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1、新概念一6172课复习题61-72 新概念复习题一、 单词:感觉feel看(起来)look必须must 叫 请call医生doctor电话 telephone记得 remember嘴 mouth舌头tongue坏的 严重的bad感冒cold消息news头痛headache阿斯匹林aspirin耳痛 earache牙痛toothache牙医dentist胃痛stomach ache药medicine温度temperature流行性感冒flu麻疹 measles腮腺炎mumps闻起来smell尝起来taste听起来sound摸起来feel星期week生病的ill所以 因此 so 因为because

2、 坏蛋 bad egg更好 better 当然 certainly = sure = of course还 仍 yet油腻的rich食物food保持 继续 remain小时 hour每一 each玩play火柴match谈话 talk 图书馆 library 开车drive 如此地so 快地quickly打破break倾斜lean休息break喧闹声 噪音 喧闹声noise人(鸟)声voice比赛 match 配对 match司机 driver图书管理员 libraruan必须 must没必要 neednt= dont have to 千万不要干. 禁止干 must not = mustnt其

3、他的 else爸(儿语) Dad 钥匙 key 婴儿baby听见hear玩得快活 喜欢enjoy你自己yourself妈妈mum富有的 有钱的 rich 我们自己 ourselves我自己 myself 他们自己 themselves他自己 himself她自己 herself 年 year蔬菜水果零售商 greengrocer缺席的absent 星期一Monday星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四Thursday星期五Friday星期六Saturday星期日 Sunday (身体健康)处于(状况)keep度过spend周末weekend乡村country幸运的 luc

4、ky 花费 spend教堂 church乳品店dairy面包师傅 baker食品杂货商grocer理发员 hairdresser 文具商stationer大型超市mall淘气naughty 如果if比赛race 城镇town人群crowd 站立stand 使兴奋excit 兴奋的excited令人激动的 exciting 正好 恰好just结尾 结束finish胜利win获胜者winner在之后 behind路途 way文具商stationer丹麦Denmark丹麦人Danish人 people其它的othersay的过去式 said 次(数)time让人讨厌的 坏的awful打电话 电话te

5、lephone接(电话)answer电话 phone 最后的,前一次的last又一次地again说(过去分词)sed 电话机 telephone 仍 至今 yet二、 词组给打电话(6种) call sb = give sb a call =call sb = telephone sb = phone sb = ring sb up 看医生see the doctor王医生Dr. Wang王博士Dr. Wang接电话answer the phone母语mother tongue向问好remember me to记着去干 remember to do记得干过 remember doing 为有害

6、 be bad for 感冒 catch a cold感冒 have a cold重感冒 have a bed cold 冷酷无情的人a cold fish一则消息 a piece of news好消息good news看起来好look well闻起来很香smell good 尝起来味道不错taste good (nice) 听起来很甜sound sweet摸起来很软 feel soft卧床be in bed 电话号码telephone number呆在床上stay in bed有病have a头痛 have a headache耳朵痛have an earache牙痛have a tooth

7、ache胃痛have a stomach ache发烧(2种) have a temperature = have a fever 流感have flu麻疹have measles腮腺炎 have mumps禽流感 have birdflu 吃药(2种) have some medicine / take some medicine看牙医see a dentist打一针 take a injection量量你的体温 take your temperature 没有消息就是好消息 No news is good news油腻的食物rich food快餐 fast food继续呆在床上 remai

8、n in bed另外二天 another twos days卧床 有床 be in bed使房间保持温暖 keep the room warm保持地面干净 keep the floor clean 玩火柴play with matches装死play die与某人聊天(2个)talk with (to) sb = have a talk with sb.吹牛 talk big三句话不离本行talk shop弹钢琴 play the piano踢足球 play football开车drive a car开车如此的快drive so quickly休息一下have a break 打破花瓶 bre

9、ak the vase开车送我到学校drive me to school开车送我回家drive me home开车送某人到. drive sb to sth开车送我到那儿drive me there不要将头手伸出窗外Dont lean out of the window不要制造噪音 Dont make a noise不要制造如此多的噪音Dont make so much noise 门的钥匙the key to the door重点中学a key school答案a key to the question = answer 保姆baby sister前门the frond door两个婴儿tw

10、o babies听说hear of喜欢干enjoy doing = like doing听见某人干某事 hear sb doing sth 收到信 hear from = receive a letter from 认真听讲 listen to me carefuly玩得高兴(2个) enjoy oneself = have a good time 自学 teach oneself自己照顾自己 look after oneself心中暗想 say to oneself 自便 随便吃 help yourself to some fish 自言自语 talk to oneself顺便说 by th

