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1、中英文翻译英文资料A basic knowledge of lead-acid batteries(A), the basic concepts of1, the basic definition ofEnergy can be changed in various forms of energy, one of them, the chemical energy into electrical energy conversion device called chemical batteries, the general referred to as batteries, battery ce

2、lls and batteries are the original division.Discharge can not be used after the manner of charging the internal regeneration of active substances called primary cells, also known as a one-time battery. Can be used after discharge rechargeable internal activity of the establishment of renewable mater

3、ial, the energy stored as chemical energy, the need to discharge the chemical energy to electrical energy is converted to the battery, called the battery, also known as secondary batteries.(B), lead-acid batteries1, the definition ofLead-acid battery is a battery, the main feature is the use of dilu

4、te sulfuric acidelectrolyte to do with lead dioxide and lead, respectively, velvet-like cells as apositive and negative battery acid.2, classificationBattery plate according to the types of structure: there is the formation of style, painted cream and tubular batteries.By the battery cover and the t

5、ypes of structure: there are open-type, exhaust type, anti-acid-type explosion-proof and sealed valve-regulated batteries.Battery maintenance mode by Category: A general-type, low maintenance type, maintenance-free battery.In accordance with the provisions of the relevant standard of China's bat

6、tery products mainly include:Starting batteries: mainly used in automobiles, tractors, ships, such as diesel engine start-up and lighting.Fixed-type batteries: mainly used in telecommunications, power plants, computer systems as a means of protection, automatic control of the standby power. Traction

7、-type batteries: batteries mainly used in a variety of vehicles, forklifts, lift trucks, such as dynamic power.Railway Battery: mainly used in railway locomotives, electric locomotives, passenger cars starting, lighting of the driving force.Motorcycle Batteries: Motorcycle main specifications for a

8、variety of start-up and lighting.Mine used batteries: mainly used for electric locomotive traction power supply. Battery Energy Storage: mainly used in wind power, hydro-electric power energy storage.3, the basic structure: lead-acid batteries are generated mainly by the following components:1, hard

9、-rubber trough 2, anode plate 3, cathode plates 4, partition 5, saddle 6, bus 7, rubber seal 8, the battery slot cover 9, to connect 10 most column 11, the exhaust bolt Positive and negative electrodePlate lead-acid batteries, according to chemical structure and method of active substances can be di

10、vided into four categories: style pasted plate, tubular plate, into a plate-type, semi-chemical-type plate. Paste-type electrode coated by the grid and active material composition. Grid to support the role of active substances and conduction current, so that uniform current distribution. Material gr

11、id of lead-antimony alloys in general, the use of maintenance-free lead-calcium alloybatteries. Cathode active material mainly composed of lead dioxide, the main components of cathode active material for the velvet-like lead. PartitionBattery separators are microporous rubber, fiberglass and other m

12、aterials, its main role is to:Positive and negative electrode to prevent short-circuit; to enable the smooth passage of the electrolyte anion Chiang Kai-shek. Slow positive and negative electrode active material of the loss, positive and negative plates to prevent damage due to vibration. Electrolyt

13、eBattery electrolyte is an important part of its role is to conduction current and to participate in electrochemical reactionBy concentrated sulfuric acid electrolyte and purified water (deionized water) from the preparation, the purity and density of the electrolyte of the battery capacity and life

14、 expectancy have had a significant impact. Battery shell, coveredBattery shells, cover the positive and negative electrode and electrolyte loading of containers, generally made of plastic and rubber materials. Exhaust boltExhaust bolt generally made of plastic material, the role of the battery from

15、sealed to prevent air entry, to prevent electrode oxidation. At the same time, the battery can be recharged when the gas produced from the battery to avoid dangerous batteries.Before use: the need to bolt on the exhaust of the blind hole pierced with wire in order to ensure smooth gas overflow.Secon

16、d, the use of battery electric vehicles and maintenance (A), batteries installedBattery generally used in series, that is, the cathode of a battery with one battery connected to the anode, all the batteries together, and finally the remaining positiveand negative terminals with the wiring connected

17、to the corresponding electric vehicles, electric vehicle motor, controller, instruments such as the electricity load is a battery.Battery electric vehicles are generally box, from the installation location dividedslash-style, after the plug and the chassis-mounted, the shape of its structure can bev

18、aried. Each depot has its own electrical characteristics. Figure battery box generallymade with engineering plastics, and its strength is better, lighter weight, ease ofinstallation. General by the end of the battery box tank, roof, and charge the batterycontact point socket, trams, etc. lock. Troug

