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1、2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标II卷)(使用省份,云南贵州甘肃宁夏新少西藏内蒙古黑龙江吉林)英语本试卷分第I也(近择题)和弟II卷非is抒庖)两时潮.今试先年后.捋本试梅和备案卡一并交回, 本卷须知:I. 拎第】卷迎与生务。将白己的地名.准号证号殖月在答惠代上.2涯出案th用2B钮乜把答1S卡浏闵R目的答案#号象隔.如1K改动,用It皮藉干小后.再迁*其 他答*标弓枢不(B答在本试卷上.否第么无兹.第I卷第一局部:听力共两节.总分值30分)»听力 供两节忌分(ft 3D分)依屈时.现将答窒标在试卷上.波。内客瓷甲后.处:将有肖分忡的的间将送卷上的备案H怵到葬l

2、7;k上.第第(K5小<8:铮略1.5分.以分仇X5分1听下面S段对话.何段而话后有个小Jg从JE中所论的A.B.C三个选攻中选出必正确透顼,并坏在试卷的 相依位at.所完何段对话后,你疝有I。秒种的时的来祥曳仲美小fiftSAb-小姓.何段时话似读 调. W: lk>* much ifc the *hin?AX 19.15B.£9.I8Cl 9.15芥索是C.1. What doe$ th© woman want to do?A. Find a p*ace B Buy a rnap C Get an address2. What will the man do

3、 k>r the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a hde.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peierson be?A. A new protessof.B. Adepanmew head.C. A company direclor.4. What does the man think ol the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C- Too sample.5. What arc the speakers talking about?A. Weat

4、herClothes.C New薄二个供15小IS:薛屈1.5分以分仇X5分)听下而5段村话或孙门.铮段对话或绞白后有几个小ft吸1»中所绐的A、B. C三个ii攻 中透出加1滴逸顼并怵在试卷的相决位JBL听每段朴话或低将打时同间读各个小敏质 小J8 5秒钟:听完后.备小1S将抻出5忤忡的作答时间.够段对话或独门谀两格听勒6段材”答纱燃6至7灯6. Why is Harry unwmng to join the woman?A. He has a pain in Ns knee. B. He wants to watch TV. C. He is too lazy.7. What w

5、ll the woman probably do next?A. Stay a home. B. Take Harry io hospital C. Do some exercise.听第7段答史第8、9威.8. When wil the man be home from work9At 5:45. 8. At 6:15. C At 6 50.9. Where wll the speakers go,The Green House Cinema B. The Mew Sute Cinema . C. The UME Cinecna.听第8段材料.答址第10至121»How will

6、the speaker go to New York?A. By air. B. By taxi. C. By bus.10. Why are the speakers maktfig the trip?A. For business.B. For Shopping.C For hoikiay.11. V/hat is the probable relationship betwen the speaker*A. Dnver and passengerB. Husband and wife.C. Fellow Mrkers.听第第 13至 16S.12. Where docs this con

7、vefsation probably take place?A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C- in a classroom.14 What does John do nowA. He s a trainer. 8 a tour guide C. He's a college student15. How much can a new person ©am ior the first year。A. $10.500 B. $ 12.000. C. S 15,000.16. How many people Mil the woman

8、hre?A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.所第10 SUM.答殳弟17至20题.17. How tong has lhe speaker lived in a t>g city?A. One yearB. Ten years.C Eighteen years,18 What 4 the speaker's opinion cxi public transportA. It's comfortable B H's time saving C. it's cheap19. V/hat «s good about living in

9、a smal town?A. It's safer B. It's healthier. C. It s more convenient20. What kind d life does the speaker seem to like mosPA. Busy. 8. Cokxjrful C. Quet.第二局部 阅读理解(共两节,总分值”)分)话节(MI5小感 制题2分.总分(ft 30分)伊成以下短文.从薛成隋绐的四个迎皿AB、C ND)中.如I皿正确忌现.并在答题*上将该建功涂双.AAmviitj in SjxJncy on hk c*un from Indtn. on*

