1、sresponsibl eforconfidentiactionsystem oftherequiremenetwork security responsibilitybilitnagement,on computerenjoysindependentright,oprietar y,andreleaseofprovisinchargeofmanagementschools (units)definedtherole sand responsibilitiesofinformationsecurit y,assurance responsi(XXeducaticuritygrade prote
2、 ction160 million Yuan,accorII- I -constructionnni ng eleme ntaryand mi - network,acompanycooperation, usiI. .1_ _Iphysi calfiberlayingt-1.1 I- 一XXeducati on metropolitaooms;一.-setuplatforms At present the city'sprimaryand middle0:1;809 equipmentclassesta netwe sc ooscam pus newora n ork,school
3、s have computernetworks,he cl assrooms,realize theneeds of teachingoftheschoolducationresourcecalletter(2012) 74th,)and XX PrBurea u on tea chi ng points digitalresources fullcover prhe Secretaryforeducation.E stablished,digitalresourcesi n moderno nali nformation aProjects inl-coveragebegan, a ccor
4、di ng to hig hstandards,and一一 一一. II -sfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechniWeb,vi deo, a udi o)tothe targeI - . II. II- Lnclosed -cir cuittelevi sion netwum ofcost a chievelmanagement, passwordmadista ncee ducation teachings share Internetba ndwi dth,bilitiest oschools.ongradi ng record
5、a nd evalI . _I -I . .1distancee ducation teachingfuln area netw orkce ntermachi ne roomequipmessword ofthe computerforitsprproje ct group, XX, DirectoroftheXXcity school digitalresour ces i n modernheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsiccording t o whois in charge ofwho s in charge,wuc
6、ti ona nd gradeeval uation,impleme一一 L-L -nZha okua n to schools, hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:_.I. . . 一 一一. _ _ddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domain,L - I . I -I -. - .一.一ding tot he standard, high quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan
7、areanetwork realizesWaasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; Each school construction standards of campus networkand netw orkaccessto all rofficea nd ata nytime.Accordi ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull started impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digitalet chaired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordistanceeducati
8、 on digital resources coveringprojectw ork.oject of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX,fullcoverage ofdigitalresource s inm oder n distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oject leadi nggroup, XX,chaired tequipmentin-I. 一Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi一 . . orkoftopic caces, s
9、uch ase- sede sign, relie son Cisco-books,pa ny thought Shu aid-I . I l.la ny ougschoolhas threeyear s technol L一 1.1Is theschool(units) accordi-I .LIL I gog sanars,ancondary);36 ofthecurity gradeprotecti on a bout poli cyand standard, organizati on carried outinformationsendm
10、anpower planning ,and poi nts ste p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou rebl ishment ofanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitanarea network,tproje ct leadi ng group,ork) for classifient inthe Miofeducation on issuesour cesful lcov er projectdigitalresourct group lea dershipasecu
11、rityprote ction levels,withoutthsualeducation re sources,1.1 - cesi nmodernov ince Departmentng,nd机房建设设计方案及工程配置清单技术参数mprove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhidden and securityaccide nt obviouslyreduce d,effective guara ntees informati on healthdevelopment.XXE ducation Cen
12、trereg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkse curity monitori ng informationand equipment.By t he appropr iatetechni calstaff,XX network e ngine room mainte nancestaffonsite managementand mai ntena nceon areg ularba sis,sche dule dviewi ng of netw orks,systems,databases a nd associatede qui pmentopera
13、ting conditi ons,and makea recor d.Computerla b mainte nance manager sregularlyrun av arietyofdeviceforall equi pmentin t he rooma reg ulardust,repla ce theold la bel.Regularly host server s, netw orkswitches, coreroutingand Ci scoproducts.Intheirdailyw ork,to publi cizerelateand soluti ons through
14、ameeting,without rolling up theaeand information se curity considerations.dwaremainte nance,such ase qui pmentfailure, shoul d be pr ocessedin atimely mannerin orEnhanced gl obal aw arene ssofnetw orkand information securit y,and strive toaoblems,and fee dbacktosuperi ors in writing departmentstores
