1、2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷)英 语本试卷共12页.四六慝.总分(« 130分.号试JH时120分钟 本住须如:I#卷质.好生务必用M色字透的钢笔或发字篁将fl己的姓名和号生号.试室号.座位号填弓在 答JE卡上.用2B钳免将试卷炎墨(A)填涂在答题卡招莉&置上.将条形码旗贴在答IM卡右上角“条形宙粘贴 处'-2近拧财,他选出答案后.川2B铅里把答密仲上对斓收口选项的答棠侑息点涂加 如需改幼.raw* WTi>js.再a涂其他答来,答案不晚各在试囊上“ 3 "透抒81必顷用燃色字ia钢迫诙密字迫作容,答案必 须耳在答嬉卡8ISH指定区魏
2、内相咬位宜上:如需政叨.先.心峪.;”的答案:不裤使用松楚和涂攻液.不按以上耍束作答的答案无效.4考生必绩保持答齿的祭治.丐试完毕后,将试卷和答题卡一并交l?L1听力(共两节.总分竹35分)仍泗】力珪的Eh共15小ah每112分.兑分竹30分)每段推放两iL务段后有几个小世各段播放芯扭慝有5秒钟的斜藏时间,iftHttKftfttttt内容及其相 关小SE.在S秒钟内从庖中所论的A、B. C项中.选出最正硝选项.并在答题卡上将该JR涂州 听弟一段村话.3?O 1-3®.I Why docs the man w«ni co borrow the woinuf s iwxcs
3、*A. He mkod the c岫咬.B. He is noc Kilisficd with h« notes.C. He has noc taken any nolo in cis卷.2- When docs the man (cel sleepy?A. On hi< *ay in cLixt.B. Al the btfgtnnm of lhe claw.C. Thirty minutes after class begins3. Where will the speakers go?A. Tc> the library. B. Tc> the cafeteri
4、a. C. To the xupcrnwket. 听第二段对话.齐夏免4-6MLWhere will the man m»M pnbftbly find out Abouc the comply?A. In the brochure*.B. In the library.C. On (he liiicmcf.4 Why will the company ask <hc nun whcibcr he K food for the job?A. 1<> know how be caret about the company.B. lb kiK»w whal h
5、e can umtribule Io the cuoi|xiny.C. lb know “ he cun make bnx蜘uu foe lhe a»inpnny.6- When can the man M quesiianx about the job?A. Al the end af the interview.B. hi lhe middle of the interview.C. Al the bqimning of (he imcrvic*.听第三段对话.»H»7-9ja-7. What doe* the man think of big parties
6、?A. They arc noisy.B. They w tuwin.C. Tlw> arc inicrcumgX. Why doc* the w(xnan like fun心?A. They are the best way to meet people.B. They w the 讪心 io mE Iter Zl fricnih.C. They are (he opponunidw w 6ixi wriou juys9. What is the pn)hiblc relationship between the speakers?A. Colleugucs. B. SchoolmMr
7、i. C. Ihicher and stixlml.听第四段勘白.10-120.Id. Whut made heaskJe holKby WMblc for Briiish fAmilicsanxind (he mki-l9ih century?A. Better raiiwjy services.B. The in<nlkm of the rai1ui)*4.C. The hM jyv»wtl» of the milwuysWhy couldn't oniinnry working people go an holiday before IS7I?A. Th
8、ey hx! very little time afT work.B. Bimk% were cloud during IxiWays.C. The j*<nvmmcn( ww ik»i interested in holidnysWhat wa* offered at the sc&iide to aitrjtcc holidiymakcn?A. Free acaimmodMion.B. liKomc rise.C. Cheup cntcnainmcni.所第五段对话.祥经第1315题.11. How docs lhe man go (o wo<k?A. By
9、car. B. By bw. C By trainHow long will the man's flight take?A. About 15 huurx.B. Abc>ul 16 bout. C. About 18 hour,.12. Wlwi docs (he in*) do in order io E "ap on the plW?A. He gels hinihdf tired an (he plane.B. He stay* up late the day bcftxr the flight.C. Ik lake* nxxlictne <h hajfc
10、 a bew on lhe plane.第二节听取信必(共5小t您I 5>.分)听卜而一段独白,从所听到的内容中夜取必要的隽恩,填入祥题卡机号为16-20的空格中.听站卉#).你WWI0WI+的feMS时何.淞卉4两ifi.你将有60秒钟的作祥时同. RgM Rc5(19H2QOQHuie】rr甲mil cvciihOto infnniuliiin1932getu冲s nalio<l6> intotuaxf1937became movie muxdunnp New 2?ippcurcd in mnre thwl 1 ?>rok ishew、frknifr<wl9M
11、 In N6S;*il h Mim: pifulwi 1g 1966 Ki 1974g ned m R,venx <if OlifurMiar«M IMO io HKSm pvetklca Mlbe Unilcd SuiJg I9|pcrtco lo wcrU. S. gS<after kavia; li»eWhile 叔 Krclired U» h*(21)in OlifofaiMII语言知识及应用(共两节,怠分<« 35分弟一节完彰城空(共10小0 何IS 2分.分他20分)御波下尚短女.ViKk&.愁后队由一 W各幽所给的