10、 hustKind, Rashid. su>vd in a hold for n Uk»h hnw uile loci in; (or a houw: for me and our chiklrcn.During the firxt week of hi* stay, he went out one day to do *c<nc shopping Ik cunc back in the htc afternoon to dbonvr liial hi, war* gone. He tfAtretnely wunied as lhe suike had all his i

11、nipurtsnl pape-nt. including hisuspon.He rvpkirled the case Io (he police and then Ihcnr. Ii»l and kmely in Mrane cily. (hinking uf (he Urnible Irvubks of filing all the papaweck organized again from a diMaiK cvuntr>* while trying° do*n in a new one.Uic in the evening, the phone rang h

12、sag a strnngct He ww iryh岷 io pronounce m>' husband's rumc und ww doling him a let of queuiem. Then he $aid they hud found a pile of papers in their trash cun (妹圾桶 I that had been left out on the (botpMh.My husband lushed to Ihcif home (i> find a kind family balding Ml hk ppcn« an

13、d AKuincnb. Their)vung daughwr lud jjooe lo (he im*h <un «nd fixind a pile of unfnnMhur (Mpc*%. Her purenis had carefully oned ihetn omi. ahhixifh they lud tound nuinly foreignan m<>M of chc dixumenu. Al Ma (hey had yen u tuif-written letter in chc pie inwhich my huitund had given hi%

14、new telephone number lo,friend.Thai fumil) not only 心Kred ibc irnpofUm dixunwnu lo us that day but alw rvlurcd our fui(h und iruM in pvopk. We still remember lheir kmdiKss and oAcii ncod u wish (heir way.1. WhM dkl Rmhid phn to do after hit arrival in Sxxlncy?A. Go %hi)ppinsB. Find a Koum:C. Join hi

15、s familyD. Take a vkuikniThe girl parents got R讪id's phone number fhxn.A. a friend of hix familyB. a S>dney pulicvgnC. a k4(ef in his pointsD. a uranjer in SydneyWhal does the unikdmcd *v»rd ,rcstu«d* in the la$l paragraph mean?A. Sho*vdB. Sent outC. Ddi、scdD. Gave backWhich of lhe

16、fuilwing cun be lhe bnl (ilk R>r lhe text?A. From India io Aurtralia.B. Living in u New Country.C. Turning Tru»h lo Trcaturv.D. In Srwh of New Fricnih.BSince the first Earth Day in 1970. American hmi gotten a lot "greener" towurd the environment. didn't know at (hat time ihM ih

17、erc even s西 an environment, lei alone (hM ihcrc was a pfobkm *nh ii/ say, Bruce Anderwrt. prcsHJcnc« fenth Day USARut whM begun 2s nothing imporuni in puMk affuirx hm grown into a social movement. Buunc«x people, politkJ kddetx univenity prufcMMrv. and especially millkink af gnit% roots Am

18、erican% are taking part in the nrnvetnem. The undrnLinding has increased many, many timci.* ays Gaykird Nclwwi. the furmcr gmwKir from Wixaonxin. who Ihoujhl up lhe finl Earth IXiy.A«iMding to US focmmcni rqxins.排攻)fnxn curs und truckx have dn)ppai from 103 million tiw a)tfur io 5.5 ihiIIkmi io

19、ns. The number of cities pnxiucin CO be,end chc «urKlAr<i has been reduced from 40 io 9. ?hhough scriixzs problems (till renwin and need in be dclt with, the world K a safer and healthier place. A kind of "green ihinking" has beeixne pan of pmetiocs.Grcui iinprovctiKni has been ach

20、tod. In 1988 (here were only <MXi rcvjvlin pcomim; today in 1995 Owe arc “born 6.600. Advunceci lighec. mixon, and building dedgru have helped save a lot of energy and therefore prevented pollution.T*侦(y five yean ao. (here were hardly any educdlion prugnitns (or eniranmml. T(xhy. it's hard u

