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1、用心爱心专心12013高考总复习闯关密训英语卷Uni t02 King Lear必修10第一节单项填空从A、E、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Guess what? Tom has failed in the exam_sec ond time.How come? He is_ sec ond to none in En glish in our class.A. a; aB. the; aC. a; /D. the; the答熱 C解析:着查冠词。序数词前面加不定冠词表亦再二;X1 ( a second再一);固定词组 second to no

2、n?首屈一指;句意;一猜诗发生什么事情了? Tom 又一?欠考试不圧格匸二底 么可能?他可是我们脏级英语首屈一扌旨的优秀生啊!2.At the end of an hour s play, the_lay definitely with the home team.A. profitB. favorC. ben efitD. adva ntage答案;D解析*名词辨析耳利润匸赞咸赞同;恩鳶 C 好处,益处;D 优势,益处;句意;在 个小时的比赛结束的时候,很明显优势在主队一边。3.I ve just seen no more than one copy ofGone with the Wind

3、in the bookshop opposite.Tom, go and buy_back.A. oneB. anyC. itD. some答案;C解析;着查代词用法.0阳指代前蔚提及的可数名词单数;32吁一些事物(疑间句,否定句 中 h任何事情;仃指代前面提匡的同一事物;旳叹一些;句意:在对面的书店里拢只看到 唯一的一本瓷 IRh Tom ,云把它买回狂 不題的关電词是 no in 阮 than=g$说明只有一卞 这样的韦。4.So far, about 40 houses have falle n dow n un der the weight of the snow, with 22pe

4、ople_.A. reported injuredB. reported injuri ngC. report ing injuredD. report ing injuri ng答案;A解析乂考查复合结构中分词用法.pon 与二呷 p愛构感被动关系耳血词是形容词做补 泉语。句意:對目前为止,大约昭座房子被大雪压倒,二人被报道受伤*5.Comeon, Maria! You can also enjoy_ you have been dreaming of, if you don tlose heart.A. as a convenient life asB. as convenient a l

5、ife as答垂:B解祈:考章 as. .as 结构,第一个竪是劃词.它丽燔诜的形容词畐词養疾蛍在它石面r下面 再接形容词彳蛊饰的名词第二个葩罡逹词。旬意:加油,Maria ,以手受一个像你一直多悉 的生活,如果用心爱心专心2你不106.-Thank you very much for giv ing me a hand whe n I was in trouble.- Don t men ti on it. I only did what anyone else_ in my place.A. must do B. might doC. would have done D. can have

6、 done答衰:C舞圻:考奁臂态初洞同 IE 卞題是对过去所发生情况的说明,所以使用痔态动词-ha 理血 x; 旬意:二題畐塗你在我有隔烦的时候耕我忙。7.What is concerning us greatly is_ the workers held up in that areayesterday will be set free.A. thatB. whatC. whe nD. which答案;C解析;考查表语从句.根据句意可知应该是何时.句意;战让我担心的奎情是在那个地区被 绑架的工人何时被释8.Some young people these days just_ go out o

7、f their homes to con tact thereal world.答案;B解析:情态动词特殊用法代山意为:愿意;句意;现在又一些年轻人不愿意走出家门接触 现实世畀A. mustntB. wontC. mightntD. shouldnt9._labelto each of the trees,with detailedintroductionof theirfeatures,and visitors will know more about them and how to protect them.A. To attach B. AttachC. AttachedD. Havi

8、ng attached答案:B解析琴査特殊句式祈使句-连词-陈述句 Tf 条件句,主句”句意匕把附有这些树详细飽 介绍的标签贴在树上,游客会对他们又更多的了解并 5Q 道怎么保护他们.10.The kitchen is often the busiest room in a household, so its important to makesure it_ well.A. smoothesB. fun cti onsC. paysD. measures答案;B解析:动词辨析 A 使輝使平滑;B 工作运行;C 付钱;D 衡壘;句意;厨需是家里最 忙碌的地方,所以要保证厨房运行良好.11.Th

9、e village has developed a lot_ we lear ned farming two years ago.A. whe nB. whichC. thatD. where答案】D解析:考查短语从句.定舀从句修饰先行词 the Milage 症营从句结构很完整,所以应该使 用关系副词.12.Wewill _all the natural resources if we continue consuming them like that.A. run outB. wipe outC. drop outD. hold out-ZiK :_12C. as a life conve

