1、宜宾市六中 Contents2134Introduction 5First ReadingCareful Reading Post ReadingLanguage PointsDescribe the job with as many words as possible.badly-paid dangerous exciting intellectual manual satisfying stressful well paide.g. Hes a doctor. Doctor is a well- paid job. accountantbarbersecretarybiochemistBu
2、sinessman/businesswomancook / chefelectricianminerpolicemanExample: I want to be a _, because it _.OR: I dont want to be a _, because it _.1. Try to match the words in the box with their meanings as quickly as possible:accountant barber biochemist businessman cook electrician miner policeman secreta
3、ry volunteer 1. We ask this person to put electricity in homes. _2. This person works underground. _3. He or she prepares meals in a restaurant. _4. This scientist studies the chemistry of living things. _electricianminercookbiochemist5. You go to this person to get your hair cut. _6. This person wo
4、rks in an office. _7. This person knows a lot about money. _barbersecretaryaccountant8. He or she works in business. _9. This person must do many things- including directing the traffic. _10. This person has offered to do a job- and may not be paid for doing it. _businessmanpolicemanvolunteer1. Read
5、 the text quickly and complete its main idea. Timoteo Apaza has an unusual job he is a human _ on the Devils Bend. Thanks to him, the_ on the road has fallen. traffic signaltraffic signaldeath tolldeath toll2. In the picture of the text, there is a man holding something in hand. What is the job of t
6、he man?3. Have you seen a human traffic signal before?Paragraph 1: _Paragraph 2: _Paragraph 3: _Read the passage quickly and match the headings with the paragraphs.The roadThe manThe reasons why he does itNow listen to the tape twice and then answer the questions.1) What is Timotes job? He is a volu
7、nteer who directs the He is a volunteer who directs the traffictraffic. . 2) Where does he work? At the bend of a dangerous road in At the bend of a dangerous road in the mountains.the mountains.3) Why is the road so dangerous? Because the road is in bad Because the road is in bad conditions and the
8、 drivers dont conditions and the drivers dont respect the rules. respect the rules. 4) What does Timoteo get for driving the traffic? He gets no money at all.He gets no money at all.5) What made him start the job? The experience he had helping The experience he had helping people in a bus crash.peop
9、le in a bus crash. 6) Why does he continue to do the job? He felt it his mission to help others He felt it his mission to help others in life.in life.Global understandingI. Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.NameTimoteo ApazaAge46 years oldLiving placeHe lives in a village near the most
10、1. _ part of the road, which is called the Devils Bend.Previous jobsHe had worked as a miner, a soldier and a 2. _ driver. dangerous lorry The present job He volunteers to work as a human 3. _. He climbs to the Devils Bend with a large 4. _ board every morning. He stands on the bend and 5. _ the tra
11、ffic when two vehicles 6. _ from opposite directions. Experiences He had a close 7. _ with death when he came off the road and fell three hundred metres down the mountain. He was called out in the night to help pull people out of a(n) 8. _ bus. traffic signalcircular directs approach encountercrashe
