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1、uTu Youyou is the first_in medicine.uHer great discovery in Chinese herbal medicine ( 中草药中草药)is seen as a big c_to the human health.Chinese Nobel winner ontribution(贡献)(贡献)An amazing person should be d_ to his/herwork and be enthusiastic(热情的热情的) about what he/she is doing. Besides, he/ she should ne

2、ver _ _in face of difficulties or failures.evotedgive upShe devoted all her life to h_the poor in I_, thus gaining her the name “Saint of the Gutters.” (平民区平民区的圣徒的圣徒) . Her love and care towards the poor won her the _ Prize in 1979.Mother TeresaMother Teresa特蕾莎修女特蕾莎修女 An amazing person should be fil

3、led with _in his/ her heart.loveNobel PeacendiaelpingHe is the founder, chairman, CEO of _.In 2014 , for the first time, he ranked(排名排名) _ on the Forbes China Rich List.(福布福布斯中国富豪榜斯中国富豪榜)An amazing person should be _ (有远有远见的见的)and always be well p_ to take on any challenges.Alibaba GroupNo. 1far-sig

4、htedreparedMa YunMa Yun He is widely known as a motivational (励志的励志的)speaker ,who was born without _He uses his unique (独特的独特的) story to spread hope and inspire people all around the world. Nick Vujicic 尼克尼克.胡哲胡哲An amazing person should take an o _and a p_ attitude towards life even if sometimes lif

5、e doesnt smile at you.arms and legsptimistic乐观的乐观的ositive 积极的积极的Howard CarterPart I Howard Carter & his explorationPart1: Part1: Brief introductionBrief introductionexploreexplorer rvisit& explore new placesvisit& explore new placestaught to draw by his father taught to draw by his fathe

6、r instead of going to the schoolinstead of going to the schoolset sail for Alexandria, set sail for Alexandria, Egypt.Egypt.had become an explorer, had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of searching for the tombs of found several important tombs found several important tombs of the Egyptia

7、n kings of the Egyptian kings (Paras1-2)In 1891:In 1891:By the 1920s:By the 1920s:Howard Carterbravebravebrightbrightcuriouscuriousadventurousadventurous(爱冒险的)(爱冒险的) What good qualities didWhat good qualities didHoward Carter possess?Howard Carter possess?An amazing explorer should be_Part II The To

8、mb of Tutankhamun QuestionsQuestions1. Where did Carter make the 1. Where did Carter make the discovery?discovery? 2. Who played an important role 2. Who played an important role in Carters most amazing in Carters most amazing discovery?discovery?3. What were found in the tomb 3. What were found in

9、the tomb of Tutankhamun?of Tutankhamun?Para31. Where did Carter make the discovery?In the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt; In the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt; near the city of Luxornear the city of LuxorThe Valley of The Valley of the kings the kings 国王谷国王谷2. Who played an important role in Carters

10、most amazing discovery ?money money providerproviderWhy Lord Carnarvon would pick Howard Carter?Why Lord Carnarvon would pick Howard Carter?Why Carnarvon would pick Howard Why Carnarvon would pick Howard Carter among so many explorers?Carter among so many explorers?Carnarvon was very interested in E

11、gypt.Howard Carter was also interested in Egypt.Common interestsCommon interestsBy the 1920s, he had already found several important tombs. famousexperienced learned (有学识的有学识的)knowledgeable(知识渊博的)(知识渊博的)trustworthyGood qualitiesGood qualitiesIn my opinion, Lord Carnarvon picked Carter for two main r

12、easons: On the one hand, they had common interests. They both showed great i _in Egyptian cultures. On the other hand, Carnarvon must have thought highly of Carter. By that time, Carter had already been very f_. He had already possessed some good qualities that an amazing explorer should have, like

13、being e_, l_, k _. Therefore, Carnarvon trusted Carters ability.An amazing explorer should be e_,learned(博学的博学的) and k_(知识渊博的)(知识渊博的).xperiencednowlegeablenterestamousxperiencedearnednowledgable3. What were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun?treasuretreasuremummymummyDid they take the treasure away? D