21、> find a public school, univeniry, or luw ichool ihx does n<x hiive such a kind nf program" Until 2 do thM. noihmg will change! * »a)Broce Anderwn.2. Acconiing H> Andenxm. before 1970. American% had little idea aboutA. ilic social mtnwiemB. rccyclinji techniquesC. environmental pn

22、)bJcmxD. the importance M Earth Day6-Wherv ik»e< lhe suppoct fur cnvirvnnurnul pnMtxlicm inunly <xnne fnMii?A The graroou fcvdB. The buMnes circleC. Gavcrnnxnt officultD. UniTwily pcufowinWhM have Afixrkuns udiicwd in enviromiiciiul puxcvtiun *A They Mvc cvi car emkwons io (he Ig5B. They

23、huve titled their cnvinximcnul parkinsC. They have lowered their CO levels in forty crtick.D. They hixxr rvducvd polluciun Ihruuh efhxliv nwature%.7. Wh« is especially imixinani for Eviroomcnul prvucKiion acEfdl理!(o the Usi (Xirugrupif *A RiucuiKmB. PlanningC. Grven livingD CO rcdiKiionCOne o t

24、he laUr»t Irend (君蜉 J in American childcare is Chine化 au point. Au Pair m Stanford, for example. hu» tncrcuung numbers of nrqueM,for Chines: au pairs frvm zero to around 4.000 since 2004. And that's true all across the country."I thought it would be useful (or him Id Ic&m Chin

25、ese <u an early age" Jateph Stockc. the managing director of acixnpuny. ays of hi% 2-ycar old sea. "I would at least like to give him the chance to uk chc language in the future/ After only mi incmlhi or being cunrd by a 25y«rY»W wucnan frum Chiru. the bay cun alnrady unikrxan

26、d toxic Chinese daily e.ipre%wuns. his dad siyi.Li a Chmc« luthc raising(*od)ildror)in Miorcmma with un Aincncan husband. h»d umxhcr rcuMtn for kicking for an au pair from China. She d»dn*i WMit her children to miw out on lheir roott. *Fki:aiMc I am Chinese, my huUxuxl and I uanied th

27、e chiMrvn to keep exposed U> (接触)the languav and cullurv/ >he 珞buying with a native tpcaka 峪 belief tor children than simply sitting in a dMSioonk* says Suzanne Aynn. a pnM&sor in bnungc education of children. "But pmciks muw uixicrsinnd ilmi just one year with mi pnir k unlikely io p

28、roduce wwxJcr%, Complete nuiOcn* deinwdvccmlinued learning until the 呻 of lOor 12/Tlie |x«pubril> of mj (xiin* Irvin China has been Urenilhened by the inc-rvuMng nuinbrn of Ainerkun parents who warn (heir childfcn(o leurn Chinese, h ft cx|xv(ed dial Amcficim demand for au pairs will cxifKinu

29、e(o rise in (he next tcu1 ycurxWhat does thit tenn "au pair" in the tc.it mean?A. A nKHher runin her chtldrvn on her gn.B. Aciiikl Icuinmg u foreign lan;ua|*c ai home.C. A proewr in language cdiicMion of childrenD. A young foreign usxiun taking can: M children.8. Li Dnike has her children

30、study Chine* bcvuuxe <hc them .A. to live in Chmu some day.B. io spoJk the Unguage a( home.C. tn catch up with other children.D. to Icam ab«xx the Chinc« culiun:.9. WhM can infer frvni the text?A. Learning Chiftese kbaoming popular in AmerKUB. Rlucatcd wonvn do better in Inokinf utter c

31、hiklrcn.C. Chinese au pxirs need co impevve their English *kilk.D. Chiklrm am learn a fucvii language wdl in %ix munlh,l>Metro Pocket Guideh(rM航“炮帙0tach fuftwnget mxih a tarveard to cnier and jo imii. Up io iwo children under age five may uavcl free with a pupng cusiotncf.Farccard m>:hinc% an:

32、 in every 3ion. BrinsmH bilk because there arc no change machine% in the Malkina <ind furccunl machinr% only provide up ki S5 in change.Gel one tKkci of unlinked Mchoruil rides with u One IX*> Piw». Buy il fnxn u farevurd machine in Metro Mation& Use it after 9:30 am until on wcckdd&g

33、t;. nnd ill day on uwkend and hiMiduys.Hmi” of wrMccOpen: 5 xm. Mon.-Fri.Open: 5 xm. Mon.-Fri.7 Ji.ni. SaL-Sun.Cl<»e: midnight Sun.-Thurt.姑.m.Fri脆.nigh"Last tniin timet vary, lb avoid mi«in$ lhe last train, please check the lait train timc< polled in xtabanx. MeBbwtWhen paying w

34、kh exact ciunc. (he (arc U $135. Whcti puymg with a SmarTnp* card, (he fare US1.25.Fa re% f<ir M*nior/dkMhlcd mstcimcrSenior citi/cns 65 and Met And disabled cuitomcn. may ride for half the rvcubr fare. On Mctnxuil and Mclrvbu%. use,<enk»r? ditabkd fxvcard or SimrTrip» card. For mote

35、 infumialkm atx»ul buying cniix.' disabled fanx'Ani«. Siwliipi* cardi and pa心.pkaw visii McifoOpcnDoors or cull 2O2-637-7WXI and 202-637-XIXKI.Senior chizens and duabM aiMonwfs am ri free futdc on how k> use pcojxr Metrobus und Mctnxail wn toe* by calling2O2-%2.|IIXl.Travel lip&

36、quot; Mt 示Avotd riding dur in; weekday nrih penods - Zfcwv 9:30 xm. and bciwwn 4 and 6 p.m.If ymi lc«c <ocncihmg on a kw or(r«in or in a simwn. please aill Low & Found m 2U2-962-II95.10. Whit should you know abixn fnrecuni machines?A. They Mart xllin£ lk-krls at 9:30 a.m.B. The

37、y 虹 gnzed io change m妙iz.C. They offer special sen ke io (he cljfcdy.D. They make change for no more ilun $5.IS. At wtut time doe% Mctrarail %top service oo Saturday?A. A( midnight.B. At 3 a.mC. Ai 5 A.mD. ?t 7 p.m.13. WhK i% good about a SmarTrip» card?A. 1( is coavcnienl kir old |W)plc.B. k s

38、erve、money for i侦C. It con he bought at any time.D. It is wild on the Interne!.14. Which nuihber ?»lnMild you call if >v»u k»se wnwlhinj «a <he Meiro?A 202-962-1195B. W-962-IIOOC. 202.W7.700CID. 202-637-8000第二节(共5小地:何地2分,以分做KI分I榷套馆文内从远文后的送取中场出能坷入空臼处的处正确归加迁项中右西现为多余通攻.Tips fo

39、r Cooking on a Tight SciwdukFrom my experience, there arc ihrcc imm rcitiom why people don、cook nuxe often: ability, money, and time. _ 36Money is > topic I'll save for unochcr d” So todny I whim to give you some wisdom about how g nwke the inotf of the linv you spend in the kitchen. Hetv urc

40、 three lip* for frcai cooking on u tight »:hedulc:I. Think ahead. Tbc momcnt5 when I think cooking is a pain arc when I'm already hungry and there,% nothing ready k» eal. So think ahead of the coming week. When will you ha、v (inw tu cook? I» yuu have the rih< iralcmb akvMy?_ 32

41、_1 Make your nme uvinh it When you do find time io cook a moil, make the mot nf it and we jviurvlf time liner on. Arc you making one leuf of hrejd? 38 II ukes around the xanw amount of time to make more oT uinwthin. So save yixjrtelf the cfFwrt fiw a fulurv ineal.3. 59 Thk may surpfijue you. but <