15、olve.Thr ough self-examinati on,we ar ewellaware,relativelachieve netw orkeveryone knows sedertoe nsur esafe andrel iable operati on ofthe system.Incurity a ndvirus before theguard,toimprovenetwXX cityinformationand equipmentwas esta blishedwit hinthe Centre ,educationalmetropolitan area netw orkce
16、nter machi ne roomXX.Serversanddatast oresand applicati onsto set upin XX Citymetropolitan areanetwork center machine room.Wi ndowsServer2003,wi ndowsSe rver2008,windowsServer2012, Lisin the schoolinformationsystem parameters,ckofinvestme ntin educati on, facilities a nd equi pmentforfurtherupdates,
17、educati onng reportingsystem re quireshe devel opme ntofcity educatiallparties t o strength encolla boration,w orkcloselywitdevelopentand school levelmonit oring a nd eval uation,to develop ascientific, operationaleducationinformation ste ering a ssessment methods,trackingmanagement ofeducation info
18、rmati on a nd appli cations. ByMar ch2016,100 oftheteachers,Iparticipated in a nationale ducationaltechnologytraininux,the operatingsystem,thengforprimarya nd secondaryschooltea chers,the teachershave made tocut 80 primaryand middleschoolteachers'eserver systemsa nd vari ous data ba ckup, so t h
19、attherewa s ahar dwarefailure i na systemcrashca nresume qui ckly andefficientl y.Computer l ab mainte nancemanager sestabli sh anetworka ntivirus system, AviraVctthe securityofinformation.Annual 一 .11-i Wanfu, aducationaltechnologys MicrosoftOffice software.Schools (unit2-3 professind Michael Jenki
20、 ns, aproficie ncytest certificate. Atpresent,allschools have aers in t hecit y,forming technologywitha strong professibitcomrad e partici patein province back boneface-tccessto broa dbandnetw orks.Traini ngcla ssificati on trai ning ofteacher s,schooltea cher s, aca demic l eaders,informationtechno
21、logirus systemona r eg ularbasi s,and anti -virussoftware se curitya ssessment,timetoXXeducati on metropolitantrainicurityi ssues.n area netw orkused by t he serverforHPIssuesthatcannotbe reeducation information andequipmey,teachertraining aupgrade. Com puterla bmaintenance managemesolve d,timelyfor
22、msofmeetings,sunt Ce nteron re quiremecuritypr oductforHuaweintsthe teanalysiy,wit hin thes chool back t oschooltraini ng once training i s complete.managementsystems and mea suresestablisecuritya ssessment is i ncl ude din thea nnmanagementsystem;developedhascomputerand thenetworkofd part -time wor
23、kfor ceeducati on information,the protecti on ofthe digitalcam pus construction andsustainabledevel opment.SixBureau attaches greatim porta ncet oinform ation technology security,i nformation technologysecurity,esecuritybudgettoensure i nformation securityof investment.ByXX,e ducation information an
24、dequipment Centre XX network networksecurityand i nformation security.A ccordingto t heinformationtechnol ogysecurity requirements,iI _ _ _一. |_ _ _ 一 _.I _ I11,1._.| . |_ _ _ _| 一 _ _一I_一一. . L. I .LI, -equipmentin t-I.he classroom.equpmen necassroomsetup a Chinese teachereducatiWith Intelcompa- -一
25、 -一necompa nyonn cloud platform, impleme-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- Lny on XXEducation City domain netw nted li nks thetwoheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;we bsite of informatiorkoftopic caces, such ase- platforms.At present,the city'ssede
26、sign, relie son Cisco-books,pa ny thought Shu aid-I . I 1-1a nyouguaschool studentston management personnel i sresponsibl eforconfidentiauation ofschool (units), requirementlmanagement, passwordmanagement,on computerenjoysindependentright,ntrust XX City Centerforessued a docum
27、ent reducationalinformationand e quires schools (units) implemessword ofthe computerforitsprqui pmentdedicatedtot hew ork. Netw orksecurity l eading group was set up, chairedbyt he Educati on Burea uChief,hea d, forXXe ducationnt,defi ned theinformationsecurity guideline s,specifi cworkpra ctice s,p
28、roce dures,a ndre quireme nts.Clear industryinformation- - -一.- " I - > L ,一 ,L, I . L . I - .' .L . I oprietar y,andreleasecuritygrade一 .ILofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,suchaconstructionsofnotification(chuantaught letter(2013)18th,)requirements,Icity6 atea chi ng points im plementation t
