1、中枢神经系统高分辨率扫描Propeller T2512X5121.5 T3.0 TFigure 9a: (a, b) FLAIR images in a 22-year-old female patient with clinically isolated syndrome 3.0 T TR/TE/IR: 12 000/140/2850; turbo factor, 38; NEX 1; acquisition time, 4 minutes 1.5 T 6000/110/2000; turbo factor, 29; NEX 2; acquisition time, 3 minutesFig
2、ure 10b: MR images in 32-year-old female patient with medically refractory complex partial seizures左侧海马信号强度增加,提示硬化左侧海马信号强度增加,提示硬化体积变化不明显,提示尚无萎缩体积变化不明显,提示尚无萎缩右侧海马所见的间隔样纹理结构丧失右侧海马所见的间隔样纹理结构丧失右侧海马亚解剖结构右侧海马亚解剖结构可见黑线样的白质卷入海马内可见黑线样的白质卷入海马内可能是海马白质(海马槽)可能是海马白质(海马槽)海马结构放大图海马结构放大图MR images in a 19-year-old ma
3、le patient with multiple sclerosisFSE T2WI With SENSE flip angle sweep 60 采集时间采集时间 8 sa 70-year-old woman with a temporal high-grade glioma, the leptomeningeal spread of the tumor (arrowhead) 1.5 T with 0.10 mmol/kg 3.0 T with 0.05 mmol/kg 3.0 T with 0.10 mmol/kg Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR ima
4、ges in 46-year-old male patient with right parietal high-grade gliomaSE T1WI CE 1.5TSE T1WI CE 3.0TContrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR images in 46-year-old male patient with right parietal high-grade glioma IR FSE T1WI CE 3.0T SE T1WI CE 3.0TTOF (inflow) MRA at (a) 1.5 T and (b) 3.0 T in the same indi
5、vidual1.5 T3.0 T28/6.9; 50 sections; time, 2 minutes 34 seconds; section thickness, 2 mm; field of view, 160 x 160 ; matrix, 336 x 212; voxel size, 0.92 mm326/3.5; 100 sectionstime, 7 minutes 57 secondssection thickness, 1 mmfield of view, 250 x 250 mm2matrix, 832 x 571voxel size, 0.13 mm3TOF MR ang
6、iograms at (a) 1.5 T and (b) 3.0 T in a patient with high-grade stenosis of the right internal carotid artery1.5 T3.0 T扫描参数分别同上一图像扫描参数分别同上一图像MIPs from 3D TOF MR angiography in a 58-year-old woman show moyamoya vessels (arrows) from ICAs Transverse MIP 3.0-T 1.5-T lateral MIP of the right side 3.0-T
7、1.5-T show moyamoya vessels (arrows) from ICAslateral MIP of the left side 3.0-T 1.5-T show moyamoya vessels (arrows) from ICAs61-year-old male patient with dysarthria 3T 3D TOF-MRA a segmental high-grade stenosisat the cavernous segment of the distal ICA DSA lateral view almost identical features o
8、f stenosis at the corresponding location A 70-year-old female patient with involuntary movement of the left side. 3T 3D TOF-MRA flow void in the proximal portion of the right middle cerebral artery DSA anteroposterior view a focal high-degree stenosis at the corresponding location A 69-year-old male
9、 patient with dizziness 3T 3D TOF-MRAa focal high-grade stenosis at the proximal portion of the basilar trunk. DSA oblique view a focal high-grade stenosis at the corresponding location four-dimensional time-resolved angiography using keyhole (4D-TRAK)DSA findingsearly arterialearly venous phasea pa
10、tient with large frontal arteriovenous malformationfour-dimensional time-resolved angiography using keyhole (4D-TRAK)DSA findingsearly arterialearly venous phasea patient with large frontal arteriovenous malformationIIIIIIIV77-year-old man on the 2nd day after the onset T2-weighted FLAIR T1-weighted
11、 1.5 T (A, C, and E) 3.0 T (B, D, and F) 56-year-old woman on the 6th day after the onset T2-weighted FLAIR T1-weighted 1.5 T (A, C, and E) 3.0 T (B, D, and F) Figure 3: Transverse T2-weighted turbo SE (a) 1.5-T (repetition time msec/echo time msec, 2500/100) and (b) 3.0-T (3000/80) MR images in a 5
12、2-year-old male patient with pontine cavernoma FSE T2WI 1.5T桥脑海绵状血管瘤桥脑海绵状血管瘤 FSE T2WI 3.0T 桥脑海绵状血管瘤桥脑海绵状血管瘤含铁的小脑齿状核显示更清楚含铁的小脑齿状核显示更清楚Figure 4: Functional brain MR images in the same individuals1.5-T (3000/50, 90 flip angle)3.0-T (3000/35, 90 flip angle)BOLD脑功能成像脑功能成像fMRI躯体运动,感觉,视觉,语言,针灸镇痛躯体运动,感觉,视觉,
13、语言,针灸镇痛46-year-old female patient with clinical evidence of subacute infarction (72 hours after onset)4345/82; matrix :128128 section thickness:5-mmb values of 0, 600, and 1000 sec/mm23.0 T1.5 T10分钟之内分钟之内1.5 T3.0 T3.0 T反映组织的微血管分布情况及血流灌注的状态DWI+PWI显示半暗带MR Perfusion Weighted Image66-year-old patient wi
14、th right-sided frontodorsal grade IV gliomaarterial spin labeling at 3.0 T4000/3717 sections5-mm thickness64 x 64 matrix700-msec labeling delay50 dynamic acquisitions6-minute acquisition time MR Spectroscopy(MRS)MR Spectroscopy(MRS)in-phase gradient-echo images1.5 T3.0 TChemical shift artifact of th
15、e first kindDielectric effects of (a) single-shot and (b) multishot TSE sequences单次FSE序列使用长回波链、大量再聚焦RF脉冲驻波效应所致伪影明显多次激发FSE序列驻波效应所致伪影减轻Figure 5: Effect of SAR-related difficulties at 3.0 T without parallel imaging 1.5 TTR/TE 2780/100NEX 4采集时间采集时间 3:20 3.0TTR/TE 4000/80NEX 2采集时间采集时间 2:40FSE T2WI FOV 250-mm矩阵矩阵258512因为因为SAR的限制的限制采集
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