12、dDetailed understandingChoose the best answer according to Choose the best answer according to the text.the text.1. Timoteo Apaza once worked as all the following EXCEPT _.A. a miner B. a soldier C. a lorry driver D. a traffic policeman2. According to the text, accidents happen sometimes because _.A
13、. drivers dont drive within the given timeB. drivers drive after drinkingC. theres something wrong with drivers eyesD. the weather isnt good3. From the text we can infer that _.A. Timoteo will give up his present job before longB. Timoteo will try to help as many people as possibleC. more people wil
14、l volunteer to direct the traffic thereD. the government will take measures to improve the trafficTrue (T) or False (F).True (T) or False (F).1. Timoteo gets some money from drivers now and then.2. The jobs that Timoteo did when he was young made him start this job.1. A nearly vertical fall2. A form
15、 of transport, especially one with an engine and four wheels.3. To still be alive, after being in an accident.4. The total number of deadI. Find the words or phrases in the passage which mean:sheer dropvehiclesurvivedeath toll5. A part of the road which is not straight.6. To be used to something tha
16、t you dont see its true value and dont show thanks 7. To make someone think hard.8. A reason for living.bendtake for grantedhave an effect onmission in lifeII. Fill in the blanks with the information in the text.Timoteo Apaza is a gentle 46-year-old man, living in a village near the most dangerous p
17、art of the road. The roads are in bad 1_ and accidents are 2_. But thanks to Timoteo, who works as a human traffic signal, the death toll has fallen. conditionfrequent Apaza had been a miner and a soldier, and then he worked as a(n) 3_and had a close 4_ with death when he came off the road at a bend
18、 and fell three hundred metres down the mountain. Fortunately, he 5_. A few years later, he was 6_ in the night to help pull people out of a(n) 7_ bus. encountersurvivedcalled outcrashedlorry driverFrom then on, he felt that it was his 8_ in life to help others. So he 9_ his place on the bend and di
19、rects the traffic. He is a(n) 10 _ and no one pays him for it.missiontakes upvolunteerAs a reporter, you just had read a report about Timoteo. So you want to have a face-to-face interview with him.Characters:ReporterTimoteoVillager AVillager BTips:Something about the roadSomething about the manThe r
20、eason why he does itLocal villagers opinions.1. Life is hard _.(在海拔在海拔高的地方高的地方)2. 多路的状况都不好多路的状况都不好, 事故频繁发生。事故频繁发生。 _ _at high altitude Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent.I. Revise the text and complete the following sentences.condition 1) 现状现状, 状况状况 (用单数形式或用作不可用单数形式或用作不可数名词数名
21、词) The old tower is now still in a good condition. 古塔的状况还不错。古塔的状况还不错。The ship is not in a condition (= in no condition) to make a long voyage. 这艘船不适宜进行远航。这艘船不适宜进行远航。 2) 健康状况健康状况, 健康健康 He is in excellent condition for a man of his age. 就他的年龄而言就他的年龄而言, 他的身体很棒。他的身体很棒。3) 条件条件 n. One of the conditions of
22、 the job is that you should be able to drive. 做这项工作的条件之一是你得会开车。做这项工作的条件之一是你得会开车。4) 环境环境, 情况情况 (常用复数形式常用复数形式) under the present conditions 在目前的情况下在目前的情况下 Firemen have to operate in difficult conditions. 消防员得在艰难的条件下工作。消防员得在艰难的条件下工作。 5) on condition that. (=only if, provided that.) 只要只要. You can go out
23、 on condition that you wear an overcoat. 你得穿上外衣才能外出。你得穿上外衣才能外出。3. One road _ (特别,尤特别,尤其其), which goes north from La Paz, _. (被认为是世界上最危险的路)(被认为是世界上最危险的路)in particular is considered the mostdangerous road in the worldparticular1) 个别的个别的,个人的个人的 This is his particular problems. 这是他个人的问题。这是他个人的问题。2) 特殊的特