10、nient asD. convenient as a life as解析:短语辨析电用完,弓擦净,擦掉;彻底摧毁,消灭;B 廨掉汀 D 维持,保持;坚 持要求),不屈鳩句意:如果我们继续这样消耗能源,我们将彻底用完我们旳资源-用心爱心专心513.I have little doubt about his compete nee;_ , he is well-qualified for thejob.A. althoughB. becauseC. moreover D. yet喜異;C屛忻;考亘司词。牠尽管;B因为:C 而且;D然丙:匀意:我对于曲的能力室不怀疑r而 且r也很有资権做这份工彳乍。

11、14.- Are we going sightsee ing next week?A. had can celledB. was can celledC. has bee n can celledD.壬:-would解析:着查时态.根据句意可知计划被取消是过去发生的事情,所以康用过去时.cancel15.Since you can t find a better way out for the time being, why not follow his advice?Oh,_.A. that s all right. B. I might as wellC. that s right.D.

12、Idon t care答案:C解析*交际用语强没有关爲弓我还是 为好;C 那是对覘 D 我不在乎:句意一既然 你甑拔不出好的解决方法为件么不采纳他的建议?一嗯,对的-第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A AB、C 和 D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A man has returned three library books to a Melbourne library 21 years overdue (误期).Thebooks were returned to Sam Merrifield Library with a (n)_ 16_

13、n oteand a $50 bill._17_Margaret Young was pleased that the books had been returned. They were inexcellent_18_ , except for the one that the borrower admitted had been damaged by a19.“They re all spy books. Wewere just surprised and_ 20_that he has returnedthe books,_21_ after so many years, ” Mrs.

14、Young said.The books were_ 22_on June 18, 1985 and would have to be paid almost $5,800 in overdue_23_. But, because of the sweet letter and $50 no te, Mrs. Young said allwas_24_.She said, “ We tha nk him for retur ning the books and hope his con scie nee(良心) is _ 25 _. I d like to think he can come

15、back into the library one day toborrow more material_26_he retur ns it. ”To whom it may concern.No. The planat the sec ond meeting.用心爱心专心6About 2 0 years ago I_27 _to return the three books to your library. In fact I_28_them.Duringthat time, one of the books was damagedby my dog. I have enclosed all

16、 three books and a sum ofmoney that will go some way toward _294_the damaged book.My _30_were un forgivable; a thief is a thief. Please _ 31_my apology for steali ng the booksand for not havi ng the courage to return them_32_.I want you to know that for the last few years this theft has_33_my consci

17、enee and I am sorry Iwas so selfish to steal them in the first_34_. I hope this goes some small way to_35 _my acti ons.16. A. expla nati onB. apologyC.tha nkD. paymen t17. A. SecretaryB. BorrowerC.LenderD. Libraria n18. A. con ditio nB. situati onC. stateD. positi on19. A. catB. thiefC. dogD. spy20.

18、 A. regretfulB. luckyC. tha nkfulD. sorry21. A. speciallyB. shortlyC. especiallyD. simply22. A. overB.goodC.dueD. away23. A. finesB. moneyC. rewardsD. payme nt24. A. paidB. puni shedC.returnedD. forgiven25 A. easedB. calmedC. killedD. lost26. A. even ifB. as long asC. as thoughD. because27. A. pla n

19、n edB. failedC. meantD. promised28. A. borrowedB lentC.stoleD. kept29. A. replac ingB. clea ningC. repl yingD. recreat ing30. A. habitsB. mannersC. waysD. actions31. A. receiveB. refuseC. blameD. accept32. A. soo ner B.laterC.moreD. worse33. A. affectedB. feltC.botheredD. disappo in ted34. A. placeB

20、. timeC.cha neeD. thing35. A. look up forB. make up forC. come up forD. take upfor用心爱心专心7【答案】;16-20 BDACC 21-25 CC ADA 26-3OBBCAD 31-35DAC A3 【解析 1本文讲述了三本延误 21年的书被还回图书馆的故事归还着不仅写了道歉信还 附了 50美元的赔偿费用.16. B考查名词辨析.因为书本推迟了 21年才还,当然杲道歉的便条.17. D 着查名词辨析对于磨趣高兴的当然是图书管理员.1S. A 考査名词辨析-be in excellent conluon 状况非常