19、h and fastens at the end of thesuperstructure, and self-tapping fastening screws or bolts. Battery battery box is basedon the design of model specification, the design should be considered in the whole ofits good heat dissipation.(B), the rechargeable battery"Battery is not bad but bad charge&q

20、uot;, this is not alarmist talk, the performance of good and bad battery life of the battery and use play a decisive role in performance, attention must be given.1, the battery charging process on the requirementsRechargeable battery technology for understanding the basic requirements is to analyze

21、the basis of charging technology. Rechargeable batteries of the basic requirements are: the charge current should be less than or equal to the battery charge current can be received. Otherwise, the current surplus would electrolyte consumed too quickly, resulting in the following hazards:Increased b

22、attery water loss, increased the maintenance workload for the maintenance-free batteries, can cause early battery failure; produce mist, resulting in environmental pollution, health hazards to workers; so charging efficiency, resulting in a serious waste of energy.Charging process of electrochemical

23、 reaction is the discharge process of the reverse reaction, if the charging process of electrochemical reaction in an ideal state, and this process should be complementary to each reverse reaction, that is filled with the release of the power of electricity should be basically the same. However, in

24、a serious state of gas, the effective charge of the electrochemical reaction process power consumption of less than 40% of the total electricity consumption, that is a waste of energy more than 60%.Gathered gases within porous electrode in the battery to reduce the electrolyte and the porous electro

25、de contact area, that is, the electrochemical reaction of the interface charge is drastically reduced, so that the speed of chemical reactions reduce the charge, the charge is very difficult to extend the charging time.Gas will be serious damage to the battery: a large number of gases have on thepla

26、te were washed active role of the active substance soft and easy to fall off. polarization at the higher voltage, the positive plate grid of serious corrosion, generation of Pb02, such structures and electrochemical corrosion Pb02 survival is completely different, which is not reversible oxide, cond

27、uctive poor and grid deformation, brittle fracture, the loss of the role of skeleton and conductivity. Should be in charge to prevent over charge as much as possible.Rechargeable long-term lack of response to the active substance did not produce irreversible positive large granular high PbS04 grain

28、(that is, irreversible sulfation) to decrease battery capacity, internal resistance to increase, charging more difficult, resulting in early damage to the battery. Therefore, as far as possible to ensure sufficient battery power to prevent irreversible sulfation.2, the frequency of the choice of cha

29、rgingBattery life cycle of the depth of the impact of large changes in the basic exponentially. This is because the positive active material for Pb02, the combination of fastness is not high, discharge time and charge into PbS04 into PbO2, and PbSO4size larger than PbO2 (the volume ratio of about 2:

30、 1). Therefore, the positive plate, the actives will be repeated contraction expansion to the connection between the particles gradually fell off, so that the loss of battery discharge characteristics actives become "anode mud" so that the battery performance until the end of life. Deeper

31、depth of discharge, the greater the amount of expansion contraction of activity in the greater destruction of binding force, the shorter life expectancy; the other hand is the longer cycle life.In theory the battery should be avoided as far as possible the use of deep discharge, shall be sufficient

32、ground shallow place, provided there is a special match with the matching charger. However, in actual use, due to battery performance and battery by the charger itself and the discrete charge and the charge used to the speed of the impact of higher than the voltage charger, charging more or less exi

33、sted. In particular, the majority charge at night, generally in 6-10 hours, with an average of about eight hours, if shallow discharge, the charge will soon reach the end of the efficiency of this low charge will result in charge-off. Have relatively long charging time, coupled with frequent chargin

34、g, battery life would be a greater impact because of charge. According to the charging requirements of the best on the actual situation, it is necessary to refer to normal operating frequency, length, the storage battery factory provided, as well as supporting the development of charger performance

35、parameters such as frequency of charge. By the vast majority of users, in order to discharge the battery depth of 50% -70% of an electric charge the best, so that battery life for the best results. Actual use can be converted to mileage riding in an electric charge when necessary.3, the effects of t

36、emperature on the chargeSeason run at a high temperature battery, the main problem of the existence of charge-off. Battery when the temperature increased, the increase in the activity of active substances, positive potential of a decline in oxygen evolution, oxygenevolution anode potential also decr

37、eased (negative decrease), so charging rechargeable fast response time, charge current, and charging needs lower the charge voltage. In order to prevent excessive charge voltage, battery temperature should be kept as low as possible to ensure good heat dissipation, to prevent charging in the hot sun

38、 after exposure and should be far away from the heat source.Batteries at low temperatures, the lower the activity of the active substance, which dissolved electrode becomes difficult, after the charge consumed when it is difficultto be added Pb, the charge current significant drop in positive plate