12、A、B. CfUDH!中.通出最正确遥顼并在答 上常核项袂如.Every cotinir)- ha« iu own culture.Even thmih each counlr> u$o docxx duorx imy have 21 functions and purpotet *hich kad to 22 ditfercncci.When I first co came to Amencu. I nntKcd thui a public building hml two different 23 ami they hud distinct functions. Yau h
13、ave to pwh the door with the wool 'PUSH* u> go exx 时 the building and to pull the door with the wool "PULL* Io 24 (he building. This *us new kune, becuinc we use (he 2S ekwe in South Kmj. Fur quite a few (iiiks I failed io go out of a chopping «trc nodThe w of using school bw door%
14、ako 26 to me. I iKcd to lukc the school but co clawt. The school decided iKu when the driver opened bmh the frvot and back doom. . 27 wlxi were gelling; oH the bin huukl get oO, tiru. and Muiknu who uw getting on iliould cion 2JL in Suutli Kcircu.we do ik»i iwd io U AH for people co get off One
15、 mcxning I hurried(o the bus. and uhen the bus dooix opened. I 29 tried Ui get an the uzhool but. thny h the front doer. All the students, anxind kwiked at me. I wa« tataliy 30. xndmy fact went red.21. A. diffcrcniB. tmponaniC. praa心 1D. unusual22. A. nuikmalB. embaimingC. culturalD. nnw/inf23.
16、 A. exit*B. entrance%C. un%D.(kw(24. A. enlerB. leaveC. openD. dewe25. A. inAinB. sameC. fromD bod26. A. annoyingB. hardC. satkfyingD. ttnine27. A. prentxB. MuikntiC. teacher%D. driven2K A. MxmerB. iMerC. faiicrD. cailicr29. A. politelyB. pMiendyC unc<w»c»(XKl>D slowly30. A. cmhuTucd
17、B.annoyedC. unMlitfkdD. excited菊:力论法地空(共K)小憩I «®I5分.总分ffUS分W«T面痼文.按照句子构造的诰法性初上下文立贯的姿求,在空格处顼入一个武当的河或使用括号中诃i?l 的正晰形式墉空,并将符*填蚓在答恩卡标号为3140的相险位JS 1.A young man. *hile Uavdinj through a deMrrt. caine acruw a wing of clear uKer. _11 waler awcci. He Hlkd his Icaihcr cooiaiiKr soihM he c<x&
18、gt;M bring mmdc bwk(o nn cIM 32 lud been hw (etcher After a four-day jnumey. the young man 33 i pertent) the water to the M nun. Hk teacher look a deep drink, wnilcd 34 (wurm>. And thanked hi% student very much for the *wcct wutcr. The jxiunj man went borne 3S a lwpf»y IkuiLAfwr ihe Mudcni t
19、eft, the «CMher M 36 Mudem umc ihe wMcr. He spit i( out. 37(*ay) it wm awful. Apparently, it was no kingcr fresh because <»f the aid leather amuincr. Ik asked hk teacher. "Sir. the *ul*:r zs auful. Why did >x»u pcvUfxl to like 38 ?*The teacher rqlicd. "You mued ihe *aw
20、r. I tasted【be prl. Ihe we【cr simply (he container for an act of kindness and love. Nothing could be 39 (luvcik *We underxtand thit cvwn be” 40 we receive gifh of love from children. Whether it is a chcup pipe or, diamond txvklacv. (he pmprr n:sp(xiMr i* appreeixion. We k»vc the idvu *ilhin the
21、 gift rMher than llu: thingHI混读(共四节总分(ft 40分> 第T阅读丹®(共IS小恩:修/ 2分Q分值30分)削讶以下月也 从每屈所给的A、B. C和D以中.送出证地现,并在答JB k上将 该项袂即.AWhen I wjk giwin); up in Ainencu. I u as ashaincd of my mother Chirurw: English. Bccuusv of her English, she oOcn (rented unfairty h>plc in depunmem siorcs. M bo»M. an
22、d «l rcuaunmu did no< lake her wdouly. did noc £,vc her good service, pretendai non to utuierstand her. ar even acted af. if they did noc hear her.My mother has long realized the limitatkin% of her Enluh a% well. When I. wjw fifteen, she u%cd Io have me call (Kuplc on lhe phone lo prvte
23、nd I wai >he. I wa» fo.tcd (u ask fur infcHinMiun «r even k> >vil al pevpk »h(> had been rude (o her. One time I had u> cnll her uockbrokcr 票 经tC 人). I mk! in an adieoent voice thM wm exit very can>incin$, 'This is Mn. Tan.-And my muther wu% slunding: beside nur.