21、好亡考查上下文串联.从下文可知,是被触址的.兰 L C 等查形容词辨析.对于那人能够还回书本,管理员们很感激.21 C肴查副词辨析.尤其在这么对年以后,能够匹书,我们很惊讶也很感激.22. C考查形容词辨祝 血弋到期的这三本书丈约冥年前就到期了.23. A 考查名词辨析Bfinest款.应數纳过期罚款弐血美元24. D 考査动词辨析.所有的一切都被原谅了.故选 D 25. A 着查动词辨析.希望他的艮心能得到宽慰.26. 3矜查短语辨析。我们还杲希望他能再回来借书,只要他能归还汉3考査动词辨析.大釣 20年前拢没有能够还这三本书给你们图书馆.2S. C 若查动词辨析根据后面的 aief is

22、a可知,是偷了这三本2Q. A 查动词辨析.我已经把三本书封喬并装入了一些钱,这些钱作为补偿这本掲坏的 书.3D. J考查名词辨析.珑的行为是不可瘵谅的.31. D 着查动词辨析.谙接受我的道歉。故用説壮 pj32- A 考査形容词辨析.请援受扰为偷了这些书芥且没有勇气更早地归还他们而道的谦.33.匚考查动词辨析.botlief my conscience 1SR 的艮心不安34.A 考查名词辨析* in the first place 首先35.3*查短语辨析.makeup for 弥补 我希望这多少能强补我的行为.第三节:阅读理解认真阅读下列短文,A、B、C D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,

23、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn America , Virginia Beach has all the elements of a classic seaside resort, a lively boardwalk ,plenty of restaurants and nightspots sure to appealto kids . Many believe Virginia Beach is at its best, when t he town is less crowded but the weather is still mild exciteme nt the beachof

24、fersThe number l safety tip concerns ocean safety : pay attention to Flag conditions posted on thelifeguard stands . Lifeguards post a red flag to warn when the ocean water is dangerous. Take themseriously! Tourists from Iand-locked regions areparticularlyeasily attracted by the magic of the waves.

25、However, a calm ocean canbecome risky without warning . Make sure you swim near a lifeguard . Swimming without lifeguardprotection is almost five times as great as drowning at a beach with lifeguards .Never swim alone . Many drownings involve single swimmers . When you swim with some one else ,if on

26、e of you has a problem , the other maybe able to get help , in cludi ng sig nali ng for assista nee fromothers.Dont fight the current . The facts show that some 80% of rescues by lifeguards at ocean beaches arecaused by currents. These currents are formed by surf andbrillia nt beachesamuseme nt ride

27、sin the off-seas on,andMeanwhile , some safety tips should be followed,enjoying the happ in ess and用心爱心专心8gravity , because once surf pushes water up the slope of a beach, gravity pulls itback. This can create concentrated rivers of water moving offshore . If you are caught in a rip curre nt, dont f

28、ight it by trying to swim directly to shore. In stead ,swim parallel to shore until you feel the current relax, then swim to shore . Mostrip curre nts are n arrow and a short swim parallel to shore will help bring you to safety .36. When coming to Virginia Beach , childre n can enjoy the happ in ess

29、 of thefollow ing except._A.walking on the road made of woodB. joining the nightspotsC. having interesting ridesD. skiing in the sea37. Many people believe the best time to visit Virginia Beach may be ._A.after autumn school term beginning B. in the slimmer vacationC. duri ng the Christmas holidayD.

30、 in the cold win ter38. Swimming in the sea youd better not swim ._A.with a friendB. with in the sight of the lifeguardC. with the currentD. as far as you like39 . From the passage , we can know .A.one in five pers ons swim ming in the sea is drow nedB . if one with lifeguard were drowning, five per

31、sons without lifeguard wouldbeC.some 80 % people drowning by the currents are rescued by lifeguardsD.some 20 % drowning by the currents are rescued by life guards40.The passage mainly tells us . _A.some safety tips whe n swim ming in the seaB . the happ in ess and exciteme nt the beach offersC.Virgi

32、nia Beach has all the eleme nts of a classic seaside resortD.the dan gers for tourists from Ian d-locked regi ons to swim in the sea答案* 3-40AADBC解析文章讲述了弗吉尼亚海滩的美景以及在那里的一些安全的注意事项.36.A 细节題根据文章第一段可知 BCD都是这个海滩的好处 A 没有提殛.推理题根据第一段最后一句 when the tov.n is less crowded tut the weather :s still mild.学生上学以后海滩就不会

