1、be blindbe deaflost his legs lost his armsThey cant do like, and .normal thingsanswering the phoneopening and closing the doorcarrying thingswriting the letterPre-readingImagine(想象)(想象)that you are disabled, can you do the normal things easily?Pre-readingEmotional ExperienceEmotional Experience How
2、can we How can we helphelp the disabled people the disabled people outout? ?set upset up special groups special groupsAnimal Helpers was set up to help disabled people.This group trains animals to do many things.被设立被设立训练训练This group makes it possible for disabled peopleto have animal helpers.make it
3、 possible for sb. to do sthmake it possible for sb. to do sth. . 使得做某事对某人而言成为可能。使得做某事对某人而言成为可能。Pre-reading1.Whats the matter with the man?2.Is Dano a special trained dog or a normal dog?3.What kind of feeling does the man get?4.Do you think the dog can understand(理解理解) ) his owner?5.Does the dog cha
4、nge(改变改变) his life? Lets watch a video!Lets watch a video! Lets watch a video!Lets watch a video!1.Whats the matter with the man?2.Is Dano a special trained dog or a normal dog?3.What kind of feeling does the man get?4.Do you think the dog can understand(理解理解) ) his owner?5.Does the dog change(改变改变)
5、 his life?Hes blind.Its a special trained dog.He gets such a strong feeling of satisfaction.Yes, it does. And it makes a big difference to his life.Maybe it can.make a big difference tomake a big difference to对对产生很大的影响产生很大的影响While-reading1. Skim the passage and answer the questions.Reading strategyR
6、eading strategy(策略)(策略): :As long as you know the answers, put up your hands and tell the teacher. There is no need for you to read the whole passage very carefully.1. Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why?2. What did Miss Li do?Ben Smith wrote the letter to Miss Li.Because he would like to thank her
7、.She gave money to Animal Helpers. And She made it possible for Ben to have Lucky.While-reading2. Scan(2. Scan(扫读扫读)the passage again. )the passage again. ( ) 1. Animal Helpers is a group that helps disabled people. ( ) 2. Although Ben doesnt like animals, he is excited about the idea of having a do
8、g. ( ) 3. Lucky cant understand Bens orders. ( ) 4. Only Lucky got six-month training at Animal Helpers.( ) 5. Thanks to Miss Lis kindness, Ben can have a “dog helper”.Are the following statementsAre the following statements True (T)True (T) or or False (F)?False (F)? Reading strategy: Reading strat
9、egy: Look for the key words(关键词关键词) in the passage and then find out the sentences that may have the similar meanings(意思意思) to the following statements. Its not necessary to read very carefully.F FT TPara.2: I love animals and I was excited . F FPara.3: He can understand me when I Para.3: After six
10、months of training with a F FT TWhile-reading( ) Ben smith introduced his special trained dog, Lucky.( ) Ben Smith talked about his difficulties as a disabled man.( ) Ben Smith expressed(表达表达) his thanks for having a fantastic dog and his thanks as well for Miss Li again.( ) Ben Smith expressed his
11、thanks to Miss Li for her help.3. Listening and intensive reading. 3. Listening and intensive reading. Whats the main idea(Whats the main idea(段落大意段落大意) ) of each paragraph? Listen carefully and number the following sentencesin the right order. 1 12 23 34 4While-reading4. 4. Language Focus. (1) Draw
12、 mind maps by reading and looking for the key words.(1) Draw mind maps by reading and looking for the key words. peopledisabled difficultiesb_d_cant w_or use hands e_cant o_ the door or a_the phonecant c_ things_ _Animal Helpersa special t_ dogmake a big d_ toc_ his lifeneed six months of t_feelings
13、 Thanks for the help and k_.feel e_ and l_lindeafalkasilypennswerarryindnessset uprainedrainingifferencehangexciteduckyu_ his ordersnderstandWhile-reading4. 4. Language Focus. (2) Use the information in the letter to make true sentences(2) Use the information in the letter to make true sentencesby m
14、atching the different parts.by matching the different parts.Miss LiBen SmithLuckyAnimal Helperscan gettrainssentisunable to move well.money to Animal helpers.animals like Lucky.things for disabled people.SubjectSubject主语主语 VerbVerb谓语谓语 ObjectObject宾语宾语 5. Detailed reading 5. Detailed reading . . Fil
15、l in the blanks according to(Fill in the blanks according to(根据根据) the passage.) the passage. Ben Smith is a d_ man. He has many d_in his life. He cant do n_ things like o_ and closing the door. His friend, Miss Li, g_ money to AnimalHelpers. This group was s_ up to help those who are in need. Miss
16、Li also made it p_ for Ben to have a “dog helper”. Thanks to Miss Lis k_, Ben is a_ to have Lucky, a special t_ dog. Ben is very e_ about having Lucky. Lucky makes a big d_to his life. Lucky is very c_. He can u_Bens orders and he can do many things for Ben. Ben is very thankful to MissLi. So he wro
17、te a thank-you l_ to Miss Li.isabledifficultiesormalpeningaveet ossibleindnessblerainedxcitedifferencelevernderstandetterPost-readingPost-reading6. Retell(6. Retell(复述复述) the story. ) the story. Thank you!Animal Animal HelpersHelpersdisabled disabled difficlitiesdifficlities cantcant helpout helpout
18、 gave money togave money to made it possible fortomade it possible forto cleverclevertrainedtrained set upset upunderstandunderstandtraintrainEmotional expressionEmotional expression Post-reading7. Thinking. 7. Thinking. Whats the best title(Whats the best title(标题标题) of this passage?) of this passage?Discuss in groups and then share your answers.Discuss in groups and then share your answers. Emotional SublimationEmotional Sublimation Post-readingWriting. Writing. Write a thank-you le
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