1、1Research Plan for PhD Mobility Program, Hohai UniversityPERSONAL INTRODUCTIONRESEARCH PROJECT TITLEThe Development and Application of a Distributed Hydrological Model Coupled with Land Surface Transfer ModelTHE RESEARCH BACKGROUND Water is not only the main driving forcing and carrier of matter mai
2、ntaining the mass & energy circulation in the SVATs (Soil Vegetation Atmospheric Transfer Schemes), but also the important tie that links the temporal and spatial variations of atmosphere, ecology, hydrology and human activities in the earth system. Due to the global climate warming and the adve
3、rse effects of human activities, the hydrological cycle on the earth has undergone enormous changes since the twentieth century. Extreme events such as drought and flood have become more frequent, and the temporal and spatial distribution of the water resources is undergoing significant changes more
4、. These changes have direct and often adverse impact on the sustainable development of the social economy and ecological environment. In a word, we are facing the great challenge from the changing earth.During the last two decades the land-surface hydrological processes were regarded as one of the m
5、ost important topic in global change research by International Geosphere Biosphere Project (IGBP), World Climate Research Program (WCRP), Global Energy and Water cycle Experiment (GEWEX). In these projects and programs, many studies on simulating the land-surface hydrological process and its couplin
6、g with climate models have been performed. As a hot topic in global change studies, developing land-surface hydrological models that could be used to describe the temporal and spatial variations of hydrological cycle effectively and to assess water resources distribution quantitatively within region
7、al or global scale, have drawn great interests from many scientists in the field of hydrology and climatology. Such efforts have produced several distributed hydrological models (e.g., HMS developed by Yu et al., 2000) that are suitable for coupling with climate models, and it has been applied in co
8、upling with land surface hydrologic model LSX. In this study, the research is based on the sub-project of national major scientific research for global change program (973 Program) “the effect of climate change on the mechanism of water cycle and the evaluation of water resources safety in Huang-Hua
9、i-Hai river basin”. The main research is focused on the development of a new generation of LSX-HMS dynamic coupling model which can accurately reflect the land surface energy and water conversion in the watershed. This research is based on the existing LSX-HMS coupling model by adopting new scaling
10、conversion, data assimilation method and a proposed new mechanism of hydrological cycle to analyze the effect of climatic factors and underlying surface conditions on the driving mechanism of water cycle. 2If such LSX-HMS dynamic models can be effectively coupled, the greater physical realism due to
11、 the consideration for ecosystem-climate feedback can improve climate impact assessment at regional and local scales, especially for assessing the impact of future climate changes on water resources and ecosystems. The development and validation of such a coupled modeling system, therefore, is of gr
12、eat importance for forecasting and early warning of the extreme climate and hydrological events.THE CURRENT RESEARCH CONDITION OF APPLICANT The projects which the applicant has participated in and completed include the “973” plan: the effect of climate change on the mechanism of water cycle and the
13、evaluation of water resources safety in Huang-Huai-Hai river basin, the integrated research on coupled land hydrologic processes and simulation, the interaction mechanism of hydrological processes and agricultural non-point source pollutants migration and transformation and so on. There are certain
14、insights and research ideas through the study on data assimilation method and on coupling land surface and hydrological model. I believe that my educational experience and the available academic foundation in Hohai University, my coordination skills, teamwork spirit, studious nature and dedication w
15、ill help me to quickly adapt to the new life in America and successfully accomplish the proposed research there.THE AIM AND EXPECTATION OF THE RESEARCHThe applicant expects to complete the design of the new generation of LSX-HMS dynamic coupling model by using data assimilation method, thereby to im
16、prove the land surface hydrological process simulation. Firstly, a 1010 km resolution simulation with the domain covering Huai River Basin will be conducted. Secondly, land surface data assimilation scheme will be developed. Finally, the result about the updated LSX-HMS model with data assimilation
17、method will be analyzed.The University of Connecticut is in the leading position in numerical simulation and monitoring technology thus many new methods and profound ideas would be learned during my study there. All of these above will serve as the solid foundation for my further research to be cond
18、ucted after my return to China.THE RESEARCH METHODSThis research project will be mainly based on the LSX-HMS coupling model, supplemented with multi-source data including existing terrestrial data, satellite and radar monitoring data. After the development of the coupled model is completed, model va
19、lidation will be carried out against past observation in China. Application of the coupled model will focus on the spatial distribution of the hydrological factors in the Huai River Basin, by running the coupled model system driven with boundary conditions from global climate projections and hydrolo
20、gy observations. The impact assessment will focus on water availability and ecosystem impact. THE STUDY AND RESEARCH SCHEDULE3From September-December 2011: Study the LSX-HMS coupling model and data assimilation technique after consulting many related materials information. Finish the pre-processing
21、of data and map out the scheme and steps to achieve the dynamic model coupling with an in-depth knowledge understanding and concept acquisition.From January-May, 2012: Carry out the coupling and model validation simulation in the Huai River domain. From June-August 2012: Analyze results, write manuscripts documenting the model development and vali
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