1、学习-好资料更多精品文档2018 年广州市番禺区象达中学中考一模英语试题本试卷共四大题,共 7 页,满分110分。考试用时120分钟。、语法选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从 115 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出填入空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。We have always bee n in terested in the Moon. 2,000 years ago people 丄 itmoved around the Earth and_2 in the sky at differe nt times of the year
2、. At that time,everything about the Moon was learned by 3 it carefully in the sky.When scientists could use telescopes 4 the Moon more closely, their ideas began tochange. They could see the Moon was made 5 rocks. Most scientists thought moonrocks would be differe nt_ 6_those on the Earth. This was
3、because they believedthe Moon had bee n once a planet_ 7_ had bee n caught in the Earth gravity(弓丨力)8 years earlier.In 1969, moon rocks 9 to the Earth and studied. Much to their_ 10_,scientists found that, except for water, the Moon and the Earth were made of 11 samethin gs. Once aga in new ideas we
4、re n eeded for this new in formatio n.After years of study, most scientists now think that the Moon was once part of theEarth. They believe very early in 12 history, maybe 4 million years ago, something aboutthe size of Mars hit the Earth. This sent billi ons of rocks into space around our pla net.T
5、hese rocks 13_ joined together_ 14_ after many years became theMoo n.In the future, eve n though our ideas about the Moon 15cha nge aga in, we willbeinterested in it.3. A. watchB. watchesC. watchi ngD. to watch4. A. to studyB. studyC. studiedD. study ing5. A. inB. ofC. fromD. For6. A. fromB. i nC. a
6、tD. with7. A. whatB. itC. thatD. who8. A. millio nB. millio nsC. milli ons ofD. millio n of9.A. broughtB. were brought C. would bringD. have brought10.A. surpris ingB. surprisedC. surprisesD. surprise11.A. aB. anC. the12. A. it sB. itC. itsD. itself学习-好资料更多精品文档1.A. know B. knew2.A. where would itbeC
7、. where it would beC. was knowing D. is knowingB. it would be whereD. where would be it学习-好资料更多精品文档13. A. slowerB. slowestC. slowD. slowly14.A. butB. orC. soD. and15. A. mayB. mustC. canD. should二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16 25各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In the morning
8、, we went camping along a path in Green Natural Park. We werehappy because it was a _16_ day. We were expect ing an enjoyable two-day holiday.On the way, we kept singing and making jokes.However, i n the after noon, whe n we fini shed our _17 at one o lock, it was dark and win dy. Soon, there was a
9、shower. Un luckily, none of us brought _18_ .We ran about but we could find no place to hide.Twenty mi nu tes passed and it was still rai ning. There were _19_ to go before wereached the campsite. It was even worse that our small comp(指南针)showed that wewent to the wrong way. We had_20_!We had to mak
10、e a quick _21_ as it was rai ning heavily. Chris said we could set upa tent to hide in, so Mary and Tom helped to set up the tent. Chris and I tried to make afire to keep us 22_. But we were unable to light the fire, as everything was _23_. Wedried ourselves, chatted and waited in side the tent. At
11、about five oclock, it stoppedraining. We decided to _24_ the camp ing trip because all of us had bee n very tired.This camp ing trip may not be very _25_ but we know each other better. And themost important thing Ive learned from this trip is the importance of team spirit.C.snowyC. supperC. a phoneC
12、. hoursC. excitedC. an swerC. warmC. dirtyC. put awayC. bori ngD. wi ndyD. lu nchD. a watchD. daysD. boredD. listD. coldD.wetD. i nsist onD. successful16.A. rainy17.A. work18.A. an umbrella19.A. mon ths20. A. happy21. A. decisi on22. A. clea n23. A.dry24. A. go on25. A. valuableB.sunnyB. tripB. a ma
13、pB. minutesB. lostB. lookB. coolB. broke nB. give upB. useful学习-好资料更多精品文档四、阅读第一节:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)2645 题AMany of us don pay atte nti on to the importa nee of eye care. Its said that if you take care ofyour body the n you can be healthy. That is why our eyes should be give n a lot of care
14、. Natural eyecare should be put in a nu mber one place.There are several causes lead ing to poor eyesight like not eno ugh food, ge(eS因)and agingTelevisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight.If you happen to work in front of the computer, it is best to take a rest ev
15、ery once in a while ,something dirty can cause redness and they will make you feel un comfortable. It is bad for your eyes,too. If this happe ns, the best way is to clea n your eyes by using cold water. You must also try yourbest to protect your eyes from harmful thin gs. For example, sun glasses ar
16、e not just fashi on but theycan also serve as a great way to protect your eyesight from UV rays.Eati ng healthy foods will do good to your eyesight. Remember that vitam ins A,C and E aregood for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitam ins. And you should do eye exercisesbecause exercise p
17、rotects your eyesight, too. If a person exercises regularly and eats the right kindof food, his eyes will stay in good con diti on for a long time.All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes. Being happy all the timecan be helpful to a pers on eyesight, too .In a word, eye