39、at -20 in the charge acceptance of current only 70% at room temperature, and the negative effects of charging by the expansion agent, the ability to accept a lower charge temperature-20 to accept the charge current of only 40% of room temperature. Therefore, the main charge under the conditions of l

40、ow-temperature charge acceptance of the existence of poor, the problem of insufficient charge, request for increasing the charge voltage and charge time extended. Should be to improve the low temperature performance of the main negative start. Low-temperature thermal insulation used antifreeze measu

41、res to be taken, in particular charge should be placed on a warm environment, conducive to guarantee sufficient power to prevent the emergence of irreversible sulfate, extended battery life.Storage and use of batteries during charging can be activated periodically, the so-called balance charge, this

42、 battery to prevent irreversible sulfation very good for a very good battery life, it is worth advocating. Third, note the use of batteries1, to prevent over dischargeBattery voltage after the termination of discharge to continue to discharge as the discharge-off. Will have serious damage to the bat

43、tery discharge, the electrical performance of the battery cycle life and severely disadvantaged.Battery discharge voltage to the termination of the internal resistance of a larger concentration of electrolyte is very thin, especially the plate hole and the surface almost at neutral, had fever resist

44、ance discharge orientation, volume expansion, a larger discharge current, the apparent heat (or even develop fever deformation), then sulfuric acid concentration of lead in particular, and the existence of branches increased the possibility of short-circuit crystal Moreover at this time will be the

45、crystallization of lead sulfate to form bigger particles, namely, the irreversible formation of sulfate, and will further increase the resistance , the charge to restore the capacity of the poor, and even beyond repair.Should have been used to prevent battery discharge, the "under-voltage prote

46、ction" is a very effective measure. In addition, electric vehicles as a result of "under-voltage protection" is controlled by the controller, but the controller other than the voltage of some equipment such as tables, lights and other electrical power consumption is directly powered b

47、y the battery, the power supply in general is not controller, the electric lock (switch) In the event of power began to close. While the current small, but if the discharge time (1-2 weeks) will discharge occurred. Therefore, the lock may not be a long time, do not have to be switched off immediatel

48、y. 2, to prevent over chargingIn front of charging has been described to lead rechargeable batteries will increase the water loss will be accelerated grid corrosion and active material softening, the deformation will increase the chance of battery. Should try to avoid the occurrence of charge-off; c

49、hoose battery charger parameters with a good match, it is necessary to fully understand the seasons in high-temperature battery operation, as well as during the whole life changes. Do not use the battery when placed in the overheated environment, especially the charge should be away from sources of

50、heat. After heating the battery to take measures to cool down until the temperature returned to normal when the battery can be charged. Batteries should be installed to ensure goodheat dissipation, overheating should be found to stop charging, and battery chargers to deal with the inspection. Shallo

51、w depth of battery discharge or high ambient temperature should be to shorten the charging time. 3, to prevent short-circuitState in the short-circuit the battery, the short-circuit current of up to several hundred amperes. Exposure to short-circuit the more firmly, the greater the short-circuit cur

52、rent, so all connections will have a lot of heat in part, in the weak link in greater heat will fuse junction, resulting in short-circuit phenomenon. Local batteries can be explosive gases may be generated (or stoed charge can be set when the gas explosion), in connection sparks when the fuse will c

53、ause battery explosion; if the battery or short circuit current is not particularly large, you may not be caused by connecting Department fuse, but there will be a short circuit overheating will damage the adhesive around the article to connect to leakage and other problems left behind. Therefore, s

54、hort-circuit the battery must not have the installation or use should be particularly careful in the use of tools insulation measures should be taken, the connection should be other than the first electrical battery connected, and after inspection without short-circuit, and finally connected to the

55、battery, wiring norms should be well insulated to prevent the overlap arising from the breakdown pressure. 4, to prevent the connected loose and unsoundIf contact is not strong, a lesser extent, conductivity bad will happen to the site contact line fever, loss of a larger circuit, the output voltage

56、 is low, the impact of electric power, so that mileage can not be reduced or normal riding; if components in the terminal block contact is not strong (the vast majority of failures in the joints and connection terminal site), a large number of terminals will be fever, the impact of terminal and seal

57、ant combination of leakage can occur over time, "acid-climbing" phenomenon. If in a moving process or charge arising in the course of contact is not strong, may have a circuit, circuit will have a strong spark, may point to an internalbattery explosion explosive gases (in particular, just

58、the wires for the battery charge because the battery can be explosive gas more, and enough battery power, open circuit when the spark than the strong possibility of an explosion quite large.)Electric vehicles in the run-time have to bear more strongly the vibration, therefore, to deal with the reliability of all connections


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