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1、新标准大学英语综合教程2单元测试第6单元答案Done with this task.    Your score: 73% Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.· stretch· strain· boost· inner· clue· illustration· precision·

2、; priority· strategy· mystery· professional· interpretation· responsible· punch· moan· massage· suspense· chorus· exhaustion· tournament 1. After playing football all afternoon, Philip felt complete and total .     Your answer Cor

3、rect answer   professional exhaustion 2. "When you get the ball," the coach declared, "your is to score a goal!"     Your answer Correct answer   tournament priority 3. Alex Helena's aching back.     Your answer Correct answer   punch massag

4、e 4. The physical and emotional of training for a marathon can be too much for any athlete.     Your answer Correct answer   chorus strain 5. Kevin was embarrassed because his team placed last in the .     Your answer Correct answer   priority tournament 6. Many runners

5、 describe an amazing peace that comes with long hours running alone and in silence.     Your answer Correct answer   moan inner 7. Mike Tyson was a very famous boxer because he could often knock out his opponent with only one .     Your answer Correct answer   clue punc

6、h 8. Stadiums filled with thousands of screaming fans is a perfect of why I want to be a football superstar.     Your answer Correct answer   tournament illustration 9. If you want to be rich and famous, you might want to consider becoming a(n) athlete.     Your answer Corre

7、ct answer   mystery professional 10. He got out of bed and had a(n) .     Your answer Correct answer   inner stretch 11. Boxing is a sport that doesn't seem to have much ; two guys just hit each other until one falls down.     Your answer Correct answer   strat

8、egy strategy 12. The tournament was filled with incredible once the favourite team was knocked out of competition.     Your answer Correct answer   suspense suspense 13. I enjoy watching rugby but I don't understand the rules and have no what's happening.     Your an

9、swer Correct answer   clue clue 14. His constant is that no one understands him.     Your answer Correct answer   moan moan 15. Rules should be very straightforward; there should be no room for .     Your answer Correct answer   interpretation interpretation 16. Sh

10、eila eats an energy bar every afternoon to give her an extra to help her get through the day.     Your answer Correct answer   boost boost 17. Popular NBA players are often greeted on the court with a(n) of cheers and applause.     Your answer Correct answer   chorus ch

11、orus 18. Golf is a sport that focuses on technical rather than physical ability.     Your answer Correct answer   precision precision 19. To many people unfamiliar with the game, baseball is a complete .     Your answer Correct answer   mystery mystery 20. Police believ

12、e that the same man is for three other murders in the area.     Your answer Correct answer   responsible responsible Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. The baseball player wants to play for a different team, but he decided to wait and hold for a better offer. &

13、#160;   Your answer Correct answer   out out 22. I once met Michael Jordan, chance, in a hotel lobby.     Your answer Correct answer   by by 23. At the Olympics, we were lost in a sea spectators trying to watch the event.     Your answer Correct answer   of of

14、 24. Patty decided to do the right thing and blow the whistle the students who were cheating.     Your answer Correct answer   on on 25. About halfway through the race, my adrenaline took and helped me keep going.     Your answer Correct answer   over over 26. He was so

15、 sweaty after the game that he literally had to peel his shirt.     Your answer Correct answer   off off 27. You've got to bear mind that he's been training for three years for this moment.     Your answer Correct answer   in in 28. The basketball player had to

16、shut all the surrounding lights and noise if he wanted to win the game.     Your answer Correct answer   out out 29. Nina, as Richard's coach and trainer, took the credit his victory.     Your answer Correct answer   for for 30. Even though she's twice my age, I

17、 find it difficult to keep with her.     Your answer Correct answer   up up Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Here's a good example of why ice hockey is such a dangerous sport. Hockey is one of the few team sports where fighting is literall

18、y part of the game. Indeed, the (31) will often watch the players to make sure they fight "fair." During an ice hockey match last year, one of the players hit the puck very hard and sent it (32) all the way to the other team's net. I was too busy watching the puck fly through the air t

19、o see what happened next, but I sure heard the (33) of the crowd! I looked back to the player who hit the puck, who was now (34) punching another player! He even threw his face mask (35) so he could see the other player better. Apparently, the two players (36) ran into each other but one of them the

20、n (37) into the wall. It seemed like a very (38) accident, but these two players were fighting very seriously! Both players' (39) continued to play and stayed away from the fight. They didn't also want to get a penalty. How easy it must be to (40) the anger of an ice hockey player!   &#

21、160; Your answer Correct answer   (31) referee referee   (32) soaring soaring   (33) roar roar   (34) madly madly   (35) aloft aloft   (36) accidentally accidentally   (37) Collided Collided   (38) random random   (39) teammates teammates   (40) incu

22、r incur Part III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.In this age of increased academic pressure and decreased institutional budgets, do high-profile, big-budget college athletics programs still make sense In order to make an informed decision, you must weigh t

23、he advantages and disadvantages. In other words, what are the positive things that college sports offer and what are the associated negative things First of all, college athletics offer excellent public relations with the college community, increase the college's national and international expos

24、ure, and provide wonderful fundraising opportunities. At the same time, sports programs provide education and training to potential future professional athletesmany of whom might not have received a quality education without the benefit of a sports scholarship. For a long time, college athletes atte

25、nded school on a full or partial sports scholarship. This meant that things like tuition, room, and board were paid by the college in return for that student agreeing to attend the school and play on its team. However, in recent years, it has become common for these students to receive additional pa

26、y. This has become considerably controversial since many people view this as an unfair situation where certain students, because of their athletic ability, receive benefits that other students do not. Does financial compensation compromise academic and institutional integrity I don't think so. F

27、or one thing, without these college athletes, the schools would not enjoy a majority of the revenue they receive from athletic departments. Student athletes are entitled to some form of compensation, and, since the demands of the sport often occupy most of their time, they are unable to keep other j

28、obs. In addition, if college athletes are paid, it might stop many of them from going pro before they graduate. It would encourage students to complete their education before joining a professional team. What are the opposing arguments Many people claim that schools with wealthy and successful sport

29、s departments devalue the academic environment in favor of athletic competition. The claim has also been made that certain sports, by sheer nature of their popularity, receive less attention and money and, therefore, the athletes are also treated less well. Unfortunately, this is also true with most

30、 female sports teams. However, it seems to me that, in most cases, these negatives are not a result of college athletics alone. Institutional commitment to all teamspopular and unpopular, male and femalewould considerably help this situation. The ultimate question is whether colleges and universities should be the training grounds for future professional sports careers. College should be the place where young people go to learn about the world, develop their skills, and discover their passion. Why shouldn't this also be


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