29、eachingpoints digital educati on re sour ces ful lcoverproject, combine d I city specific situati on, devel ope d issued has XXCit y Bureau on tea chi ng points digitalresources fullcover prccorda nce with the unifie d arrangementofthewhole province,responsibleforuniversity education digitalresource
30、s covering proje ct manageme ntand im plementation.Accordingto provi nces arra ngements, ICenter hasarrang ements Gongof impleme ntation programme, Established XX,fullcoverage ofhe city'sschoolsprote ction securitymanagementsy.- -一 一 sleaks,inve stigated for responsibility.Aofopportunities,again
31、 plaI L . 一. -have access to edigitalresource s inm oderstem cccording to whois in charge ofwho' s in charge,w ho is runninga nd whois responsiMetro-netw orkand informati on security emergencyresponse leasecurityincide nts (acci dent s) to detect, re portanddi sposal.I.- - .- -.I 1_1. I . _ .L -
32、. Idership. Dprocesses.Accor dI _ I - Inni ng eleme ntaryand mi - ducationalmetropolitanareddle schools camuctia nd gradeevalryan me sc ooscam pus newora na netw ork,school s have computernetworks,pus network a nd e ducation city domain一 -.-. 一.一uation,impleme-L -ntation gra deprote.I n distanceeduc
33、ati ontea chi ng pr oject leadi nggroup, XX,chaired the Secretaryforeducaticlo sed-cir cuittelevi sion netwnetwork,a nd l ocalbroadcasti- I - -on.E stablished,digitalreork, broadcastdinati on, command. T heteam assistlea der anddeputyleade r,responsi ble for network XX netw orkse curitya ndinformati
34、on. eam. Informationsecuritywork Conference hedingtot his units a ctual, esta blished has unitspersonnelma nagement,i nformationsy stem room management,andequipment management,a nd medi a manageme nte heldeachsemester,a nd depl oyment ofinformation securityofdocuments i ssued ona reg ular basis. Inf
35、ormationnt,and network security construction management, andshi ppeddime nsi onmanageme nt, andservi ce outsourciea netw orkand informati on securityemergencyresponse coorblished has network se curitymanagementsystem;theschool(units) accoritiesofinformationses (units)definedtork) for classifieblefor
36、,w ho uses principle s ofwhois i nchargeofmanagementschooloschools. XX city schools (units)totalsite 20, 19ofwotaleducatiction levels,withoutthirbilitieston information systems1dsecurity proteherole sand responsibilcurit y,assurance responsihichwerenot classified securityd-level i nformation systems
37、.XX educationalmetropolitan area.I 一一.一. -一dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:- - . -high quality planningI. I - I .ctionsystem ofthereng networkI I.quiremenetworks intotcompanycooperation,- _Ihe cl assrooms,realusing broadcaLLI- -ize the triple play.stTV network,will.一一Schools sharephysi calfiber
38、layingt-1.1 I- 一Internetbaoeach school,to minim-.-.-III- - -160 million Yuaum ofcost an,accorII- I -ndwi dth, canme etthe needs of teachingnetwork realizesWadsof megabytes. _ I 一Web,vi deo, aI -tothe targe.II. II- Lnofbroading tott he standard,chieve dhasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; Ea.Ill- - I .
39、 .1 一 - 一 Ioftheschoolofficea nd ata nytime.Accordich schoolngto Ministryconstructionstanceeducatiofeducation ostandards of campus netwL> .nZha okuaonfull started implemeon digital resources coveringorkand netw orkaccessto all rntation teaprojectwchi ng point s digitaleto schools, hundreooms;一.-d
40、ucationresourceXXeducati on metropolita一.-一 - .1.1sfull coverprn area netwudi o)toje ct of notification(taughttechniorkce ntermachi ne roomequipmeI II .I .1 一-calletter(2012)nt inthe Mi74t h,)and XX PrandXXfullcoverage project group lea dershipaThroug h tis m ode ofcasicatonta nig apkain ca pa - tai
41、ig of t_ chers i n our ciy reched 101XX seis of efctve ifrmain公司简介广州莱安智能化系统开发有限公司成立于是2002 年,专业从事数字网络视频监控系统、智能视频分析、机房动力环境监控、机房建设、雷达测速、闯红灯电子警察抓拍、电子治安卡口、智能控制等智能化系统开发的大型综合型企业,欢迎来电洽谈业务!质量方针:以人为本、质量第一公司成立至今,坚持以领先的技术、优良的商品、完善的售后服务、微利提取的原则服务于社会。我公司为您提供的产品,关键设备采用高质量进口合格产品,一般设备及材料采用国内大型企业或合资企业的产品,各种产品企业都通过ISO
42、9001 国际质量体系认证。有一支精良的安防建设队伍,由专业技术人员为您设计,现场有专业技术人员带领施工,有良好职业道德施工人员。我公司用户拥有优质的设计施工质量和优质的售后服务保障。客户哲学:全新理念、一流的技术、丰富的经验,开创数字新生活专注 维护世界第一中小企业管理品牌、跟踪业界一流信息技术、传播经营管理理念是莱安永恒不变的追求,莱安坚持“全新的理念、一流的技术、丰富的经验、优质的服务”,专注于核心竞争力的建设是莱安取得今天成功的根本,也必将是莱安再创辉煌的基础!分享 “ 道不同, 不相谋 ”, 莱安在公司团队之间以及与股东、渠道伙伴、客户之间均倡导平等、共赢、和谐、协同的合作文化,在迎
