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1、Best Practice Financial Processes: Accounts Receivable2PwC175cAccount Receivable - Best Practice ObjectivesAccounts Receivable ObjectivesOrganisationPeopleProcessesControlsMeasuresInformation SystemsTo ensure customer payments are received efficiently and effectively for goods/services delivered, wi

2、thin the agreed terms and conditionsTo manage credit risk efficiently without creating unnecessary delays in the sales cycleTo maintain a complete and accurate statement of outstanding debtorsTo provide complete forecast information to assist the management of short-term cash requirementsCentralised

3、 processingEconomies of scaleCustomer focusEstablish credit levelsIssue sales orderIssue invoiceMonitor creditCollect cashProcedures manualAuthorisationValidation/matchingCredit controlCost per invoiceCredit notes percentageCost per payment receivedDays debt outstandingIntegrated with sales systemAu

4、tomatic matchingElectronic receiptsCustomer relationsLegal framework awarenessCredit management3PwC175cAccounts Receivable - Best Practice FeaturesProcess FeaturesFormal credit checks applied to all new customers within 24 hours using credit bureau Monitor credit status/terms on regular basis Custom

5、er account managers provided with up to date credit statusTreasury policy set on late and prompt paymentsAuthority levels clearly definedCredit policies defined and agreedTerms and conditions agreed with customersConsolidated periodic invoicing for high frequency shipmentsBank remittance notices iss

6、ued with sales invoices to facilitate reconciliationSelf billing invoices by high volume customersConsider outsourcing regular invoice/payment eg utilitiesRegular review of invoice queries and credit notesReconciliation of AR balances to GL control accounts on a regular basisCredit insurance arrange

7、ments evaluated periodically Customer account managers responsible for sales and cash collectionConstant monitoring of debtor days, daily collection, ageing of debtCustomer contact records maintainedOutsource cash collection where appropriateDetermine and report on credit targetsMonitor overdue debt

8、s and take action within agreed policyEstablish credit levelsIssue sales orderIssue invoiceMonitor credit/ collect cashSales orders prepared using pricing database with pricing profiles for products and customers No order processed without valid customer PO referenceDelivery note acts as invoice for

9、 low-frequency shippings4PwC175cAccounts Receivable - Best Practice FeaturesEstablish credit levelsIssue sales orderIssue invoiceMonitor credit/ collect cashSystem FeaturesConsolidated credit position for group of customersSystem provides on-line customer payment history and termsUse of workflow sof

10、tware to monitor process and help resolve queriesStandard credit control reportsCommon SOP and AR customer databaseInvoices automatically generated from SOP and shipment dataSelf billing invoices automatically matched to customer ordersMulti currency invoicesAutomatic commitment and accrualsAutomati

11、c reconciliation facilities between integrated SOP AR and GL systemsSOP linked to debtors ledger to ensure customer credit limits not exceededSales documents sent via EDI for all major customersIntegrated order & billing systems available on line & hard copyPayments received electronically w

12、here possibleAutomatic matching of payments to invoicesOn-line diary facility to monitor callsAutomatic flagging and reporting of high risk accountsAutomatic dunning letters issued within agreed trading termsIntegrated systems to facilitate customer query handlingForecast cash receipts available for

13、 treasury purposes5PwC175cAccounts Receivable - TrendsFromToSeparate AR modulePayment by chequeComplex/variable trading termsManual matchingPerformed by Finance departmentIntegrated systemsElectronic paymentCommon trading terms for all customersAutomatic matchingShared or outsourced services6PwC175c

14、Accounts Receivable - Measures/Cost Drivers90 percentileMedian10 percentileNumber of customer payment received per accounts receivable FTE per annum40,3005,500700 or lessAccounts receivable cost per sales invoice processed10 percentileMedian90 percentile1318Median1 day90 percentile4 days10 percentil

15、e1 dayDays to process invoice/credit note (ie, time between receipt of invoice/credit note and entry into the accounting system)Cost driversNumber of AR receiptsLevel of multiple receiptsUse of direct debiting/standing ordersUse of electric funds transferLevel of credit risk associated with customer

16、 baseVariety in payment termsDegree of foreign currency receiptsLevel of credit notes7PwC175cBilling - Measures/Cost Drivers90 percentileMedian10 percentileNumber of sales invoices generated per billing FTE per annum 90,00011,1001,600Billing cost per sales invoice and credit note processed10 percent

17、ileMedian90 percentile1222Median2 days90 percentile15 days10 percentile1 dayDays from despatch of goods to preparation of sales invoiceCost driversNumber of invoicesNumber of customersUse of EDIComplexity of service/goods suppliedVariety in terms and conditionsComplexity of discountsDegree of foreig

18、n currency invoicingNumber of complaintsAccuracy/level of credit notes8PwC175cAccounts Receivable - Level 0 Context DiagramAccountsReceivableBillsAdhoc invoices & standing dataReminders &StatementsGLPostingsGeneral LedgerCustomersBankManual InvoicesBilling SystemStandingDataPayments(cash, ch

19、eque)Direct DebitInstructionsStatementsPayment details(Bank Giro credits)Customer Services SystemAlso electronic AP/AR data from bank for auto cash management9PwC175cAccounts Receivable - Level 1 OverviewCustomerStandingData , Bills& Credit NotesAR StaffAR systemBilling systemCustomerdetailsAR d

