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1、.语法专练(方位介词)1.基础练习一、方位介词 in,on,beside ,under ,above next to ,in front of ,behind ,between 选词填空1.Beijing is_the north of China .2.The twins usually stand _their parents ,and their parents are in the middle .3.There is a map of China _ the wall of our classroom.4.Before 2000,there was no airline _the t

2、wo cities.5.The boy sitting _Tina,so she couldnt see the film clearly.6.She will leave her homework _ the teacher s desk after school today.7.You must ride your bike _ the right side of the road.8.Me Smith lives _ that building.His house is _ the fifth floor.9.There was an exciting moment in our cla

3、ss when a large bird flew _ the room.10.The boy is taller than his friend,so he sits _ him in the classroom.11.The flowers are _ the vase on the desk.12.She is the tallest one.She always sits _ the back row.13.He put a painting on the wall _ the sofa.14.The teachers desk is _ the front of the classr

4、oom.二、选择题( ) 1 The boat is passing_ the bridge. A. through B. below C. under D. across ( ) 2 Two planes are flying_ the city. A. through B. over , C. on , D, below ( ) 3 We can see a river running to the east_ the hill. A. under B. below C. over D. on ( ) 4 Do you see the kite _ the building. A. ove

5、r B. cross C. on D. above ( ) 5 He put up a map _ the back wall because there was a hole _ it.A. on; on B. at; in C. on; in D. on; at() 6 There is a door_ the wall.A. on B. to C. of D.in( ) 7 There are some birds singing_ the trees.A. in B. on C. at D. from( ) 8 There are so many apples_ that tree.A

6、. in B. on C. at D. From( ) 9 The United States is _ the south of Canada and _ the east of Japan. A. to; in B. on; to C. in; beside D. at; on ( ) 10 The man stood_the window, watching the boys playing outside. A. in B. by C. with D. to ( ) 11 Japan lies_ the east of China. A. on B. to C. in D. with

7、( ) 12 Is the street too narrow for the bus to go _ A. through B. across C. on D. in ( ) 13 A mother camel was walking _ her son _ the desert. A. without; along B. with; through C. next to; pass D. beside; through ( ) 14 The river runs_ the city. A. across B. through C. over D. from ( ) 15 It took u

8、s over an hour to walk_ this street. A. from B. through C. over D. across ( ) 16 Tom sits_the classroom while John sits_the room. A. in front of; at back of B. in the front of; at the back of C. in front of; at the back of D. in the front of; at back of ( ) 17 Lucy sits_ the third row, _Jims left. A

9、. on; on B. in; at C. at; in D. in; on ( ) 18 Jiangsu is_ the east of China, but Japan is _ the east of China. A. to; in B. in; to . C. on; to D. to; on ( ) 19 Dont read _ the sun. Its bad _ your eyes. A. in; to B. under; for C. with; to D. in; on ( ) 20 The woman_ a blue dress is my teacher. A. in

10、B. on C. of D. at( ) 21 _ research _ the universe scientists have put a lot of information _ computers. A. With; over; at B. On; at; to C. In; about; into D. For; with; through ( ) 22 When a piece of ice is taken _ a warm room, it gets smaller and smaller until _ the end it disappears completely. A.

11、 in; in B. out of; at C. into; in D. to; by ( ) 23 A woman fell _ the boat _ the water. A. off; into B. at; below C. down; under D. away; in at 用法表示较小的地方,如家、学校等She stayed at home and watched TV yesterday. 她昨天在家看电视。You are supposed to have lunch at school. 你应该在学校吃午餐。The thief was caught at the statio

12、n. 那个小偷在车站被抓了。表示在大概某处的位置Jane is sitting at the table. 简正坐在桌子旁边。Dad will meet me at the entrance. 爸爸会在出口和我会面。She is standing at the exchange counter. 她正站在兑换处那里。表示具体地址Lily lives at 50 Zhongshan Road in Guangzhou. 莉莉住在广州中山路50号。The school is at 2 Baiyun Avenue in Guangzhou. 学校位于广州白云大道2号。Our company is a

13、t 3 Huali Road in Beijing. 我们的公司位于北京华利路3号。in 用法表示大地方,如城镇、国家和大洲等Steven lives in Tianhe District. 史蒂芬住在天河区。Tianhe District is in Guangzhou. 天河区在广州。Guangzhou is in Guangdong Province. 广州在广东省。China is in Asia. 中国在亚洲。表示在.里面The apples are in the box. 苹果在箱子里。Monica is sleeping in the room. 莫妮卡正在房间里睡觉。Put t

