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1、八年级英语第二次月考试卷总分值 120 分,时间 120 分钟一单项选择. 每题1 分,共计20分( ) 1.The news made me .A. feel excitedB. feel excitingC. to feel excitedD.to feel exciting() 2.It s'prsing now, so we decide to the mountains.A. to go B. going C. to goingD. go() 3. Look at my pen. It' s newer than .A. she B.herC.she ' s

2、D.hers() 4.Town Cinema is to home than the other cinemas.A. close B. closer C. closest D. the closest() 5. Can I ask you questions?A. some B.any C.a D.few() 6.Can you finish the work with time and people?A. less, fewer B. lesser, few C.fewer ,less D.little, fewer( )7. they are twins, they don' t

3、 look the same.A.Though, but B.Though, C.But, D.Because, so()8.Tara sings than Lisa.A.loudly B.loud C.loudlier D.more loudly()9.-Who is Lisa?- The one short black hair.A.inB.withC.haveD.has()10.of Wang Leis pare nts are teachers.A.AllB.Every C.BothD.Each( )11.Lucy is the sameher sister.A.toB.asC.wit

4、hD.for( )12.Lily is my frien d.She isoutgo ing tha n me.A.much B.a little C.a little much D.much more()13.A true friend canhis happ in ess幸福and sad ness忧伤with you.A.haveB.share C.forgetD.make)14t 's very impnluslearn En glish well.A.to, toB.for, for C.to , for D. for, to()15. How do youSun Ci ne

5、ma?A. likeB. thi nk ofC. thi nk aboutD. like about()16. She is talentedmusic but I am goodsports.A.i n, atB.at, inC.at,atD.i n,in()17 Larry is differe nthis classmates.A.forB.fromC.toD.o n()18.you don ' t give u放弃),your dreams will come true.A. As long as B. As soon as C. As well as D.As often a

6、s()19. He did not write,though(尽管)he had.A. careful eno ugh; eno ugh time B. carefully eno ugh;e no ugh timeC. eno ugh careful;e no ugh time D.eno ugh carefully; time eno ugh ()20. I feltwhen I heard thenews.A.excit ing; excitedB. excited;excit ingC. excit ing; excit ingD. excited; excited二、完形填空每题2分

7、,共计20分Last Sun day our school had a great 21 show. I thought Eliza was22_of all. She's 23 excelle nt pia no player. My good frie nd Lilythought Steve and his dog 24 the funniest, because all the teachersand stude nts could n25top.Our En glish teacher thought Vera was26 act in the tale nt show. B

8、ecause few people could play the guitarup and dow n. After the program, Dennis performed a ball game, but Ithought he was 27 of all. He was terrible! He kept 28 the balls. Atlast, our 29 sa ng a song. They were the loudest 30 sure.()21.A.tale ntedB.tale ntC. tale ntsD.good()22.A.the bestB.bestC.the

9、worstD.better()23AaB.a nC.theD.(B.isC.amD.were()25 A to laughBaughedCaughi ngDaugh()26.A.the most creative B.the creativestC.more creative Dess creative()27.A.the best B.better C.worse D.the worst)28.A.dropped B.dropC.droped D.dropping()29.A.math teacherB.E nglish teachersC.Ch in ese teacherD. P.E t

10、eacher()30.A.inB.to C.ofD.for三、阅读理解每题2分,共计30分AJoh n was ten years old and was a very lazy 懒的)boy. He had to go toschool every day. He didn' t like school and didn' t want to do much wHis parents were doctors. They hoped that their son would become adoctor whe n he grew up. But one day Joh n

11、said to his mother,“ Whefinish school, I want to be a dustman清洁工).“A dustman? his mother asked. She was very surprised.“That' spleasa nt job. Why do you wan tto be a dustma n? “ Because I only have to work one day a week, John answered.“One day a week? his mother asked. “What do you mean? “Well,

12、 John answered.“ I know that the dustman only come to ourhouse and work on Wedn esday, because I only Mer on that day. 31. Joh n did not want to do much work at school because.A. he was lazyB. he didn ' t like the teachersC. he was good at its less onsD. his pare nts would help him32. Joh n '

13、; s pare nts wan ted htimetcome a doctor becauseA. they are doctors B. he is lazy C. it s not busy D. they are busy33. Joh n wan ted to be a dustma n because he thoughtA. it was the easiest workB. it was the most in teresti ng workC. it was much better than to be a doctorD. a dustman didn' t hav

14、e to work every day34. John ' s mother thought the dustman' s job wasA. happy B. light C. not pleasa ntD. not busy35. Which of the followi ng is right? A. Joh n was a stude nt of a very big school.B. John ' s parents worked in the same hospital.C. Joh n was the only son of the family.D.

