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1、Whats this ?Its an apple.What are these?They are two apples.-What are these?-Whats this?-Its a pen.-They are pens.-What are those?-Whats that?-Its an English book.-They are English books.backpackswatchesorangespens-What are these ?-Theyre .mapscaseskeys-What are those ?-Theyre . 可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体

2、的人或物,因此它有单数,复数两种形式。单数复数可数名词如何变化?规则变化不规则变化规则变化规则变化1、一般情况词尾加一般情况词尾加s 浊辅音和元音后读z 清辅音后读s 例词例词 bag bags bgz cup cups kps row rows ruznamepenbookrulernames nemzpens penz books bks rulers ru:lz 2、以s, x, ch, sh等 结尾的词, 词尾加es, 读iz。 例词例词: boxboxesbksiz watch watcheswtiz classclasses kl:sizbusbuses bsz foxes fks

3、Iz fox(狐狸)dish(盘子)dishes dz grassgrasses gr:sz 3、以 ce,se,ge 等 结尾的词, 词尾加s, 读 iz。例词casecases keisiz raceraces reisizbridge- bridgesbrdiz exercise- exercisesekssazz 4、以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾的词 变 y 为 i,再加 es , 读z。例词:例词:lobbylobbies lbizdutyduties dju:tiz familyfamilies fmilizladycities sitiz strawberries str:br

4、iz ladies leidizcity(城市)strawberry(草莓)5、以 “元音字母元音字母+y” 结尾的词, 词尾加 s, 读 z。 例词:例词: boy boys bizkeyways weztoys tz keys ki:z waytoy monkeymonkeysmkz 6、以 fe 或 f 结尾的词 通常情况下变 f 为 v 加es, 读vz。例词:例词: leafleaves li:vz thiefthieves i:vz wifewives waivzknivesnavz halvesh:vz wolveswlvz knifehalfwolf(狼)calfcalvesk

5、:vz “小偷”(thief)的“妻子”(wife)用“刀子”(knife)和“树叶”(leaf)把“狼”(wolf)劈成两“半”(half)。 巧记:7 部分已f结尾的名词复数还可直接加-s读ssaferoofsrufschiefsti:fs safessefs roofchief9、以“辅音字母辅音字母+o” 结尾的名词, 词尾加es, 读z。例词:例词: hero heroes hiruz potatopotatoes pteituz tomato tomatoes tm:tuz 加-es的名词有: potato, tomato, hero巧记:英雄爱吃英雄爱吃 土豆炖西红柿土豆炖西红柿

6、。10、以 “元音字母元音字母+o” 结尾的名词 词尾加s , 读z。例词例词:radioradios reidiuzzoozoos zu:zbamboobamboosbmbu:z 11 个别以O结尾的名词可有两种复数形式 读音为zmangosmangoesmosquitosmosquitoesmangomosquitomz mski:tz 12、单复数同形单复数同形 ,保持原音,保持原音。 例词例词: fish fish f sheep sheep i:p cattle cattle ktl deer deer d(r) 13、复数形式没有任何规律复数形式没有任何规律 例词:例词: manm

7、enmen woman women wmn toothteeth ti: foot feet fi:t goose geese i:s childchildren tldrn mouse mice mas 14、除人民币元、角、外, 美元、美元、 英镑、英镑、 欧元欧元等 都有复数形式。例词 one dollar two dollars one pound two pounds 名词变复数歌诀名词变复数歌诀名词复数有变化,词尾常把名词复数有变化,词尾常把-s加;加;结尾若是结尾若是s, x, ch, sh, 加上加上-es要记下;要记下;若遇若遇f, fe, 更要弄清其变化;更要弄清其变化;先


9、数 bird- card- lady- orange- ruler- photo- friend- boy- watch- girl- case- cat- wife- tree- key- bed- hero- family- dictionary- question- leaf- party- cup-birdsladiesorangesrulerscatsboysgirlscaseswiveswatchestreeskeysquestionsbedsheroesfriendsfamiliesdictionariesphotoscardsleavespartiescupsactivity2

10、 How many _ (book) are there? Key: books Lucy and Tom are my _(friend). Key: friends用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空:用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空:1I have two _(pencil-box). 2There are three _(chair) in the classroom.3These _(tomato) are red. 4_(hero) are great.5My brother looks after two _(baby)6There are some _(deer) eating t

11、he grass.7My father likes to eat _(potato).8Chinese _(people)like to eat noodles.9I have a lot of _(toy) in my bedroom.10I help my mother wash _(dish) in the kitchen.选出正确形式选出正确形式1I can see three _ in the zoo. A monkeys B monkeys C monkey2.The pig has four _.A.foot B. feet C. foots3.My two brothers a

12、re both _.A.policeman B. policemans C. policemen4.There are four _ in the class.A.Japanese B. Japaneses C. Japan5.I can see ten _ in the picture.A. sheep B. dog C. pig6.The _ has three_.A.boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches7.C an you see _on the plate? A. bread B. breads C. breades8.The girl often brushes her_ before she goes to bed.A.tooth B. toothsC. teeth9.Mr Black often drink some _.A. milk B. milks C.milkes10.There are some _ on the floor.A. child B. water C. books句子单数变复数句子单数变复数1. This is a bo


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