14、id they take the treasure away? How did they deal with the discovery? How did they deal with the discovery? Why?Why?Critical ThinkingCritical Thinking closedclosed They would make great contributions to cultures. An amazing explorer should resist the temptation (抵制诱惑)(抵制诱惑)of material and money. He

15、should be s_ and always place the national interests above their p_ interests. elflessersonalhidhidstudystudyhad timehad timego into a museumgo into a museumcontentscontents The tomb of king Tutankhamun图坦卡蒙的黄金面图坦卡蒙的黄金面具和金字塔一样,成具和金字塔一样,成为古埃及历史和文化为古埃及历史和文化的象征;黄金面具图的象征;黄金面具图案成了埃及旅游标志案成了埃及旅游标志,被镌刻在,被镌刻在

16、1元面值的元面值的埃镑硬币背面;作为埃镑硬币背面;作为开罗埃及博物馆的镇开罗埃及博物馆的镇馆之宝,黄金面具被馆之宝,黄金面具被摆在了馆中最显要的摆在了馆中最显要的位置。位置。CharactersConnections with Carter and the tombHow did he die? money _, was on the _when the tomb was opened.fell _with a _Carnarvons _, also paid a _to the tomb.caught a _ _Carters _, visited the tombdied of _ _an

17、other team _died _ _the discoveryStrange DeathsStrange Deathsproviderproviderscenesceneillillfeverfeverfriendfriendvisitvisithighhighfeverfeversecretarysecretaryheart troubleheart troublemembermembershortly aftershortly afterLord CarnarvonGeorge GouldRichard BethellArthur MaceP4-5P4-5on the scene 在现

18、场在现场Besides the deaths of the people, can you find other strange things that happened?was swallowed by a snakewent out in Cairodied at about the same time _people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died.2121 Part III Explanations for their deathsDifferent Explanations People have d

19、ifferent explanations for the strange deaths. Some people say thedeaths were just _while othersbelieve that they were in _with the mummys curse, as a _for those who enter the resting place of the dead. However, still others hold the view that there is a_ explanation. Inside the tombs, there are many

20、 _.If (they are)_in, they can cause people to fall ill or even _. In the writers view, it remains a _. coincidencecoincidenceconnectioconnection npunishmentpunishmentscientificscientificbreathedbreathedvirusesvirusesdiedieriddleriddleP6-8What do you think is the explanation What do you think is the

21、explanation for so many strange deaths? for so many strange deaths? DiscussionIf Howard Carter were alive, would If Howard Carter were alive, would he believe in the curse of the mummy? he believe in the curse of the mummy? Why?Why?an archaeologistan archaeologist( (考古学家考古学家) )sciencescience?absurd

22、stories?(absurd stories?(荒谬的故事荒谬的故事) )lived on until the age of 65Host:Tips:u Greet the audience andthe guest.Talk showTalk show访谈节目访谈节目 uAsk questions that may arouse peoples interestguestguesthosthostuGive a brief comment on the hosts answersGuest:u Greet the audience and the host.u Answer questio

23、ns in a clear and easy way u Use gestures & facial expressions to make the audience more interesteduExpress your thanksQuestions for your reference1. What did you discover in the tomb?2. What was the tomb like?3. Why did you choose to close it back up instead of taking the treasure away?4. Did y

24、ou ever hesitate for a while at that time?5. Do you believe in the curse of the mummy? What do you think is the explanation for the strange deaths?6. Can you give us some suggestions on being a successful student?.transitional sentences 过渡句Host: Hello, everyone, Im a senior one student from School.

25、Today, we are very happy to invite Howard Carter to join in our program. Now, lets welcome Howard Carter. Howard Carter: Hello, everyone! Hi, . Thank you for inviting me here. Im so glad.Host: As we know, in 1922, Howard Carter: Host: (shaking hands with Howard Carter) Thank you very much for coming to our program today. It was really a great pleasure talking with you. (facing the audience) Ok, that is the end of todays talk show, and I hope to see you all this time next week.a_b_/ b_b_/ b_c_c_d_d_e_/ e_e_/ e_f_f_k_k_l_/ l_l_/ l_o_o_p _p _s_s_w_w_dvent


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