、s ! 我在医院做护士(work as.). at night=in the daytime 在晚上在白天 during. prep.在.期间 during the day 在白天 audition n.v.试镜 audition for. 为.试镜 audition for plays/television shows/movies schedule = timetable 时间表 follow ones dream 追随梦想 follow me plays video games 玩电子游戏 get paid for.挣钱 company 公司 win 赢lose You win. win

12、nerloser Dog walker Becky Peck walks in the park every day for many hours - rain or shine. Becky is a professional dog walker. She walks dogs for other people . Sometimes she takes 20 dogs to the park at one time ! Teacher Carlos Ruiz is a busy man. He plans lessons, grades homework, help with after

13、-school activities - and of course, he teaches ! His salary isnt great, but thats OK . His students like his class, so hes happy. professional 专业的 walk dogs 遛狗 at one time 一次 = once plans lessons 计划课程 plan to do sth 计划做某事 grades homework 批改作业 grade v. 评分 help with. 帮忙. help me with my homework after

14、-school activities 课外活动 salary n.月工资 earn a good/high/low salary 薪酬高/低 A. Read the article. Who says these things ? Write your guesses. 1. After I win, I take a break. 2. I dont usually work in the summer. 3. The restaurtant closes late - around 2:00 A.M. 4. After work, my feet and arms are tired. U

15、nits 7-8 quiz conversations. Using the simple present of the verbs. 1. A: _ you _(live) alone? B: No, I _. 2. A: _ your apartment building _ (have) an elevator ? B: yes, it _. 3. A: _ the bedrooms _( have ) closets? B: No, they _.C. Unscramble the sentences. (kitchen, some , in , chairs, there are t

16、he)Example : There are some chairs in the kitchen.1. the there isnt a mirror in bedroom_.2. no pictures the ball there are in_.3. in there arent any the curtains dining room_. D. Circle the correct words. 1. A ( lawyer/ security guard /doctor) wears a uniform. 2. A( nurse/ pilot/ salesperson) works

17、in a hospital. 3. A (cook/ receptionist/singer) talks to people. 4. A (judge/ musician/ police officer) sits all day. E. Write questions to complete the conversations. Example: A: What do they do ? B: Theyre nurses. 1. A: _? B: I work at a restaurant. 2. A: _? B: Hes a firefighter. 3. A: _? B: They

18、hate their jobs.F. Complete the conversations with be or have and the adjectives in parentheses.Example: A: A receptionist has a relaxing (relaxing) job. B: I agree. And I think a receptionists job is safe (safe)1. A: A singer _( exciting ) job. B: I disagree. I think the singers job _(boring).2. A: A flight attendant _(dangerous) job. B: I agree. It _ (stressful), too.3. A: A cashiers job_(easy). B: I disagree. A cashier _(difficult) job. G. Read the interview. Then check three true statements. Reporter: Fred, where do you work? Fred: Well, I have two jobs. First , I


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