14、he dishes in the cupboard. 把餐具放到碗柜里面。The little boy is playing in the park. 小男孩正在公园里玩。on 用法表示在.(面)上,有接触面The photo album is on the table. 相册在桌面上。There is a mirror on the wall. 墙上有面镜子。Look out! There is a spider on the ceiling. 小心,天花板上有个蜘蛛。We enjoyed lying on the beach. 我们喜欢躺在海滩上。They want to go boati

15、ng on the lake this weekend. 他们想在周末去湖上划船。强调沿着线性的位置,如某条街道、道路、沙滩(有海岸线)Her shop is on Beijing Road. 她的店在北京路。His school is on Baiyun Avenue. 他的学校在白云大道。They were walking on the beach. 他们走在沙滩上。over 用法表示在. 正上方,无接触面The bridge is over the river. 那座桥在河上。The priest made a cross over Lilys head. 牧师在莉莉的头上方画了个十字。

16、There is a plane over the sea. 海上方有架飞机。There is an apple hanging over my head. 我的头上方吊着一个苹果。表示在的另一边A village is over the border. 边界另一边有个村庄。A wooden house was built over the river. 河的另一边建了一个木屋。The witch lives over the mountain. 巫女住在山的另一边。You will find a road over the hill. 你会发现小山的另一边有一条路。表示从一边.(跨越、横穿等

17、)到另一边The dog jumped over the fence to chase a cat. 这狗跳过栅栏去追一只猫。I saw a weird man strolling over the bridge yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午,我看到一个怪人走过那座桥。She walked over the long corridor and disappeared. 她走过长长的走廊然,然后就消失了。表示某个地方的不同部分Would you like to walk over the garden. 你想要去花园里走走吗.He travelled all over th

18、e country. 他游遍全国。The news spread all over the school 消息传遍了整个学校。 under 用法表示在下方,无接触面,与相比较的物体离得较近The turtle is resting under the tree. 乌龟在树底下休息。Your book is under the couch. 你的书在沙发底下。Your ring is under the chair. 你的戒指在椅子底下。表示在某物的表面(层)的下方The chip was placed under her skin. 芯片被植入她的皮肤下。The mouse was burie

19、d under the ground. 老鼠被埋在地下。The boy wanted to dive under water. 男孩想要潜入水中。表示在.下面,有接触面He hid the book under the pillow. 他把书藏在枕头下面。There is money under your feet. 你的脚底有钱。He wears a T-shirt under his jacket. 他在外套下面穿了一件T恤。above 用法表示在.的上方(不是正上方),无接触面 The sky is above the earth. 天空在地球上方。The bird is flying

20、above the valley. 那只鸟在山谷上空翱翔。The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机在云上方飞。The sun is above the horizon. 太阳在地平线之上。below 用法表示在.的下方(不是正下方),无接触面与相比较的物体离得较远The lake is below the mountain. 湖在山的下方。The sun has set below the horizon. 太阳落于地平线下。There is a chair below the window. 窗下有张椅子。I live on the fifth flo

21、or. She lives below me. 我住在第五层,她住在下一层(第四层)。 by/beside/near 用法near表示在.的附近I live near the train station. 我住在火车站附近。There is a theatre near the park. 公园附近有个剧院。The post office is near the Beijing University. 邮局在北京大学附近。We decided to stay at a hotel near the airport. 我们决定住在机场附近的一家旅馆。 by/beside表示在.的旁边,紧挨着Ja

22、son was sitting by/beside me at that time. 那时杰森坐在我旁边。She was standing by/beside the table. 她站在桌子旁边。The window by/beside the door is broken. 门边的窗户破了。They built a factory by/beside the river. 他们在河边建了一个工厂。 before 用法表示在.前面,用于讲述排列顺序时B comes before C in the alphabet, but after A. 在字母表中,B排在C前面,但是排在A后面。The

23、number 14 comes before 15. 数字14排在15前面。Jason is before all of us. 杰森排在我们所有人的前面。 表示在.的前面The parents sat before the blackboard. 家长们坐在黑板前。The singer stood on stage before the crowd. 歌手站在舞台上面对观众。The beggar sits before the fire. 乞丐坐在火堆前。表示在重要人物的面前The naughty boy was brought before the principal. 这个顽皮的小男孩被

24、带到校长面前。The prisoner was brought before the judge. 犯人被带到法官面前。The assassins suddenly appeared before the King. 刺客突然出现在国王面前。in front of/in the front of 用法in front of表示在.前面A car stops in front of the house. 一辆车停在屋前。Tom sits in front of Mary in the theatre. 在剧院里,汤姆坐在玛丽前面。(不一定是面对面)A deer lies in front of

25、the car. 一只鹿躺在车前。Andy stood in front of the store. 安迪站在商店前。注:表示位置在前面时,通常不用before,一般用in front of;若用before,则非常正式,且通常表示面对面。in the front of表示在.(内部的)前面/前部She wants to sit in the front of the plane. 她想要坐在飞机(内部)的前部。The whiteboard is in the front of the classroom. 白板在教室(内部)的前面。Andy prefers to travel in the

