已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第 1页,共 9页 2018-20 佃年杭州市丁兰第二小学三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案 一、我会选一选(选择题) 1 根据汉语提示选择单词。 ( )1.再见! A. Hi! B . Hello! C . Bye! ( )2.你好,我是 John. A . Hi, I m John. Goodbye, Joh n. C . Bye, Joh n. ( )3.我有一支钢笔。 A. I m 8. B . I have a pen. My n ame is Lily. ( )4.我也是。 A. Me too. B. Great! C . Hi! ( )5.太好了! A . Bye! B . Grea

2、t! C . Hi! 2 I have any food for you. A am B . am not C . don t 3 你下午见到 White 老师,你会说: A . Good afternoo n, Ms White. B . Hi, Ms White. 4 . 根据句子内容选择适当的单词填空。 A orange B . white C . red D . grey E. gree n F. yellow (1) Look at the sun .Its _ . (2) Look at the tree in autumn. Its _ . (3) Look at the ora

3、nge. Its _ . (4) Look at the rabbit. Its _ . (5) Look at the pan da. Its black and _ . (6) Look at the frog. Its _ . 5 当你询问朋友身体状况时应说:( ) A rm fine, thank you B . How are you? 6. 吃点面包吧。 _ A. Drink some bread. B. Have some bread. 7. _ is the dog. A. What B. Where C. Here 8. _ dogs are there? A. How ma

4、 ny B. How C. How much 9. 当你的朋友感到口渴时,你可以说: _ A. Have some bread. B. Have some juice. 10 . - _ ? It s in the box. A. Where is the pencil B. What color is it C. What s this 11.你想知道 Betty 是不是五岁,你会问: _ A . Are you new? B . Are you five? 12 .根据所给的食物,选择相对应的小动物。第 2页,共 9页 )A . pig 14. A. chair B. a chair 15

5、. 你想借李强的书看,你对李强说:( A. May I borrow your book? B. How many books do you have? 二、想一想,填一填(填空题) 16. 将下列字母的大小写写在四线三格上。 话) How old are you? I m ten, too. I am ten.)A. rabbit B.bear (1) (2) (3) (4) 17. Read and order.快帮粗心的小猫整理一下笔记吧。 (将下列句子排列成 段完整的小对 B.panda ( )A. bird B.mon key 13. Try to sing En glish son

6、 gs, and you II find it easy 1ear ning B. 1ear ns 1ear En glish. to learn I have one C. chairs 第 3页,共 9页 D. My name s Mimi. E. What s your name? 19. 数字找规律。 1. two four six eight ten _ 2. two four eight _ thirty-two 3. twenty _ eightee n seve ntee n 4. three seve n eleve n_ 5. one three five seve n n

7、ine _ 6. one six eleve n _ twenty-one 20. 用画线单词的对应词填空,使句子完整。 I im short woman. He is a _ man. This is my mother . That s my I m boy. She is a _ . 21. 根据自身情况回答问题 1. What s your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What s yqpnrone number? 22. look , have, bird, I , a _ 23. 仿照例子,写对话。18 根据图片,填写合适的单词 books. _ bi

8、rthday cake. (3) I have _ pen cil-boxes. 12 3 第 4页,共 9页 例:Mary / No Are you Mary? 一 No, I m not 1. P eter/Yes 2. boy/No 例: pear/ two - How many pears? - Two pears 3. cat/three 4. ruler/five 5. pe n/eight 24. 顺序乱了,你来排排! birdl school bag S ruler D、kite Ex house 25看图完成下列对话和句子。 1. When is Teachers Day?

9、IOB f, 2. Lets_ for our teachers. 二、手牵手,找朋友(连线题) 26 给下列问句找出相应的答语,连一连。 1. How old are you? A . She is five. 2. How old is he? B. I am ten. 3. How old is she? C He is nine. 4. Are you nine? 5. What s your name? 27.找出合适的应答语并连线。 D . My name is Lulu. E. Yes, I am. 第 5页,共 9页 1. Hello, Sam. 2. How are you?

10、 3. Good morning. 4. Hello, I m Amy. 5. Goodbye, Sam. A I m fine, thank you. B Hello. Li ngli ng. C Hi, Amy. D Goodbye, Daming. E Good morni ng.28. Read and match.对答如流。(连线)1. Hello, I m Chen Jie. A. Mv names Mike. 2. Goodbye! 3. 卞baF s your name? 4.1 have a craycti. A. Wu Yifa n B. Mike C. Sarah D.

11、Che n Jie E. John F. Mr JonesC. Me too! D. Hi 29.快来猜猜我是谁。连线 第 6页,共 9页 G. Miss White H.Liu Xin 看图、选出相应单词。 60 30 80 70 100 50 A. six B. sixty A. ninety A. twenty A. thirtee n A. eighty A. seve ntee n A. one A. fifty A. forty A. ten B. nin etee n B. two B. thirty B. eight B. seve nty B. one hun dred B.

12、 fifteen B. fourtee n B. one hun dred 30. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 第 7页,共 9页 四、 我是翻译家(英汉互译) 31 朗读下列单词或句子,并说出它们的中文意思。 1. What s that? It s a mon key. 2.1 can draw a duck. 32 上午好。(翻译成英语) 33 你身体好吗?(翻译成英语) 34 根据汉语拼写单词 This is my _ (T 恤衫). 35 翻译下面的词组。 跳高 _ a bus driver _ 赛跑 _ 五、 我是小法官(判断题) 36 读一读,判

13、断句子正(T)误(F)。 My name is Tom. Im a monster (怪物).I have three ears and four eyes. Im three years old. Im a student. Tim is my brother. He has two ears and three eyes. He is eight years old. He is. a policema n. We live in Can ada. ( )1. Tom has three ears. ( )2. Tim is Toms brother. ( )3. Tom is four

14、years old. ( )4 Tim is a student. ( )5. Tim Iives in China. 37看图,圈出正确的答案。 (1) - How many dogs? 第 8页,共 9页 -Two. / Three. (2) - How many cats? -Four ./ Five. (3) -How many pencils? o. 第 9页,共 9页 -Eleve n. / Twelve. -Seve n. / Eight. 38. 阅读短文,判断对(错(乂)。 Look at the picture. The little girl is me. My name

15、 is Su Nan. I , Grtadte Three.rhlikeCEansSiShve very much. The man (男人)in the picture is my father , and he is a doctor. The woman (妇女)in the picture is my mother. She is pretty (漂亮的).What s my mothercan you guess? (1) I m in Class Four Grade Five.( ) (2) My father is a teacher.( ) (3) I like Englis

16、h very much. ( ) (4) My mother is beautiful.( ) (5) I am a girl.( ) 39. 看图,勾出正确的单词。 (4) -How many lions? -Two. / Ten. (5) -How many caps? (panda , cat ) (dog , pi 第 10页,共 9页 (yellow, blue ) 六、阅读理解 40. 阅读文章,并根据文章内容填空 This is my father. He is a cook. He likes to cook meat, fish and chicke n. This is m

17、y mother. She is a nu rse. She likes to clea n the room. 1. My father is a _ (red , black) 第 11 页, 共 9 页 2 He likes to _ meat, fish and chicken. 3 My mother is a _ . 4 She likes to _ the room. 41阅读选择正确答案 . My name is Frank. I m eight years old. This is my family. There is one boy. That s me. my sister. There is a man and a woman. They are my dad and my mum. We re going to the cinema. We a film. 1. How old is Frank. ( ) 2. How many people are there in Frank A7. B8. C9. AThree 3. Are th


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