33、那么拥挤,秋天的天气还魁匕较温和的.所以 A 符合要求. 3S.D 推理题.根据 3A5三段可知 ABC都是疵该注意叭 只有 D 不能龈3P.3 细节题.根据第三段最后一句 Swimming without lifeguardprerection is almost five times as grear asdrov-ntnc at attach 聋:th liftguaids.40.C主旨大意题口根据主题段第一段可知 C 是中心思想.BLike any good mother , when Karen found out that another baby was on the way,s

34、he did what she could to help her 3-year-old son , Michael , prepare for a new baby . Theyfind out that the new baby is going to be a girl, and day after day , night after用心爱心专心9night , Michael sings to his sister in Mommys stomach.Fin ally , Michaels little sister is born . But she is in serious co

35、n diti on . Withalarm in the night , the ambulanee rushes the infant to the neonatal( 初生的)intensive care unit at St.Marys Hospital , Knoxville , Tennessee . The days go by. The little girl gets worse. The pediatric( 儿科的)specialist tells the parents ,“There is very little hope . Be prepared for the w

36、orst. ”Karen and her husba nd con tact a local cemetery about a burial plot. They havefixed up a special room in their home for the new baby , but now they planafuneral . Michael , keeps begging his parents to let him see his sister, “ I want tosing to her , ” he says .Karen makes up her mind . She

37、will take Michael whether they like it or not . If he does nt see hissister now, he may n ever see her alive .She dresses him in an oversized suit and marches him into ICU a walkinglaundry basket , but the head nurse recognizes him as a child and shouts ,“Get that kid out of here now! No childrenare

38、 allowed . Never disturb patientshere .”The mother rises up strongly and said, “ He is not leaving until he sings to hissister! ”Karen leads Michael to his sistersbedside . He gazes at the tiny infant losingthe battle to live . And he beg ins to sing . In the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old,Micha

39、el sings : “ You are my sunshine , my only sunshine , you make me happy when skies aregray . Instantly the baby girl responds . The pulse rate becomes calm and steady .The next day, the very next day, the little girl is well eno ugh to go home! Woma ns Day magazinecalled it “ the miracle of a brothe

40、rs song. ” The medical staff justcalled it a miracle . Karen called it a miracle of Gods love!Never give up on the people you love.41.What may the underlined words “ the infant ” refer to?A. The baby . B . Karen. C . Mary.D. Michael .42. What do we know about the little sister after she was born?A.S

41、he was driven to St. Marys shop .B. A doctor came to see her in her house.C. She was very thin and could nt speak.D. She was in great dan ger .43 . Why did Karen firmly let little Michael see his sister in ICU?A. Because he could make his sister alive.B . Because his sister would be sent to a far ho

42、spital.C. Because his sister was going to die soon.D. Because his father wan ted to take him away.44 . What do we know about the head nu rse?A. The head nurse was careful .B . The bead nurse was rude .C. The head nurse was responsible.D. The head nurse had no sympathy .He looks like用心爱心专心1045 . What

43、 is the gen eral idea of the text?A. A boys singing saved his sisters lifeB. The little girl is well eno ugh to go home.C. Michaels little sister is born with a serious disease.D. No children are allowed to enter the intensive care unit答案:4145 ADCCA 解析;一个男孩子用歌声唤醒了他刚刚出生却面临死亡的竦妹的故事,真是一个奇迹.41.A 猜测词义题匕根

44、据前面可知 XLcliae:、little 乂吐?r is born可知这是一个婴儿口 42.3 细节题根据第二段第一行 she is in serious condition.43.C 细节题。根据第四段內容,尤其是.丁 he doesni see s:jifr nov/, he may ne- er see her alive.44.C 推理题由倒数第三段 Get that kid out of here nw! No dnldren axe allowed. Ne-er disturb p art ems here.可知血 ad nur 兗负责 I CL45.A 主旨大意题.文章就是关于

45、一个男孩子用歌声唤 81 了他刚刚出生却面临死亡的妹妹CA baby born in In dia has bee n declared the worlds seve n billi onth pers on bychild rights group Plan International . Baby Nargis was born at 07:25 local time(01 : 55GMT)in Mall villagein Indias Uttar Pradesh state . Plan Internationalsays Nargishas bee n chose n symbol