20、ata import proceduresInterface RulesAR StaffBilling systemAR systemCustomer DataLogged on ARSystemInvoice/credit noteentry rules,Bills and credit notes loading proceduresAR StaffAR SystemBills & credit notesManual invoice request Customermaintenanceprocedures, Customer relationshiprulesImport st

21、anding data, bills & credit notesAR 1.1Maintain customer dataAR 1.2Process bills, invoices & credit notesAR 1.3DatavalidationreportCustomer reportManage receivablesAR 1.4Process receipts and direct debitsAR 1.5Process period endAR 1.7Credit control policies and procedures,Call logging proced

22、ures,Provision creation rules,Legal proceedings rulesAR staffAR systemCredit controlOpen invoiceson AR systemPrint invoices despatchedGL updatesOutstandingdebtorsCheque and receipts processing rules,Automatic allocation rules,Manual allocation rules,On account payment rulesCash/cheque/bank receiptsL

23、ist of DD customers amounts dueAR staffAR systemBank statementTransaction dataReview procedures,Archiving rules,Period data proceduresAR staffAR systemPayment on accountlogged on AR systemMatched DDreceipts logged on AR systemRequest to bankProcess amendmentsAR 1.6New periodopenedon AR systemPeriod

24、endGL postingsMatchedreceiptsarchivedPeriod reportsproducedAmendment ofvalidation rules,Amendment inputproceduresAdjustmentsAmendmentsGL updatesAudit reportDebtor reportDunningletter/statementAmendment request, notify departmentProvision journals10PwC175cAccounts Receivable Notes Maintain customer d

25、ataBest Practice FeaturesSend bill to one address only. Where a customer is provided with goods or services at a number of locations, the consolidation in the billing process not only reduces the number of bills to be verified or created but also decreases the potential need to reconcile a number of

26、 receivables on individual accounts. Centralise the customer set-up process in order to ensure consistency.Internal control requirementsIn order to minimise the risk of duplication of the data and the unauthorised set-up of customers, the process should be centrally controlled and operated. Before a

27、ny customer is deleted from the system, evidence should be produced that the customer has been inactive for the appropriate period of time and no outstanding balances are present. Approval for deletion is obtained by management authority signature.The changes to customers report is regularly checked

28、 and monitored.System notification of duplicate business and birth registration numbers. 11PwC175cAccounts Receivable Notes Maintain customer dataCost DriversNumber of customersNumber of new customersNumber of customer changesNumber of required customer standing data fields Possibility of sharing st

29、anding databaseOverlap between databasesSearch criteria and standardisation to avoid duplication/redundancyKey Performance IndicatorsNumber of changes and additions carried out in a year per FTENumber of customers in op. database without transactions for 1 yearPercentage of changes and additions of

30、total customer base12PwC175cAccounts Receivable Notes Manage ReceivablesBest Practice FeaturesAged debit balances should be reviewed by management on a regular basis and explanations sought as to why debts have failed to be recovered.Overdue debit balances occur as a result a number of factors of su

31、b-optimal performances within the sales department or within the credit control process or AR - info not recorded from bank quickly enough and therefore not processed quickly enough or timing of invoice issue. The root causes need to be addressed and rectified by altering the creditability status of

32、 the customer.Automatic flagging and reporting of high risk accounts.Materiality and time limits.Internal control requirementsIt is essential that debit balances are reviewed regularly and matched with payments promptly in order to avoid the risk of fraud and minimise the chances of bad debt.Compute

33、r diary of actions taken. Stops placed on overdue customers.Aged debtor report sent to legal department and functional managers.13PwC175cAccounts Receivable Notes Manage receivables (Cont)Cost DriversNumber of overdue open items.Number of steps in the dunning procedure.Quality and timing of the matc

34、hing process of receipts.Availability of dunning enforcement measures.Tolerance criteria.Payment terms and conditions policy.Key Performance indicatorsDays outstanding as a percentage of average payment term.Value of overdue invoices as a percentage of outstanding balances.Bad Debt Provision as a pe

35、rcentage of outstanding balances.Process cost/customer payment received.Number of dunning letters as % of total invoices.Write off value as % of (sundry) sales revenue.14PwC175cAccounts Receivable Notes Process receipts and direct debitsBest practice featuresUse of an electronic interface between ba

36、nk, cashiers and AR treasuryAutomatic matching of receipts by value and invoice number Internal control requirementsInterface control total with bank and cashiers, dailyRegular supervisory review of open and unmatched itemsDocumentation of all overdue open items and unmatched receipts15PwC175cAccoun

37、ts Receivable Notes Process receipts and direct debitsCost DriversNo. of Receipts for more than one transactionPercentage of downpaymentsQuality of payment informationNumber of unmatched paymentsNumber of foreign currency receipts and exchange rate differencesTolerance payment differencesNumber of c

38、riteria for automatic matchingKey Performance IndicatorsMonthly and cumulative tolerance difference amountsPercentage of receipts cleared automatically in monthNumber of manually matched receipts per FTE Number of unmatched receipts older than 1 month16PwC175cAccounts Receivable Notes Process amendm

39、entsBest Practice FeaturesSingle contact point for all queries. Although the query processing can be distributed there are obvious inefficiencies in directing enquiries to a number of contact points.Have access to sufficient data to be able to handle the majority of queries on-line. In this context,

40、 the use of image processing allows invoices to be called up on screen quickly and, if necessary, automatically copied to the enquirer through the medium of autofax.Internal control requirementsIn order to operate an effective helpdesk, staff will require to have access to most parts of the accounts receivable system. This should be on a read only basis in order to minimise the potential for fraud taking place.Targets set for


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