24、 whispering luodly. "Why be don't send me check, already (wo uwk laic."And ihcn% in perfect FxiglUh I $ai<k Tm getting mtber conocmcd. You Agreed io $cnd tbc check two weeks ago. but it hasn't arrived. Then she lalkcd inure lixxlly. 'Whal he *un(? I wine to Ne >urk tell h
25、im fnxil urhis bojw. " And w I (urned k» (he stockbroker a跄m. "I cmH tokracc xy more excuse. Ifl (km't receive the imnKdimcly. I am io Mvc io speaA. io your manager when am in New Ybrk next week. “The next week we ended up in New York. While 1 was sitting there rvd-faord. my mothe
26、r.(he real Mn». Tim. wa、SnMi* (o his bus> in her bttAe Bnlish.When I 骨澎 a iccnagcr. my monhcr bwken Enjlish embarrassed inc Bui ftow. I see ii differcnily. To me. my mother English i% perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It i% my mother uinguc. Her language, at 1 hear it. k vivid, dirvci. and
27、 full <>f ubwrvalwn and wisdom. It wax the language (hat helped shape lhe way I saw things, cxpnrsMd ideas, and made sense of the wo。41. Why wa« the mithor's mniher poorly served?A. She was unable to »peak $ocd Enluh.B. She wa$ often iniMmdenkKMl.C. She was xxx crty Itcard.D. She
28、 wa« nai vety polite.42. From Psigniph 2. know that the author was .A. good al pretendingB. nxlc io the Mockb<v»kcrC. ready to help her m<xhcrD. unwilling Id phwK R»r her iixithcrAhcr lhe author made lhe phone cull.A. (hey foqpc the uockbncrB. they fiilcd to get the checkC. they
29、 u*cnl io Ne* York inimcdialclyD. ihej1 spoke io lheir bow 航 onocWhai doc* the author think of her mother's English now?A. It cuafusci her.B. 1( CJittMTOMCs herC. l! help* her wndenund lhe uxifld.D. Il helps her tolerate rude people.43. We can infer fn>m the paooge that Chines EnglishA. ix cl
30、ear and rutural to nun-natisT speakersB. B vivxJ and direct (0 non-nauve speukccsC. hox* very bud rqxihiiKin in AmericaD. may bring ifKoavcnktKC in AmcricuBWhen something: goes wrong. i【can be very sMisf ing io say. 'Wdl. n*$ so-and-so's fault. Mor *1 knou I'm laic. bu< it's noc m
31、>* fwlt; the car broke down. *' h k pmhbly not your FjuIi. but ante you (bnn the luhii of blaming uwncKdy or Mimcthin cl« fur a bjd lituatkm. you are u laser. Ybu hive no power and could do nothing lhal help% change the silutfion. Hgwer. >c»u c;m have great pv*vr ow whul h<
32、87;peiis io you if you *top focusing on shorn io Maine «xl Mart focusing on how «»the sinmtion. This is the winner's key coWinner% are great x (men:<xnin$ poblcms. Fur example, if yixi were hie because)v»ur cm broke down, maybe you need to have your car examined m()cv rrji
33、uUrly. Or. you mighl skirt lo carry along with yixi the tncful phone number%, vo >x»u couW call for help when m need For Mxxhcr cwnpfc. if >our collMguc cmmc,you pruWemi on (he job for lack of rcHHMbiliiy or uhlicy, Gnd wiy of deAlinx w*h hk igponsibilhy or inubiliiy miber (him simply bhm
34、e the pewon. A%k to work with a diflcrcnt pencin. or don't rely on this penxin. You >bauki accept thx the perwn is no< reliable and find creMivv,叫丫 to wwk succ饵Null, rvganlkr,of hg ><wr colleague faih to du hh jub well.This is whai being,winner is all abou(-<reflii,ly usinj* >v