24、殊的, 特别的特别的, 非一般的非一般的 This is a matter of particular importance. 这个问题非同小可。这个问题非同小可。The teacher showed particular concern for the disabled child. 老师特别关心那个残疾儿童。老师特别关心那个残疾儿童。3) (过于过于)讲究的讲究的;苛求的苛求的,挑剔的挑剔的(+about/over) (+wh-) She is particular about what she eats. 她过分讲究吃。她过分讲究吃。4) in particular (= especia
25、lly) 特别地特别地;尤其尤其 She stressed that point in particular. 她特别强调了那一点。她特别强调了那一点。4. The drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive. 本句中含有本句中含有so . that . 句型。句型。 so / such . that . 意为意为“如此如此以以至于至于”,引导结果状语从句。使用,引导结果状语从句。使用该句型时要注意以下几点:该句型时要注意以下几点:a. so是副词,常修饰形容词或副词;是副词,常修饰形容词或副词;suc
26、h是形容词,常修饰名词。是形容词,常修饰名词。“so + adj. + a / an + n. ”相当于相当于“such + a / an + adj. + n.”。如:。如: It was so beautiful a day / such a beautiful day that we decided to go to the beach. 那天天气很好,因此我们决定去海滩。那天天气很好,因此我们决定去海滩。b. 如果被修饰的是不可数名词或复数可如果被修饰的是不可数名词或复数可数名词,一般只用数名词,一般只用such . that .。如:。如: He has made such grea
27、t progress that his parents are very pleased with him. 他进步很快,他的父母对他很满意。他进步很快,他的父母对他很满意。 They are such interesting novels that I want to read them once again. 这些小说非常有趣,我想再读一遍。这些小说非常有趣,我想再读一遍。c. 当被修饰的名词前有当被修饰的名词前有many, much, few, little(表示表示“少的少的”)等词时,通常要用等词时,通常要用so . that .。如:。如: He made so many mist
28、akes that he failed the exam. 他出了那么多错以至于他考试不及格。他出了那么多错以至于他考试不及格。【原题再现原题再现】1. The weather was _ cold that I didnt like to leave my room. (2008全国卷全国卷I) A. really B. suchC. too D. so2. Pop music is such an important part of society _ it has even influenced our language. (上海上海2007) A. as B. that C. whic
29、h D. where6. Every morning he climbs up to the bend _ _.(手里拿着一个大的圆牌手里拿着一个大的圆牌)Thanks to one man, the death toll has fallen. with a large circular board in his hand5. 多亏了一个人,死亡人数降了下来。多亏了一个人,死亡人数降了下来。7. with引导的复合宾语结构:引导的复合宾语结构: with + 宾语分词宾语分词/动词不定式动词不定式/形容词形容词 / 副词副词 /介词短语等介词短语等 With all this work to
30、 do (有许多工作要有许多工作要做做), I dont have time to go out. With three people away ill (有有3个人生个人生病没来病没来), well have to done the shop. He looked at her with a hurt expression (带着受伤害的表情带着受伤害的表情) He likes to sleep with the window open.(开着窗户开着窗户) With Jim away (吉姆不在吉姆不在), he had no one to talk with. With the rain
31、 falling hard(下着大下着大雨雨), they had to stay indoors. He had to walk to school with the bike broken.(自行车坏了自行车坏了)8. 有时司机给他一点小费,这样他有足有时司机给他一点小费,这样他有足以生活的钱。以生活的钱。Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money to live on.9. But often they just pass by,_ _.(把人体标志看作理所当然的事情把人体标志看作理所当然的事情)t
32、he human traffic signed for grantedtakingtake sb. (sth.) for granted 认为是必然情况认为是必然情况, 视为当然视为当然, 认为没问题认为没问题Dont take his help for granted. 不要认为他就应改帮助你。不要认为他就应改帮助你。I took it for granted that you would stay with us. 我想当然地认为你会跟我们在一起呢。我想当然地认为你会跟我们在一起呢。10. 做卡车司机的某一天,他跟死神做卡车司机的某一天,他跟死神打了个照面。打了个照面。One day wh
33、ile he was working as a lorry driver, he had a close encounter with death.11. He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain. 本句中含有本句中含有 . was / were doing sth. when .句型。句型。when在此可译作在此可译作“这时这时(at the moment)”、“突然突然”等。等。when的
34、这种用的这种用法可与过去进行时、过去完成时、过去完法可与过去进行时、过去完成时、过去完成进行时、成进行时、was / were about to及及was / were on the point of doing sth. 连用。连用。如:如:We were about to set off when it began to rain. 我们刚要出发就开始下雨了。我们刚要出发就开始下雨了。He was on the point of going to bed when someone knocked at the door. 他刚要去睡觉就有人敲门。他刚要去睡觉就有人敲门。【原题再现原题再现】