42、;hic oflhe Zl luoh (w making cxwking wtxth yrnir time is cxprfinxmuilkm. 1( fives you the cIwk«(o hit upon new iikus 硕 recipes (hui can work *dl *»lh your appetite and schedule. The more yew kom mI the rrnve yew【ry. the more ahi lily you have ta lake coniml of ymir (bod and)nur schedule.Ho

43、pefully ihu gives yxm a good “art. 40 And don't let a busy xebeduk discourigc you fhxn making some gnral change* in the way yuu eat and live!A. Try new ihi”aB. Ability k eftMly im(wveci.C. Make three or four iiMicud.D. Understand wur food better.E. Cooking is a burden fur many people.F Ixi cooki

44、ng imd living simply be u joy nnhcr (him a bwrdcn.G A little time planning ahead can xavc a lot of vrork bur on.第三局部 英语知识运用共两节,总分值45分第节 完形城空(共20小慝;1.5 ».间谀卜顽短艾.从骨文后*18所给的四个迭顼(A. B.CfrD)中,选出可以填入空口灶的缺正弟选项.井在 答题k上篇该顼涂5RA»e Simpson und Shiumi YiH” uwr (he tirsi people to climb lhe We必 Face of

45、(he Siula GtanJe in (he Andes mouoiaim. Ihcx* reuehed (he top. b<M on thetr w*y bock conditions were very 42. Joe fell nod brokehk kg. They both knew that if Simon 4? alone, he wixild probubly get hwk 44 . Rm Simon decided co nsk hi, 45 and try lu luuvr Joe dwn the niounUin on a ruptr 辎).Am they

46、46 dim the ualbcf get wonv. Then anixhcr 4J occxirrcd They couldn't see or hear och Ehcr uniL 4S Simnn lowered h祐 friend over the edge of a precipice (峭中 I . It w» 49(ar Joe co climbbuck ar for Sinxm co pull him up. Joe's 50 wa* pulling Simon xltm ly towards the precipioe. 51 after mare

47、 than un hour in the dark and the icy cvld. Simon had Io 52. In tears, he cut the rupe. Joe S3into a UrccrcvftM»e (裂岐)in chc ice below He hid iw food or wuicr and he was in tcmblc poin. He couldn't walk、but he “ co get guk of the crevasse Mkl xaned to 55 tivuynis their emp、nearly ten kikime

48、uv% 56 .Simt» hud 5? the camp at the foot of the mountain. Ik thought thx Joe muM be 58 . but be didn't *um to leave S9 . Three day» later, in the middle of the nijhL he heard Joe's voice. He cuuldn'l 60 il. Joe ii few incicrs froin ilwir icnL sull ali、c.4), A. hunkdlyB. carefu

49、llyC.mkcc凭fullyD. early42. A. difficultB. sinularC pcciulD. mxmal43. A. climbedB. workedC. reMedD. continued44. A. uimillinglyB. wfelyC. »luwl>D. regretfully45. A fonuiKB. timeC hoihhD. hfc46. A. layB. fettled- wentD. looked47. A. damageB. vuirmC. ctungcD. tnxible48. A- by mistakeB. by chanc

50、eC. by ebaiceD. b) luck49. A- UIIIKCCSMOB. pGKiku!C iinpoftantD. imposyblc50. A heightB wcijhiC strengthD cquipnvni51. A. FinuliyB. PxicnilyC SurelyD. Quickly52. A stand backB. take a re»iC. make a deeixiunD. hold on53. A. juni|xrdB. kC.c*GipcdD. bucked54. A nuiiugcdB. pannedC. waitedD hoped55.

51、 A. runB.duceC mm cD. nurvh56. A, MoundB. awayC. aboveD.57. A. hcadtxJ forB. inivekd IdCleH foeD. relumed to5K A dad8 hurtc. wcaD laic59. A. secretlyB. nredly iinmedurtelyD. nnxiouMy60. A. findB. believeC. nwkeD. acccpc第II卷注意:将答案写在答戏卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第三局部 英语知识运用共两节,总分值45分)茹二F (10 作翔1_5分.总分仇15分) feJi4T*MW.