11、e way 擅长干(2个)be good at doing sth = do well in半点half past一刻钟 a quarter past + 小时电影海报 move picture武打片 action moves一刻钟 a quarter past + 小时三刻钟a quarter to + 下一小时太一致于不能 tooto会见一些朋友 meet some friends当别人表示感谢时,答语 Thats all right / Youre welcome./ Its my pleasure./ Not at all 在肉店 at the butchers在蔬菜水果店 at th

12、e greengrocers在乡下 in the country 缺课 be absent from school没上班 be absent from work 在理发店 at the hairdressers 上周 last week在医院 at the doctors呆在妈妈家 stay at my mothers 度过三天 spend three days在周末 at the weekend去度周末 gofor the weekend 度过一年 spend a year度假 spend ones holiday保持健康 keep healthy 幸运儿 a lucky dog 某人保持(

13、一直)做某事 keep on doing sth祝你好运! Good luck to you!花费. 人+ spend + 时间/金钱 +on sth/ in doing sth 今年 this year 明年 next year去年 last year 每年 every year汽车比赛 a car race 进城 go to town在城镇里 in the town在人群中in the crowd一群. A crowd of 一群蜜蜂a crowd of bees刚才just now一般般just so so结束干某事 finish doing sth 完成工作 finish workin

14、g完成画画 finish drawing完成学习 finish studying 落后于某人fall behind sb在课桌后面behind the desk在某人去的路上 on ones way to 在他去公园的路上on his way to the park在我去学校的路上 on my way to school 在我回家的路上on my way home去.的路the way to去北京的路 the way to Beijing 顺便问(说)一下 by the way一直(2种)all the way = all the time有志者事竟成 Where there is a wil

15、l,there is a way 成百的数以百计的 hundreds of 在的途中 on the way时间到了 Time is up! 多少次 how many times三次 three times回答问题 answer my question 最后一个人 last one说得好! You can say it again再来一次 once again 一次又一次 again and again 该干什么了 Its time to do sth在文具店 at the stationers 三、 看病用语:1、他怎么了? Whats the matter with you Whats wr

16、ong with you 2、他得了什么病? Whats the matter with you 3、让我看看你的舌头。 Show me your tongue. 4、没什么大事。 Nothing serious. 5、一天吃三次药。 Take this medicine three times a day. 6、你不久就会好了。 You will be well soon. 7、让我检查检查。 Let me look over 8、我感觉不舒服。(有病、恶心) I feel ill ( sick awful ) 9、我有胃病。 I have a stomach ache. 四、 语法:1、五

17、感动词有那些同时又是什么词后面跟什么词来做什么语 Look smell taste sound feel 同时又是半系动词。 后面只能跟形容词来做表语 2、because与 so 的用法: because 和so 是天敌, 用了because , 不能用so 。 因为我喜欢莉莉,所以我喜欢英语。 Because I like Lily , I like English. = I like Lily , so I like English. 3、must 的否定回答是什么? neednt = dont have to 4、Dont .= You mustnt . 5、反身代词的口诀:反身代词有规

18、律,第三人称宾格替,其余开头用物主,复数ves替f (1) 反身代词有那些?myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves (2) Mother says “ Enjoy yourselves ,children ”. (you) (3) He is too young to look after himself (he ).(4) “Help yourselves to some fish , children.” mother says. 6、一般过去时:be动词的过去式a) 表示过去时间的系列:

19、A. 昨天 yesterday 系列: yesterday morning / yesterday afternoon / yesterday evening B. 上个 last 系列: lasr year / last month / last week / last night C. 以前 ago系列: a year ago / three days ago / four days ago D. 刚才 just now b) be动词过去式: was were c) be动词过去式的否定形式及缩写: was not = wasnt were not = werent d) 一般过去式的口

20、诀: 一般过去时要求动词用过去式 e) 句型:我昨天早上曾在学校。 I was at school yesterday morning. 他们刚才还在办公室。 They were at the office just now. 三年前他曾经是一名医生。 He was a doctor three years ago. 2001年在我们学校举行了一场足球比赛。 There was a football match in our school in 2001. 上个月我的女儿在乡下。 My daughter was in the country last month. 7、There be 句型的

21、过去式: There was/ There were (1) 两个小时以前在门后有一个球。 There was a ball behind the door ago two hours. (2) 1995年我们镇里举行了一场大型的汽车比赛。 In 1995, there was a very big car race in our town. 8、人称代词排序的口诀: 单数2,3,1, 复数1,2,3,两性若并列,男放在前,承认错误时, I 放在前。 我、你 、他 You ,he and I我们 你们 他们 We you and they苏和桑迪 Sandy and Sue 我和我妻子 my