35、I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel _ I heard the steps. (湖南湖南2006)A. while B. when C. since D. after 【即学即练即学即练】 根据以上句型仿写下列句子。根据以上句型仿写下列句子。1. 他所受教育很少,不适合做这个工作。他所受教育很少,不适合做这个工作。 _ _2. 我们正在外面踢足球,这时天开始我们正在外面踢足球,这时天开始 下雨了。下雨了。 _ _He had so little education th
36、at he was unfit for this job. We were playing football outside when it began to rain.12. So every morning, week in, week out, (一周又一周一周又一周) from dawn to dusk (从从拂晓到黄昏拂晓到黄昏), he takes up his place (站站好自己的位置好自己的位置) on the bend and directs the traffic.1) 开始从事开始从事 When did he take up football? 他是什么时候开始踢足
37、球的他是什么时候开始踢足球的? 2) 开始学习开始学习(某课程某课程) What is your brother taking up in college? 你哥哥在大学学习什么专业?你哥哥在大学学习什么专业?3) 占用占用(时间或空间时间或空间) The work took up all his time. 那工作花费了他所有的时间。那工作花费了他所有的时间。The large desk takes up most of the office. 这张桌子占去办公室的大部分间。这张桌子占去办公室的大部分间。4) 向向提出提出,讨论讨论 Thats an issue we ought to ta
38、ke up at the next meeting. 这个问题我们下次会议再讨论。这个问题我们下次会议再讨论。5) 继续继续(讲述讲述) The teacher took up his lesson where he stopped yesterday. 老师接着昨天的课程讲。老师接着昨天的课程讲。联想联想 take away 拿走,使离开,减去;拿走,使离开,减去;take down 取下来,拿下来,记下;取下来,拿下来,记下;take in 吸收,理解,欺骗,包括,收留;吸收,理解,欺骗,包括,收留;take on接受,从事(某工作),接纳(乘客),接受,从事(某工作),接纳(乘客),雇用
39、,呈现(新面貌);雇用,呈现(新面貌);take off 脱下,摘下,(飞机等)起飞;匆匆离脱下,摘下,(飞机等)起飞;匆匆离开;开;take over接替(职务),接管;接替(职务),接管;take out(动手术)取出,割掉,带(动手术)取出,割掉,带出去,出去,使褪色,领取使褪色,领取【即学即练即学即练】 用用take短语的适当形式填空。短语的适当形式填空。1. Every morning, the guard _ his place at the gate and keeps an eye on the passersby. 2. My plane _ at eight oclock.
40、 We must hurry. takes uptakes uptakes offtakes off3. Can you _ what your teacher taught in the last class? 4. I must get rid of this large table; it _ too much room.take intake intakes up takes up 1. Although there is not a lot of traffic, on average, one vehicle comes off the road every two weeks.(
41、P12)考点考点 考查名词考查名词average的用法。的用法。考例考例 Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, a(n) _ of 40,000 per year. (江西江西2010)A. average B. number C. amount D. quantity 点拨点拨 选选A。句意为:去年拿到驾照的学。句意为:去年拿到驾照的学员数量达员数量达20万,平均每年万,平均每年4万。万。average 作作名词,意为名词,意为“平均数平均数”,an ave
42、rage of . 的平均数。的平均数。2. Timoteo has an unusual job he is a human traffic signal.(P13)考点考点 考查名词考查名词signal的用法。的用法。考例考例 In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a _ for everyone to stand up.(湖北湖北2009)A. signal B. chance C. mark D. measure 点拨点拨 选选A。句意为:在我们班,当铃。句意为:在我们班,当铃声
43、响起,老师合上书时,就是大家要起声响起,老师合上书时,就是大家要起立的一个信号。立的一个信号。signal意为意为“信号信号”。chance 机会;机会;mark标志,记号;标志,记号;measure措施,度量单位。措施,度量单位。 3. And so every morning, week in, week out, from dawn to dusk, Timoteo takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic. (P13)考点考点 考查短语动词考查短语动词take up的用法。的用法。考例考例 We tried to fi
44、nd a table for seven, but they were all _. (安徽安徽2009)A. given away B. kept away C. taken up D. used up 点拨点拨 选选C。句意为:我们想找一张七。句意为:我们想找一张七个人坐的桌子,但桌子全都被占了。个人坐的桌子,但桌子全都被占了。take up在此意为在此意为“占掉(空间)占掉(空间)”。give away 免费赠送,捐赠,泄露(秘免费赠送,捐赠,泄露(秘密);密);keep away 使避开,使不靠近;使避开,使不靠近;use up用完。用完。I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号内
45、所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He is _ (consider) to be a selfish man.2. The price of house has been rising _ (steep) these days.3. His _ (survive) from the earthquake pleased everyone caring about him.consideredsteeply survival 4. He graduated from the well-known university and is _ (qualify) to teach French.5. Speech and writing are our most important methods of _ (communicate).communicationqualified II. 用适当的介词或副词填空。用适当的介词或副词填空。1. The hou
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