52、在空白姓地入谑刍的内容(不多于3个箪诃)或括号酉箪诃的正ift形式.One morning. I win 心ling ul the bus *»p. uxtfried atxiul 61 (be> h*e Uir schoal. Then: uw many pevplc *3i<inf nt ihc bos mop, 62 wmc o( them kwicd very unxiowt and 63 (dtsnppoinO. When the bus finally came, we all hurried on beard. I 捌 a place next 64the

53、window, sa I had a good view of the %i(k*ulk. A bay onu bike 6S <aikh> m> Mlcmion. He wm rkli” bcsxlc lhe bus and waving hk amu. I hcurd a pinMMigvr behind ine 4x)<uing io the driver but he refused 66 I Mop) un<il wc reached the next Mop. Still, the boy kepi 6?(ridieL He ww carrying M

54、xnrthing over his shciuldrr and shouting. Finally, when wc came Id the next $u»p. the boy ran up (o ibe door of the Ixh. 1 b»rd an excited ccmvcf)dt>oii. ibe driver stood up mx! asked. *, 68 anyone lose u Miiuase at the Usi A oman nn the bus shouted. *Oh dear! It w 69 (b/ She pushed her

55、 wuy co the driver und Id the link boy. Evcntxu: an lhe bu% bean Ulkin about the boy had done. And the Uranger% 70 (uxMcni bwanv fncndly loonc tinixhcr.第四局都 专作共两节,总分值35分)® V>沮文改tt» (rt 10小SL心13 1分.0分伉10分)假定英诒课上栽时要来同桌之间交换修改什丈,ififrtt改你向臬写的以下什文.文中共仃2灶HHX.备句 中1ft。审两处."处仗涉及一个单词的圮(除或性改.

56、切如,在帔词处加个渊字符垮(A).井在其下皿与出该加的词.«te:把务余的诃用解线(X) ««注意:I.及队恰改均仪!-诃:2. 只允许修改I。姓.Z春(从第II姓&;)不计分.My dre*ni whool sUrts al 8:30 xm. and ends M 3:30 p.tn. Hwy arv ihnx Bowm in lhe niuming mxJ two in the afternoon * didn't need todo m> many homework .Therefare , we have more time with

57、 afkr-M:tKKU activities .Ru example . we cm do rvudmg for Qine and a halt luxir sd play spcirls R»r <»fie kwr every day .My dream school look like a big gMdet) .There arc 11 kin» <>f the flimvn. 2nd tree* anxind the clatsroofn buiklin: We cm> Ik on the p8s for a . or sal b

58、y (he lake huenmg music .The ic»ct»crs here w kind mxJ helpfully .They arc mx only our texbem but al%o our friend,.姑二”书值表送忌分稣2S分)一家英诰报社向中学生征文,主题足f年第的我.谪根据以下要成和你的畅也充成翅文.1.2. 工怕3. 业余生活.注fi: l. Wtt 11x1 左右;2. 可以ifi当培如细甘.以使tJXttW:3. 开头论己为你与好.1 often imagine what my life will be like in the fut

59、ure.2014年普通高等学校招生全田统考试新课标II莅英语考答案第局第听力5 ABCBA6-10 BC.O11-15 .U:BCA I6-20CBC.W第二局例15 BCDCC 6I0ADADDH15 ADBBA16-20 BGCAF2125 CADBD 2630 CDADB 3135 ACBAC 3640 BDACB41. being 42. ami 43. disappointed 44.(045. caught46. (0 sk> 47. riding 48.l>id49. memirw 50. suddenly第四习郁My dream school itms al 8:3

60、0 a.m. ind ends at 3:30 p.m. They are throe lc«*onTherem the morning and iwo m the ahemoon Wcdidn,( heed fotki so 响” homewode加、muchTherefocr . hive mare time with after xch<M>l activities. For example, we can do readingfur(or one 顽 a IwJf hour ml pUy hxih for ooe how gry day.bnuHv、My dream xchool


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