22、wife and I 9、具体数字 两无(无-s 、 无-of),泛指数字 两有(有-s、 有of )。200个学生 two hundred students 上百个学生 hundreds of students 3000个蜜蜂 three thousand bees 上千个蜜蜂 thousands of bees 上百个人 hundreds of people 10、at/in /on + 时间的口诀; at用在时刻前,也与正午午夜连;周月季年长时间,in须放在其前面。泛指一晌和傍晚, 也要放在in后面;on指特定某一天,日期星期节日前;某天上下午夜晚,依然要在on后站;今明昨天前后天,这那

23、上下每之前,at/in/on都不填,此乃习惯记心间。 注:当morning afternoon evening night前面或后面,有修饰语时,立刻把in(at)改为on. 例:在6点钟 at six oclock 在中午 at noon 在夜晚 at night 在一周 in a week 在8月 in August 在春季 in spring 在1990 in 1990 在上午 in the morning 在下午 in the afternoon 在晚上 in the evening 在5月1日 on May 1st 在母亲节 on Morthers Day在星期六 on Saturd

24、ay 在星期天早上 on Sunday morning 在7月1日的下午 on the afternoon of July 1st 11、interest 和 excite 的口诀: 人做主语或修饰人用+ed,物做主语或修饰物用+ing. (1)I am interested in this interesting film. ( interested interesting )(2) The finish is exciting (excited exciting )(3) I am excited at the exciting news ( excited exciting) 11、否定

25、祈使句:Dont + 动词原形 = You mustnt Dont swim in the river = You mustnt swim in the river五、 句子1、吉米在哪儿?他躺在床上。 Where is Jim He is in bed. 2、他怎么啦?他觉得不舒服。 Whats the matter with him He feels ill. 3、他看上去是病了。 He looks ill. 4、我们得去请医生。 We must call the doctor. 5、你还记的医生的电话号码吗?记得。是09754。 Can you remember the doctors

26、telephone number Yes, It is 09754. 6、把嘴张开,让我看看你的舌头。 Open your mouth . Show me your tongue. 7、他得了什么病,医生。 Whats the matter with him , doctor 8、他的重感冒,因此他必须卧床一周。 He has a bed cold, so he must stay in bed for a week . 9、对吉米来说,这可是个好消息。 Thats good news for Jimmy. 10、因为他不喜欢上学。 Because he doesnt like school.

27、 11、记住你是谁。 Remember who are you . 12、代我向你父母问好。 Remember me to your parents. 13、记着去寄信。 Remember to post the letter. 14、记得寄过信了。 Remember posting the letter. 15、我感觉很舒服。 I feel well. 16、你看起来好。 You look well. 17、我必须回家。 I must go home 18、不要在床上看书,对你的眼睛有害。 Dont read in bed , Its bad for eyes. 19、吉米今天怎么样? Ho

28、w is Jimmy today 20、我可以看看他吗? Can I see him please 21、你看上去很好,你现在好些了。 You look very well. You are better now. 22、你千万不要起床。你必须再卧床两天。 You mustnt get up yet. You must stay in bed for another twos days. 23、这孩子还不能上学, 而且不能吃油腻的食物。 The child mustnt go to school. And he mustnt eat rich food. 24、他还发烧吗 他还必须卧床吗 Do

29、es he have a tempersture(fever) Must he stsy in bed 25、他还必须卧床两天。 He must remain in bed for another twos days. 26、他每天可以起来两个小时。 He can get up for about two hours each day. 27、但你必须保持房间温暖。 But you must keep the room warm. 28、这个男人是富有的。他是一个有钱的人。 The man is rich. He is a rich man. 29、我必须清扫地板吗(翻译后, 用肯定 和 否定

30、回答) Must I clean the floor Yes, you must . No, you neednt (dont have to ), 30、Dont take any aspirins !变成主语you同意句 ) You mustnt take any aspirins. 31、今晚你打算干什么? What are you going to do this evening 32、我打算去看几个朋友。 I am going ti meet some friends. 33、你不准回家太晚,你必须杂10点半到家。 You mustnt come home late. You mus

31、t be home at half past ten. 34、这么早我到不了家。 I cant get home so early. 35、我能带上前门的钥匙吗? Can I have the key to the frond door? 36、吉尔都18岁了。她不是小孩了。 Jill is eighteen years. She is not a baby. 37、把钥匙给她吧。她总是早早回家的。 Give her the key. She always comes home early. 38、拿去。听见了吗? Here you are. Do you hear 39、但你不能超过11点1刻回家。 But you mustnt come home after a quarter past eleven. 40、好好玩吧! Enjoy your


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