43、接外部挑战的过程中,我们共同期待发展和超越,共同分享激情与快乐! “合作的智慧”是决定莱安青春永葆的最终动力!客户服务:以高科技手段、专业化的服务为客户创造价值分布于神州大地各行业中的800 万中小企业是中国最具活力的经济力量,虽然没有强势的市场影响力和雄厚的资金储备,但无疑,个性张扬的他们最具上升的潜力,后WTO 时代市场开放融合,残烈的竞争使他们的发展更加充满变数。基于以上认识,在智能化设备管理市场概念喧嚣的热潮中,独辟“实用主义 ”产品哲学,莱安将客户视为合作关系,我们提供最为实用的产品和服务,赢得良好的口碑。我们认为,用户企业运做效率的提升是莱安实现社会价值的唯一途径。承蒙广大用户的厚
44、爱,我公司得以健康发展。在跨入新的世纪后,公司将加快发展速度,充分发挥已有资源,更多地开展行业用户的服务工作,开创新的发展局面。我公司全体员工愿与社会各界携手共创未来!我们秉承真诚合作精神向广大客户提供相关的系统解决方案,设备销售及技术支持,价格合理,欢迎来人来电咨询、洽谈业务!mprove,se curitypreve ntion ca pacity obviouslye nha nced,se curity hiddena nd securitya cci dent obviouslyre duced,effective guaranteesinformation health devel
45、opment. XXE ducationCentre reg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetw orksecurity monitoring i nformation a nd e qui pment.By thea ppr opriatetechni calstaff,XXnetworke ngine roommaintenancestaffonsite managementand maintenanceona regularba sis,sche dule dviewi ngof netw orks,systems, databa ses andassocia
46、ted equipmentoperating conditions,and make arecord.Computer lab maintenancemanag ers regularly runa varietyofdevices inthe school information system parameters,serversystems andvariousdatabackup, so thatthere wasa hardware failureinasystem crash can re sumequickly and efficiently. Computerlabmai nte
47、na ncemanagersestablisha network antivirussy stem,AviraV irussystem on aregularbasis,a nda nti-virus software security assessment,time to upgrade.Com puterla b maintena nce managementforall equi pmentin theroom aregulardust,replace the old la bel.Regularly host servers, networkswitches, corerouting,
48、firewalls,har dwaremaintenance,such asequi pmentfailure,shouldbepr ocessed i n atimelymanner inor dertoensuresafeand relia ble operation ofthesystem.InXXcit yinformation and equipmentwas establishedwit hinthe Centre,e ducationalmetropolitanareanetw orkcenterma chi ne roomXX.Serversand data storesand
49、 applicati onsto set upin XX Citymetropolitanarea networkcenter machine room. WindowsServer2003,windowsServer 2008,wi ndowsServer2012,Linux,the operating system, thedatabaseforSQL Server2008,Officesoftware,such asMicrosoftOfficesoftware.Schools (units) ofcomputer,information systemse curity products
50、for domesti cproducts,incl udi ng the use of360 and ki ngsoftInternetsecurity software.XXeducation metropolitanareanetworkused by theserverfor HP ,firewalland i nformation security productforHuaweiand Ci scoproducts.Intheirdailywork,t opubli cizerelatedk nowle dgeand information security considerati
51、 ons.Enhance d globalawarene ssofnetw orkand information se curit y,and strive toachieve network everyonek nows securityand virusbefore theguard, to improvenetworkand information security,ensure t hatthe XX e ducati onsy stem network and information systemsecurity.Tracking reportingsystem requiresal
52、lparties tostrengthen colla borati on,w orkclosely with emergency safetyplandevelopedXX e ducation metropolitanareanetwork,reg ularlycarry out emergency drills,and carri ed outspecialfundseveryyeartoprotectthesecurity of information.Annual2-3pr ofessionaltraini ng for netw ork managers inthe cit y,f
53、orming technologywith astrong professi onalandte chnicalteam,school networkma nagersoncommon networkfailureand be capable of solvingsecurity issues.Issuesthatcannot be resolved,timelyforms ofmeetings,suchas meetings, a nalysisand soluti ons t hrougha meeting,withoutrolling up theabilitytosolveproble
54、ms,andfee dbacktosuperiors inwriti ng de partments toresolve.T hrough self-examination,we arewellaware,relativelackof investmentin education,facilities and e qui pmentforfurtherupdates,educati on development isstilluneven, new educationconcepts need t obefurtherenhancedtosomeextent a ndrestri cting
55、thedevelopment ofcityeducation.Wewilltake theopportunity ofgovernment supervision, to strivefortheprovi ncee ducation demonstration countiesasa drivi ngforce,furt herincrease input in education,efforts toprom otethelongwi ng,and LiWa nfu,a nd Michae lJenkins,and ChenJian,andSong and xia ochuany un, 7bitcomradeparti cipatein provi nce back boneface -to-face ornetwork learning, doeachtea chi ng
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