26、front of the car. 安迪喜欢在搭车时坐在汽车的前部。behind 用法表示在.的后面Please close the door behind you. 请把你后面的门关上。The bus station is behind the school. 公交车站在学校的后面。Kate is standing behind me. 凯特正站在我后面。A weird boy was following behind me. 有个奇怪的男孩刚才跟在我后面。The moon hides behind the cloud. 月亮躲在云后面。around 用法表示在的四周,围绕Lets sit

27、around the table. 我们来围着桌子坐。Why do the students gather around the beggar 学生们为什么围着乞丐.She tied the scarf around her neck. 她把围巾系在脖子上。The Earth moves around the Sun. 地球围绕太阳转。表示某个地方的不同部分Jane took a tour around London. 简游遍伦敦。(经过了伦敦的所有地方)My father drove all around the town looking for me. 我爸开车转了整个镇找我。She is

28、 very famous around the town. 她在这个镇很出名。(整个镇所有地方的人都知道她)表示在周围He must be around here. 他肯定就在这周围。There are a lot of fish around the reef. 这个礁石周围有很多鱼。Make sure there are people around you. 确保你周围有人。 between 用法表示在的之间 (两者)He sits between Mary and Tom. 他坐在玛丽和汤姆之间。The room has two beds with a desk between them

29、. 这间房有两张床,床之间有张桌子。Margie put up a fence between her house and her neighbors. 玛吉在她的房子和邻居的房子之间筑了个栅栏。The town lies between the desert and the forest. 小镇位于沙漠和森林之间。among 用法表示在的之间(三者或三者以上)The wooden house is among the trees. 木屋在树林之中。The teacher stands among the students. 老师站在学生之间。The textbook was placed a

30、mong the magazines. 课本放在了杂志书之间。to 用法表示到.那去,(目标可为:地方人物)He is flying to New York tomorrow. 他明天飞往纽约。Andy went to the airport. 安迪到机场去了。She went to the hospital to visit a friend of hers. 她去医院拜访她的一个朋友。The little boy ran to his father. 小男孩跑向他父亲。Mark was sent to the principal. 马克被送到校长那了。His father went to

31、the dentist. 他父亲去牙医那了。Please send the letter to this address. 请把信寄到这个地址。The football players were running to the ball. 足球队员们朝球跑过去。into 用法表示朝.里面去,具有方向性Emma just came into the house. 艾玛刚进屋。He went into a shop to buy a hat. 他走进商店买顶帽子。The medicine was injected into her bloodstream. 药被注射入她的血液里面。Dont jump

32、 into the pool!不要跳进游泳池里。Your mother just left for the station. 你母亲刚朝车站去了。Hes heading for home. 他正往家走。She drove for the subway. 她朝地铁方向开过去了。 from 用法表示动作的起点,从.He drove from the school to the mall. 他从学校开车到商场。She fell from the chair. 她从椅子上摔下来。He came here from the airport. 他从机场来到这里。up 用法表示向的较高处He climbed

33、 up the tree to see the little birds. 他爬上树去看小鸟。The cat ran up the stairs to catch a mouse. 猫爬上楼梯去抓一只老鼠。She managed to drive up a steep hill. 她成功地驶上了陡峭的山坡。表示沿着道路轨道等走Just go up the road. Then you will find the shop. 沿着路走,然后你就会找到那家店了。I saw her walking up the street to meet them. 我看到她在街上走过去见他们。 I paddle

34、d the boat up the river. 我沿着河划船。(逆流而行) down 用法表示向的较低处He climbed down the tree. 他从树上爬下来。The cat ran down the stairs to catch a mouse. 猫爬下楼梯去抓一只老鼠。She managed to drive down a steep hill. 她成功地驶下了陡峭的山坡。表示沿着道路轨道等走(除了有上下流的河流或者有高低点的坡道之外,与go up的意思相近)Just go down the road. Then you will find the shop. 沿着路走,然

35、后你就会找到那家店了。I saw her walking down the street to meet them. 我看到她在街上走过去见他们。 I paddled the boat down the river. 我沿着河划船。(顺流而行)along 用法表示沿着顺着She likes to walk along the beach. 她喜欢沿着沙滩走。Just walk along the road. 只要沿着路走就可以了。You may drive along the river. 你可以沿着河开车。through 用法表示从.中穿过/透过,强调从物体内部穿过He drove the truck through the tunnel. 他开卡车经过隧道。The sun shone through the window. 太阳光射进窗户。The River Thames flows through London. 泰晤士河流经伦敦。The climbers passed through the gulley. 登山者们穿过隘谷。across 用法表示从一边(横穿)到另一边,通常体现移动的动作


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