46、ically as it is not possible to know where exactly the seve nbillionth baby is born. In addition to baby Nargis in India, Bangladesh , thePhilippines and Cambodia have all identified seven billionth babies. The UnitedNati ons estimated that on Mon day 31 October. the world s populati on would reachs

47、eve n billi onPopulations are growing faster than economies in many poor countries in Africa and some in Asia . Atthe same time , low birth rates in Japan and many European nations have raised concerns about laborshortages.Populati on experts at the Un ited Nati ons estimated that the world reached

48、six billion in October 1999. They predict nine billion by 2050 and ten billion by theend of the century . Chinas population of one and a third billion is currently the worlds largest . India issecond at 1. 2 billion . But India is expected to pass China and reach one and a half billi on people aroun

49、d2025.In dia will also have one of the worlds youn gest populati ons. Econo mists saythis is a cha nee for a so-called. demographic divide nd . In dia could gai n from theskills of young people in a grow ing economy at a time whe n other coun tries haveaging populati ons. But econo mists saycurre nt

50、 rates of growth , although high , maynot create eno ugh jobs . Also , the public educati on system is faili ng to meet dema nd and schooling isoften of poor quality . Another concern is health care . Nearly half of Indias children under the age of fiveare malnourished(营养不良).Michal Rutkowski , the d

51、irect or of human development in South Asia at the World Bank, saysreaching seven billion people in the world is a good time for a call to action . He says , I think the bottom用心爱心专心11line of the story is that the public policy needs to become really , really serious about sex equality and aboutacce

52、ss to services to fight against malnutrition, ,and to provide for access to health services,用心爱心专心12water and schooli ng46. What is true about the worlds seven billionth person?A.Baby Nargis is not the only child chosen as the seven billionth baby.B.Baby Nargis has been chosen carefully so it is exa

53、ctly the seven billionthbaby.C.Three countrieshave all declared Baby Nargis as the seven billi011thbaby.D.The UnitedNations declared Baby Nargis as the worlds seven billionthperson .47. Which of the following problems do many European countries worry about?A. Labor shortage . B . Poor health care .C

54、. Not eno ugh jobs .D. Schooli ng of poor quality .48.According to population experts , how long will it take for population togrow from six billion to nine billion?A. About 12 years . B . About 40 years . C . About 50 years . D . About 110 years .49 . What does the un derl ined phrase demographic d

55、ivide nd ”n the fourth paragraph refer to?A. Possibility of lower birth rate.B . Ben efit gained by work ing young people.C. Chances for more employme ntD. Disadva ntages caused by aging populati on50 . Which of the follow ing public policies does Michal Rutkowski call on?A. To en courage late marri

56、age . B . To reduce worlds populati onC. To gain econo mic equality .D. To improve health and educati on答案;46-5046-50 AACBDAACBDD重教育题。46.A 细节题口 根据第一段第丿行.Zn addition to babv Nargis *n Zndiaj Bangladeshi thw andCanihadia h 吧芒 A: idenkfiedbl:onthtabiss.4. A 细节题根据第二 S -.3 rr lowb:rrh rates :n Japan andm

57、any European naLons have raued concernsabout labor shortases.4S.C 计算偷根据第三段第 13 行 Populauon experts at the United Nations estimared that the worldreached mix bilaon in October 19PQ. They predict nine billion年是 6u 12,2050年9090亿,大约 50年493 猜测词义题根据下一句 India could gain from the stalls of young people in a

58、 growing tconomv 可知是年轻人带来的好处*50.D 推理题.根据文章最后三行可知他关注的是人的健康与菽育.用心爱心专心13it is often reputed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivationHow often do you sit still and do absolutely nothingdays isnever . or hardly ever .we are fast losing the art of relaxation life , being on thego f

59、rom morning till is esse ntial for a healthy mind andbodyStress is fl n atural part of everyday lifeit takes many and variedforms-drivingrelati on shipsare all differe nt.The usual an swer theseAs the pace of life continues to in crease,.Onceyou are in the habit of rushing through ni ght,it is hard

60、to slow down. But relaxation.There is no way to avoid it, since in traffic ,problems with pers onal forms of stress . Stress, ,in fact, ,is notthe “ baddy ”用心爱心专心14and give purpose to life . It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performa neeand ill health.The amount


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