已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第1页,共 8 页2018-2019年台安县西佛镇小红旗小学三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案、我会选一选(选择题)1 问妈妈是否可以吃蛋糕时,你可以说 _B. Can I have some cake, please?B.duck3 My father _ a doctor.A. beB. isC. are4 当你和蒂娜分别时,你应该说: _A This is my sister. B . Goodbye, Tina.5 翻译句子:再见,大明。()A. Bye, Dami ngB. Hi, Dami ngC. Hello, Lucy.6 你想知道某人最近身体怎样时,会说:A. See youB.

2、 What s your name?C. How are you?7 I have only_ .A ten B . tenth C. ninth8 My_ Li ngli ngA.n ameB. name isC. name are9 -How old are you?10 This is Joh n._A Me too. B Nice to meet you. C Good morning级二二班二二11. I see white.A. How are you?B. Good afternoo n.C. Me too.12 要使新鲜空气进入室内,我们应: _A. Open the win

3、dow.B. Close the win dow.13 选出不同类一项。()1.A. fourB. fiveC. fine()2.A .ma nyB. muchC. make()3.A. twoB.duckC. threeA. birdA. Im nine years old.B. I m fine, thank you.C. I m Sarah.A. Have some cake.第2页,共 8 页()4.A. seeB.pla ntC. play第3页,共 8 页14 你告诉大家,这是你的头。应该说:A.This ismyhead.B.Touch myhead.15.A. It has a

4、 flower.B. It has two flowers.二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16. 根据提示补充句子。1.1 like my_ .2. I like the_ !3. They are_ and_5. I do nt like _ the_color.w17. 由小到大顺序:eleve n, seve n, one, six, fourtee nffff18. 数一数每种动物或物品有多少个,将阿拉伯数字写在相对应的单词后面。()5. A. kite B. catC. dogC. Look at me!4. I have acar.银银第4页,共 8 页1轲您/0r/duck_ bi

5、rd_ pandapen_ cake_19 照样子,给下面的字母找寻相邻的大小写字母。20.补全单词(1) T-shtskt(3) cP(4) jckt第5页,共 8 页(5) gr_ t21.小朋友快来猜一猜。(根据英文句子的描述,猜一猜是哪种小动物。请画图并在图下写上英文单词)(3)I have two gree n eyesam black.I like ti eat mouse.22.rm going to_ ( go) to school.23.选词填空,每格一词at buy orange Clean long bananas That leaf my has1. An_ , ple

6、ase.2. Look _ the bird. It s small.3. _ladybird is beautiful.4. _the table, please.5. The pla nt_a flower.6. I m an elephanMy nose is_ .7. May I have some_?8. This is _ pencil.24.-What are_?-They are_.25.根据情景重新排列下列句子,编成对话,并将数字填入括号里。() Oh, tomorrow is our sports day.() rm going to do the high jump.()

7、Whats the date today?()Yes. How about you?()Its October 10th.()Great! Are you going to runa race?(1)I have long ears and two red eyes. Ican run fast.(2)I have got a very long nose.My nose is big.第6页,共 8 页、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26.帮小蝌蚪找妈妈:找一找,根据问句找答语。27选择与汉语意思想对应的单词,连线。1. thatA 谁2. fatherB 那3. whoC 笑4. motherD

8、 爸爸5. gran dmother6. gran dfather7. smileE 爷爷F 妈妈G 真的8. reallyH 奶奶29连线,选出对应的句子。(1)” s this ?A. No!ItJs apanda.(2) A bear?B. r mSarah(3) Thank you.U It,:s tiger(4) What s your name ?D F ine. .Thankyou*(5How are you ?E. You are welcome.30.请将正确的图与英文单词连线。1.Where is your fin ger?Good morning.A. I can sin

9、g.B.I can runC. I can danceD. I can swim2.Nice to meet you!4.5.Good after noon.Let s play with the dog.Good after noon.Nice to meet you, too.Here it is.Good idea.Good morning.28.巧手连一连。(看图,将图片与对应的句子连起来)第7页,共 8 页四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31 写出下列单词的小写形式,并翻译。(1)BIG(2) SAME(3) BRIGHT(4) RED(5) HOUSE(6) WELCOME32 写出下列

10、词组或句子的中文意思。1a small cat_2a brow n tiger_3What is it? _33.翻译下列句子:1大明,再见。2大明你好。3.我是艾米。4.我是玲玲。5.玲玲再见。34.翻译下列单词或者短语:1._ 黑板_ 2.窗户_4._ 女孩_ 5.男孩_7.再见_8.桌子_35.在横线上写出句子的意思。1. This is my family._2. Great!_3._ How nice!-_4.I ts a cap. _五、我是小法官(判断题)36.判断下列短语与图片是(T)否(F)相符.cravoniwncinJ ertraser3.门_6.指向_9 椅子_第8页,

11、共 8 页37.文件不存在或是被锁定!38阅读短文,判断正误。正确打错误打“x”Mike has ( 有) a yellow pen. John has a black pencil box. Chen Jie has a blue ruler. Wu Yifan has a white flower. Bai Lin g hasa red bag.(1) Mike has a yellow pen.()(2)John has a green pencil box.()(3) Chen Jie has a blue ruler.()(4)W u Yifa n has a brow n flow

12、er.()(5 ) Bai Ling has a red bag.()39读短文,判断正(V)误(x)。Hi, I m Peter. I m apupilten years old. I often go swimming at the weekend. I have Chinese and Maths at school today.I have a brother, Ben. He sight. He often goes swimming at the weekend. He has PE, Music and Chin ese today. We are happyat school.

13、()(1) Peter is six years old.()(2) Peter ofte n goes swim ming at the weeke nd.()(3) Peter has Maths, Music and Chinese today.()(4) Ben often goes swimming at the weekend.()3. making a pla ne()4. making rice()1. play ing the piano()2. play ing the drums()5. mak ing noodles第9页,共 8 页()(5) Ben has PE,

14、Music and Chinese today.六、阅读理解40.读句子,在表格中对应的位置画”Mon key: I like some eggs.Pan da: I d like some cake.Cat: Can I have some water?Dog: I d like some milk.Duck: I d like some rice.41. Read and judge (阅读短文,判断句子,用T 表示相符,F 表示不相符)Hello, I am Tom. I am a boy. I am nine. I am fat. I can run, but I can t run fast. I like meat and sweets.sister, Mary. She is five


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