18、care is very important, no matter how olda person is.26. _is the most importa nt way to protect our eyes.A. Natural eye care. B. Taking medici ne.C. Seeing the doctor D. Being happy all the time27. All the followi ng causes can lead to bad eyesight EXCEPT_.A. age B. heightC. read ingD. computer28. W
19、hat should you do if you have to work in front of the computer?A. Eat ing healthy foods.B. Clea n the eyes by using cold water.C. Wear a pair of sun glasses. D. Have a rest after worki ng for a while.29. What do the un derli ned wordsaging mean?A.不乐观的情绪 B.成长 C.年龄增长D.坏脾气30. Which is the best title of
20、 the passage?A. Ways of Eye CareB. Ways of Eye ExercisesC. Causes of Bad Eyesight D. Ways of Being HealthyBLibraries give kids a quiet and safe place to read and lear n. For over 100 years, libraries haveplayed an important role in American s education. But how are these book-filled buildings changi
21、ngwith the times? You may be surprised to find out.Benjamin Franklin famously founded 健立)American first lending library in 1731. But the public学习-好资料更多精品文档library system got its biggest developme nt in the America n history in the late 1800 s.Businessman AnalneegC donated millions of dollars to help
22、build free public libraries across the country. Between 1886 and 1919, Carnegie s don ati onshelped build 1,679 new libraries.Carn egie believed that libraries could offer the cha nces to America ns, young and old. Heknew that the more libraries there were, the more people would have cha nces to rea
23、d and use books,speeches and n ews.If you can easily find a public library in your community, you will get more chances. After all, theUnited States has 9,225 public libraries. Today, libraries keep grow ing. Seve n ten ths of the librarieshave free Intern et. It provides much more in formatio n and
24、 cha nces to ask for jobs on li ne.Libraries are also teach ing kids about the fun of read ing. The new progranRead! Build! Play!adds reading into playtime. As kids listen to a book that is being read aloud, they use Legos (乐高) tobuild images from the story happily. Today s libraries arealways looki
25、ng for creative programs to bring people into the library.Benjamin Franklin once said, “The doors of wisdom are never shut.” As long asthe doors of public libraries are open, what he said is most certainly correct!31. Benjamin Franklin founded the first lending library in_.A. 1731B.1800 C. 1886 D. 1
26、91932. The right order of the followi ng stateme nt is_ .(1) The public library system developed fast.(2) The first lending library was founded.(3) Libraries provide in formati on and cha nces to ask for jobs on li ne(4) Libraries try to bring people into the library by using creative programs.A.(1)
27、B.(1) C.D. (1)33. What is the purpose of the new program Read! Build! Play!?A. To build more libraries.B. To add read ing into playtime.C. To provide the libraries with free in ternet.D. To look for creative programs to bring people into the libraries.34. The last paragraph mai nly tells us_.A. libr
28、aries have played an important role in American s education.B. public libraries in the US should n ever close the doors.C. the writer doesn t agree with Benjamin Franklin.学习-好资料更多精品文档D. libraries help people to open the doors of wisdom.35. The best title for the passage is_ .A. The libraries in the
29、WorldB. Libraries and Chan cesC. Libraries Teach Kids to Read and Lear nD. The Developme nt ofthe America n Libraries.CLast week my youn gest son and I visited my father at his new house in Ariz ona. He movedthere a few years ago, and I wan ted very much to see his new place and meet his frie nds.In
30、 my earliest memories my father was a tall, handsome and successful man. He loved his workand family, but was un comfortable with his childre n. As a child I loved him; As a schoolgirl andyoung adult I was afraid of him. He seemed un happy with me uni ess I got straight A sirymycUirahappy with my bo
31、yfrie nds if their fatherswere not as “ successful as he was. Whe never I went out with him on weeke nds, I used to try hardto think up things to say to protect myself.On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my father friends foslunch. We walked alongthat after noon, did some shopp ing
32、, ate on the street table, and laughed over my son s funny talks.My father(挑 E 易 s 的)ticailr and strict rules were gone.He seemed so friendly and interesting to be with us.The n ext day my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me many stories about his ownchildhood. Although our times toget
33、her became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at thatmoment. After so many years, I am at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, I mhappy with my new friends. My dad, in this newhome in Ariz on a, is back to me from where he was.36. When did the writer s father move t
34、o Arizona?A. Last weekB. A few years agoC. In the earlier time D. It doesn t mention in the passage37. What didn t they do on the first day of the writer s visit?A. They went out with one of my father s friends for lunch.B. They walked along that after noon.C. They did some shopp ing,D. They saw a f
35、ilm together.38. What did the writer think of her father after visiting him inArizona?B. More critical and un comfortableA. Strict and hard-work ingC. Frie ndly and in teresti学习-好资料更多精品文档D. More successfulA. her son B. her father C. her father s friendher new friend40. What is NOT TRUE accordi ng to
