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1、小学 2016-2017 学年度第二学期三年级英语第二单元教学目标检测卷(Book2 Unit5 Unit8)时间:40 分钟 全卷 100 分班别_ 姓名_ 学号_分数_Part 1 听力部分(30 分)()2. A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, he does.()3.A. Yes, it is.B. It ten oclock. C. No, it isnt.()4. A. Its on the desk. B. Theyre under the chair.C. They are in the box.()5. A. Yes it is. B

2、. It sthree oclock. C. Oh, on.()6. A. There are twenty. B. There is one. C. There is a book.三听音判断。对的写 T ,错的写 F。(8 分)(.听选单词、词组和句子)1. A. socks)2. A .in)3. A .cup)4. A. a spoon)5. A. fourteen)6. A .ten oclock10 分)B. pants B.on B .forksB. a glassB .sixteenB. three oclockC. skirtC.underC .plates C.a bowl

3、 C.eighteenC. eleven oclockB. Good morning, class.)7. A .Good morning, Tony!C. Good morning, Jenny!)& A. It s on the bed.C. It under the pillow.)9. A. Do you have forks? C. Does she have plates?)10. A. Is it eleven oclock? C. It twelve oclock.听问句,选答语。(5 分)1. A. It on the bed. B. Theyre under the

4、 pillow. C.It in the box.B. It in the box.B. Do you have chopsticks?B. Is it ten oclock?( ) ( ) ( )四给句子排序。(5 分)()How many cups are there?()Hi, Jenny. What time is it?()Do you have cups? Yes, we do.()There are four.()It ten oclock.Part2 笔试部分(70 分)五.用正确的形式抄写下列句子。(4 分) )1. Wheres my skirt? It on the be

5、d.2. How many cherries are there? There are twenty.六.单项选择题。(10 分)()1. Where _ my skirt? It _ on the bed.A. are, areB. is, areC. is,is()2. Where _ my socks? They_ under the pillow.A. are, areB. is, areC. is,is()3._ youhave forks? A.Does B Do C. Are()4.How many cherries_ there?A. are B. is C. does()5.

6、 She_ glasses. A. have B. has C. Has() () ( )( )6. What _ is it? It ten oclock. A. is B are C. time()7. Is it twelve oclock? Yes,_ .A. it is B it isnt C. there are()8. There _ an apple. A. are B. isC. do()9.There _ fifteen apples. A. are B. isC. do()10.There is_ sandwich. A. four B. sixteen C. one七情

7、景选择。(10 分1.你想知道树上有多少颗橙子,你会怎么问?A. How many orange is there? B. How many oranges is there?C. How many oranges are there?() )2.你想跟别人借杯子,你会怎么问?A. We donthave cups. B. Excuse me. Do you have cups?C. Excuse me. Do you has cups?()3.妈妈想知道你的袜子在哪里?妈妈怎么说:A. Where is your socks? B. Where are your sock?C. Where

8、are your socks? ()4.你告诉妈妈你的袜子在椅子下面说:A. Theyre under the chair. B. Theyre in the box.C. Itson the desk.()5.Tony 问 Gogo 时间,他怎么问的:A. Itseleven oclock? B. What time is it?C. What time are there?()6.Gogo 告诉 Tony 现在 10 点了:A. Itseleven oclock? B. There are ten oclock.C. Itsten oclock.()7. Gogo 想知道 Jenny 有没

9、有盘子,他怎么问 Tony:9. Gogo 问你 Is it three oclock?你答:Yes, it isnt. B. No, it is.C. No, it isnt.10. 你想告诉爸爸树上有 20 个桃子,你会说:A. There are twenty peaches. B. There is twenty peaches. C.There are two peaches.A. Do you have plates? B. Does he have plates? C.Does she have plates.)& Tony 告诉 Gogo, Jenny 没有盘子:A.

10、She has plates. B. She donthave plates.C. She doesnthave plates.)A.)栏与 II 匹配起来。(7 分I)1. What time is it?)2. Wheres my pen?)3. How many cups are there?八.IIA. Yes, it is.B. Yes, we do.C. Itsten oclock.Wester n foodModle2: Do you have forks? Yes, we do._ (she, plates, no)Modle3: Is it one oclock?No, it

11、 isnt._( nine, yes)Modle4: How many peaches are there? There are thirteen._ (banana, seve ntee n)十按实际情况回答问题。(6 分)1. Where are your books?_2. Is it eight oclock? _3. Do you have bowls? _十一.看图完成句子。(18 分)巫Q 42012341.How many _ are there? There _ three.2.What _ is_ ?It s_ oclock.3.How many _ are there?

12、There are _.4.How many pears _ there? There are _ pears.附加题:将下列单词分类rice salad mantoubowlsandwichChin ese food_()4. Is it one o clock?()5. Where are my pens?()6. Do you have forks?()7. Does she have forks?九模仿例句写句子。(16 分) )Modell: Wheres my skirt? It D. No, she doesE. It in the box.F. Theyre on the de

13、sk.G. Theyre sixteen cups. on thebed._ (socks,under the pillow)小学 2016-2017 学年度第二学期三年级英语第二单元教学目标检测卷听力材料一.听选单词、词组和句子 (10 分)1. socks 2. on 3. plates 4. a glass 5. fourteen 6. elevenclock7. Good morning, Tony.8. It s under the pillow.9. Do you have chopsticks?10. It s twelve oclock.二听问句,选答语。 (5 分)1. Wh

14、ere are my pants? 2. Does he have forks?3. What time is it?4. Wheres my book?5. Is it three oclock? 6. How many cherries are there?三听音判断。对的写 T ,错的写 F。(8 分)1. What time is it? Its eleven oclock. 2. Theyre socks.3. Do you have forks? Yes, I have five forks.4. Wherere my pants?5. The rabbit on the bed.

15、6. Does she have cups? Yes, she does.7. Is it ten oclock? Yes, it is. 8. Tony has a jacket.四给句子排序。( 5 分)1. Hi, Jenny, what time is it? 2. Its ten oclock.3. Do you have cups? Yes, we do.4. How many cups are there? 5. There are four.启明小学 2016-2017 学年度第二学期三年级英语第二单元教学目标检测卷(Book2 Unit5 Unit8 )答案一. 1. A. 2. B3. C 4. B 5. A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10


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