15、John didn ' t know how dustmen did their work.BName of storeClothesPriceLocati on位置ServiceBob' s Storej Not fashionable流 行The cheapestNot convenient便禾U 的The worstCathy' sStoreThe most fashi on ableThe most expe nsiveThe most convenientThe bestDenny' s Storefashi on ableNot expe nsive

16、Not convenientBadEliza ' sStorefashi on ableA little expe nsiveconvenientGood36. Lucy wan ts to buy some fashi on able clothes,Where won' t shego?A. Cathy ' s StorB. Bob ' s StoreC. Denny ' s Stores. Eliza ' s Store37. Kate wants to buy some fashionable but not expensive clot

17、hes.Which store may she choose? ( )A. Bob's Store B. Cathy 's StorCe . Eliza 's StoDre. Denny 's Store38. Alice wants to go to a convenient store to buy some fashionable clothes. But she doesn 't have too mumcohney. She may go to .A. Eliza 's StoBr.eCathy 's StorCe. Denny

18、 's StoreD. Bob 's Store39. My sister wishes to buy some fashionable clothes and she hopes that the store has the frien dliest salespeopl售货员).She may go to.A. Cathy 's StorBe. Bob ' s StoreC. Denny 's StoreD. Eliza ' s Store4O.What can be the best title标题)?()A.The most fashio

19、nable clothes B.The most convenient storeC.The best clothes D.Which store you 'd like to chooseCMartin told me something interesting about him. He was on vacation in the United States last summer. He stayed in a hotel and there was a big fire火in the room next to his room. He thought he heard a b

20、aby crying, so he ran into the room with fire. When he got in, he saw that the TV was on and found that the baby was on TV. So Martin took the television and ran out of the room. Then the firemen came and put out 扑灭 the fire.根据短文判断正误,正确写“T;错误写“Fs room. 41. Martin went to America on vacation. 42. The

21、re was a big fire in Martin43. Martin wan ted to save the baby.44. The baby was on the Television.45. In fact, Martin saved the television at last.四、句型转换每题2分,共计10分46. Jim is taller than the other two.改为同义句Jim isof the three.47. What do you think of 970 AM?同义句 970AM?48. My vacation was great!对划线局部提问

22、your vacation?49. I do exercise every day.对划线局部提问 do you exercise?50. Huang Lei is fatter tha n Larry.同 义句Larry is Huang Lei.五. 词汇每题1分,共计20分A.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词每题 1分,总分值10分51. Where did you go? I va museum.52. We didn ' t have an uso we were wet and cold.53. Your bag is not so big ahis.54. He had no

23、thing for lun ch, so he is hnow.55. They ' re good friends. They haveny things in c.56 .Liu Qia n is one of the most popular魔术师in Ch ina57. The wi nners in the tale nt show will get a lot of good(奖品).58. Parents play important r in their children' s lives.59. The store is always(拥挤)on weeke

24、nds.60. We often go to the t剧院)to watch movies.B. 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。每空1分,共10分61. He is(hard-work ing) tha n the other stude nts in his class.62. I am shy so it ' s not easy for me (make) friends.63. He doesn like singing, but he is good at(danee)64. Larry always gets(good) grades tha n Lucy does.

25、65. I(break) my arm last year but she made me feel better.66. His mother ofte n makes him(clea n) his room onweeke nds.67. Lisa practiced a lot more an (wi n) the match at last.68. A true friend(reach) for your hand and touches your heart.69. He is (different) from his brother. They havesome (different).70. Dumpli ng House is(ch


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