36、 the passage?A. In the writer s earliest memories, she was afraid of her father.B. Her father was un happy with her whe n she was a school girl.C. Her father expected too much of her in the writer s earliest memoriesD. After the visit to Arizona, she at last saw another side of her father.DThis Mont
37、hs GoalWeek 1 Mum used to drive us to school,but now my sister and I have startedriding our bikes to school. Its hard workbut good exercise! This week dad and afew of the people he works with alsostarted to go to work together in one carand share the costWeek 2 We started recycling this week.We trie
38、d to write on both sides of ourpaper. We also divided our rubbish intodifferent bags for bottles, cans, paperandfood.Mumkepttheplasticshopping bags from the supermarket touse them again as rubbish bags. Theseare great ways to help our en vironment.Week 3 We stopped tak ing long bathsand had short sh
39、ower in stead. Weflushed the toilet with used water. Whe nmum and dad made tea or coffee, theyused less water in the kettle. My sisterand I did n leave the tap running whe nwe brushed our teeth.Week 4 This week, my family tried tosave electricity. We never left the lightson when leaving the rooms. W
40、e turnedoff the TV when no one was watching it.Mum only used water in the wash ingmachi ne.41. We can see that this mon ths goal is for helpi ng to_ .A. save our pla net B. save electricity C. exerciseD. Recycle42. _talks about how they saved water.A. Week 1B. Week 2C. Week 3 D. Week 443. From week
41、1 we know that_A. mum used to ride a bikeB. the childre n started to go to school by bikeC.mum and dad went to work in one car D. Dad diddrive to work any more44. Which of the following is not about recycling?A. To write on both sides of our paper.B. kept the plastic shopp ing bags to use them aga i
42、n as rubbish bagsC. To divide the rubbish into differe nt bags.D. To use cold water in the washi ng mach ine.39. Whe n the writer saysmy new frie nd” in the lastpargrtapkinghabout学习-好资料更多精品文档45. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. They took long baths before the third week
43、.B. Mum and dad had the habit of drinking tea or coffee.C. They shared the cost of electricity with a few people dad worked with.D.The childre n did nkeep the water running whe n brush ing teeth. 第二节阅读填空阅读短文内容,从短文后的 ABCDE 五个选项中选出能填入空白处最佳选项。 若选择的答案为 E,请在答题卡上同时涂黑 AB 两个字母。(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)4650 题W
44、onder why you can get angry so easily while your friend smiles all the time?46.Pers on ality is also about how people thi nk, behave and reac 反应)to everythi ng around themfrom day to day. So what makes people think and behave in certain ways?_ 47_ A baby gets its blood type, gen es(基因) and other phy
45、sical thi ngs whe n it stillin side its mother. These things may help decide what the baby will be like._ 48_ Family life, school lear ning and life experie nces can also make you the person youare. This doesrtmean its impossible to change your personality. You can always try to make yourselfbetter.
46、 Dont get too worried about your short-comings(缺点).Just accept them. This is a good wayto start making changes.If you don know how to make friends, find out why._ 49_ Tell yourselfto smile at people. Start talk ing to people using warm greet in gs.Don give yourself a hard time about it all._ 50_ Kee
47、p work ing at it. Oneday you will see that you can turn over a new leaf and be a new you.A. Part of the reason is that people are born like this.B. It not easy to change lifelong habits in one night.C. But ones pers on ality doesstop here.D. It probably because you both have differe nt pers on aliti
48、es.E. Is it because you are too shy?四、写作(共三节,满分35分)第一节单词拼写(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)5156 题根据句子意思和所给的首字母写出所缺单词51. The little boy was so scared that he just kept still and s_ at his father.52. To protect the en vir onment, we should be g_ con sumers.53. What do you ofte n do in your s_time?54. If you f_ the ex
49、am,Please dontgive up. I think you must work harder.55. The old man is d_. He can not hear anything.56.It impolite to make a j_ on others.第二节完成句子(共 7 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 14 分)学习-好资料更多精品文档根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子(每格限填一词)5763 题57. 对不起,请问去广州动物园的路怎么走?Excuse me, could you tell me_ to Guan gzhou Zoo?58. 我每天一般都要花一个小时
50、左右骑自行车上学。_ usually_me an hour_ to school.59. 去年我叔叔家建了一个新的游泳池。A new swimming pool_ _in my uncle s house last year.60. 我太劳累了,不能在今天完成这工作。I am_ tired_fin ish the work today.61. 他告诉我他忙于他的论文。He told me he_ his paper62. 当你在国外,我希望能与你保持联系。When you are abroad, I hope to_ _ _ you.63. 这部电影实在沉闷!_ this film is!第三
51、节 书面表达(15 分)(2015 实战中考 P89)你是李华,是学校学生会主席,你们正计划组织义工服务,请根据下面的内 容和提示,写一封公告,倡议同学们积极参加。注意:1.词数 80 左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息计划一计划二时间:星期五下午星期天上午地点: 敬老院(the nursing house)地点:星海公园活动:1.与老人聊天2.(请你补充)活动:1.清洁公园里的垃圾,2.(请你补充)目的:1.关爱照顾老人2.(请你补充)目的:1.保护环境清洁。2.(请你补充)Dear fellow students.Our school is going to hold some volun teer activities.学习-好资料更多精品文档2018 年初中毕业生学业考试英语模拟试题四参考答案一、语法选择 115 BCCAB ACCBD CCDDA1. B 时态:一般过去时(2000 years agO2. C 宾从一词二序可以得出 C3. C 介词 b
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