35、»ur skilk und lalcnis m» iIuk you arc succcs$<ul no maucr wtut happem. Winner% don't have fewer problems in their li、6; they have juu » nuny difTicult «i(umk)n co face jx an)-body elwr. They arc juM better at $ccin$ those problem、at ctullcngc% and cppoctunitic* to develop
36、their own uknl%.So.Mop kKUwng on "whg hwh il 认"Once >xju arc ccmfitoM about your power over txid nicualkinK pcobknis arc jutf McpM£ mo«k* for success.44. According to the puxsac. winners.A. ikul wilh pcubknvi rather than Honxr olhcrxB nicci with Sb diO»cul(ic m (heir t>
37、;ycsC have rwpwible and able oo(3i心D. blame thcm)«lvcs rather than other%Hur underlined wunl rvniedy in Paragraph I i> ckiwU in meaning k> .A. avoid B. C impure D. Consider4K When xx»ur colleague being% about a pn)bkm. ymi should.A. find u belter wiy to handk the problemB. blame him
38、for hi,lack ot rc>|X(nMbi1ilyC tell him(0 find the cause of the proNcmD. iisk a mere able colleague far helpWhen problems oevur. w-inturr lake Ihcm ai.A for their failuresB. hinierk u> greuter pou<crC. chillenc% to their colleaguesD. vhaneci for ?«cir-dcvelopiiKn(Wh«h of the (ollo
39、winf the best dilc tor the ptr»wge?A. A Winner' Secret.B. A WmncrW Probkm.C. A Winnert Opportunrty.D. A Winner's AchicvctncntFood MNEime* gc« poisoned with harmful things. A petvin whn cat% wuch food can get an illnc% called (bod pciiwming. Food poi%onin is UMially n(X seriout. but
40、 witne typ:% xv deadly. The sympfixn,of (bod potMXiing usually bein within houn* of Mi” (he poisoned food. Eocr r» ooe of the moM common symptoms-.Certain mkro<MyjMn«nw (微生物)cmkc nwi types of (bed po倾新ing. Bxuru mx! ixhcr microoq»nnisms on poi«in cg© meat, vcgcubl".
41、and tiuny ixhcr (cmmIk. After entering the body they tiny living things rclcawc lf©) pniwns (hal make pwpR、心.Seine chemicals can also cmkc food ponging. They arc often Mklcd co toed while i( is bci” firvu n. prcw»s©d. nr prquid. Fee zample. nwny tarmcr< spuy chemi山 g crops to kill
42、weed* and imecis. Some pniplc may have a bud reaction to thaic chctnicjJt when they ex the crops.Some pla»B und »nim*U ccolain nulural po»*om thM arc hsmiful io pwpk. Tbe,e itxludc ccnain kirxkof $sfoo<t frains. nuw, beans, and mushrootnWhen people handle food properly, the risk af
43、 food potoning is very tinjdl MienMYwiMnt multiply rapidly in dirty pluco and in u<imi temperatures. This means that people should never luuch f(Mxj with ditty hand< or pul fixxJ cm unwanted wrfaoo*. Hoed ihould be kc(x in a refrigcniiof(o slop rnKTOOfganisms frciin naming. Mcai ikcUs io be co
44、oked 【honxighly to kill any dimgcnw micrtxxinimi*. People should alw wmh food covered with chcmzM before caimg it Firuliy, people %houkl not cm ruid muihnxitm or ocher (beck dut grow in the *il(£ Some of thc« food,may contain rulural malcriuls (lull mv poiMintxr$ lu hunians. In uddilkm. wu
45、ne (yptsof fish can be pciiMitiuus.Moi peep灯 r«ow from food poi«衅 after * few d%yg of rcsiinj: und ddnkh螺 cxiru warcr. If people M nuiurul poiMinx. they must go to the botpiul righ< away la have their uciiuchs emptied.49. Whkh of the fnlkiwing Matcnxnt% is、OT Hue?A. Food wbCTi poiged ca
