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1、May our English classes be May our English classes be filled with laughter!filled with laughter!Life can be good,Life can be good,Life can be bad,Life can be bad,But But life is what you make it!life is what you make it!So try to make it beautiful.So try to make it beautiful.Be the boss of your fort

2、une.Be the boss of your fortune.Wish you every success in your study!Wish you every success in your study! 句句子子结结构构分分类类 简单句简单句 Simple Sentences 含有一个主语(或并含有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子并列谓语)的句子 并列句并列句 Compound Sentences 包含两个或两个以上包含两个或两个以上主谓结构的句子且句子之主谓结构的句子且句子之间有并列连词间有并列连词and/but等或等或用分号连接用分号连接

3、 复合句复合句 Complex Sentences 包含一个主句和一个包含一个主句和一个从句或一个主句和多个从从句或一个主句和多个从句的句子,且从句用从属句的句子,且从句用从属连词引导连词引导1. He learns German. 2. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.3. We sang and danced yesterday evening.4. My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back home at five in the a

4、fternoon. (一个主语和并列谓语一个主语和并列谓语)(并列主语和并列谓语并列主语和并列谓语)(并列主语和一个谓语并列主语和一个谓语)(一个主语和一个谓语一个主语和一个谓语)Type 2. S+ViType 2. S+ViType 3. S+ Vt + OType 3. S+ Vt + OType 4. S+ Vt + O1+ O2Type 4. S+ Vt + O1+ O2Type 1. S+ link V+PType 1. S+ link V+PType 5. S+ Vt+ O+ OCType 5. S+ Vt+ O+ OC1.主语主语+系动词系动词+表语(表语( S+Link.V+

5、P ),说),说 明主语的特征、类属、状态、身份。明主语的特征、类属、状态、身份。You are students.We are in the classroom.We are good friends, arent we? 其其 它它系动词系动词状态:状态:seem, appear, prove - 感官:感官:smell, feel, taste, sound, look -变化:变化:become, get, turn, go, come, grow - 持续:持续:remain, stay, keep, continue -beautifulsurprisedtoareseemswen

6、t Correct mistakes:1. Her voice sounds beautifully.2. The whole company was surprising at the news. 3. To see is believe.4. It seem like a good idea.5. The lights still on.6. All the potatoes changed bad.7. Jim was remained a worker.2.主语主语+不及物动词不及物动词 ( S + Vi. )Our school lies in the center of our c

7、ity.注:注:不及物动词不能用于被动语态。不及物动词不能用于被动语态。 The car accident was happened yesterday.You will graduate from it next year.3.主语主语+及物动词及物动词+宾语(宾语(S+Vt+O) I like my job very much. What do you want to be in the future ? Each of you has a dream . 注:及物动词可用于被动语态注:及物动词可用于被动语态A great deal of water is used by people i

8、n that city.People use a great deal of water in that city.(主动语态主动语态)(被动语态被动语态)4.主语主语+及物动词及物动词+宾语宾语+宾补(宾补(S+Vt+O+C)这个基本句型的特点是谓语动词可以接复合宾语结构。 I saw him rushing out of the room. Id like you to finish your homework now.4.主语主语+及物动词及物动词+宾语宾语+宾补宾补(S+Vt+O1+O2)这个基本句型的特点是谓语动词可以接双宾语 I gave him the book.=I gave

9、the book to himMy father bought a birthday present for me last weak.=My father bought me a birthday present last weak.1. The machine doesn1. The machine doesnt work.t work.2. He is an honest student.2. He is an honest student.3. The silk feels soft.3. The silk feels soft.4. I have a lot of friends h

10、ere. 4. I have a lot of friends here. 5. Tom lent me 200 dollars.5. Tom lent me 200 dollars.6. I saw him writing a letter.6. I saw him writing a letter.7. I find maths difficult.7. I find maths difficult.8. We call her Lily.8. We call her Lily.9. Father asked me to turn off the TV.9. Father asked me

11、 to turn off the TV.主主谓谓宾宾定定状状表表宾补宾补主主 系系an honestan honest表表主主系系主主 谓谓主主主主主主主主主主谓谓谓谓谓谓谓谓谓谓宾宾宾宾宾宾宾补宾补宾补宾补宾补宾补宾宾宾宾宾宾句子成分常用词性主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语定语定语状语状语表语表语宾补宾补n/pron.n./pron.Adj.Adv.n./adj.n./adj./to do /doingV My name is Jin Yaqian. My name is Jin Yaqian. I like singing very I like singing very much.much. I

12、n my opinion, it can give me a lot of In my opinion, it can give me a lot of fun. fun. So I always ask my friends to go singing So I always ask my friends to go singing with me.with me. I will succeed one day. I will succeed one day. My name is Jia Qiao. My name is Jia Qiao. Some people call Some pe

13、ople call me Joy.me Joy. Time flies. Time flies. I Im 17 years old now, I m 17 years old now, I feel happy to study in No. High School.feel happy to study in No. High School. I I enjoy writing diaries in my blog and playing enjoy writing diaries in my blog and playing the piano. the piano. I always

14、tell myself to be I always tell myself to be confident.confident.两个简单句之间应该有连词,或者用句号。两个简单句之间应该有连词,或者用句号。Good Good pronunciationpronunciationleads toleads to good spoken English. good spoken English.makes formakes for remembering words quickly. remembering words quickly. memorizingmemorizingbe divided

15、 intobe divided intovowels vowels 元音(元音(1212个单个单8 8个双)个双)consonantsconsonants辅音(辅音(2828个)个)在中国早期,一个发音不太准的英语在中国早期,一个发音不太准的英语老师给同学们上课。那老师是个秃头。老师给同学们上课。那老师是个秃头。上课时,老师说:上课时,老师说:“What day is What day is today?today?”因发音不准,说成了因发音不准,说成了“我的我的头头is is 秃头?秃头?” 同学们愣了一下齐声同学们愣了一下齐声说:说:“Yes.Yes.” Unit 1 friendship

16、Listen to a poem about friendship and try to fill the blankA friend _ at all timesA friend _ at all timesA friend _ at all timesA good friend_ a lifetimeA friend _ at all timesA friend _ at all timesA friend _ at all timesA good friend_ a lifetimeloveshelpstrustslastsgivescaresendureslastsWhat quali

17、ties do you think a good friend should have?smarthonestloyalfriendfunnygenerouskindfriendlystrongbravebeautifulhandsomefriendDescribe yourself in three words and then describe one of your friends I think I am _, _ and_. I think he/ she is _,_and _.Do you think you are a good friend?please do the sur

18、vey in the textbookSome proverbs about friends and friendshipWhen you meet your friend, your face shines- you have found gold. A friend to all is a friend to none.False friends are worse than open enemies.A friend in need is a friend indeed.The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer. Walking w

19、ith a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. FRIEND SHIPForgiving, fair, forever, faithful, friendlyReal, responsible, reliable, respectfulImportant, interestingEnjoyable,everlasting, equal, encouragingNiceDevoted, differentSincere, sharingHelpful, honestIndependent Pure, polite, precious, patient, Group work: basic elements of frie


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