46、n ttwkc people nickH. Food potsoninu means ckMh.C. Food poisoning corner in varietiesD. Food poiMinin can be serious.50. We kno* from the passage that (he sym(Monu of food poiMwnng.A. are always accompanied by a feverB. an: loci common to be notedC. cun be no<ic<J within hour*D. c«nbc ign
47、oredF<xxi poSning can be enuxed by all the fblkiwinf EXCEPTA. MMne chemical% B. kiw tcmpcrulurx!%C. MMne (iny IM“ tfiinjs D. ecnain natural maieriahM. From Pnigmph 5. cun Iwm thmA. nw血ro<wn sbouki not be eatenB. veelaHo arc "由 than m«< and gkx*dC naiuru! potMMis arc more danefous
48、(han clKmicahD. difTcrent types <>f f<xxi thauld be handled diOarndyIt can be inferred from the passage thMA. natural inMcrials arv safe in (bed procciungB chemuMls nrc noedod in tbod proccisinj!C food pinning cun be kept under ciwMralD. food poiani” ix «ui of control弟:1Mh必匹程(共S小凶,符Jfi
49、2分.慈分龈10分)伊波以下也用文及相关怕思.ffisw®求kk俏恩.诟在sak上将n*iay的相应 适项字母泳.WA.WW读以卜国州媒体上的楠国及提示性文字:Harry Potter *Ur> add A lour of diwEnic nuM* Io young ricti. N«aMndy.FK» Holh-wooii »Ur>Sarp Fnevnry Renewp&anmtee a Glm'» MtcccM (nr r«nrq|rn<*ir*.tf'ixatvMl a awcUinnC
50、arrry. with Mr. McOvtiiy?on. in an aMi-vaorane rally.以卜是关于这些拍阳的简要评论.请把许论与相关捅南及提示性文字匹ft41*.55. The ckhau has been raging for yean mvr the safely oL and necessity far. childhood uccinaliom. *hich has been vo much M)ihM i( is icriiKd T he Vacanc Wat * . The dcbuic h»» owly a few moments tlwx
51、imhc be inspiring io(ho?ic who have b«n foUowinj* this no* familinr issue.56. There are cenainiy bcncGtx of using 、Uir in a film. It makes the film oisicr to market. Sutf%al«» help Mill mure tickets and drivv DVD sile%. whx+i are a big part of studio revenue. Ho*ox:r. u doo rx»l
52、guMaiwce 和The simple IM is(ha( if you pay a Mar a gtcM deal ofnicncy foe a film that people <k»n*i wm(o we, then it won't work57. They are barely in their twenties and are already multimillkinairvs. At the age when mmy people arc looking fbr their firM job. the yiMingsien of The Sunda>
53、; Tinier Rich List ate bu> ing: «»un(ry CUMC* orjrtting off to lheir svneus homes. Dunicl Rudcliffc. for example, uho plays H*r> Pwter. haw fortune of £42 rmllKMk ax 20.58. MilliotK of joHe%« A meric jm. who might be xufTimns in anxiety and lucking u of security, are %hiyui
54、ng up M emergency roams of stale-owned hu»p<taK conlnbuling: Io a k>ng<r waiting time and a higher ri%k of curwA* Ireatmmt by overuwkod ikKKxs and nurses.59. Alkv Miller, a 性y expert, who died al 87 m hwiic in Prtivcncc. Francv. on April I4.rqx丽iuncd the limiity M a ecntml place o<
55、abnormal p$)vbolofical fwKticm with her (hoxy ihm prenul powet and pvnishnKni Uy m ihe rocx of neariy all hunun problems.IV写作(共两分就时分) 第节极*写怀(共I小M.15分)以下任-那么普于中国玫府决定篆坝的报地的主要内容.内%公共场所禁烟实施时间 2011年1月I日起实ttSMi全国R 怵:所有室内公共场所无俄搐 篦:张贴坊填杯志相 XitUK:的3S亿分 布:男性75%;女性25%受 手洲崔渊人故:约54亿(4咽二手圳死亡人0:迅过2"/年二手烟:<
56、ccond4uind smoic耳作内韧晴根第以上内客为学校英ia堆夜与-顶近讯.内容凶括,I禁烟决定的内容及实施的时何和花Ht2目坏制JB说3相美哉财.I、作要求】只能用5个句fRiS全第内容.I评分坏制句TWifi准娴.伯.。内名完# 章约浩姓员第二节读耳住务(共I小也,.饱分(fl 25 »)feJ«Tffi的短文.烙后按限要求耳-* 150诃左右的英语叛文.In junior high M:h<xil. one of my chvMralc. Ethan, was addiefcd k» TV. This boy simply knew ovo thing ubutH such pop shows 拓 Who's chc Bo绻Then one day Ethan's mother made brim an oftcr in ortkr co draw him hack to
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